Page 2 THE UA1LX SEWS. Tuesday 4 IK ... The Daily News The Canadian Red MAIL SCHEDULE ; PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Cross Society Mondays,For Wednesdays the EasL and Sat-irdays Personal i Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, ilANAGDi'G Editob. As free transportation on From the EasL ill Red Cross shipments of Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays Charm SUBSCRIPTION RATES: supplies will cease on March at 5:15 p. m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c 31st, 1919, all branches and By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. workers under the Jurisdiction For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. of the Prince Rupert Tuesdays 5 p.m. Let the gown cost what Branch are requested to Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. make their final shipments Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. it may you still depend to the Canadian Red Cross the on corset for TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING TIC -T Society, Prince Rupert, 5.0 From Vancautsr graceful on or before March 15th, Sundays 10 pjn. lines. Contract Rates on application. next, of all supplies of .Vednesdays 10:30 a.m. mado-up and unused material Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, Each Individual figure Is different. DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, March 18, 1919. and articles on hand for at 9 a. m. No two women were ever shipment to specified depots. made from one pattern Oriental Question H. YOUNG, For Anyox: neither Sundays 10 pjn, should their corsets. Again to the Fore. Honorary Secretary. Vednesdays 10 p. m. The Oriental question has been discussed in the Legislature Prince Rupert, B. C, Have yours made to measure and the member for Omineca has been taking a hand in the debate. February 24th, 1919. From Anyox: with your own fancy In materials Among the suggestions made before the Agricultural Committee Tuesdays ..a.m and made to fit was one that Orientals should not be allowed to hold title Thursdays p.m, by to land. It must be remembered, however, that much land is already For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet in the hands of Orientals and especially of the Chinese. points: Mrs. DIRECTOR TO SUBSCRIBERS Een here in Prince Rupert there are many Oriental owners, but Sundays ......10 p.m. Subscribers to The News Corsetmaker in Vancouver and Victoria some of the finest blocks in the city-belong are asked to oar the de- Port and Naas Room 3, Mclntyre From Simpson Block, nrsl to the Chinese. livery boys each month Everyone is agreed that the Oriental question is a grave one. when they call, except Tuesdays River Points: p. m. Floor. Phone Blue 92 fop The Oriental and white races do not assimmilate welL They are where payment lias been Appointment. made for the in ad- belter each in his own country'- At he same time these are days year Queen Charlotte Islands: vanvc. The boys when of progress when transportation is becoming very' easy and it is collecting carry official re- For Masselt, Port Clements and going to be difficult to fence arouud a portion of the globe and ceipls which should al- Upper Island points: gay that certain people must not enter the enclosure. The ways be preserved. Por Skldegate, Queen Charlotte tendency is toward broadening, not toward narrowing. City and Lower Island points: anuary 23, Feb. C, 20; March 6, Where Is Wrong 20th, at 7 p.m. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! In Owning Land. If the Orientals had votes there would be much less of a MINERAL ACT ?rom Masset, Port Clements and Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present tendency to be perpetually worrying them. At present they are Certificate of Improvements. Upper Island points: doing no harm, but are often very useful. There are scarcely NOTICE From Skldegate. Queen Charlotte -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement any coming into the country and those who are here have pretty City and Lower Island points of a new supply well adapted themselves to the ways of the country and they Tted Point Extension' mineral claim anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar, almost much for their services as white men. In that Eittuie In toe Jtaaa River Mimnt Division charge as of Cissur District. 11 and 25th, a.m. WESTERN PACKERS, UMITED way the industrial difficulty has been solved. Wnere looted: On ine Eluaull niter. It is not easy to see how the holding of land by Orientals is near TAKE tee NOTICE Dir canyon.that LewU W. Patmore, For Skagway and the Yukon. BUTEDALE - - - . .C. injurious. If they abuse the privileges in any way it is all right lor Free as Miner's agent for Certificate oie Erlndsen,.No. J0.407-C.Free Miner's act- anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a. m to put on restrictions but there have not been any serious arguments Certificate No. M.ISS-C, intends, slitj from the date to tne put forward to show that they do this. The only argument days Mining Recorder for nereor,a Certificate to apply or Improvements, From Skagway and Yukon, ' that has been used in the past is that they are expected to do Cnn Grant for or tne tne purpose aoove claim.of obtaining 'ebuary 1 and 15 a. m. -menial work, but instead they become land owners and refuse to And farther take notice that action, do the work that is expected of them. They compete in business before under the section Issue 84.of must such be Certificate conunencei or Uewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Georgetown Lumber Co. with white men instead of carrying out the ashes and sweeping Improvements. Point. DATED this 5th day or February, A. D. the floors for the white owners. 1019. .lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 pm PHONES 130 and 423. P. 0. BOX 1(32 Treat Fairly MINERAL ACT Arrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd Largost Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. All Who Come. TIMBER SALE X1465. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY The Japanese and Chinese who are here must have fair Certificate of Improvements. treatment. The British way has been always to give everyone NOTICE Sealed tenders will be received by the SPRUCE FIR CEDAR fair chance. So it must be with the Orientals. There however Minister or Lands not later than noon on a may, SOln or ror the "Black Bear- Mineral Claim, situate to the day March, t9t, pur Consult Us. be restrictions if there is a menace and it would be a menace the Xaaa Mining Division or cassiar uia chase or.Licence X UBS. to cat t.0.oc reet. B. M., or Cedar, Hemlock ana .to have thousands of coolies poured into this country. As there trlct. spruce. Where IomikI: On the Kltsault River, luium on an area situated on mg iaie is no suggestion of this being done and 'as there are already laws near the Dig canyon. El era lie Bar. Range 3. coast District. TAKE ."NOTICE that John It. McMullln. Three (3) years win oe auowea tor re and regulations to prevent their coming in any large numbers Ofneial Administrator or the Estate or movsl or timber. Further particulars or the Chler Forester, Charles Swanaon, deceased, intestate. Free there is no need to worry. Miner's Certificate Jio. 3.3II-C. intend. Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince sixty days rrom the date hereof, to apply Rupert, u. u. ! STEEN & LONGWILL Hindu Question to tne Mining- Hecorder ror a uertinraie SEEDS! Quite Different. or Improvements, ror the purpose or ch N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH aining a crown urant oi me aoove ciaim. COLUMBIA. The case of the Hindus is quite different, however. They And further take notice that action. under section must be commenced SANITAA. MtiD HEATING SS, TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow the Garden For are British subjects and they have been fighting side by side with before the Issue or such Certificate or r the City or Vancouver In the Province Canadians against the German menace. At the same time there Improvements. or British Columbia did on the Jsrd day ENGINEERS dated this sin oar or reoruary, a. u. or January, A, D. 1919, Issue a Writ of Specially s it:d fcr Prioci is no good reason why they should be allowed to move to this 1910. summons out or toe aoove court nerein, It t s; !l. country la the menace of our institutions. The Hindus are better MINERAL ACT ance claiming or an as Agreement against you ror specific the sale perform or Lot Agents for p- in their own country and we must continue to insist that restrictions 19. Block 21. section 6. city or prince McCLARY FURNACES Rupert, and payment or the balance or the be maintained against any large immigration to British Certificate of Improvements. purchase monies, and Interest due under FEED CHICKENS Columbia. ma Agreement ana an accounting, ana a PLUMBING, NOTICE declaration that he is entitled to a Yen dor's Lien upon the lot aforementioned In and HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZU respect -or the purchase monies, interest, "Red Point No. l" Mineral Claim situate taies and costs and the enforcement or SHEET METAL WORKS n the -Naas River Mining Division or Cas the said Lien by sale or your Interest un par District. der tne said Agreement and an order can Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. PllEDCft Wlicre located: On the kitsault River. celling the registration or the said Agree near the big Canyon. ment in the Land Registry Office and costs. Night phones 570 TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, dated at prince iiupert. u. l., tins Jjjjj Free Miner's Certificate No. JCU07-C. acting 25tn day or January, a. d. tt. and Blue 270 a agent ror Ole Pearson, Free Miner's TO WILLIAM i-llASLil. PHONE 63 Certificate No. H.157-C, intends, sixty The right wcrk, at the right 908 3rd ' days rrom the date hereof, to apply to the P.O. Box 333 N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH time, and at the right prloe. kilning- Recorder ror a Certificate or Improvements, COLUMBIA. ror the purpose or obtaining IN PROBATE. a Crown Grant or the above claim. N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA And runner take notice that action. TION ACT under Section 85, must be commenced and before the Issue or such Certificate or N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ItnprovemenU. PETER LYSYK: DECEASED: Gurvich dated wis j tn day or February, A. D. TAKE NOTICE that In order or Ills Hotel Hyder The 1919. Honour F, McB. Young, made the Stth day or January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC administrator to the estate or Peter Lysyk, TION ACT deceased, and all parties having claims Portland Canal, B.C. against the said estate are hereby required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, to me. R. S. C. Chapter 115. on or tie i ore tne ara aay or March, tvtv, M. lli. JAMESON, Proprietor The Northern B. C. Fisheries Limited na an parties inaemea to tne estate are hereby gives notice that they have, under rnmrea to pay tne amount or tneir in "".PUnnr. 548 section 7 or the said Act. deposited with debledness to me forthwith. Green the Minister of public Works at Ottawa JOHN 11. MULLIN, Gateway to Ihe fomout 3)uth Mint Fr and In the office or the District Registrar Official Administrator, P.O. Box 102 Office. or me Lann liegistry District or Prince )ATED this 31st day or January, 1919. toperi. at rnnce itupert. u u., a description or the site and the plans ror storage, In Ins tnattsr or an application ror the Now Open for Business Sell Coal docking and moorlnir or cannery and fish. tsue or a freih certificate or Indefeasible Wp i : trmrn's boats ax proposed on a nortlon or Title to I-on 38 and 39, Block 7, Section Port Esslngton harbour at Port Esulngton , uuy or prince itupert, May 3. In front or Lots 3 and I, Block 3, Esslng- Notice Is hereby given that it la mv ion lownsue, being a suD-dlvision or Lot mention to Issue, after the expiration or LINR QRVRUERI mWe'a 43, nange s, coast District. rnriy us.vs irurn I ne nrst publication nere-r, Conquest" And lake notice that after the einlratlnn a rresh Certificate or Title to the above Hotel Prince Rupert or one month rrom the date or the first mentioned lots, In the name or The North publication or the said notice, the Northern western Loan ana investment Company. Barsalou s Starring tonight at Ihe Weslholme Theatre. fl. C. Fisheries Limited will under Section Which certificate Is dated 18th March. 7 or the said Act, apply to the Minister or 919. and was registered on application Public Works at his office In the City or received the ?nd February, 1919, and EUROPEAN PLAN We wimwa iur approval or tne said sue ana 19 !1U, 110O-J. S1.50 per day and up. Motor pians ana ror leave to use the said rore-shore Land Registry Office Prince Rupert, B. C, ror the storage, docking and mooring January SInd, lots. or cannery and fishermen'! lni II. F. MacLEOD, BAMOFM0NTREAL Dated at Vancouver. 15. c. this sarri lav District Registrar or Titles. FIRST-CLASS CAFE ui tfmiuai iVIVt A La Carte. null nihil B.C. FISIIEIIIES LIMITED, C. A. Crosble. Secretary. F28 ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS WATER NOTICE Grand Masquerade Skating HANDLE C, Board of Directors WE DIVERSION AND USE. St. James Hotel Nlffut na uy ,v Sit VINCENT CARNIVAL MEREDITH. Bart.. TAL'P NflTlrp fh.t Th.i t il.t .-i.i. .. ... Slfc CHARLES U'TinflA c,1 rl r a I. aaK.MA ti ....ft CORDON, C B.E.,Ykt-FruiJot. tB.ANCUS.EK. lOROSHAUCHNEJJT,r.CV.O. C,R,II0SMER,Eh. ror a licence to take and una 1 cubic root Will be held In the Ilink, (LATE "QUEENS") u vraier uui or inornniii creek H,R.DRUMM0ND,Eia. D.F0RBZS AKCU3,Ih- WM,McMASTER.Eh. which flowa north and drains Into Skeena 0th Avenue, FIRST CLASS ROOMS , .. River ahum ion ft ti.i m t?..... HAJ0RHERBERTH0LS0N.M.C. HAROLD KENNEDY,E. II.W.BEAUCLERC,Eh. ' v, i tn j i.uinr fig Hot and Cold Water. CE0RCEB.FRA5ER.Eh. COLONEL HENRTCOCtSHUn J.H.ASHD0WN,Eh. The water will be diverted....rrom the Monday, March 24 ? T n t fPPBIII lit B Fkftlnt khnnl SIR FREDERICK WILLIAMS-TAYLOR, C.r.l Hm. east or the Skcena River, and will be used Skating from 7:30 to 10:30. ror power purpose tpon the land desrnt Grand March at as Lot 839, Range 6, Coast District 9, after Capital Paid Up 16,000,000.00 M" posrea on which all will tne ground on un-masque. MISS M. A. WAY - Rest 16,000,000.00 he 9th day or January, 1919. A copy or HOUO-Third AeD t Undivided Profits 1,901,613.22 ; nHotiuii pursuant teacher or MUSIC 912 thereto and to the "Water Art, Total Assets (Oct.31st. 1918) 558,413,546.12 Prince" RuVeS! ' " W'er 1914."lKeCOrler will No advance in price of skates 309 Second Avenue . ... roB . Branches throughout Canada and Newfoundlandalso in London Biiif.'.10". ,0,J1ie. PPl'llon may be Just a Jolly good time for Taking-with tudenti tin ayllabua ol tli THE PYaTE SUPP said Water Recorder or with all those who attend. Toronto CotiMrvatoIr ol Muile, from England, New York, Chicago, Spokane and Mexico City. Ihe Comptroller or Water Rights, parliament primary to advanced. I'hona Dlu 120 Buildings, Victoria, B. C. within tn ny nays arter tne first appearance or L, J. Marren, Prop, Dinniu MB ) this notlee In a local newspaper H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. The or J. the KIRKPATIIICK,nrst publication Applicant or this Phone Blue 197. Never forget to look through notice Is January J8, 1919. tlio classified list on Pago 5.