Page ! THE DAILY KKWB. Wednesday, Mar;:h 19, 1914 x The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Published Every Afternoon except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-irdays Personal Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a. in. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the EasL Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays Charm SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 p.m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year ?6.00. For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. .Tuesdays 5 P-m. Let the gown cost what Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. it may you still depend on the corset for TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver graceful Sundays 10 p.m. lines. Contract Rates on application. Vednesdays 10:30 a. in Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, Each Individual ngure Is differ-cnt. DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, March 19, 1919.; EV MADE IN Vdsi at 0 a. in. No two women were ever made from one pattern For Anyox: neither Ideal of Unity should their Sundays 10 p.m. corsets. Very. Appropriate. E.W.GILLETTCO.LTDJ Vednesdays 10 in. "To make Prince Rupert a great city Ihe people must be Winnipeg TORONTO.CAMADA MotrrerAi N 1 p. Have yours made to measure united and stand together, for without unity you cannot hope to From Anyox: with your own fancy In materials accomplish anything successfully." Tuesdays a.m. The paragraph quoted above was written by George Hudson, and mado to fit .hursdays , . p.m. a Dunil of the High School, in an essay on Prince Rupert. The ft by essay was not a prize winner, but this concluding sentence was For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet so good and so appropriate to the occasion that it is quoted for TO SUBSCRIBERS points: Mrs. DIRECTOR the benefit of all the people of the city. Itis an epigram that Sundays ....10 p.m. mipht well be committed to memory. Subscribers to The News Corsetmaker It lias been said in a book which is not read as much as it are asked lo pay the delivery Room From Port Simpson and Naas 3, Mclntyre Block, miirht be, that "a little child shall lead them." The pupils of the boys each month flrst River Points: High School are not little children, but they are young and full when they call, except Tuesdays in. Floor. Phone Blue 92 for of enthusiasm and many of them have high ideals. If they carry where payment has been p. Appointment. those ideals with them into life the next generation will be much made for the year In advance. Queen Charlotte Islands: better than the present. They will make the men of the present Tile boys when For Massett, Port Clements and take a back seat and in a good many cases it will be for the good collecting cany official receipts Island points: of the community for them to do so. which should always Upper ''or Skidegate. Queen Charlotte It is of course quite a different thing to hold ideals from be preserved. City 7nd Lower Island points: trying to carry them out. It 'is easy to acquire ideals but it is anuary 23, Feb. C, 20; March C, right.difficult to put into practice the things which we believe . 20th, at 7 p. m. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! MINERAL ACT Another Opinion on rom Masset, Port Clements and Our Supply of Bait 13 exhausted for the present Railway Situation. Certificate of Improvements. Upper Island points: Under the heading "A National Danger" the Montreal Star NOTICE From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement of March i had the following leading article: City and Lower Island points of a new supply "The Star has repeatedly expressed the opinion that the situate Tied In Point the Mas Extension"Hirer Mining mineral Division claim, anuary 28; Feb. li and 25 Mar. nationalization of the Canadian railways or of either one of the or tasaiar District. . If and 25th, a.m. WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED where located:-On thi Kltsault River, Canadian railways now privately operated, would be a very serious near ine iig canyon. TAkt Aunti: mat Lewis w. raunore, For Skagway and the Yukon. BUTEDALE - - - L.C. blunder for which the country would be called to pay heavily in Free Miner's Certincate .No. 30,407-C, act the future. inr as agent for uie Evinasen. f ree Miner anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a.m. Certincate No. U.I55-C, intends, slit; "There is, however, another danger to Canada even more days from tbe date hereof, to apply to the seiioiis than this mad plan for nationalization and that is the provement..Mining iiecorcier for the ror purpose a certincate or obtaining or mi From Skagway and Yukon. danger of an amalgamation of the two privately owned existing crown uratu or ine aoore ciaiin. "ebuary 1 and 15 a. m. And further take notice that action, roads under one management. under Section 85. must be commence! Lumber "The Star is informed from London that strenuous efforts tmfore Improvements.the Issue of such Certificate of Uewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Georgetown Co. are being made by C. P. R. representatives in England to secure hated tnis 5ia day or leiiruary. a. d Point. control of the Grand Trunk Railway. There is an interest payment 1919. .lose Jan 31; Feb. li, 28, 10 pm PHONES 130 and 423. p. O. BOX 1632 in Grand Trunk Pacific securities falling due this week and MINERAL ACT rrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. the obvious inability of the Grand Trunk to provide for this interest TIMBER SALE X1465. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY gives an opening to force the Grand Trunk to sell out. Certincate of Improvements. "The Star believes that such an amalgamation or absorption NOTICE Sealed tenders will be received by the SPRUCE FIR CEDAR would be nothing short of a national calamity. The future development Minister of Lands not later than noon on I 'Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In the SOth day of March. 1010, ror the pur Consult Us. of this sparsely-settled and widely extended country me raas .Mining- Division or uasstar mi chase or Licence X 1465. to cut S.?90.0 detenus largely on the maintenance of efficient transportation tnct. reet, is. M., oi spruce, ceoar, iiemiock ana Where located: On the Kltsault IUver, Htisam on an area situated on Big Lace. and this in turn depends to a very great extent upon the con near the bltr Canyon. Eilerslle Bay. Range 3. coast District. TAKE PiOTICE that ohn If. McMuUin, Three (3) years will be allowed ror re tinuance of genuine competition among existing railway systems. Ofilclal Administrator of the Estate of moval or timber. This country cannot afford lo see its principal railway facilities tnarlej swanson, deceased. Intestate, Free Further particulars or the Chief Forester. Miner's Certificate No. Z.iit-C. Intends. victoria. B. a. or District Forester. Prince swallowed up by any monopoly which could thereby assume sixty days from tbe date hereof, to apply itupen, a. u. virtual control of transportation in the most thickly populated and to ine juimnr necoraer ror a ueninraie STEEN & LONGWILL SEEDS! or improvements, for the purpose or ch N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH highly developed industrial areas of Canada, aining- a Crown Grant or the above claim. COLUMBIA. IffWHWWWWW MfTJMsssBsssrssWPKBHsn "The scheme must not be allowed to bear fruit. It would under Section 85, must be commenced SANITAA . HnO HEATINQ TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow before the Issue or such of For the Garden be disastrous to Canada if it did." Certincate r the City or Vancouver In tbe Province improvements. or British Columbia did on tbe 23rd day ENGINEERS 1V1V.DATED this 5th day of February, A. D. or January, A. D. 1010. issue a Writ or Specially P iled fr:r Prist! summons oui or ine aoove uouri nerein. Claiming as against you specific perform Agents for Rup t il. fBG&Bt& mis?. MINERAL ACT ance or an Agreement ror the sale or Lot WJ to, uiock xi. section e. city or prince McCLARY FURNACES itupert. and payment or the balance or tne For the Certificate of Improvements. purchase monies, and Interest due under FEED said Agreement and an accounting, and a PLUMBING CHICKENS NOTICE declaration that be Is entitled to a Ven dor's Lien upon the lot aforementioned In rnd HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZES respect of the purchase monies. Interest. "Red Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate taxes and costs and tne enforcement or f Voo to vjrm liar n ine District.naas nivcr Mining Division or Cas the said Lien by sale or your Interest un SHEET METAL WORKS der the said Agreement and an Order can Phone 834 Second Avenue. Weed kH FOUNTfMM PErA Where -located: On the Kltsault niver. 5, Co. celling the registration or the said Agree p. I r .tl"tl-r lIVJllJIlP near TAKE lue NOTICE uig canyon.that Lewis W. Patmore, ment in the Land Registry Office and costs. Night phones 576 DATtu at prince iiuoeri. u. c. this Free Miner's Certincate No. 80,t07.c, acting ain aay oi January, a. i. ivis. and Blue 270 aagent ror Ole Pearson, Free Miner's PHONE 58 TO WILLIAM FRASER. Certificate No. 1l,l57-C. Intends, sixty The right work, at the right days from tbe date hereof, to apply to tbe P. O. Box 333 908 3rd U N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Mining Recorder ror a Certincate or Improvements, time, and at the right prlo. ror the purpose of obtaining IN PROBATE.COLUMBIA. a Crown Grant of the above claim. THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA And further take notice that action, under Section 85, must be commenced TION ACT and berore the Issue Hr such Certincate or improvement. N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HATED this 5 tli day or February, A. D. I'KTtli Lis YK; DECEASED: Hotel Gurvich TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Hyder The Honour F. McB. Young, made the SSih dav NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION of January, A. D. 1019, I was appointed I aaminisiraior io ine estate or reter Lysyk, ACT deceased, and all parties having claims Portland Canal, B.C. Transfer againsi me said estate are hereby required io lurnisii samp, properly Yenned, lo me. The n. S. C. Chapter 115. on or before the 3rd day or March, 1010, M. ;R. JAMIESON, Proprietor Northern B. C. Fisheries Limited no. m purues inaeoiea to tne estate are I hereby lves notice that they have, under equirea io pay ine amount or the r In- .-ruMM, , d, me aara Act, deposited with ueutcaness to me forthwith. Phone Green 543 the Minister or Public Works at Ottawa JOHN II. MULLIN, Gateway lo tht famoui 3)uih Mint v, and In the omce or the District Registrar umciai Administrator. KO. Box 102 Offics. FrawrSt. or the Land Reelnirv m.trift irina )ATED this 3 1 sl day or January. 1010. Rupert, at Prince Rupert. B C, a description of tbe site and ihe plans for storage, In tht matter of an application ror tha Now Open for Business Coal docking and mooring or rannery and nsh-, ue or a fresh Certlllrate of Indefeasible We : Sell : rmen is boals a proposed on a portion of Title to Lots 38 and 30, Block 7, Section IIIH mi ca.Hiiiiuu naiuuur at rori Essington , uiij in i i mho r.upert. May o3. l in rront of Lots 3 and t. Block S, Esslng. notice is nereoy given that It is my I tn Townslte, being a sub-division of Lot ,u I! aiter tne eiptraiim or An1 take notice that after Ihe expiration miij a fresh uoji Certificate irum me nrst of Title punucaiion to the above nere-f, Hotel Prince or one month from the dale or the nrst mentioned lots, In the name or The North Rupert publication or the said . notice, the Northern H'o.I ft r tl r an1 Barsalou's If. c. Fisheries Limited will under Section Which certificate Is dated 18th March, 7. i.f,n?.,Mld Ad. apply to the Minister or 012, and was registered on application I'libllc Works hi. . i at nm i ih. EUROPEAN PLAN ....,. .... ccelved the JJnd February, 181!, and Transfer ,.iumi ui ine sata sue and Is NO. 1 180-1. $1.60 and Motor i- in. aim i or leave io use tne said fore Land Registry omce Prince I per day up. Rupert. shore for the storage, docking and moor B. C. BANK- QF-MOTnSr" ing of cannery and fishermen's boals anuai II.t 4 F.IIU,MacLEon.VV, Dated at ancnnver. It r ihi. o..h ,... FIRST-CLASS CAFE ' " " District nr J.n., io.n Registrar of Titles. auilTllfcriN B. C. FISHERIES LIMITED, A La Carle. I ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS f Ji- W'l C. A. Crosble. Secretary. F28 WATER NOTICE Grand Masquerade Skating COAL Canada's War DIVERSION AND USE. St. James Hotel WE HANDLE TAKE NOTirp that Tim. t i-i.i ...... CARNIVAL Nlg-utandDayrii'n? whoSC addres, I's Te7r.Ye7B. C.. wT apply ror a licence to tako and use l cubic root Will bo (LATE "QUEENS") held in the Chest Ehi-ST nd or w,!.fr 0I" or Thornhlll Creek Rink, niver abdtit flows ion north rt and ..,drains, u.into Skeena Cth Avenue, FIRST CLASS ROOMS- "Canada's War Chest" The water will be diverted. f.Jr?t,. Monday, March 24 Hot and Cold Water. THE W EST EN" Ktf -M I H-l-ki Hf f?1 tl'Piim I a n,.lni m. . ""v" is the Savings Accounts ' .... Skating from 7:30 to 10:30. Chrm Suey tot 838, Range upuii i. Coast ine iana DUirirt(icri-,i Grand March at 9, aftor of her and Si 1 men women. ''i1. notice was posted on the rnnnH .n which CAF all will AND The the Olli day or January. 10107 A un-masque. MISS M. A. WAY HOUSE Bank of Montreal his notice and an application pursLm TEACHER OF MUSIC 012 TlilrojVvenue Jherelo and rb the "Waler Art 101j wui accepts deposits of $1. if i n'r.1J?rriurn liupert.! nl or the Water Recorder No advance In price of skates 309 Second Avenu Objections to the application he -Just a Jolly good time for Taking with students th syllabus of tha THE Pl-ACEFOR ana w.i.J n.V.i.."1? upwards. filed with the until T all 'those the Comptroller cf Water Rights Pari i who attend. Toronto Coourvatolr of Mualc. from WNNIftO BSANCH rUTr.l 2ull"n. Victoria, B. el within primary to advanced. Thon Dlu 120 after the nrst appearance L. J. Marren, Prop. H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. Phone mii Art! noSche8 f.M,u,rye WW" Blue 187. Never forget to look through P. O.BoxJjJ the classified list on Pago 5,