.h,,v, March 27, 1010. THE DAILY NEWB. Page 5 LIFETIME OF SLOVAKS TAKE CITY OF RAAB SUFFERING Dentistry Place Is Midway Between Vienna Kfj3RSHyf Because -.- - m- and Budapest and Cannon revented by "Fas" Foundary is There. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! lie Wonderful Fruit Medicine (Special by 0. T, P., Telegraphs.) One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Borlin, March 20, It is report Efficiency "amy opinion,no other medicine ed from Vienna that a communi II, I '11 II o good 'Frult-a-lives' fof cation between Vienna and Buda y 1 UonandConsUpallon. pest has been interrupted through v years, I suffered with these the capture by Czecho Slovaks of J diseases, trvinj all kinds of Itaab on the Danube midway be, "11..-.nl Mv until I was told I was tween the cities. Dr. Bayne Largo Hungarian cannon foundries Onfdayarriend told me to try are situated at Raab, .. .! Tn imv surprise. I OFFICE HOURS: ..,nhls medicine gate Immediate Morning, 9 lo 12, Afternoon, 1.30 Id 5.30; Evening, 7 to 3 .n In a short time 1 was an TOO MUCH CAPITAL cbt again . D0NAT LALONDE INVESTED IN MILLS Dental Nurse in attendance. EE H Phone 109 for appointment 50c.a ooi,u 1 ----- - t 111 QCBICJO Lumber Mills of Paclflo Coast Have a Capacity More Than Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHillllllllllillllllllll Double the Actual Cut THE DAILY NEWS KlO J The saw-mills of British Col "rtMEt J SM11CU . nuiviMuius umbia were estimated in 1014 to 98 have an annual capacity of 2,555 Phone million board feet. As the cut WOOD PULP EXPORT S.S. PRINCE RUPERT j. the Advertising- Column that for tho highest year. 1913, was fe!e rd wnott mej win ;v" only 1,157 million feet, the pres Ottawa, March 27. The Canadian ent saw-mill capacity of tho prov. Trade Commission announces SAILING GIVEN AWAY inco is more than double the a new ruling under which amount of the actual cut. A sim this country will Tesume exportation THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver 1,1 Island given away nn Lewis ilar situation prevails south of of wood pulp to Mexico. and Victoria. fishermen witn famines. the international boundary, so WATER ACT, 1914. WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. lust become bona-flde settlers. far as the excess of mill capacity It is just as cheap to get your RIPARIAN .RIGHTS S. S. PRINCE JOHN fciply at r liners uruueiy, over annual cut is concerned. printing done wel! and done at NOTICE Is hereby given that under the write 1J. strieinorsi, uw auo provisions or Section 6 or the Water Act, Queen Charlotte Islands March 20th and April 3rd. the the mills it is to tx For year 1914, of lome as send it avray. Try 1914, every riparian proprietor claiming LmcK Ilnnert. tho United Slates, including Nor The News Print. Shop. any right to divert water or to the exclusive of water for use any purpose by WANTED. thern Idaho, Eastern Washing virtue only or bis being' such nuarlan pro TRAIN 8ERVICE prietor Is required on or before the first ton and Eastern Oregon, had an day of June, 1920, to Ilia a statement ot rassenger Monday, Wednesday andSATURDAY at ll:J0a.m. ror Smithers EiTED Competent fisherman stimated annual capacity of claim setting forth the particulars or bis Prince Oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all claim. Such statements of claim shall be i work 30-ft. trolling coat on more than 13.6 billion feet, while nied In duplicate with the Water Recorder points east and south. share profits. No capital or the Water District In which the water IK the annual cut is only 6.8 billion Is diverted or used. iquired. Apply box 234 Dally feet. Thus, half the saws in the After the first day of June, 1920, no AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. right to divert water or to the exclusive lews. region in question must remain use or water for any purpose shall exist For information and reservations apply to by virtue only of any ownership of land. . y-t 1 I I idle, for lack of a sufficient mar G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket your lurs 10 uoiuutoom, CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Forms of statement ot claim can be obtained AgenL 'high, ket for the product. from the Water Recorders of the City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 He Avenue. pays several Water Districts In the Province or Ig If This locking up of capital in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat the re from the Comptroller of Water nights, t price. mills and machinery was due serve existing over vacant Crown Land In parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. the vicinity of Cbelaslle niver, Range 4, Dated at Victoria, B.C., this 11th day Woman to do scrub- partly to the over-confidence of Coast District, by reason of a notice published of Marcb, 1919. and cleaning. Apply to tho lumbermen in the of In the British Columbia Osteite of T. D. rATTULLU, n? ability 2 6 lb May, 1910, Is cancelled. Minister of Lands. Btron, P. R. General Hospital. the markets to absorb lumber, u. it. nAut..T, Deputy Minister of Lands. TIMBER SALE X14G6. and partly to the efforts of the Department of Lands. CHEX HELP WANTED at the millmen to realize quickly on Victoria,Ittb B. a, 1019. M 18 Sealed tenders will' be received by the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Marcb, lander Boarding House. Minister or Lands not later than noon on their timber investments. In many the 17th day of April, 1919, for the purchase QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- or Licence X 1466, to cut 1,460,000 theso efforts forced HELP WANTED cases, were I JUL I UI311WU1 U( Bkt.cn A. feet of Soruce. Cedar and Balsam on an Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points by the pressure of economic conditions. area situated on Big Lake, Ellerslle Bay, EHE.N HELP WANTED IN- TAKE notice that The Aeroplane Spruce Range 3, coast District. via Steamer to Vancouver and the From "Forest Resour Lumber Co.. Ltd.. of Port Clements. B. C. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal LNDER BOARDING HOUSE. ces of British Columbia," shortly occupation saw mill. Intends to apply for of timber. Canadian Pacific Railway permission to lease me rouowinr uescnoeu Further particulars of the Chief Foret- to bo published by the Commis lands: er. Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Meals and Berth included ITED Woman to prepare commencing at a post planted at tne Prince Rupert. B. C. A 18 on Steamer bcheon and dinner (electrio sion of Conservation. northeast corner or Lot 8, Block 45, post or subdivision or Dst. Lot 74. thence TIMBER SALE X 1605. se and take care of apart- north 8 chains, thence west 30 decrees south to approach of Government wharf, nt. U. S. Wallace. tf TRYING TO MAKE thence southerly ilonr said approach of Sealed tenders will be received by the FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Government Whirr to northwest corner of Minister of Lands not later man noon on February 23th, Marcb nth, and 21st; April 1st, lllh and 21st; May 2nd, FOR SALE RESPECTABLE Lot 1. Block 45, tnence easterly aion? tne he 11th day or April, iwiw, ror me pur-rhi LIQUOR waterfront or lots 1. t. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7 and 8, nr f Irrnre X 1605. to CUt 1.939.000 121b and 23rd; June 2nd. block 45 to place or beginning. reet of nr and cedar on northerly portion AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO., LTD. cf Lot 831, South Bentlnck Arm, Range SALE 44 acres of good farm FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANOELL, 8 K AO WAY, ALASKA Coast District. via 0. T. P. Tel'graphs.) Date, March 20. m. 3, (Special id on the Skeena River; 8 Two 2) years will be allowed for re London, March 27. A bill has moval of timber. From Prince Rupert February 24lh, March 7th, 17th and 28th; April 7th, res cleared, with good house, Further particulars of the Chief Forester, 17th and 28th; May 8tb, 19th and 29th. ght at Kwinitsa station. Prico been introduced into tho House of Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince CO cash and the balance of Lords with the object of converting Know Rupert, B. C 0 in one year. Apply to public bar-rooms into social We THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent. uis Auriol, Kwinitsa, 13. C, or halls. The author of the mea THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION I. U. Mortimer, agent, Prince sure, L.oru juamingion, proposes Where the ACT and Co ner Fourth Street end Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. ipert, B. G. tf to transform a saloon into a NICHOLAS THE MATTER EI3CHEN.OF THE DECEASED,ESTATE IN OF ! house of refreshment and recrea TESTATE. SALE--Fishing boat, com. music and dancing TAKE NOTICE that In order of His tion where Milk Goes Honour F. McB, Young, made tne iin te. in running order; 38 feet might be permitted and children day of March, A. D. 1919, I was appointed If, 8 feet beam, 15 h. p. Can-aa allowed to bo present with their Elschen,Administrator deceased,10 ine and tmic an parties ui i".,""naving engine, used only one parents. Brewers are giving the We used to wonder where all claims against the said estate are verined,hereby I The Union COAST SERVICE, he milk wo put up was going. required to furnish same, properly lS0n. Also ETP.nr nnd Hnrv. bill their support. to me, on or before the 13 th day of April, For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m.; Sat., 4 and all parties indebted to tne estate If DarliClllara nnnlv 4K7K Tho personal house-to-house 1919, is calculated," commented of Steamship "It are required to pay the amount p.m. nth Avenue cast. 75 Society, nvestigations have shown us. heir indeoteaness to me loriuwuu. an official of the Browers' JOHN II. McMULLIN, Anyox, Alice Arm and Pcii Simpson, ISALL 'to alleviate tho tone of publio Wo find that dozens of homes Omclal Administrator. : Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. Good team of horses, it by the case and use no DATED this 13th day of March. 1919. )uy Naas River ipectivcly 1.C00 houses. I think the general view Points, Friday a.m. and 1.800 lha of the trade will be that it is a Hher milk at all. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BHm&ll Ltd. Ppply box 229 Daily News, tf Others buy a dozen tins at a I.ULU.MU1A. Jack Barnsley, General Agent step in the right direction." IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA i SALE-. time. TION ACT -Slightly used piano, and pas, Singer Shop. 329 Second BRITISH TO OCCUPY Many homes use it for cooking, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ut pnue. 7 j and get fresh milk only for the CEASED,HERBERT INTESTATE.ALMItU BI16AU1.1, uu- THE GREAT BIG DAM hildren. TAKE notice that In order of Ills SALE Honour F. McB. Young, made tne tstn WESTHOLME LUNCH Have you tried it yet? day or March, A. D. 1919, I was appointed F'on 6, $250 down. P. O. box Administrator to the estate or Herbert Aired SECOND AVE. March 26. British Pacific Milk Co. Breaden, deceased, and all parties 75 London, having claims against the said estate are HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. troops from tho Soudan have been hereby required to furnish game, properly tSAIV rni LIMITED verified, to me, on or before the 13 th day L"wiures.roomea nouse sent to occupy Assouan where of April, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted L Wt A A 2G. Blnr.k- . 93 4 1 the great Nile dam is located, ad 332 DRAKE 8TREET the amount to the of estate their are Indebtedness required to to pay me Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. Lu cash. Phono Red 267. vices from Egypt state. Troops Factory at Ladner, B. 0. forthwith. Short orders all the time. Special'rates with room'and board. SALE - Baby aro now widely distributed Canada Food Board Llcans 14-1B6. juiin omclal it. mc.iiuui-i.i,Administrator, carriage and tho DATED this 13th day of March, 1919. !!i5!chu. Third Ave. throughout province. feSALE- New laid icd-9 nvorw "IT'sTgREAT LIFE IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES Howling alley. Third Ave. r" E. TAXI SERVICE J1? MESSENGER SERVICE 8'it and Dav. riir, nn ARCHITECTS L'AM BniTPT? r n . o, . CeCourt'hs'ct, Prince rinns nnA - - ,lu oueuinca-r nnVilin 1 . Bldin. r "u u"u Pr'vate . MISCELLANEOUS OIITON. jpi,. , r.'Wo. Hairdressimr. R7fli en in I i""ut bireet. DDfjr.rl....;doub. le PERSONAL Z. ",r essmakers" iHlt JIJL 5couve n?t- We'ton Blk Itore. ln cnnecllon whether with TO or M m I irp 1