MarH. 20. iOift. THE DAILY NEWS. Page & h IV TREASURER JOHNSON II, LI TELLS OF RUPERT W' . m m m mm utmm No Municipal Bill This Year Compulsory Tax Safes to be Dentistry Held Every Year. W Docton. - extraordinary success which VJHCN SWW OP I , ( r-5 The new municipal bill is not wOMHH BlNSTnEiP J rfC DON'T NEGLECT - YOUR TEETH ! H going through this year, only i to 5Er ME'in ferr. gi P" , hv "Kruit-a-tiTes"mi mtneafiil In amendments were dealt with. S 60NMA SfV THE Sfr-JU' H One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your f irtf maxti,v ouvvv -"f The municipal bllUcommiltee OHL WArt TO to those euirei-ins with silling at Victoria decided in fa f S CURC.KttP MISTS 1M HOMt I H Efficiency" f r,iri Z.Vf. Indiges' vor of compulsory tax sales each I rROK SCHOOL I (P fp " Jlttdaches, Neuralgia, year, and tho elimination of the - foa. eouf S t I 2?jWfr Troubles, present costly system of adver-jtising in the Back, i'ain lax sales. Instead of hav- otlmr tho only Skin medicinsin Affections, 'Ing one set day for holding com Dr. Bayne -pulsory sales it was decided that .,..rlB from fruit juices. of the mediciial such sales should merely be tied II u composed-a i annlpi orantres. 'down to the month of September, OFFICE HOURS: E'nap 'l.,. mother with the giving the municipalities a lee Morning, 9 to 1.30 ' 7 to --- 12, Afternoon, to;5.30; Evening, 9 Irs anu jpi-, of tc; -: and antiseptics of j way thirty days in which to n o itv it i-n t.".h lute.r fiforfJ&O, trial size 25c. It was the unanimous opinion Dental Nurse in attendance. Ef? t , c or sent postpaid (of the .committee that a notice in j Phone 109 for appointment I .' s Limited, Ottawa. j the Gazelle and the newspapers slating that a tax sale would, be THE DAILY NEWS held, on a certain day would be llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllilllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillillllllllil sufficient, without the enumera bsified : Advertising tion of the various oroDerties. and that the taxpayer should be! ,. , Phone 98 notified of such sale merely by and th ?ercnhna6 a,,y .lh" I GIVEN AWAY the attaching" i n of a slip to his. Z'nnn acres.' hTm 16 areas,laUCr f L PRINCE RUPERT f A""Zea first instance, there are 3,000 Island given away acres and in the latter 7,300 acres certain date if the arrears have i..rl W1LI1 lillliillD. SAILING available for settlement. settlers. not .bcen met. uc mi tjona-ilde An area for settlement of 1,500 City Treasurer Johnson, of THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver u . i'unu V ''Upinna acres has been established at WATER ACT, 1914. rt, Id th at h.s city and Victoria. stnethorst, box 508 RIPARIAN RIGHTS I JP p b h ,and , t be t upc; t. l, ,a? ',e'l "i?"rC.h-e.aP "'lavallable until this spring. Simi- WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. . ... . NOTICE Is herein' riven that under the ..c uicu mi insmnce , C0() 10 provisions or Section 0 or the Water Act, WANTED. where 800 lots had been adver-1.' u i- 41avau, 1914, every riparian proprietor clalmlng-any . S. S. PRINCE JOHN t,. ...t , for an right to divert water or to the exclusive . .,, rt t. tiei-u iui ouiv, uui wueu ine Bate Queen Charlotte Islands March 20th and April 3rd. n. I. minlAlinfln I Ul IIP--'.nmft early date. It is hoped to have use or water ror any purpose by lailX off fhprA yxora r,t,U- 9nn l(o virtue only or his being- such riparian proprietor ,:1v uail interest in first r..n l K rt t.l ' 15,000 acres available at Courte-nay Is required on or he Tore the llrst i; J- uiiat, 4 cycle engine,! ... . ... . , . nee No during the summer. ,claim day or setting-June. 1020.forth to the me particulars a statement or lils or TRAIN SERVICE The report also notes a prff-posal 11BI1U. DUtU BlUIUUieillB Ul C1U11I1 BI1U1I VC Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at li:J0 tan. for Smlthen filed in duplicate with the Water Recorder If lo have a small area of from or the Water District In which the water Prince Oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all Is diverted or used. east and south. points LAND SETTLEMENT two to three thousand acres in After the llrst day or June, 1820, no IX ilLM -llousekeep- VD i J the Salmon IUver Valley, where right to divert water or to the exclusive b bouse, iuusl he use or water lor any purpose t-tiall exist AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. - BOARD ACTIVITIES land has been appraised for this by virtue only or any ownership or land. u. Apply box 230 Daily Forms or statement or claim can be obtained 67 purpose. rrom the Water Recorders or the For information and reservations apply to The Board has investigated a Heveral Water Districts In the Province or Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. 'Areas Gradually Being from the Comptroller or water Rights, jt'iung woman iori 1 1 J O i I I Brought proposal to irrigate 8,000 acres parliament Buildings, Victoria, 11. C. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 uiiuci- uuiibiui uy means Dated at Victoria, B.C., this 11th day in the VMia work. Apply to of New of land at Cherry Creek, or March, 1819. Policy. i' a ueneral Ilospit-tf Kootenay District, and has made T. D. FATTULLO, Minister or Lands. reports on the Coldstream estate Last year the Land Settlement the Pitt Meadows lands, and lands TIMBER SALE X14G6. lo Uoldblooin, Hoard granted loans totalling .. Avcnur iie pays liigli-tf $280,000. Altogether, the total The Board acts as drainage Sealed tenders will be received by the loans issued to date aggregate Minister or Lands not later than noon on CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY commissioners for the draining the 17th day or April, 1919, ror the purchase $1,484,850. These figures are of 400 of land in the Cameron or Licence X 1460. to cut 1,460,001. L.' W ANTED at the derived from the annual acres rcet or Spruce, Cedar and Balsam on an report District, its members are area situated on Big Lake, EUerslie Bay, all Lowest Rates Eastern Bi.urding House. of the Chairman of the Board, and Range 3, Coast District. to Points also dvking commissioners for Two (?) years will be allowed Tor removal via Steamer to Vancouver and the ADOPTION tabled by the Hon. E. D. Barrow, the Sumas reclamation scheme or timber. Further particulars or the Chief Forester, Canadian Pacific Minister of in Railway Agriculture, the which it is hoped will reclaim Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, . want lo adopt Legislature a few days ago. I'rlnre Rupert, B. C. A 18 30,000 acres of magnificent land Meals and Berth included on Steamer ... home. Hou tag ;y uooh -The report points out that at a cost of $150,000. TIMBER SALE X1605. Apply box 228, land settlement areas have been jluce. tf established in the Bulkley Valley Sealed tenders will be received by the Q. T. P. LIABILITIES. .Minister or Land not later man nocn on FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT the 11 lb dar of Anril. 1918. ror the pur FOR SALE chase or Licence a l cus, to cut i.vsv.uuu February 28th, March 11th, and 2it; April 1st, llth and 21st; May 2nd, Scfiool are invited to attend the figures place the to reel or fir and cedar on northerly portion Up-to-date 12th and 23rd; June 2nd. of Lot 831, South BentincK Arm, Jtange Aiut-'Yt. i tonsils arc made meeting of the Literary Society tal liabilities of the Grand Trunk 3, Coast District. vim thick, bard on Friday at 8 p.m. in the Pacific at $200,000,000. This lia moval two of IX)timber.years win ue auovvea lor re FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANGELL, SKAQWAY, ALASKA alum; They cannot school. Admission 15 cents. bility is divided as follows: Further particulars or the unier forester, From rrlnce Rupert February 21th, March 7th, 17th and 28th; April 7th, Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince :aie ureak are pure ARCHITECTS First mortgage, $69,000,000, Rupert, ii. u 17th and 28th; May 8th, 19th and 29th. . i varieties a t guaranteed by the government. X THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH a Avenue. tf WILLIAM BRUCE, F. E. A. S. A., Second mortgage, $23,000,000, COLUMBIA. W. C. General ORCHARD, AgenL numan and Co. Architect, Fourth Street, Prince guaranteed by the Grand Trunk fX THE MATTER OF THE ADMIMSTRA but in good Ilupert. Plans and specifications Third mortgage. $25,000,000, TlOJi ACT and Co ner Fourth Street nd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. P-.C. for public and private guaranteed by the Grand Trunk. IN THE MATTER OF THE" ESTATE OF .... Newly over-: NICHOLAS LISCHEN. DECEASED, IN i and tuned. buildings! tf Fourth mortgage, $50,000,000, TESTATE. TiVK.:: NOTICE that In order of Ills fiTO.00. Prince MISCELLANEOUS guaranteed by the Grand Trunk. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 12th Fifth mortgage, $33,000,000 dav or March. A. D. 1919. I was appointed KUii-e. C5 Administrator to the estate or Nicholas THE NORTON The place for a representing government loan in Kisrhen. deceased, and ail parties having -mm i player in good shampoo, lfairdressing. Scalp respect of which there is no guar claims reuulred against to furnish the said same,estate properly are verified,hereby I The Union COAST SERVICE. "cup for cash. treatment, 210 Fourth Street. antee. la me. on or nerore me laiu aay oi April, 10 1 u. ana i names inaeuieu 10 uie es II tiK nty. Apply box Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. tate are required to pay the amount or Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. ' "vt- uillce. tf 71 News. heir Indebtedness to me forthwith. Phone 493. Advertise in the Daily II. Port and JOHN NCMULLIIN, Anyox, JSimpson Naas'Points, omclal Administrator. Co. of B.C. iota fishing boat. C. P. R. FARM DATED this 18th day of March, 1919. Mondays, 7 a.m. - cyclo engine, IN THE SUfREME COURT OF BRITISH John General Apply 909 C.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms COLUMBIA. Ltd. Barnsley, Agent 'l:.t! 09 in well settled districts in IN THE "MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA -4t TION ACT Western Canada; low prices; and IE OF THE ESTATE OF IS THE MATTER i wo houses and twenty to irrigated years pay; HERBERT ALFRED BHEADEN, D6-CKASED, aie. Cash price lands in Sunny Southern Alberta, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that in order or His MTiy 345 Ninth Ave. with loan of $2,000 in CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Honour F. McB. Young, made the 12th WESTHOLME LUNCH hi day of March, A. D. 1919, I was appointed tf improvements to assist new Administrator to me estate or iieruen Al SECOND AVE. Act now they are Kiinrv i hereby oiven that the re fred Breaden, deceased, and all parties Twn piano boxes, settles. exlslliiK over vacant crown Land in having claims against the said estate are serve Bui fast. For free booklets rurnlsh properly HOMEjCOOKING. LADY COOK. going the vicinity or cneiasne mver, naugc , hereby required to same, Lindsay Cartage. and full information write II. Coast District, by reason or a notice published verilled. to me, on or before the 13 th day 67 In I ho British Columbia Gazette of or April, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted G. Loughran, 626 Hastings St., lvlO, is cancelled. to the estate are required to pay totti May, J the amount or their indebtedness to me Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. -"joou team of horses, Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, Deputy Minister or Lands. forthwith. all with and " Short orders thejtlme. Special rates room board. JOHN II. WCMULLI.. iy 1,000 anH 4 Ann n. General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st Department Vlrtnrll. or D.Lanas,ti Official Administrator. 51' o.i!9 Daily News. tf StrjvEast, Calgary. ll til March, leiP. M 18 DATED this 13 th day of March, 1919. ..u.uor view.ouiuvaiea Phone II 'a a GKfcAI LIFE IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES fllacK 5i!3. ESSmI.i. . ... "iiuutiy used piano, TwTW it's 71 New laid eggs everv -"wiip II Hey. Third Ave. FR RENT r IDEA ) hv., UIS UllFC lOr nnn or two Apply p O. box 67 Vp7 I'-in ."" Pt a... "oominir "' P Avenue, vest Prem,W. 208 70 TAXI SERVICE r nd lJi,y Phone 99. RTAINme-T il VV . fin ,:Tl DENTS nH ,ac, or tho iiign