T Page 6 THE DAILY NEW 8. ' "uuy "'arch Hf 9) G. H Arnold Local News Notes Saturday Specials NOTARY PUBLIC) Swimming' Club Dance May 2. Viking Duller, per lb 85c FOR SAL2 1'ork sparo ribs 2uc. FrizzoU's Cooked Ham Sliced, per lb. ... 60c House with two lots on Sum-mlt'Avcnue. Salt 1-ork, per lb 35c lireakrast Dacon .Sliced, per lb. soc New suits just arrived at Wal Hack Ha con sliced, per lb. ... 50c 8 Hark Dacon, taking piece, lb., 46c Price $2000, Terms lace's. 62 Head cheese, per lb 25c House has six rooms and Fruit Cake, per lb oc ' Mlnre Meat in bulk, per lb. . . soc bath. Nice level lots. Good J. E. Unwin tefl for Vancouver Lard In bulk, per lb soc last night. Peanut Mutter In bulk, per lb. 30c neighborhood. Faces park. sweet Pickles In bulk, per pt. 25c $750 cash will handle this. New Walnuts, per lb 30c Holeproof hosiery in slock, in Kippered Herring, per lb ibc We buy Victory I3onds, Salt Codfish, per lb 50c ali sizes at Wallace's. (J2 paying highest market price FRESH MEATS for them, No delay. Electric irous ut $4.00. Park Pork Tenderloins, per lb soc Pork Spare ltlbs, per lb SOc LTD. m and Ward Electric Co., Ltd. tf Pork Shoulders, per lb 30c Q. HELGERSON, H. l'ark Loins In piece, per lb. ... 42c Veal Cutlets, per lb 35c Insjrance-Real Estate See Charlie Chaplin in "The Veal Leg, per lb 30c TORONTO 216 Sixth Si., Prince Rupert, l.C Stew Veal, per lb S5c Count" St the Empress Theatre tiolllng Beer, per lb S5c , , tonight. 1 it rot Boasts, per lb 28c -jiji riM r iff--r r i r Bound Steak, per lb SOc Boasting Chickens, per lb 45c L. Astoria of this city, sailed for Seattlo last night on the "llu THE pert." . Rupert Table Supply Co. STYLE EC1G1Y STORE D. liithurcm, of Usk, was among PHONES 211, 212 the arrivals in town from the east Phones 417 Bth 18 A.,and E. 36 last The night.Ladies Aid will hold a tea COUNTRY TOO DRY QUftLI TY and sale of work in the Presby The married save up for hard times. terian church on April 10. it FOR ENGLISHMEN The single for wedding bell chimes. But there's Bargains galore at Economy Store, A. j. Oalland was among the (Special via 0.T. I Telegraphs.) Where for their money they always for Vancouver get more, passengers leaving Toronto, March 14. About 200 In And save many dollars and dimes. on the Prince Hupert last night. dissatisfied Englishmen left for choosing your Maine, to sail for Brit Portland, clothes this SPECIAL PRICE TILL TUESDAY Alice B. ready fiw business. If spring MARCH 18th. from tue ain, rney were mostly Pioneer Tea, 1-lb. tins only .. 60c u need of a launch, phone lied west, half were discharged soldiers do not forget that O.O. Java Come 3 lbs. 1.00 SHI, Prince Hupert Boat House, A genuine china cup and saucer Included W. J. Thomas'. tf who could not get jobs ow quality is the with each 3 lbs. coffee. ... ing to the number of aliens.! measure 0. 0. Coffee. 3 lbs. for $1.00 They were particularly bitter at A splendid feature appears at of A massive genuine silver- spoon Included satisfaction, -with each pound of coffee. the Westholme tonight entitled Winnipeg and British Columbia.' phone The early supply to Is limited, so call or "Missing," from the novel by They also complained of prohib and that in quality-lies Mrs. Humphrey Ward. it ition. the real imussallem Grocery Company secret LTD. Boys, have you secured tickets REFERENDUM ON SALE of economy. on 1110 DiKoY One cnance Willi EEEVV. MHiiMaiMAMiiJJJMiJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJV. every $1.00 purchase of boys' OF BEER, CIDER, WINE To jelothing or shoes at Wallace's 02 make doubly " ' (Special 'by 0. T. 1'. Telegraphs.) sure of value demand Alex. M. Manson, member for f nTrni nl Quebec, March 14, Yesterday m bb rii Omineca in the Provincial Legis a .bill providing for a referendum lature, has been made a member of the Public Accounts Committee on the question of selling light 20th Cehtmy at Victoria. beer, cider and wines was given PUBLIC NOTARY second reading in the Legisla Brand Foremost among the many at- tive Assembly. tractions for the St. Patrick's Day The third reading is set down concert will be an Irish sketch by for today. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brady entitled the clothes with a FOR RENT "Winning a Widow." it NOTICE TO MARINERS. national reputation-for Six-roomed house, bath, hot Be sure you go to the Empress The Cape Chacon light in Dixon style and quality. and cold water, electric light, Theatre tonight and see Mary Entrance was reported not burn- chickpn house and garden, Anderson in hei latest success ug on March 5 but will be re for rent "Tho Flaming Omen," a photoplay lighted as soon as practicable. you will surely like. it A dolphin at Blunt Point Rof We are exclusive agents. $20.00 in Wrangell Strait was reported me prince iiupert carried a to have disappeared on March 10 very large passenger list from and will be replaced and relighted Anyox last night, about 1G0 staying as soon as practicable. ryarit Co., Ltd. off here, and tho rest, num bering about 140 suillng for the A llsherman by the name of W. M. M. Stephens south. Coyley on tho fishing schooner 1EAL E8TATE IN8URANCE Miss Barbcau announces that Helgoland, which brc-ught in 105,-000 THE CLOTHES SHOP FINANCIAL AQENT her spring millinery opening lbs. of halibut yesterday FOR MEN takes morning, met with a nasty accident place on Friday and Saturday. while heading fish. Some All ladies are invited to inspect how the knife he used and slipped her large stock of up to date cut his hand at the wrist, putting in styles hats. G2 Victory Bonds him temporarily out of business. Mrs. Dr. Bayno who has been 'spending a few days in the city, A chart of Granby Bay, Alice ALICE ARM loft for her home in Vancouver Arm, and approaches, numbered Bought at Par last night on the Hupert. She expects 312 of the Cifiladian Hydrogranhic to be coming back hero soon Survey, has just been published by! Mrs - w- Druggy and sister,. to settle permanently. tho.llydrographic Survey Depart- Miss Hazel Harmslcad, leftThurs-ment FURS FURS Practically all the issues ' . . of the Naval Service of Can- daY on tne Grand Trunk boat for of Victory Bonds are now j Chief W. II. Vickers has just ada. ,an extended visit to friends and received the sad news of the relatives in Victoria. worth par, and wo buy them death of his brother, Joseph S. Mrs. T. Bcggs who has been I . ... for cash on this basis. Get Vickers, who recently died of the visiting tho city the last two1 Tno bachelors of Alice Arm Ship to Us Direct our quotations. effects of influenza in London, weeks, returned home to Vancou- save a. dance at tho Alice Arm England. Mr. Vickers visjtcd this ver on the Prince Rupert last nl01 ,ast Friday evening, The market and equitable city about tive years ago," spending night. ... top price paid McCaffery, Gibbons six months here with his W. S. Jacobson and family loft grading made. No delays at any point. brother. Thursday Jor Vancouver. Mr. f It is just as cheap lu ,get your I printing done wel' und done at;Jacob80n WQ8 employed at Macey's j We aro registered with and recognized by the United & Doyle, Ltd. ! The special feature tonight at lorne as it is to send itaway. Try'ntinpff tjuiltva n uuhj n rtt rt umill(j rtnninn Mm WJU WllibUl 4 n Stntes War Trado Board and nil pf thp Collectors of Customs the Westholme Theatre is "The Tho News Print Shop. under licence P. B. F. 30, and you can send your furs w Insurance Real Estate Country Store." There will bo 20 Intermittent work is being carried us direct by our tag or any tag, changed to suit, if marie prizes given iaway, free, to tho Geo. Little and wife who arrived on at the Independent group "Furs of Canadian Origin" and your furs will conio rigni Prince Rupert, B. C. holders of tho lucky numbers. from Terrace last night, con of claims by Seattlo Interests, through. These include a sack of flour, tinued south on the Prince Ilunart ml. mii,m.i.. cm. FAIR GRADING sack of potatoes, box of cigars, on a holiday trip. TliiirS,!nv'B nm,i rpPllnl ,,, , of pipe, and oh, lots of other good Tho rules and ethics of tho exchango do not permit Vancouver. .,,!;., ,,1 nnin nolo rrivn VOU an CIUCl Come prizes. tonight and be I convinced. When you hao read the news uiiuttlb uut uiiuillltj Jl JUV-liabo, juu ...v cv Tk Canadian Red , It look through the classified column James McAleonan was a passenger and expert grading and pay you at a rato of flvo to adverlisiw 1 live cents tho dollar than tho averago on Page 5. more on for To raise funds for an Prince Rupert on tho profit m awing organ fur cut out all middlemen's Union boat company as wo Cross Society for St. Peters Church, Seal Cove, sailing Wednesday direct with you. the Ladies Auxiliary thero have night. . . arranged to hold a bazaar on TO SUBSCRIBERS -A masquorade ball will be St. Louis Fur Exchange :As free transportation on April 10. Contributions are already at the Alice givon Arm Hotel tho til Red Cross shipments of being recoivi (1 towards the fiiibscribcrs to The News U.S.A. evening of St. Patrick's Day. Ito- 7lh & Choslnut, St. Louis, Mo., supplies will ceaso on March orgnn fund. The sum of $9.50 aro asked to pay the delivery coipts from tho ball will be 31&t, 1910, all branches and from It. Blanco, and $33.25 from hoys each month given tho Red Cross Society. workers undor tho jurisdiction J. A. Thompson, baing commissions when they call, except .... of the - Prince Rupert received from the sale of. whore payment has been V. F. Lade and D. J. Hancock BIRTH Branch aro requested to Victory bonds, are acknowledged mafic for tho year in ad-vame. were Thursday passengers for Red Cross Society Friday last, tho make their final shipments with thanks. It The boys when Vancouver. membora wore entertained at a Mr7 fl5 to the Canadian Red Cross colk'etir.g carry ollloial receipts , luncheon by Mrs. D, J. Hancock. Born to Avenue, ... 72C Ninth Society, Prince Rupert, B. C, EUll lino of Perrin's gloves in which should always Ole Evindsen, proprietor of tho Brocl.u, son, Tho winds of week March 10, a high Inst on or before March 15th, all shades and sizes at Wallaco's. be preserved. Alico Arm Hotel, is spending a on of all supplies of caused considerable damage to meetin? next, fow days In Anyox. annual madv-up and unused material Canada Life Assurance Co. . . . smull boats and the float at tho Swimming Club and articles on hand for Agent, J. F. Magulre, Phone EGG. Aiior spending tho winter in Dolly Varden wharf. March 27. shipment to specified depots. m k; warmer climes quite a number of NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Of TOOLATE TO CLASSIFY tho old tlmors aro drifting back BIRTH, ,.. H. YOUNG .. FRED NASH, B.C.L.S. MAS9ET, D. C. .'-- to the camp. Preparations aro Born to Mr. and Mrs. Rolf E. ,e Vecung over "i Vo.K Honorary Secretary. 8'irveys of Mineral claims. Town-sites, FOIl SALE Piano being mado to start early work on Walker, 110 Jlayo Cbvo Circlo, at mitn islands, by u,0 aie M jow player in C. Prince Rupert, B. C, Coal and Timber Licenses, good a number of claims. ; the Pripco Ruport General Hospital islied in the B. Acreage subdivisions, etc. condition, Cheap for cash. February 24th, 1919. MINE SURVEYS Owner on March 13, a son, " leaving city. uepui Surface and Underground. Apply box Following tho business meeting 1 ,,1,1. nnartineilt VI' 231, Dally News office, tf of tho AIlco Arm branch Vlrloru. 11. ; of tho Spirilla Corsotloro, Blnok 257. em March, l"'