FIRST suit requirements AID KITS The Daily EWS Person GEO.J.FRIZZELL Weigher 3 pensation Workmen's Your Correct FREE Weight Mooes,82 and 200 Phones 10 and 25 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1919. fob., X, NO. 09. PRICE FIVE CENTS ;ENERAL ALLENBY APPOINTED HIGH ZAMORA WILL SHIPYARD WHEN WAGES MEN STRIKE REDUCED GRAND TRUNK MADE OFFER COME HERE FOR TO DOMINION GOVERNMENT OMiSSIONER TO EGYPT OWING TO Object to Carrying Out of Robert son Award ia v SPRUCE LUMBER Cent and Hour.Reducing Quarter an Wage OF FIVE MILLIONS A YEAR CRAVE SITUATION IN THAT COUNTRY Steamer Will Load at Prjnce Ru- (special by a.j.v. Telegraphs.) FOR THAT SUM ANNUALLY IT WOULD TURN OVER ALL pert Dock in April for Port Uoquitlam, March 22. Special to The News via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) United Kingdom. Shipyard workers numbering 250 HOLDINGS CONTRA OFFER WA8 MUCH March 22. Owing to the grave situation in Egypt, J have gone on striko hero because . LESS IMPASSE SUBJECT London, ..MMrinWait nf thn AIIIaH Fapaaq In. DoIaci I no LOQS BEING. PULPED their wages have been reduced OF DISCUSSION neral AllenDy, w"""" - AT .under the Robertson SOUTHERN MILLS award ' by a . ..... nnninted sDeclal High Commissioner for Egypt and the S Dec" arr cent and a quarter an hour. The (Special lo The X1 ws via O.T. P. Telegraphs. " He will have supreme authority in all military and civil (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.; reduction was. on.. the sliding... scale Loudon, March 22. At the annual general meeting of the Enters an(J w take expedient measures to restore order and Vancouver. March 22. The I aaopiea at me time of the form- shareholders of the Grand Trunk Railway, Chairman Smithers lintaln the protectorate over British Ministry of Shipping has er strike ant was based on the of the Board of Directors said that the Canadian Government had show that disorders have spread through arranged to clean up the spruce cost of Iiv,nS which has been Unofficial advices offered the company an annuity of 740,000 at the end of eight Nile from Cairo to Assuan. lumber which was collected arid "B"i'y reaucea. valley of the over and above fixed charges. ewhole men were years, stored at Prince Rupert. The worKiiig on snips General Allenby reached Cairo on Tuesday and has.. already steamer Zaniora will load two wnicn aro beinS built to the or-mllllon 1 The company's offer to the Government, the chairman added, C6d the country unucr I iiiiiimmj III..-.. uuunui.I Tka iwyo iiumuci 1. ui feet for the United King- der of lhe French Government. I was lo accept an annuity 6f 1)97,000 immediately in addition to boos aireauy i . i m rnunt-yjF" opa liolnn" rAlnfnrr.nri. And nrtlvn nnrl tm dom, going on berth about the m what an arbitrator might give over and above that amount, or an (diate Steps are Deing tanen to cupu wim tun situation. middle of April at Prince Rupert DOMINION WILL SPEND i I n mml info n n n i m I imvnionl r f number of armed Beaouins nave entered uenerlra, a '1,003,000 without arbitration.!AGRICULTURAL ASSN. A large MONEY IN PROVINCE The Zamora cleared for this Tli is would be approximately $5,-000,000. towns and Egypt, robbing viuagea. ! vlnce of lower from Callao in Peru.1 port recently DIRECTORS MEETING ' FOR ROAD BUILDING After loading she will go to Great j The meeting unanimously passed BMMISSIONER WILL MINERS WILL Britain by way of the Panama I a resolution which was cabled Canal. (Spccia via 0. r. P. Telegraphs.) 'lo the Dominion Government stating Proposal to complete Exhibition ORGANIZE SCHEME Twenty million feet of spruce Ottawa, March 22. In the that the amount offered by the Building Officers for SETTLEMENT HAVE SHARE IN logs, which are in storage on the' House of Commons yesterday Canadian Government was inadequate. Year Eleoted. LAND booming grounds, are being Hon. J. D. Ileid, moved a resolu-turned Into at Swanson tion providing for the payment Bay pulp i Generally Discussed. At the meeting of the directors (5je:la! via O.T, P. Telegraphs.) MANAGEMENT and paper at Ocean Falls. .within the next five years of the Ottawa, March 22. The Grand of the Northern British Columbia B. (sum of to the March 22. P. $20,000,000 various ittawa, Trunk Railway impasse is the of Chilliwack, B, C, provinces for the encouragement Agricultural and Industrial Association toy, M, I', rADHC AMn fiAMriMr subject of general discussion at Ives for British Uoiumuia to- Coal Commission Recommends LAKDj ANl) UAilUllU -of the construction of good roads. the capital. The railway has 3,-555 held in the office of the R-ww, as th: special representee Shortsr Hours and Higher AT SEAL COVE SCHOOL miles of line in addition to association last night the old of W. J. Black, Chairman Wages, and Condemns CANADA'S CLAIM FOR the 1,003 miles of tho Grand director wound up their business Idiers Settlement Board. The Present System. Trunk Pacific. The capital of and handed it over to the new. iial mission is to direct the or-lizing Large Number of Guests Spend1 DAMAGES FROM ENEMY the Grand Trunk is half a billion Most EnJeyable Time Funds A sum of something like $1,800 the soldier settlement of COST THIS YEAR TO 'dollars and it was aided by the Aid of Red Cross. ' was on nana to commence tne with arrangements harmony BE ABOUT 30,000,000 (SpecUi Tla 0, T. P. telegraphs.) Dominion Government to the extent Ed witb representatives of the Ottawa, March 22. Canadian of about twelve millions. new year, that being the result of t ress of Asia soldiers co-j (Speclalevia 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) A most delightful function took InIlrla nrrnin(1, noranna nT enomv The earnings of the road are the queen contest which was so community scheme. He London. March 21. In an place last evening in the Seal Cove -J0untries and against enemy Gov-Schpol about forty millions and the operating successful last year. Vancouver on April lJ interim re'uorl of the Coal Com house, when the Seal Cove ernmenls were so far reported to expenses well over thirty A recomikendation was made to immunity scheme was branch of the Red Cross Society iiative lolal Tliey comprise millions. mission, with Mr. Justice Sankey, $3lf525,000. tho new board that steps should the Dominion whist drive and dance. down by chairman, recommends seven gave a deblg owing by indivi(iuals and Will Fight. and later adopted uver a nunarea guests were pres- be taken at once to complete the hours of work underground instead corporalions in Germany, Aus-ent Thai tho raikvnv will nut nr a b pressure had been, brought of eight from July 10 und, and aLti8Ufy.Ativ4ti.ia and lands allied with them fleht for life la the ceneral onih- exhibition! building, the exterior through the British Col- enjoyable nature of the monthly to be covered with rustic andhe J.tat six hours from July 13, 1921, lQ Canadians to amount of $775,-gathsrings. ion in well informed circles, but il'ia members of Parliament subject to the economic position W0. ciaims for property of Can- on the other hand the Government interior to bo strengthened and a li endorsement of the or the industry. It also recommends Cards were played until ten adians in enemy countries ag-o'clock, sema eauallv determined to take finished. Action will probabjy be !(me the Provincial Gov-liient. an increase of wages of and in progressiVe whist negating $750,000 and demands ft over. taken on this recommendation. two shillings shift for colliery the highest scorers were Miss "for compensation for damages Officers were elected for the per Hawa, March 22. The depu- under sliding Gertrude Hills, and J. Oliver. Th9 due to illegal warfare $30,000,-! coming, year,' C. G. Perry being workers representing the soldiers now other prize winners were Mrs. 000. LAND SPECULATOR IS chosen president and D. McD. advance of shilling scales and an one E'i Empress of Asia proposed Pattinson and Mr. Viger. Twoi Hunter vice-president. The directors under sixteen years. GOING TO VICTORIA suheme is returning J articles were -med; that pre STRJK nj ENGLAND are advertising for a permanent . In tho interest of the country "i n . 'inyitHo.,...1.1.. ucturu I 1 tuu 1. I sented by Mrs. A. Nicholson being , TO MAKE A PROTEST secretary. I he colliorv workers, it is recom m" Settlement Board for the effective won by Mrs. D. Scott and the one HAS DE.EN DLLAYhD mended are to have an file : :ii if land undur the co from Mrs. Hale won by Mrs.) Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces voice in the direction of the mines. p-alive system. Walker. Several members of the (special via o. T. r. Telegraphs.) Objects to His Land Being Taken your fuel bill and gives Symphony Orchestra were pres- by tho Government at $5.00 atlsfactlon. Phone 16. .P. R. The present system of ownership London( Marcu 22. A triple Acre When It Cost $11. instruments supplied an Coal Co. BAD SNOWSTORMS. ent and Ave and working is condemned, alliance of raiiwaymen, miners llonar Law in a statement in delightful music for dancing and transport workers at a con-which (Special via O, T. P. Telegraphs.) ; v . T. ... TeiegraAs.) was kept up until the early the whole said the ference reviewed pos- tho House of Commons, Winnipeg, March 22. Lysle 'nver Marrh 22. The west- Government accepted the report, hours- ition and passed a resolution who MAX HEILBRONER Abbott of Omaha, Nebraska, section of the country is Iso The receipts were about $40, recomm9nding raiiwaymen to including its undertaking to report ld which will to the funds of the represents a syndicate of American Reliable Jeweler as a result of a snow and on the question of nationalization go continuo at work pending further capitalists with larg? investments F Storm, All wirn nnmmiiiil. Red Cross Society. 'negotiations with the Govern- by May 2. in British Columbia lands Diamonds, Watches, Clocks on with the west has ceased. ment. This is interpreted said the report action Mr. Bonar Law and who has 25,000 acres along Cut-Glass, Silverware, Ivory ! recommended a further reduction BUILDING QUESTION to mean that there will be no tho line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Umbrella, Community Plate, inhe hours in 1921, because 'strike before Wednesday. Railway is proceeding to Etc. I "DEMERS" they assumed that by then the Board of Trade proposes to Call Victoria to protest against the output of 1913, namely 287,000,-000 Meeting to Discuss It TERRACE MAN DIES Land Settlement Board taking Corntr 3rd A. and 6th Strut. ; We are showintr some tons, would bo resumed. It Next Week. over at their appraised valuation ry smart hats for kiddies was estimated tho cost of what AT GENERAL HOSP'TAL their uncutivated farm lands. ,fr'tn two to ten years, in was recommended as for the current Arrangements are being inadej ; The Board has valued the lands ;lhe best straws and silk year would be 43,000,000. by the Board of Trade to have a Tj13 deat, t00k pla6o at tho at five dollars an acre when the ."I'lins. By the wav thev It was propsed that the profits of meeting in the city hall possibly oeneral Hospital yesterday of owners claim that they represent pre i goins luey must be the tho coal masters be limited to nn Wednesday next for the pur- Thnmna Smifh. ne-pd 10 vears. an investment of eleven dollars an I. lhmK Also a few fourteen penco per ton. The estimated pose of discussing the question from tuberculosis. The deceased,acre. . ... . ... . ... . P'ats in taffeta cost to the taxpayers would r i for two to or providing nomes lor tiia puojjjo wa3 nrougnt down rrom Terrace i inie years be Jicarly 30,000,000. t ! 1. n mV.AA lina m t 1 1 i . . l lumber wno are coming iieio. cie on inursaay nigut s train very Bring your require The oldest Canadian Life Co. been much discussion over the and Was immediately taken to ,ments lo us. Estimates furnished FOR QUALITY COME AND SEE fir and SERVICE AND SATISFACTION question wnat is iu ua uuuo w mo nospnai, wnere in spuo ui on all kinds of spruce, Agent. The J. F. Magulre, Canada, .... ... . .. .. ' H L.' ...I. nli la c n i; I 1,t I Georgetown Lumber Co. food' Board Licence No. 10-7340. meet tna suuuuuu wmvu io ov- every attention, uo wus uuuuiu iu cedar ious. I rally. He was accompanied to Full announcement in regard town by his sister, to the matter will be made at the jr Smith was born in Colorado WESTHOLME THEATRE beginning of the week. iTerrace.and is the Tho son of funeral C. A. Smith,arrange of Empress : Theatre ments aro in tho hands of Hayner TONIGHT ONLY NEWMAN ERB PASSED Brothers. Tonight Saturday Complete New Show THROUGH WINNIPEG DOROTHY DALTON REGIMENTS REFUSED x The Beautiful and Talented Actress Vfivvmnn Krb. executive member VIOLET MERSEREAU TO SHOOT BOLSHEVIKI Marcella' of the Prince Rupert Drydock and who portrays three distinct roles Engineering Co., with Headquarters 0 IN - ai is xuij ot numan Interest and comedy situations in New York, passed.through (Special via a. T. P. Telegraphs.) A Newsv nrl Dli. r. U'lnnlnnir Tlinrsdnv on his way to Paris. March 22. It is re "TOGETHER" itmresque screen magazine Prince Rupert. He is expected ported that two regiments in tho Your Old Favorite in a New Picture . n. nnnat Rimilav even- Odossa region mutinied when or A comedy drama brimful of exciting scenes and situations. A photoplay uereu iu uuuw tun jiui5hoiih ing. that will hold your attention from the start CHARLES CHAPLIN They said they would not shoot Tim trnni fishinc season onens heir brothers. ''His One Night Stand" on Tuesday next, March 25, and is free to all residents. Nonresidents, Wong Kim, Leo Hong and Chow A comedy that will make you laugh until your aides ache "The Jazz Waiter" however, must pay a Hing charged with breaking into license feo of a dollar a day for the Palace Cafe on 6th Street, Shows, 7.15 and 9 sharp: Admission 15c and 25c. Shows, 7 and 9 Admission, 25c and 15c each day they fish or a foo of five were brought un for election this ALEX. GRAY'S ORCHESTRA the Thl. is a'mornine and chose speedy trial. for season Monday - "Old Wives for New." Does your dollars Government license and Thoy will be tried on Monday at Mondav Only - Mae Murray in 'Trincess Virtuo," six reels and a mmiand ever wish you were again; if ao, Dominion L-KO young 2-Reel Komedy been 10 a. m. before Judge Young. come and see this picture in the west has not hitherto enforced strictly. rmoy Pieaueu not guuty.