D Page 2 TUE DAILY NtWS, ' a - The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE TO SUBSCRIBERS ; PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Afternoon, The News Subscribers lo The News Sat-irdays Personal Published Every except Sunday, by Mondays, Wednesdays and arc asked lo the delivery pay Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. boys each month at 9:30 a. m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. when they call, except From the East. where payment has been Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays Charm made for the year in advance. , SUBSCRIPTION (RATES: at 5:45 p. m. The boys when City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. collecting carry official receipts By Mailr-Canada or Great Britain, in advance, par year $6.00. which should always For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. be preserved. Tuesdays .. 5 P.m. Let the gown cost what Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. - c Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. it may you still depend on the corset for TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING -75 cents per inch. NOTICS OF CANCELLATION OP RESERVE From Vancouver graceful Contract Rates on application. NOTICE IS HEIIEBY GIVE that the re Sundays .......10 p.m. lines. serve etlstin; orrr Lot 418, Quetn charlotte .Vedncsdays 10:30 a.m. Uland. tijr reason .or notice put Each Individual figure Feb. 8 and Is listed in the B. C Onette on tbe JOib of Jonday, Jan-. 27; 22, different. . DAILY EDITION. Thursday, March 20, 1919. Jaly. 108. Is cancelled. at 9 a. m. No two women were O. R. NADE. ever Deputy Minister,of Lands. made from one pattern Lands Department. For neither Anyox: Victoria. B. C Minister Make;; Good tin March. 1919. M 13 Sundays ...10 p.m. should their corsets. In Regard to Lumber. Vednesdays 10 p. m. THE SU1TIEME COURT OF B1UTISII Hon. T. D. Pattullo is to be congratulated on his efforts in COLUMBIA. Have yours made to measure securing for the province, through .the British Timber Controller, X THE MATTER OF THE ADM1MSTRA-TIOX From Anyox: with your own fancy In materials a large order for lumber. In an interview given a News represen ACT and Tuesdays a.m. and made to fit tative during Christmas week the Minister of Lands said that he S THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Thursdays p.m. ALBERT COLE. DECEASED, I.NTESTATE by had been for some time to secure orders and that he .NOTICE 13"HEREBY GIVES TO WHOM -working' T MAV coXCEHM or an Order made by For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet expected, before vers- long lo meet with success. The delay has us Honour r. xcts. lounr. Local judre, points: Mrs. DIRECTOR n Uw above matter on tbe SOtn day or been somewhat annoying, but: the first order has come at last and anuary, a, u. iviv, as iohows: Sundays .... 10 p.m. IT IS ORDERED tbal tbe said John 11. Corsetmaher this district stands to benefit always by any improvement in the tfcMuUtn shall be allowed to swear to tbe lea l(i or the said deceased as occur rm Room 3, Mclntyre From Port Simpson and Naas Block, lumber business. " n tbe S7lb day or October, 1917. after flP8t be eipirataon or one tnontn rrom the date River Points: r tbe first publication or notice or this Floor. Phone Blue 92 for Slang is Simply ' njcr. unless in tne meantime Droor Tuesdays p. m. urnlsbed to tbe registrar or tbls court at Appointment. Youthful English. rtnee Rupert, B. C. that tbe said deceased .ibert coie was anve suDsequenuy to me Queen Charlotte Islands: The Victoria Daily Colonist takes aolumu of editorial space aid sua aay or uctoDer. ivi7: A.D IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the For Massetl, Port Clements and to condemnthe use of slang in the Legislature. Someone had aid John II. McMullin to publish notice or Upper Island points: his order in the Prince Rupert Dally news, bein trying to express himself forcibly in modern colloquial and newspaper published at Prince Rupert, vor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte the Colonist did not like it. That staid and ancient publication .Dated lor at a Prince Denoa Rupert,oi one B.monin.C, tbls tb City and Lower Island points: ventured the opinion that the legislators should not only make ay or reoruary,... JOH.X a. II.d. McMULU.N,tt. anuary 23, Feb. C, 20; March (5, at 7 . NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! Official Administrator 20th, laws but should set an example to the rest.of the province in the p.m. matter of the use of the English language, not" as she is spoke," MINERAL ACT Trom Masset, Port Clements and Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for L p:. but as "she ought to be spoke." Upper Island points: Certificate of Improvements. We agree with the Colonist that slang while "zippy" and lull NOTICE From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte -:- Watch this space for our -.-announcement of "pep"-is not good form in a "joint" where the membersi "shoot City and Lower Island points- of a new supply 'Red Point Extension" mineral claim. Feb. 11 and Mar. dff their faces" all day. We advise the legislators to "cut it," situate In tbe Kaas River Mining; Division anuary 28; 25; or Cisftar District. 11 and 25th, a.m. give it a "wide berth" or as the vulgar would say "let up." Wbere located: on tbe Kltsault River, WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED While taking the stand that slang is not the best possible near TAKE ine aoriCE Dig' uanyon.that Lewis W. Patmore, For Skagway and the Yukon. BUTEDALE - - - C, Pree Miner's Certificate No. J0.407-C. act form for state occasions we must also express the opiniou that Ing- as agent for ole Evindsen, Free Miner's anuarv 27, Jbeb. 8 and 22 9 a. in. the language used in the legal formulae could also be dispensed days Certificate rrom tbe No.date H.155-C.hereof, to Intends,apply to slity tbe with. It, instead of being loo young like slang, is loo old. The provements,Mining Recorder for the ror purpose a certiccate or obtaining or im From Skagway and Yukon. and 15 'ebuary 1 a. m. i.rown urani oi me auove ciarm. middle aged is the dignified. And further take noUce that action, Slang is simply English. It is used largely by under Section 85, must be commencei Lumber Co. young very before the issue of such Certificate or Uewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Georgetown young people and from it the language grows. During the past Improvements. Point. u.rtu tms sin aay oi t eoruary, a. o few years the language has been growing very fast, so fast that ll. .lose Jan 31; Feb. 1 1, 28, 10 pin PHONES 130 and 23v P. 0, BOX 1632 people of two generations ago would hardly understand it as it MINERAL ACT Arrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. v is spoken today. TIMBER SALE X1465. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY War was .responsible for many slang words.. Games have Certificate of Improvements. NOTICE Sealed tenders will be received by tbe SPRUCE FIR CEDAR brought into use even more. The tendency today is to move fast, Minister or Lands not later than noon on Blarlc Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In the 10th day of March. 1!9. for the pur Consult Us. whether in language or anythingNelse, and it is just as useless to the Naas Mining Division or Casslar DIs chase or Licelce X U65. to cut J.SSO.Oim preach against slang-as against the tendencies of the new boy or trlct. reel, o. m., or spruce, ueaar, iiemtocK ana Where located: On tbe Kltsault River, eaisam on an area situated on Big Lake, the new girl. Some take pride in using- slang while others take near tne nig canyon. E ers e Bay. Range 3. Coast District. TAKE NOTICE that John II. McMullin Three (3) years will be allowed ror re pride in abstaining. It is like whiskey, it grows on a person and uruvlal Charles Swanson,Administrator deceased.or ihe Intestate,Esuie Free or moval Further or particulars timber. of the Chief Forester. creates an appetite for itself. .Miners wrunciie .to. a.szz.c. intends. victoria, B. C, or District Forester. Prince slily days rrom tbe date bereor, to apply ituperi, u. u. to the Mining Recorder ror a Certificate STEE&LONGlLL Baseball Becoming or improvements, ror tne purpose or ob N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH SEEDS! MoU Popular Game. atning a crown urani or tne anove ciaim. COLUMBIA. And runner take notice that action. There was a time when it was thought that lacrosse would under Section 85, must be commenced TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow SANiTAA. mhO HEATING For the Garden before tbe Issue or sucb Certificate or f the City of Vancouver In tbe Province be the national game of Canada and that in a few years it would Improvements. ENGINEERS or British Columbia did on the 23rd day be played everywhere. It has not made good, however, and instead dated this sm day or February. A. D or January, A. i. tvis, issue a wm or Specially of it, baseball is here to stay. The American is 1019, Summons out or tbe above Court herein. game capturing claiming as against you specific perform Agents for rtll; the country and nothing can stop it, even if anything MINERAL ACT ance or an Agreement ror tbe sale or Lot , Block 31. section 6, city or prince McCLAflY FURNACES wanted to do so. Rupert, and payment of tbe balance of the Yesterday TheJS'ews told of the commencement of the organization Cerliilcatc of Improvements. said purchase Agreement monies,and and an Interest accounting,due and under a PLUMBINO FEED CHKKENS of a league here among the school boys. There will NOTICE declaration that he Is entitled to a Ven dor's Uen upon the lot aforementioned in GRAIN & FERTILIZER be a number of teams and every boy is being encouraged to take "Red respect or the purchase monies, interest. end HAY, Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate part. It is the most interesting development that has taken place tne Naas River Mining Division of Cas taxes and costs and the enforcement or SHEET METAL WORKS the said Lien by sale or your Interest un this year. The boys who-play organized games are seldom bad riar Where District.located: On the Kltsault River, der tne said Agreement and an order cancelling Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Co. the registration or the said Agree FEED boj. They have not time or inclination to be. There must be war TAKE tue NOTICE uiig uanyon.that Lewis W. Tatmorc. ment in the Land Registry Office and costs. Night phones 576 P. R. some scope for their energies and if it is not found in one direc Free Miner's Certificate No. J0.407-C, ark dated at prince iiupert. u. c this ' ?Slh day or January, A. f. 1919. 0 and Blue 270 tit:i it will be found in another. Ing as agent ror ole Pearson. Free Miner s TO WILLIAM FRASEH. PHONE 5S reriinrate No. U.I57-C, intends, sixty The right work, at the right Ate. uiys irom tne oate nereot, to apply to tin P. O. Box 333 90S 3rd N THE SUPREMF. COURT OF BRITISH Mining Recorder ror a Certificate of Im COLUMBIA. time, and at the right prist). provements, ror the purpose or obtaining IN PROBATE. a i.row u urani oi me auove ciaim. An1 fl!Pth,P f.Va nktlA that a.tlnn N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA under Section 85, must be commenced TION ACT before the Issue of such Certificate of and N'THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF unprovemei DATtD 'bis is. Btlt day of February, A. D. PETER LYSYK; DECEASED: Gurvich I9i. TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills I Hotel Hyder The Honour F. mcb. Young, made the S8lh day of January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed NAVIGAHLE WATERS PROTECTION aatmnisiraior to ine estate or reier LysyK, Jib ACT deceased, and all parlies having claims Portland Canal, B.C. Transfer v J :j gainst the said estate are hereby reaulred to furnish same, properly verified, to me.I R. S. C. Chapter 115. uu or uciurc me ra aay or luarcn, tviw.l M. IH. JAMIESON,. Proprietor The Northern D. C Fisheries Limited na an parties inaeotea to tne estate are I hereby gives notice that they have, under equirea to pay the amount of their In Section 7 or the said Act, deposited with debtedness to me forthwith. Phone Green 548 tho Minister or Public Works at Ottawa JOHN- H. MULLIN. 'CattiMay lo Ihetamout J)uth Mint .-" and In the office or the District Registrar Official Administrator. For Box ice ' 1 or the Land Registry District of Prince ATED this 31st day or January, 1919. nuperl, at Prince Rupert, R C, a description or the site and the plans ror storage, In tha matter of an aoDllcatlon fop tha Now Open for Business Coal "Tobiris Tigers" Gallant docking and mooring pf cannery and fishermen's ssuc or a rresii Certificate r.r inrioriiii I We : Sell : or boats as proposed on a portion of Title to Lots 38 and 3d, Block 7. Section! Port Esslngton harbour at Port Esslngton yiiy or rrince import, May JJ3. In front or Lots 3 and Block 1. 3, Esslngton nonce is ncrcDV riven tnst it mvi 72nd They're all the same ii. Range Townslte,5, Coast being District.a sub-dtrlslon or Lot mention to Issue, after the expiration of nirijf uiji iruui ine iirsi puDiicatlon here I And take notice that afler the eiplrallon r. a fresh Certificate or Tiiin in iho .hovl of one month from the dale or the first mentioned lots, In the name or Tho North Hotel Prince Rupert publication of Hie said notice, the Northern nemerii wan ana investment Company. I Barsalou's When It cornea to Ilka h. C. Fisheries Limited will under Section Which r eating pastries, chasing Jerrlaa thay can't b certificate Is dated 18th March. 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister baat. Many, many months thty have without bread and of 912. and was registered on annltraiinnl gona war war Public Works at his omen in the ritv ,.t EUROPEAN PLAN erelved..the. 2nd February... oi9., ni I Jam being the "limit"; causing a constant ramark from aach campaigners Y,an 'ir ai'iiruvai ui me saia sue and 11 ao. IIRO-I. - - i S1.S0 and Motor Transfer "Just wait till I gat back home." Caktt, plea and Jam tarta art going luiiiu shore aim ror the i or storage,leave to docking use the and said fore Land Ileglstry Offlco Prince flupert, B, C, per day up. moor to ba "head-liners" on HIS home-coming blll-oNfara. Ins? of and cannery fishermen's boats. II. F. Macl.rnn Dated at Vancouver. B. C. this 9iri FIRST-CLASS CAFE And you can glva him the treat of hla Ufa) beat hla Imagination and tiT lintii,. tAIA " District liegistrar of Titles. tickle his palate beyond espectatlon by using WILD noSE PASTRY .lUltrilMIN B.C. FISHERIES LIMITED A La Carlo, FLOUR. You can bake thcaa cakes, pita, etc., from aptclal pastry u a. urosme. secretary. f8 flour; get softer, flulTler cruetejj richer cakt bodlet and aavt 23 per cent, Grand ahorttntng baildtt. Thtrt'a nothing loo good for HIS home-coming. WATER NOTICE Masquerade Skating HANDLE COAL DlVEflSION AND USE. St. James Hotel WE. .it. - TAKE NOTICE that Thn 1 vi.i.i.i.i. CARNIVAL Nla-ut and iw Vancouver Milling & Grain Co., Lid. whose address Is Terrace, B.C.. will apply va inline iu tdftt: alllll I1HM I lim rrmt P'S, l0"1'1 of waler oul of Thornlilll Creek Will bo held Jn tho Rink, (LATE "QUEEN8") Main Office and Millet Vancouvtr which flows norlh and drains Into Skeena Clh Avenue, FIRST CLASS ROOMS allies BllVUI I UU IITt WPII fir t-'BWM I nr., n I Branches! Victoria, Vancouver, New Wtttmlntttr, Mission City. tag. ' u" Hot and Cold Water. r WEST ' Food Llctntt Not. 1 39 Jl 2-1 82-1 83-1 64-1 85. mo waier win be diverted from the Monday, March 24 oasinisa at ( iuij IUUU IOUU I PC I tOUtfl east or the Skeena Itlver, and will be used Skuting from 7:30 to 10:30. Sue ror power purpose Upon the land d..., r,i, Chop as Lot 830, itange 5. Coast District flrand March at 0, after This notice was posted on the ground on which all will ihe 9ili dayr January, 1819. a un-masque. MISS M. A. WAY Ihts notice and an annllraiinn .Li ttirrrio and to tha "Watrr kn oi .....! TEACHER.OF MUSIC Delicious Pastry Flout SSk I ?f "rlnce Sftw" "'e W"'er ne'COrder No advanco in price of skates' 30il Second Avenue Objections to ihe application may be Just a Jolly fjood time for Taking with students tha syllabus of the THE PLACER supp. filed the comptroller wan the aald of Water Water ilecorder nights, or with all those who attend. Toronto Conservatoire of Music, from ment Hutldlngs. Victoria, b r. .i.h? primary to advanced. Phont Blue 120 ih rly day after the first appearance or L. J, Marren, Prop. Ihls imtlce In a local newspaper ni". . KinKPATMCK, Phone Blue The dale or the nm miMiiK,. V .v.. 197. Never forget to look through notice Is January 8, to it. tho classified list on Pago 5,