Page 2 THE DAILY EW, saturd., jatvhj The Dailv News MADE IN MAIL SCHEDULE' . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA For tho EasL Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, 'by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- Printing and Publishing Co., Third..Avenue. irdays at t:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. Wlvon trrkiif. 1. 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. i' wui jiuu aciicj it 1 lays at 5:45 p.m. caused by; your liver 7 City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c or By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. For Vancouver: . out of order. These "fcktK To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays ...... 5 p.m. quickly disappear as soon as the Thursdays . . . 10- p. m. is relieved of its bilious Telephone 93. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, Tfa. m. contents your stomach and 1 TRANSIENT' DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver ij" the ivcr whh nccchaEm'8tCPidviS Contract Rates on application. Sundays 10 p.m. iVednesdayB . . , ...M0:30.a. m. rapidly improve and pton d Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, DAILY EDITION. Saturday, March 29, 191U. at 9 a. m. H elp Headache New Policy of For Anyox: - Lard Settlement. Sundays ....... 10 p.m. Direction, of SpecUl Value io Women Vednesdays 10 .re vith rt(r. An Ottawa newspaper that is apt to he in the know says that p. m. PPrJ"Jt br Tbemu Rwck.m,St. H.W I .. Ctx-SJI tv.rn.htr,ia Cms.ud US. the Dominion Government is about to give up the free homestead From. Anyox: iE,1"i plan of settlement and instead put the lands up for sale by auction Tuesdays .a.m. The proposal is a radical change of policy and smacks too 'hursdays p. m. much of a reversion to the policy which landed British Columbia in dilllciilties. One of the chief arguments against the Dominion TO SUBSCRIBERS For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet handing its lands over to the provinces was that they were getting points: SAL? no revenue from their sale and thai they were better able to Subscribers to The News hutidays . ...iu p.m. FURNITURE settle them than the provinces could' be. If, however, the Do- are asked to pay the delivery . - J 1 i f ;i2 I II 11 ; t - mimim is iu inuKt; capital ui us iuiius, in c ii me pruviiice xii u J nave boys each month From Port Simpson and Naas a ngnt to demand mat tney get tne' proceeds: when they call," except River Points: What 18 Better where payment has been ?ucsdays p. m. Diningroom Suite, Golden Oak Finish made for the In advance. ' Class of Settler? year was $60, now $50 The boys when Queen Charlotte Islands: The despatch sspeaks- of inducing a better class of settler by collecting official For Massett, Port Clements and Diningroom Suite, Maple Fumed Finish cany receipts selling the lands than by giving them away. That is a matter of ' which should nl-Avays ' Upper Island points: was $S5, now $71) opinion. Just what is meant by a better class of settler has to be defined. It possibly means that rich men will buy, whereas be preserved. rur Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Diningroom Suite, Surface Oak Finish City and Lower Island only poor men would take the free lands under the restrictions points: was $115, now ' $7(1 23, Feb. March that are imposed. And yet the history of prairie settlement has anuary 0, 20; o, shown that in a majority of cases the poor men make better MINERAL. ACT 20th, at 7 p.m. Diningroom Suite, Plain Oak Finish, selllers than the rich and that the permanent prosperity of the was $110, now $91 Port Clements and Mabset, country depends on getting men who are industrious rather than Certificate of Improvements. rom men who have money. .NOTICE Upper Island points: Diningroom Suite, Quarter Cut Oak "To bring in rich people to settle the lands means the estab From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Finish, was $130, now lishment of large farms, something which they are trying to gel "lied Point Extension" mineral claim. City and Lower Island poinls- flume In tne Naas Itlver .Mining Division 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. rid of in England. The scheme on the face of it does not seem or cassiar District. anuary Carpet Squares from $15 to $52 50 Where located: On the kltsault River. 11 and 25th, a. in. democratic. there be which will make Possibly may restrictions, near tne nig canyon. the new scheme workable, but those who believe in developing TAkE NOTICE that Lewis W. PaUnore, Floor Oil Cloth from $1.50 to $6.00 Free Miners Ccrtincate IVo. S0.407-C act For Skagway and the Yukon. the democratic spirit in Hhis. country will look on a measure of in; as agent Tor Ole Evlndscn, Free Miner's thai kind with suspicion until (hey can be shown that it is all days certificate from the ll.iss-c hereof, to Intends,apply to sixty the anuary 27, t ea. a and 22 a a. in. Cash Prices Balance of the Month From and Yukon, right Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, Skagway for the purpose or obtaining "ebuary 1 and 15 a. m. irown uram or tue aoove ciaim. Pattullo Deals With And further take notice that action, Fisheries Regulations. ' under section 85. must be commence) itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp before the Issue of. such t.ertlllcate of Bailie's Furniture Store Mr. Pattullo has been taking up the cudgels in the Legislature Improvements. Point. tMTc.u mis sin aay or February, a. d. on behalf of the people of Prince Rupert. He made an 9 IV. .lose Jan "31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 pm appeal for consideration for the returned soldiers in the fisheries MINERAL ACT rrive Feb. 3, 17: March 3rd. 2nd Street and 3rd Ave. business and especially in connection with salmon fishing. He suggests that the soldiers have first claim to the licenses, that the Certificate of Improvements. A number or people have ad- Indians and residents of the district get second chance. NOTICE ertised furniture for sale in this A select committee of the Legislature under the chairmanship paper and they have had dozens of G. G. McGeer had the of nl.fV n.i Htln.4l !.I m, .!.... I. of customers Phone Black 183 Phone 181 1 reported against employment v.iavm w V.1 ai 11 1 BI.U.IO 111 as a result. Some Black returned men in the salmon fisheries, saying that the fish must lha Naas Mining Division of Cassiar District. people want to keep their" furni Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instrument be conserved for the purpose of making the industry profitable near Where. located:uis iujuu.On the kltsault River, ture. They do not advertise. Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances to those engaged therein. The following is the recommendation TAKE NOTICE that John If. McMllllln. Ofllclal Administrator of (he Estate of in part: Charles swanson, deceased. Intestate, Free Prince Rupert Music Store Miners certiucaie no, 3,52-1;, intends, Select Committee's sixty days from the date hereof, to apply WILL EDNUMBS. l Pr-pn : to the Mining Recorder' for a Ccrtincate Report in Part. or improvements, for tho purpose of on OPP08ITE POST OFFICE Your Select Committee was attended by Deputy Commissioner aining a crown urani or tne aDove claim. ftepalr to all kinds or itrlnred InitmmcnM. rium ar.l car!a?U nttSM And .further take notice that action. and adjuitfd. Dowi rebalrrd and re :i of Fisheries Babcock, and upon hearing Mr. liabcock and upon under Section 86, must be commenced Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Start before the Issue of such. Certincate or making further investigation, your Select Committee is of the improvements. opinion that in formulating measures for the rehabilitation of 1819.dated tnis 5th day of February. A. D. WATER ACT, 1914. soldiers full consideration should be given to the fisheries, for Itll'AIUAN IU0IITS twe main the first that Committee MINERAL. ACT reasons, being your believes NOTICE If hereby .a-lven that under the thbt the fishing industry, if properly developed, would provide provWlonj of Section C of the Water Act, We Know li. every riparian Drourletor claimlna I - I employment for a large number of returned men, and lhe second Certificate of improvements. ny riKui to uiveri water or to tne ex GOAL was that by the proper development of that industry the high cost NOTICE clusive virtue only use or or his water being;ror such any riparian purpose proprietor by pAeinc, of living problem would be solved in a measure in at least one of "lied Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate la ream red on or before the lint Where the Price List - - Delivered of day June, to file 1820, a statement or its many phases. While your Committee made some investigation siar n the District.Naas lUver Mlnlna- Division of Cas claim setting: forth the particulars or his into the possibilities of the returned soldier engaging iu-what WliiTe located: On 4 he Kltsault River. clal.n. Such statements or claim shall be 12 . Grail'-Screened, filed in duplicate With the Water neenrder is known as the "salmon-fishing industry" in such places as the TAKE NOTICE that. Lewis W. Palmore, oi ine water unmet in wuicti the water Milk Goes Sai x;d, eraser niver and elsewhere, your Committee is not of the opinion. rrce Miner's Certificate No. S0.407-C. act-ng is Aner diverted tne or nrst useu.dav or June. 1090. nn Mine Hun, sacked 11.15 in view of the condition of that industry, that it presents the best Certificate a agent No.for U.I57-C,Olerl'carson.intends,Free Miner's sixty right to divert water or to the exclusive wo uscu to wonuer wnero a Screened, in bulk 115) possibilities for the successful employment of days from the date hereof, 10 apply to tin-Mining use or water ror any purpose shall exist ho milk bulk 1US returned men. the Recorder ror a Certificate or Im-ruvements, uj virtue umy o any ownersmp of land. we put up was going. finn run in reason for such conclusion being that it is the opinion of your Crown for the purpose of obtaining Forms rrom of statement the Water or lternrter claim can b nr obtained ih Tho personal liousc-to-liouso Mine run bulk from car 1&B cunimiiicc mai a poncy oi conservation is at once necessary to a And rurtlicr Grant or take the notice ahovc claim.that action, several Water Districts In the Province or nvcstfgatlons liaVo shown us. All bulk o il wiirnod w re-esiawisn mat industry so that it may be made one of profitable before under the Section Issue 83,of must such be Certificate commenced or Parliament troin tne comptroller Buildings. Victoria.or water U. C.nights. Wo And that dozens of homes scales with added.adrfli. -31 charst r i possimuues lor tnose engaging In it. For instance, your Com Improvements. Dated at Victoria. B.C.. tbla nth dav )uy it by tho case and use n ,ier load millee ascertained the fact that in 1018 the total catch of sockeye )9lATtD this SUi day of February, A. D. vi mai i.ut v i v.T..D, PATTULLO, )lher milk nt all. ' salmon in the Fraser River was 75,000 cases, as compared with AVIGAULH MlnUier of Lands. Others buy a dozen tins at l Terminal Coal & WATERS 553,000 cases which were captured in 1014. the brood-vear of I'ROTEC. MINERAL ACT. lime. Phont, Pl" S the 1018 run. It is the opinion of your Committee that similar TION ACT Many homes use it for cooking, I Yard Phom, Bl depletions are being made on the Naas River,"Rivers Inlet, and n- s' c- Chapter III, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. and get fresh milk only for the most 01 me minor socKeye waters. - The Northern B. C Fisheries Limited hildren. hereby gives notice that they have, under NOTtrp Duties of Section 7 or the said Act, deposited with uttie joker. Mineral nut mmh tnnir. Have you tried it yet? the Minister or Public Works at Ottawa u., "jf'cij, nuuaj tug rrac, ras rrac-lonal Dominion. and In the office of the District Registrar Mineral Claim, umit. in ih. r.,. Pacific Milk Co. or Hie Land RegUtry District of im cmiai nulling- uivuion or Prince Cassiar Dis Your Committee also ascertained that in connection with the Rupert, at Prince Rupert, U c a descrlp trlct. LIMITED I National M halibut-fishing carried on on this coast tho 1018 catch shows dorklng lion Of the and Sltfl and ItlA nlnna rn. tn.n ,vi,er?,.l0Cllc1: 0n 'ne E Salmon mooring of cannery and fishermen 332 DRAKE STREET . decrease or 14,000,000 lbs. Your Committee, in view of the s boats as proposed on a portion of TAKE NOTICE that I, A. II. Oreen. act- of the Port Esslngton harbour at Port Esslnglon nir as agent ror L. Watklns, F. M. C. No. Factory at Ladner, B. O. Limit J provisions "Uritish North America Act" and subsequent In rront or Lots 3 and . . ... 1, Block 3. Easing-. .V" . l-arlcr. C. No. 9.88S-II. Canada 1 r..llnft Food Board Llcans 14-1 B0. legal interpretation of that Act, making it obligatory that the Do 'in Town9l'p. i'Plng a sub-dlvlslon or Lot M. Mart n. P. M r Nn o ... n Corner Sixth na ' 48. Range 5, Coast District. reuer, r. at, wo. 9,597-C: II. E. minion uuiernmeni assume tne iuh protection and encouragement And take notice 1h.1t nrinr tho ni canton, t. M. c. No. of the fisheries of or one month rrom the date or the first Welch. F. M. C. No. o ita.r. Tn..":.. S Groceries this province, and in view of the fact that publication of the said notice, the Northern ?i1y? rr0im ,D.da,e nereof. to apply to the High Class a direct revenue during the past ten years has been collected by B.C. Hlierlcs Limited will under Section "twiuii mr a leruncaie or im. 7 or tho said Act. annlv in ih. m provemcnts. ror. the or Meats the Dominion Government of between $45,000 and 850,000 a m 1119 omce in the City or V mu purpose suove claim.obtaining year, and under the new provisions as provided in the regulations nun?Jj'sV:y...... f he said site and And further take nntlm thm ,mi.. ... Hotel Prince Rupert Fruits der section inie iu use ine said rorc- 85, must be commenced before recently issued by tho Dominion Government that revenue is to j-horc ror the storage, docking and moor-ln ... ui ucn certincate or Im Confectionery be increased to $250,000 a year, deems it advisable that the orn.,nOuary.X,S0UV" Mnnf.'y a'l llshermen's C- lhfi Jioats.33ra d" provements.Dated this 5th day or March. A. D. 1919; EUROPEAN PLAN and Bakery Government of the Province British of Columbia should" recom r.OIUIIKIl.N n. C. FISIIEItlES LIMITED $1.50 per day and up. mend to Uie Dominion Government in definite terms the necessity A. r.rble. Serretarv. P9 0UEET.?.,iAnl:?clT 'STANDS LAND DI3- or developing the llshing industry in tho Province of British Columbia WATER NOTICE ....... uiiiiiui ur chtLNA. FIRST-CLASS CAFE along lines which will moan the engaging of large numbers TAKE notice Hint Th A Orinlann anBlli I A La Carte. of returned men, and at the same time amply protect that .DIVERSION AND USE occupation Lumber Co..saw Ltd..mill,or pftri Intends rio to'il ror A I Motor De'i-ery TAKE NOTICE that Tim. t industry from depletion and ultimate destruction. " iwiiowinir uescnueai whose address Is Terrace" U. C.. w" ipDly lands- - ror a licence to take and We i nil' c tlot F,rmfncln " P0It P'nted at the per second or water , . ou( or Thornl corner or im a it in.t I which riows north Skeonl and drains - -...-.v.. v. u.i, imi ?4o. tnence 7 uver about too r?r?y HZ. reel weal or north 8 chains, thence west 30 degrees NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! tr;am The water at a point will about h iiv.i.IS00 reel. south.. south thenco lovernment to souiherly approach Wharf along to of norlhwesrcorner Government said approach Wharf,of Hotel flyf :?.'ls..,J'?clc.4.5' thence easterly alomr the Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present iviork is r rv;: 'a.u ' 7 na . rnmcE nUPEHT, II. C, SUD'AGENCY this Ihe Olh notice diy and or JanWy. IB10 AcPy or AEIIOPLANE Hale, March 8P11UCE go. torn LUMDEfl CO . LTD. Tenders addressed to the Riih.Arent of Portland Can Watch this for u ' ne Buuve ietariiiieni. endorsed on tne en -:- space our -:-announcement Iherelo and taTtaw.T "'.. ' NOTICE OF velope "Tenders ror Lighthouse and Prop'i0 of a new supply iT iW Vt'uVcr"" nhe W.Wr"nVc,'; CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Steamer Supplies" ror I019-IVI0, will be M. Ill JAMIESO' NOTICE received up to Noon, March thirty-flrst, IS HEREBY Oblectlnnft in tha rr.iiA.i.- nivpur .h.i .s. filed with ihe Hm-WMneVorder TrR serve existing- over Lot 418 dueen rhir. 1 V Tender I V. Forms and Lin nr Rnnniien can WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED the Comptroller of Water niafiii p.h . Pii2 i'y.,rf"" f notice pub. I lift ritttnlnAri r,nin ih. .jut. , & "u'WInw, Victoria, within July, 1908, Is cancelled.Oaieite on the 30th or Depot, Prince Ilupcrt. U. C. and'all ten- BUTEDALE ..... uer inu no maae upon rorms supplied B.C. - - 0. - 11.1 i r iu a local niwinnn,r " It. NADEN, by the Dtpartinent. t,J A- VMWWK.: Xppllcant. .and, nen.1..t?'P.U,y Mlnl' f LndS. ine lowest or any tender not necessarily Now Open for' notice U J.nuar 8?,Syj).,,CBUon of iciona II n ccepted. (Hlmedl' v t. SAiiMnrrn 61b sr'ch, "leto M 13 Sub-Agent.