Page 4 THE DAILY NKWb Wednesday M, ,:n ,9 Mia K ! Red Cross Notes At the sale of work held in the Red Cross Hut last week the sum of $10 was realized, the following articles having been disposed of Mrs. Valentine donated one dozen fresh esrci. won by Mrs. J. YV Potter; Mrs. Lillie Scott, boudoir cap, won by II. F. Pullen; Mrs F. T. Bowness, crochet jacket, won by Miss M. E. Eason; Miss Jessie G. Scott, fancy apron, won by W. II. Sherman; Miss Lillie vrlf A Mr!? IlnirirJ. Sr.. of s.toli, Jf torated flower pot, won Uracebrldze. Ont. He con by Mrs. J. L. Christie; E. F. Duby, tlnnesi "Four years ago I ,c(i-; fur goods, wou by J. D, sustained a scraicn on my icg, which turned to an ulcer. I McAuley; Indian women at Tele was confined to my bed for by graph Creek, gauntlets, won six months under doctors' treatment, during which time W. C. Orchard; Miss Lillie Scott, I did not earn a cent, and in decorated flower pot, won by Mrs addition, spent dollars upon J. II. Piilsbury; A. JJ. C. Packing dollars before a cure was effected. Co., salmon, won by Mr. Gold "Recently I sustained a bloom; Miss Madeline Myers, scratch on my other leg. It Mrs. II. McCall. became very Inflamed and umbrella, won by swollen,and finally turned to an ulcer. This time,however, The sale to be held this week She lets I knew about Zam-Buk,and I will be conducted by Mrs. Wood acted 7.3m.Riik very differently.alone, with I used the land and Mrs. W. U. Smith. Sunlight Read Sunlight result that not only was the much shorter the period of the war ulcer healed in During S5000 guarantee do tue work time than the previous one. there were distributed to Allied ycJWmnm V but I was able to go to work and .and Canadian hospitals in all of purity ail the time It was healing, I did not lose a single day's 268,1 i 9 cases of supplies. To pay. I sinisrrely hope that my Canadian hospitals in England experience may be the means of showing other working went 113,813 cases, Canadian people the great healing value hospitals in France, 5(3,398 cases, of Zam-Bak and of saving Belgium, 4,800 cases, Serbia, 7,- and many Zam-Djk unnecessary from Is needless just as suffering."good expense for I 227 cases, Roumania,. . 4,500 cases. Sunlight dispels the shadow that once eczema and all skin diseases, During the month of February ringworm, bolls, plies, cuts, 10,160 cases of supplies were burns, etc. 50c box, 3 for $1.25, all Zam-Buk Co., sent overseas from Canada. Of wash druggists, or hung over day Toronto. Send lc stamp for this number 7,572 cases were postage on free trial box. apples. With apples costing any- where from 75c. per pound to 65c. 'each, such a gift, and of such IN fact many women do not say "wash day" any more. a jjpicos uicaiiii tuuku iu 4,11c uicu n hospital. say "Sunlight Day". It's a genuine pleasure to use Heintzman &Co. GREAT EMOilONAL Sunlight Soap because it means an economical wash, it means a quick wash. Why? Because, Sunlight is absolutely pure ACTKiftS iONIGHI you need only half the quantity as compared with ordinary soaps, Weber Pianos Theda Bar a as Russian Heroine nor will Sunlight harm any delicate fabrics, or hurt your hands. is Instrument of Death for Many. And it really takes the labour out of the washing in surprisingly High grade guaran-anteed little time will by following the directions. pianos by reputable Lovers o f motion pictures as you see manufacturers. which interest and enthrall will Our prices are right. welcome the news that Theda Bara 13 to appear at the West- LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO holme Iheatre tonight in her Prince Roperlpusic!5tope newest William Fox production, 19. Opp. Post Office "The Rose of Blood." W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. Miss Bara portrays a Russian ! heroine. But Lisza Tapenka is '(different from every other leading lady of Slavonic origin. She I T. M. ORVilG is a Russian who fights, made of HISS the same stuff which formed the 1 1 jtJ)lL fcLMWj brave Legion of Death. wr BOAT BUILDER I Lisza allies herself with a band BHBB lill 1 1 1 Seal Cove of revolutionists who are seeking Builds all kinds of boats and the freedom of the Empire. She launches. is successful in assassinating LAND REGISTRY ACT. WATER NOTICE (Sections 34 and 1J4. I.5E ASD STORAGE several whose acts of Among those who have given persons oppression have made the lot of the Re Application No. 10,551 I. File 608J. ! TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Coast Explo- We Know n- testimonials "Mirro" Aluminium are: take notice that application da oeen ruuou t tm., wuose aaarrss is Toronto, II. Cunningham & Sons people more miserable. She signifies made to rerUler Frank W. Hart, or Prince ml., will apply for a licence to uke and !pAciffe the completion of her deeds Rupert, B. C , ai owner lu tee. under a Tax me iOi) cubic feet per second and to store fleets good housckeeplt Peter Herman & Co. Sale Oeed frum the Collector or tbe Clly 1,000 acre feet or 17s,0,000 cubic feet Where the W. R. by dropping a blood-colored rose or Prince Rupert, tearing- date the Sin day f water out of Cascade and Silver Creeks Lond of December, 1818, of ALL AND SINOULAJI uircamS, also known as draining Long the of each victim. Robertson & Rudge on body that certain parcel or tract of land and Uke and other small lakes In tbe vicinity Finally her band demand the premises situate, 17107, and being- In the or tbe Big- Missouri Croup, which Sows In G. W. Brewster City of Prince Rupert, more particularly a southwesterly direction and drains Into Milk Goes H. E. Kirby death of her own husband. He is known ana described as Lot twenty (zu. tne salmon River about one mile south of "Mirro the Prime Minister, and his hand Block Nineteen (It), Section Six (6), Clly tbe International Boundary Line. Fred V. Rudge or I'nnce Hupert Mp vii). Tbe storage-dam will be located at Long I ears more heavily than that of You are required to contest the claim Lake and other small lakea adjacent. Tbe We used to wonder Where all Years of Experience In the of the tax purchaser within 35 days from capacity of the reservoir to be created Is 1.., milk u-p nut nn was Business. any other. She had married him tbe date of the service of this noUce about cubic ft., and it win! Suing, in his younger days, before he (which may be effected by publication In flood about 400 acre of land, (all rock). Dersonal a cany newspaper), ana your attention is The water win be diverted rrom tbe stream 1,le, j ose to so prominent a place, called to section 35 of tbe "Land Registry II a point about tbe ouUet of Long Lake nvestlga tions have SllOWn US. A ac 1 wan amenamenis, ana to tne rouow jr a small lake below, at dam site., and umimim i Fighting between her love for Ing: extract therefrom: will be used for power and mining- pur- We find that dozens of homes him and her desire to free the aud in default of a caveat or certificate pose upon the mine and for tramways and it by tho and of us pendens being- tiled before tbe rea-ls other power lines; described as land not uy case use no A downtrodden people, Lisza Anally tratlon as owner of tbe person entitled subdivided, except mining claims. other milk at all. Ware succumbs to the right. She blows under such tax sale, aU persons so served This notice was posted on tbe ground The;jModern with notice and those claiming n the sard day of February, 1010. A Others buy a dozen tins at a for j jp a building which houses the inrourn or unaer mem, ana an persons copy of this notice and an application pur-fuant time. t Price List Delivered claiming any Interest In tbe land by virtue thereto and to the "Water Act. -tc Premier and all of his cabinet. of any unregistered Instrument, and all 10K," win be tiled In the office of tbe Many homes use it for cooking, Domestic Purpoje. - persons claiming any Interest in the land Water Recorder at 1'rlnee Hupert Grade per ion. I by descent whose title is not registered - Objections 10 tbe application may be and get fresh milk only for the under tbe provisions or this Act, shall be tiled with the said Water Recorder or with 5 Screened, Sacked, . . . .$13,00 iiil uiiiliy nuiuan for ever estopped and debarred from setting the Comptroller of Water Rights, parliament children. Mine Run, sacked .... 11.75 up any claim to or In respect of tbe Buildings. Victoria, B. c. wltbln Have .you tried it yet? . IS A BOHEMIAN STORY land so sold for taxes, and tbe Registrar inirty days after tbe first appearance of bcreened, in bulk ... 12.50 shall register tbe person entitled under this notice In a local newspaper. mi ci tax sale as owner of the land so sold The territory to be traversed u niiriv t Mine run, in bulk ... 11.25 ror taxes." a mining district and la unsuitable for any Pacific Milk Co. Mine rjun bulk from car 10.75 Uncongenial Married Life Leads AND WHEREAS application has been other purpose. See Mineral Groups, head made ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title of Salmon River, Portland Canal, Mining : i All hulk coal weighed over city to the above-mentioned in LIMITED i to Complications Where Man lands, the name tl IDiWIl, scales with additional charge of 15c J 01 i-ran w. it art. The dale of tbe first rul,lirni.-n nt ihii t ,ter load added. - Looks Outside for AND WHEREAS on Investigating the nuuee is jtiarcn a, 1SIV. 332 DRAKE STREET Amusement. title It appears that prior to tbe 10th day PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO., LTD at O. vi uiiuuer. m 17 me aaie on wmcn tne Applicant Factory Ladner, B. saia isnas were soia ror overdue taxes) By Wm. Noble. Agent. Canada Food Board Llctns 14-156. Terminal Coal the Co. were registered you owner thereof. which is ! "The Otlm Woman," FUHTHEH TAKE NOTICE that at the .1 THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH -4e um rnonc, riaca ot to be seen at the Empress tonight ,Fame time I shall effect registration in Yard poena, Black 619 J is a story of a situation in married 'a pursuance Certlflcao or or surb Jndereaslble application'HUe and to Issue the TION ACT"" r T"E "ADMIK,STrU Isald lands In tbe name of Frank W. Hart life which is all too frequent .. and ujuess you lane ana prosecute tbe proper rilE MATTER OF THE ESTATE that where the husband finds proceedings to establish your claim, 11 MARIA VERY. DECEASED, INTESTATE.OP any, to tbe said lands, or to prevent such his home life uncongenial and notice is Hereby r.ivpw rn uimu yruiMjet-u Bcuun ou my part. DATED at the Land T MAY CONCERN or in lirfW mart i, Good TOM LEE CO. seeks his amusement outside, Prince Rupert, B.C., this Registry 11tb day Omce,oi Ills Honour F. McB. Young, Local Judge, Reflects with the result that eventually he i March, lots. In the above matter on the 17th day of as v. 840 Second Avenue, West. finds another woman who conies D1t''';,H. F. MACLEOD,Registrar of Titles. (i?D,f:l.lED- .!D,t 1,18 iouows:"la J0," " to mean more to him than his -10 Emllene O. Dobson, MCMUIlln alluwed tn u.. m. ih. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS North Vancouver. B. C. death of the said deceased as occurring Housekeeping VEGETABLES wife. In life such situations are on the SJrd day of October, 1018. after uic ririnuuu vi one month from the date Wholesale and Retail the cause of many divorces. In MINERAL ACT. of the nrsl publication of notice or this WATER RIGHTS BRANCH General Contractors and this play the other woman sacrifices CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. order,furnished unless to the In the Registrar meantime of tills proof Court la "WATER ACT 19 14." Variety Labor; Exchange. herself in order to make the at Prince Rupert. B.C., that the said de- Great NOTICE. easea, mana very, was alive .wife happy. Little Joker, Mineral mil. Midas, Look-out. 0 the said JJrd day of October,subsequently ion :ANCELLAT10N OF RESERVE OF WATER . . at . The picture shows a side of Mystery, Midas Lake f rac. Pass Fractional AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the NOTICE Is hereby given that Ills Honor Prince Rupert, B. C. Mineral Claims, situate in ths Tort-land aid John H. McMullln dn nm.ii.j. ne Lieutenant uovernor or uritisn coium New York life which is becoming Canal Nlnlngr'Dlvlslou or Caislar District. tn,. uiucr hi me 1 rincB iiupen Dally News, la. by and with the advice of bis Execu Stork Phone 547 P.O. Boi; 725 - bas been Ivo CouncU, pleased to order: Fred of more than local celebrity the niver'evalleyCMed:)n ,he Ea" 84lmon B.C., for a rerlod of one month. THAT pursuant to tbe provisions of so-called Bohernianism of the art ivun II, MCMUI.LIN, action 68 of the "Water Act, 1014" being TAKE NOTICE that I, A. II. Oreen. art-Ini ' Omdal Administrator. tapter si cr me statutes or ivtt, mat colony in old "Greenwich Village." at agent for L. Watklns, F. M. C No DATtD at Prince RuDcrt. n. r... t ii ih ho reserve of the unrecorded waters of Hardware DENTISTRY This Bohernianism has been ,.63.49-.9i .9- Dt Cner, F. M, C. No. tt.B88." liv of Kelirnary. A. f. ium lefuge Creek, established pursuant to E R. M. Martin, F. M. C No. Q,S87-Ci II. )rder In Council No. 68, approved on the 6IX0ND AVE ,failli fully transcribed by director J.Carlton.fetter, tin.No. 0,60T-ci! II. E A man had a range to sell. He 7th DATED day this of January.17lh day 1910.of February,be cancelled.101k1. ii, "114 OFFICE HOUIIS: Parker and forms a very interesting XXL LCh."-..!?:!!.9-9; 1te'nd, sixty advertised it in The Daily News T. D. PATTULLO, Phone 9 a.m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to B:30 p.m. feature of the picture. Mining Recorder for a Certinciu'r im and within an hour after the paper Minister of Lands. DR. J. S. BROWN It Is just provements,a Crown Grant for of the the purpose above claim.or obtaining was on the street the range was Queen Charlotte Islanders can- tu as cheap, get DENTIST your And rurther take notice that action, under sold. If you have anything to sell lot do better than mall their section 85, printing done wel' and done at must be commenced berore onto I Smith Block, Third Assnu. lome as Jt Is to send it away. Try the lssusnce of such Certificate of Improvements. ry tho classified column, printing needs to The News Print - Phon 4S4. The News Print Shop. Dated this stb day of March. A, D, 1010 i)wp and get the work done llIie rah moral is 11 ear, aaa4 ia"(l A. H. ' Advertise in The OREEN, the Daily News. romptly and well,