Tim r3day, March 27, 1010. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 ARCHITECTURE IS BILL TO SUPPRESS Biscuit Special SUBJECT FORTNIGHTLY CHOSEN FOR CLUB SOCIAL DISEASES A jjiii for the suppression of veneral diseases has been intro Gives Belter Results Than Milk u arrived 1000 lbs of the most delicious fresh and William Bruco Talks on 8ubject uuced in the legislature by the crisp biscuits or His Own Profession at provincial secretary. It pro Why should you feed milk to your calves when you. can ' Presbyterln Church vides for the keeping of records sell that milk, gaining better mulls by feeding' v SALE WHILE THEY LAST Hall. ON and the making of reports to the 50c, on sale for .40c per lb medical health officer by every BLATCHFORD'S Calf Meal lbs. reg. William 200 Bruce, architect, gave medical practitioner and by the 600 lbs. reg. 40c, on sale for 32 Jc per lb very interesting address last Heads of public institutions, with Containing a wider range or proper nutriments, 'which Li one, night In the Presbyterian Church -f the secrets of successful talf raising, It surpasses any other 35c, on sale for 25c per lb, hall in two days after the existence of food on the market. As the final results In money earned from 200 lbs. reg. on architecture from the the disease has been ascertained. your cattle depends upon the Ivlnglng up of the calf, It Is of Ramsay's Sodas, special. . ... .3 boxes for $1.00 middle ages down to the present The- doctors will bo provided with vital interest to you to Inquire Into tbts calf food. time. Ho nntllnpfl Him molhnrlq serial numbers to be used when usea in ine construction penoa patients object to their names ap of the prehistoric ages in Scot pearing on the record. Fuller's Grocery land, long before Scottish history Persons refusing or neglecting I commenced.He also touched upon the sub treatment,to or acting in such a For That Non-Paying Cow way as conduce to spreading Fuller, Smart Steen Ject of how buildings wore pro the disease, may be confined in a vided by the British, the United hospital Maybe Just one cow In your herd, though eating as much-, or jail until the danger 45 PHONE plates, and New Zealnd as the others, only produces a few quarts or milk n day. There's PHONE govern is over. Persons committed to a remedy for this in ments for residential purposes, prison for any offense and found and how easy it was made for the infected may bo detained until PRATT'S Stock Food new comer in New eZaland to step cured. All hospitals receiving into a post office and borrow aid from the provincial treasury With, a little attention In reeding, you can usually turn her for the construction of Into a pront-paylng cow. PRATT'S STOCK FOOD assists Nature money a are required to make adequate In aiding digestion and Increasing the flow or milk. Begin dwelling for his family. provision for treatment. Advertising feeding that poor milker, today. It means the difference between Co-Operatlon. of drugs, medicine, or instruments profit and loss. Batteries Storage House Wiring Co-operation was his strong will b e prohibited. point, however, "I m a great believer None but Charged and Repaired legally qualified prac-tioners in all its branches in co-operation," said Mr. Come In While will bo allowed to pre and Talk Matters Over No Loss of Time Bruce, "in fact I don't see how a scribe. Your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC-irons young town like this can amount Overhauled. Another Is Vancouver Milling & Grain Co., Ltd. to anything without this method A man had a range to sell. He Always Available. GRILLS of procedure. And another thing," advertised it in The Daily News Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Mission City Agents For TOASTERS went on the speaker, "the foundation and within an hour after the paper CVINRUDE Portable RANGES of co-operation is honesty, was on the street the range was Motors. HEATERS it will never make a success if sold. If you have anything to sell CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS any grafters are permitted to take ry the classified column. WASHING MACHINES part in it. It is not the capitalists REGAL rtunabouts.Engines for LAMPS who middle start class."co-operation, it is the MINERAL ACT. Shoe Fitting by Practical Shoemen AT THE Trolling. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Great Future. The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS GENERATORS Mr. Bruce said he was very NOTICE. PETTER HEAVY OIL much impressed with Prince Rupert Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look Family Shoe Store ENGINE FOR ut. Mystery, Midas Lake Frac, Fas Frac-lonal MOTOR SWITCH E8, when first landing here, and Mineral Claims, situate In me Port-and FISHING SCH00NER3 Canal Division of Casslar Dis Mining ETC. thought that a great future was trict. in store for the town. He thought wnere located: on the East salmon Third (Avenue Full line of Electrical Appiratus in stock. hat a stop should be put to Hi River T.h Valley.nunc: mat l, a. u. ureen, aci-nr A real live up-to-date EXCLUSIVE Shoe Store featuring all building of flimsey wooden houses as ag-ent for L. Watklns. F. M. C. No. the shoo requirements for boys and girls, men, women, 16340-C; C. V. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9,588-n. Parkin & Ward electric to. Ltd. that in the long run brick was M. Martin. F. M. C. No. 9.587-C: II. AGENTS FOR J. Fetter. F. M. C. No. 9.597-C: H. E. Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 just as chep if not cheaper than Carlton, F. M. C. No. 0,698-C; Martin The "Dorothy Dodd," J. & T.Bell, Ames, Holden Macready, lumber and would make a permanent Welcn, F. M. C. No. 9,59-C, Intend, Uly "Lady Belle," and "Vassar" Shoes for Ladles. days rrora tne date nereor, to appiy to ine job, thereby laying the Minlnir Recorder Tor a Certificate or Im Slater, "Invictus," Tetrauit, Ames Holden Macready, J. provements, for the purpose of obtaining oundation of a large city. a crown urant or tne auove ciaim. Leckle & Co., and Amherst Shoes for Men. The Rev. Dr. Grant added a few And further take notice that action, un "Eclipse," "Chums," "Sterling," Pillow welt and Ahreus der section 85, must be commenced before words to what Mr. Bruce had said the issuance or sucn certiucate or im- Shoes for Boys and Girls. remarking that he hoped Prince Drovements. E. R. Tabrum is to all forma of foot troubles. Westinghouse uaiea tms am day or marcn, a. u. iviv, fully qualified treat Rupert ws now making a start to A. H. UUttn. We carry a full range of Sertoli's Arch Supports, etc success. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Geo. Hill is a practical shoemaker and repairer. We have a fully equipped Repair Dept. notice IS HEREBY GIVEN that tte re ELECTRIC RANGES POLICETTES WASH serve existing aver Lot 418, Queen char COME AND SEE US lotte islands, tty reason or a notice pud- ALL PAINTED FACES llshed July, 1908,in the is 13.cancelled.C. Gazette on the 30th of GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM 0. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands, The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 .ands Department, (Special via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) Victoria. B. C. Did it ever occur to you that the cost of operating an Cth March, 1919. M 13 Newark, March 27. Newark's A lomalic Electric Range, including the cost of power, "policeltes" who for several LAND REGISTRY ACT Ready for Business, Thursday March 27 tor water heatinar is actuallv less than the cost of coal weeks have been on still hunt for (Sections 36 and 131.) used for the same purpose? painted cheeks, on occasion for. File Re Application No. 10.7S8-I. 6.134. Isn't such information worthy of consideration? cibly washing the faces of of TAKE NOTICE that application has been your made to register Thomas Trotler of Prince fenders, today were handed a de We are distributors for the Canadian Westinghouse Rupert, 11. C, r. u. vox 333, as owner 111 LINZEY'S GROCERY "vam Deeds from the tailed description of genus ree under two Tax Sale . Hnmnn. I l. i i rr l . r.nMiTior of the Cltv of Prince Rupert. uuiliuuiit aim JL7 II I'M lirHIIHriM 111 I I I I I I- lllll U I If 1 It 1 1 Ltir pire" and instructed to go out bearing date the 9th day of December, backed by that of our principals, that Westinghouse and "gel" every "vamp" in the IV 18, or ALL AND SINGULAR that certain 216 SIXTH AVENUE WEST parcel or tract of land and premises situate, Automatic Ranges are the very best made and the most city. lying and more being particularly In the City known of Prince and import, described Opposite The Rink. economical of operation. as lots forty-four (44) and forty- five (45), mocK nneen section uve We will undertake the complete installation for you (5), (Map V23). iou are required iu contest the claim of the tax purchaser Everything Clean and Bright Attractive Prices. at a reasonable figure. May we now submit our proportion? In the Letter Box uiihin as. davs from the date of the ser vice of this notice (wblcb may be effected Quick Service and Civility. : jj by advertising), and your attention Is called to section 30 of the "Land Registry LEGITIMATE DEMAND Acf with amendments, and to the follow- ng"and extract In default tnererrom:or a caveat or certificate PrtniiA 586 If you cannot come Phone 586 me rnnce Rupert supply to. Editor of Daily News: the of lis registration pendens as being owner filed of before tho A 11 U and see In regard to your editorial in person entitled under such tax sale, Limited all persons so served will notice, . . ; which you spoke of the packers .... and those claiming through p ! O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 of Alaska patronizing the people or unuer them, and all persons claiming any interest In the land by virtue of Alaska and wlierever possioie or any unregistered Instrument, and Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager all persons claiming any Interest In employing Alaskans, that is certainly the land by descent whose title is not Edward Cunningham, Vice-President ill llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll an object lesson for the registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped packers in this part of the coun and debarred rrom setting up any claim to or In respect of the land so I McGQWAN & HANSON try. sold for taxes, and the Registrar shall Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. Prince Rupert people shouia register tho person entitled under demand that either the salmon sucn tax sale as owner of the land so packers of the north should deal ANn sold ror whereas taxes." aDDllcatlon has been . LIMITED " Cycle & Co. In this town or else give Prince made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title HARDWARE Repair o tho above mentioned lands, in tne name FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE Rupert people a chance to estab of Thomas Trotler. AND WHEREAS on investigating ine Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories lish canneries of their own. mo ille It appears that prior to the 10th day fflfillnir is srrowing that the only f October, 1917, (the date on which tho Fish Netting) Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage land were sold for overdue taxea) Repairs of All Kinds thing to do is to look after our- you were the registered owner thereof. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. elves. Ottawa must be made to same time I shall effect registration tn Is in earn- pursuance of such application and Issue a Prince Rupert that see Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the sail Registered OiBce: Prince Rupert Office: Bicycles, Sewing Mach ines, Graphaphones, st in wanting to get free traae land In the name of Thomas Trotier union 08 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 vmi liVn and prosecute the proper Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys made, in canneries. 1' proceeding to establish your claim, D. C. P. O. Box 1608 Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe The canners from Victoria and proposed any, to the action said on lands,my or part.to prevent such Vancouver, Vancouver come up here, lake DATED at the Land Registry Office, mip fish, cmnloy Orientals to catch Prince Rupert, D, C, this S5th day or nlrlfirSnn All Marrh, 1919. VI I- and pack them, and then ship II. t. M.M.L.tUl, Phone 37 P.O. Bos 1704 District Registrar of Titles. 111 be rdy for business, with supplies, on or them down to Vancouver ior ex-nnri. To Alfred Gendron, This has to stop or the Trlnce Rupert, O. C. I -UUut txyni i ac tne nany mnson people of Prince Ruport must For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Plumbing Shop know the reason wny. TOOT I TOOT I TOOT I ; 139 2nd Ave. - - - Prince Rupert Tho fish belong to this district. CLEAR THE TRACK TJHHEJSAVO The canners do not belong here, rnone 489 mucn as Weill Here comes Casey it neither do they buy so F, T, BOWNESS. Mtr Bg!!g iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiil pound of tea hero, uney wm. Jones' Special to arrange his Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. have to bo driven out unless wey Eastor Monday aro prepared to do the right thing DANCE Home Cooking; Running Hot and Cold Water with us. , Which ho is giving at will publisn mis Trusting you .Georgetown Lumber Co. legitimate demand which I know THE RINK represents the mind of tho people On April 21. Yea! Yea! 130 "d 423. p. 0. BOX 132 hero, I am BB Harvey's Orchestra will meet BOSTON GRILL iUTl&ucn. "Best DETERMINED his arrival. him on Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. Enclosed) (Card date 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 Reserve this FISH FtnVCO H onr-x.. Salvation Army. Full Particulars Later. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. PRUCE pip rpnAR Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. Publio meetings, Tuesdays, L. J. Marren, Prop. DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 43c. to 50c. Deisert at yry meal. Consult Us. Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. Phone Blue 197. Short orders at any time. r.. Sundays at 7:30 p. rn.