Tuesday, March Page 4 TUE DAILY NEWS. 18, l9lg UNA CAYALJERI IN "LOVE'S CONQUEST" Milady ! itli Famous Actress In Stirring Tale of the Days When Italy Was a Power. Madame Cavalieri is seen as a beautiful widowed ruler of the Duchy of Athens, at the begin ning of the sixteenth century, Your whose time is mainly occupied in caring for her son, and refusing offers of marriage made to her writes Mr. R. Howard. Sr., of bv the rulers of neighboring Favorite Bracebrldce, Ont. He confirmed dudhies. When she spurns. Prince "Four years ago I Zaccaria, a distant, relative, who sustained a scratch on my leg:, which turned to an ulcer. I has made her a present of a mag was confined to my bed for nificent lion; he conspires with a Shop six months under doctors' follower to kill her son in the belief treatment, during which time I did not earn a cent, and in that this may win Oismonda addition, spent dollars upon for him and make him Duke of dollars before a cure was Athens. effected. "Recently I sustained a The child is thrust in an en scratch on my other leg. It closure in which the lion is con oorns became very inflamed and fined and when Gismonda hears swollen,and finally turned to en nicer. This time,howerer, of the supposed "accident" she I knew about Zam-Duk. and I oudly proclaims that sue will in acted very differently. I used stantly wed the man who saves Zam-Buk alone, with the result that not only was the her son. The child is rescued by Third Ave. ulcer healed in much shorter Almerio, a huntsman, and though time than the previous one, not of noble birth, but quite- well-bred but I was able to co to work Next to Bank of Montreal all the time it was healing,and and the son of a former Governor I did not lose a single day's of Naples, .he slays the lion pay. I sincerely hope that my and saves the child. On seeing experience may be the means of showing other working him. however. Gismonda repents people the great healing value of her vow and with her son re of Zam-Iiuk and of saving pending her nits! tires to a convent, needless many from expense and unnecessary suffering." appeal to the Pope for a revocation Zam-Bjk is Just as rood for of her vow, it having been eczema and all skin diseases, made in the shadow of the Cross ringworm, bolls, plies, cuts, burns, etc. 50c box, 3 for $1.25, The story is told in picture at all druggists, or Zam-ISukCo., the Westholme tonight. Toronto.postage on Send free trial lc stamp box. for 'HOUSE OF GOLD" AT This is the sum and substance of what must be considered LKjjsBH9ssffenHss9 THE EMPRESS THEATRE one of the most startling merchandise events in the Emmy Wehlen Seen on Screen In Heintzman &Co. Brilliant Feature.and Dramatic history of Prince Rupert. PIANOS Brilliant and dramatic is the What would you do under the circumstances? We Extent of reductions one-third to half off regular feature screen romance, "The regret closingtnis store, but conditions demand it. prices. Weber Pianos House of Gold," one of the most forceful in which the exquisite Mr. Ooldbloom has considered that one store in Variety, the latest and best for evening and street ' High grade guaran-anteed star, Emmy Wehlen, has ever .appeared. Vancouver and another in Prince Rupert is one store wear. . , pianos by reputable As Pamela Martin she too many. Character of the merchandise conforming to the depicts the disgust of a woman of manufacturers. So Friday morning, Goldbloom's Ladies' Ready to highest' standard for all classes of goods. refinement for the loveless marriage Our prices are right. into which she has been Wear shop last great sale opens to the public. Sale begins Friday morning and will continue six tricked. ' Greatly reduced prices will be the drawing card in weeks. Prices are for cash and will be marked in Discovering the cruel lie by Prince Rupertpsic.Store which she has been duped. Pamela the hope of making a quick job of it. Profits will not plain figures on each article, with former price for Opp. Tost Office refuses t ogo on with the mockery. be figured in this sale. Prices will be made to ensure comparison, so you can .make your own seledion al V. J. Pitman. Piano Dept. Her defiance of her husband calls rapid selling, regardless of what the goods cost. your ease. .forth the worst side of his nature and the powerfully vivid scenes i which fpllow find their climax in Out of take of this sale ! T. M. ORViIG 5 I'a i manner, - that i i could not possibly town customers are urged to advantage uc auucjpaieu. ,The unusual features of this five-act BOAT BUILDER photodrama makes it a pic-jture Seal Cove long to be remembered, and Builds all kinds of boats and Miss Welilen has never had a bet-1 launches. ler opportunity for the display of emember Sale Starts Friday, March 21 Among those who have given her superb emotional gifts. testimonials are: R. Cunningham & Sons LABOR DANCE WAS Goldbloom's Ladies' Shop has sold dresses, suits Sales are for cash only. A reasonable deposit Peter Herman & Co. and coats in Vancouver and Prince for reasonable Rupert many be accepted, and goods laid away for a W. R. Lond ENJOYABLE AFFAIR years. Their business is large. Their slock includes time. Robertson & Rudge G. W. Brewster the best productions of America and Europe. Many The St. Patrick's dance in aid H. E. Kirby novelties can be found in no other store. Thebaic will end sooner lhan the time allotted, ii of the Federated Labor band took Fred V. Rudge 'place last night in the St. An-jdrew's Nothing will be reserved in this final sale. Everything the goods are sold. Come while- there are complete Years of Experience In the hall with about two hun- will feel the sharp reduction We advise Business. axe. stocks of all kinds. It's your last chance. dred guests present and proved (most enjoyable. Many were late Fixtures of all kinds are for sale, subject to our morning shopping. The crowds afternoon will be too WMMww'on account of the SL Patrick.8 use. ; large for comfort. J concert,, but after that attraction o AL jwas over, the dance floor filled up nd everything went with a swing. J jE. Craggs had the honor of being Price List Delivered - - the Master of Ceremonies. W. LOO (Reid saw to it that excellent re- Grade per ion. Ifresliments were served and R. T. Screened, Sacked, $13,00 J. Rose and W. Derry looked after Mine Run, sacked 11.75 the door entrance. Screened, In bulk 12.50 Mine run. in bulk 11.25 Third Ave., PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Minomin bulk from car 10.75 NEW HAZELTON All bulk coal weighed over city scalci with additional charge of He t 1 .vr load added. The Solders' Aid annual general t meeting was held here on Tuesday Written by Iversmith, Advertiser and Merchandiser. evening when reports were ITernnal Coal Co. received and officers elected for OflUe Phone, plack 85 the coming year as follows: LAND REGISTRY ACT. title it appears that prior to tbe 10th day pose upon the mine and for tramways and rurnlshed to Ihe Mt s,r",r,t"f,h! .ild "f Yard Phone, Black BIS Chairman C. B. Chettleburgh; (Sections 30 and 134.) or October, 1917 (the date on which the oilier iiower lines; described as land not at Prince Rupert. B. y., J lie Application No. 10.S14-1. rile 608?. said lands were sold lor overdue taxes) subdivided, except mining claims. eased. Maria Very, was . is. vice-chairman W. Wattie; sec-treas, TAKE NOTICE Ibat application has been you were the registered owner thereof. This notice was posted on tbe ground o the said Mrd day of l John made to register Frank W. Hart, or Prince FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the on the sard day or February, 191S. A AND IT IS FURTHER ''llOt'lfcJi, 0, Morrison; auditor nupen, a. u., ai owner in ree under a Tax same time I shall effect registration In copy or this notice and an application pur-ruant aid John 11. McMulim d" V ? Ba,ff,iKfJ. Donahue; committee Wm. Grant, Sale Deed from the Collector of the Cltv pursuance or auch application aud Issue thereto and to the "Water . Act, this order In the Prince ,;l".f,1.1'., 'Rupert. TOM LEE CO. of 1'rlnce Unpen, bearing- date the 9 th day a Certificate or Indereaslble 'rule to the ISI4," will be tiled In ihe omce or tbe newspaper published C. H. Sawle, Dutch said lands in the name or Frank of ' S Cline, Miller, ui ueceiuuer, mis, oi all Aixu BinuuLAll W Hart Water Recorder at rrlnce Rupert, n. n.ror a period Dr. Wrinch. II. II. Little. that certain parcel or tract or land and ,unless nirw1.........you Intra take In A.I.Kfl.t.and prosecute........ the-T proper. objections to tbe application may be JOHN II. M.' M.'.Ir'- Virator.U 8i0 Second Avenue, West. premises situate, lying-, and being In the ..n ,v taiBuiiiu j uur claim, ii riled with tbe said Water Recorder or with uuy oi j-nnce itupert, more particularly any, to the said lands, or to prevent such the Comptroller or Water Rights, Parliament DATED at rrlnce Rupert. The home of George Ormond known and described as Lot twenty (20), proposed action on my part. Buildings, Victoria, U. C, within lay or February. A. D. jyji- block Nineteen 119). Section Six uailu ai ma Land itegistry omce. (a), c.itv iiilrly days after the Ilrst appearance or VEGETABLES and its contents, were destroyed or 1'rlnce Itupert (Map 9i3). K'nce nurrt, B.C., this Uth day of Ibis notice In a local newspaper. Wholesale by fire here You are required to contest tbe claim The territory tc be traversed Is entirely and Retail on Thursday II. morn-ing. or tbe tax purchaser within 35 days from F. MACLEOD, a mining district and Is unsuitable ror any One child me u4ie ui iue District Iteglstrar or Titles other See Mineral bead General Contractors and was badly burned, service oi mis nonce To Emllene O. purpose. Groups, (winch may be effected bv rmblir.atinn in Dobson, or Salman River, Portland Canal, Mining Labor; Exchange. and died as a result. a dally newspaper), and your attention Is North Vancouver, U, c. Division. called to section 30 or tbe "Land Registry The date of the first publication of this Act" with amendments, and to tbe following WATER NOTICE notice Is March 8, 1018. Prince Rupert, B.C. Salvation Army. extract therefrom: USE AJVD STORAGE PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO, LTD. "and in default or a caveat or certificate Applicant. Phone 547 P,0. Box 725 or lis pendens being tiled before the reru- TAKE NOTICE that pacMc Coast Explo-ration By Wm. Noble, A rent. DEPARTMENT OF LAM I'l.blic meetings, Tuesdays, uuuu uwuer ui lue person entitled Co., Ltd., whose address Is Toronto, under sucb tax sale, all Thursdays and with ntrmm an u.vi Ont.. will apply ror a licence to take and N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH BRANCH notice Saturdays at 8 p. and those claiming use soo cubic feet per second and to store CULUMUIA. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. through or under tbem, and all persons 4.000 acre reet or I74,S40,000 cubic reel N THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT claiming any Interest in tbe land by virtue or water out or Cascade and Silver Creeks ACT" "WATER 101; DENTISTRY or any unregistered instrument, and all (streams), also known as draining Long and 1ANCELI.ATI0N OF WAtWJSS A ha Eersons claiming- any Interest in the land Lake and other small lakes In the vlclnltv N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF is man a range to sell. He whose title Is not registered NOTICE , r Britw KcS' or the Ulr Missouri advertised it In under the provisions or this Act, shall be Group, which nows In MARIA VERY,' DECEASED. INTESTATE. U Lieutenant.Governor f w, OFFICE HOURS: The Daily News ror ever estopped and debarred rrora setting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM la. bv snd with 1 t o1 of B a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to B:30 p.m. and within an hour after the Daoer up my claim to or in respect or tbe :L Ihe International p""""" Boundary mjuui one mue south or T MAY CONCERN of an Order made bv Ive Council. " prov'JoV land so sold ror taxes, and the Iteglstrar Line. ills Honour F. McO. Young, Local Judge, TH.U' pursusnt 'UA., ll "mil BROWN was on the street the range was shall register the person entitled under I ke ito anil iiuKis-uim nlher small miii!.!,.ue located..... at Lon In Ihe above matter on the t7tb day oi .ection 69 or Ihe "Will Statu ,,,4 DR. J. S. the sold. If you have anything to sll such tax sale as owner or the land so sold February, A. U. 1919, as follows: ;i.apter 81 or ror taxes." IT is or ihPLMi i"ir"u? DENTIST ORDERED that th said John II. bo reserve tM ry'lhe classified column. AND WHEREAS annltritlnn h McMullIn shall be allowed to swear to the leruge creek. "J"1'" BpP'"ve,d,nc"nrf- Offlctl Smith Block, Third Avanu. made ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title "Y"" ;' ui una, (an rock) death or the said deceased as occurring Phone 4S4. to the above-mentioned lands, In the name ,be. He ?ylleS ! nream on the SJrd day or October, 1918, alter Advertise in the Dally News. or Frank W. Hart. v 'visit asuvwD HUJ UUllCl Dl LOiir I fifes) the expiration of one month from the date and WlltREAS on Investigating tbe ..... ... or the lirst publication or notice or this yvcr uu mining pur order, unless In tbe meantime proof is HS I