Pa turday, March 29, 1019. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 nftlin AC EAinnjiMiP I CATTLE STORY AT NEWSPAPER REPORTER EMPRESS TONIGHT Shoe Fitting by Practical Shoeraen Biscuit special AT THE Popular Athletic Star Comes to Great Production Full of Action Westholmo in New Role and Thrills Family Shoe Store Starring Monroe 1 urrived 1000 lbs of the biscuits most delicious fresh and Tonight. Salisbury. i crisp Douglas Fairbanks new nhoto- There Is a great atory at tho Third' Avenue,:$3 WHILE THEY LAST 1 ON SALE play, "Say, Young Fellow," which Empress Theatre tonight. An un- A real live up-to-date EXCLUSIVE Shoe Store featuring all I on sale for. 40c lb is ai ine westholmo tonight, is scrupulous cattle king objects 200 lbs. reg. 50c, per the shoo requirements for men, women, boys and girls. described as being, perhaps, tho very strenuously to homesteading AGENTS' f 600 ibS, reg. 40c, on sale for 32c per lb most novel in which ho ever has 'on his range and hires a "killer." FOR The "Dorothy Do-id," J. & T.Bell, Ames, Holden Macready, appeared. Tho story was written a man without a soul, to get rid lbs. reg. o J., uiouiv- mi r . ci iu "Lady Belle," and "Vassar" Shoes for Ladles. 200 uy josepn ncnaberry, who also di- of the.Intruders. Sodas, special 3 boxes for $1.00 reeled tho Slater, "Invlctus," Tetrault, Ames Holden Macready, J. II I Ramsay's picture. An admirablo This murderer and his gang of Leckio & Co., and Amherst Shoes for Men. cast, or players appears in sup- cattle rustlers proceed to busi "Eclipse," "Chums," "Sterling," Pillow welt and Ahreus port of tho popular Arlcraft star.' ness. But one homesteader, AU Shoes for Boys and Girls. In this photoplay Mr. Fair- cn McDonald, a Scotchman, played E. R. Tnbrum is fully qualified to treat all forms of foot troubles. by Monroo I Fullers urocerv Salisbury, swears We carry a full range of SchoH's Arch Supports, etc. vengeance on tho gang. Geo. Hill is a practical shoemaker and repairer. We have a fully Fuller, Smart C& Steen Can you Imagine Salisbury equipped Repair Dept. I wearing kilts and playing tho COME AND SEE US pipes in order to entrance to gain 1 PHONE 45 PHONE the enemy's camp. This is what GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM ho does. There is a strain of I The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 comedy running through the whole show. The scenes aro powerful and exciting. lllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllliyjj JABOUR BROTHERS' McGOWAN & HANSON Batteries Storage House Wiring SALE IS EXTENDED Charged and Repaired in all its branches No Loss of Time While Many Will Take Advantage of Cycle & Repair Co. Overhauled.Your Battery Another Is Being is IRONS ELECTRIC DOUGLAS FAIPBANKS Dollar Monday Day Offerings Next. on J Available. Always GRILLS AiABTCOAFfTW Owing to an error Jabou'r Bros, H Repairs of All Kinds Agents For TOASTERS banks portrays tho role of a wideawake, sale advertisement was omitted CV IN RUDE portable RANGES optimistic reporter employed yesterday artd as a result tho time Motors. HEATERS in a small city, who wins lias been extended one day. Largo Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphones, CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS distinction by interviewing a mil- numbers of people have already Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys made, Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES ionairo who not only has neve taken advantage of this sale and Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe REGAL Engines for LAMPS been interviewed before, but who all have found goods that are up Trolling. announced that ho never would to the minute at low sale prices. The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS GENERATORS submit to reportorial inquisition. On Monday there will be many Soldering of All Kinds PETTER HEAVY OIL, How Mr. Fairbanks, known as special offerings, particulars of Will be ready for business, with supplies, on or ENGINE FOR MOTOR SWITCHES, "the young fellow," gets to the which may be seen in the advertisement about April 1 at the Harry Hanson FISHING SCHOONERS millionaire and obtains the story in this number. I: . ETC. he is after, is said to be a highly Plumbing Shop f Full line of Electrical Apparatus in stock. interesting development, new to SPANISH DANCE AT 139 2nd Ave. - - - Prince Rupert modern Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd motion pictures. WESTHOLME THEATRE Phone 489 PRINCE RUPERT'S MEMBER Thone 115 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 ! DEALS WITH FISHERIES IN Appeal Made by W. E. Williams PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE For Help in Building Campaign. lill!lll!llllll!ll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!lllilll!!illlll Continued From Page One.' Last night was Amateur Night S.S. PRINCE RUPERT fishing and packing and all other at the Westholmo Theatre and it fishing and packing should bo proved to be a decided success. Dentistry thrown wide open. During the intermission, V. E. SAILING I understand that for the Williams made his appearance on coming season the Federal au the stage and spoke of tho new thorities have abolished DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH I J THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean' Falls, Vancouver the in housing.scheme, and asked thein and Victoria. iquitous system of boat rating,Uo give him all the support they WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. and that all licences issued thislcould in making it a success. One Decayed or Missing Tooth .lowers Your 1 t year will be independent licences. .Following this IS. Craggs gave Efficiency S. 8. PRINCE JOHN i understand mat 850 licences the audience a hearty laugh for Queen Charlotto Islands March 20th and April 3rd. will be issued on tho Skeena river, several minutes when he sang one TRAIN SERVICE 700 at Rivers Inlet and 240. on of his splendid comic songs, tho Naas. To my mind the Do which was succeeded by Miss A. mwnrcr monday, Wednesday s.nd3ATURDAV at ii:30 ror smiiher a.m. Prince Oforge, Edmonton tad Winnipeg, making direct connections for all minion Department- of Fisheries Shaw, dressed very becomingly in y polnta caat and soutb. ought to give first chance to take an Air uadei s unuorm. one Dr. Bayne up these licences to returned sang tho well known song "Take AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. soldiers, and the remainder to the me back to Blighty," receiving For information and reservations apply to Indian and British subjects resi hearty applause. OFFICE HOURS: Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Asnt. dent within each "district. The closing tableau was a Morning, S to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to.5.30; Evening, 7 to 3 City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Could Make Money. Spanish dance excellently performed "'That the returned soldier can by the Misses Bailey, being Dental Nurse in attendance. not only make a living but make one of the most interesting Phone 109 for appointment money in salmon fishing was features of the entertainment. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY demonstrated last year, when several returned men in tho north SECURING EXHIBITS were given a chance by reason of FOR AUTUMN FAIR Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points the fact that tho canneries want ed everything with scales on. This via Steamer to Vancouver and the y6ar three of these men are While G. O. Perry was up at Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Canadian Pacific Railway spending $5,000 in building a new Granby a few days ago, he inter Meals'and Berth included on Steamer boat, and I believe that, given a viewed the management with a For Comfort, Courtesy and Service chance, other returned men can view to securing an industrial ex FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT do equally well. To givo the returned hibit for this year's fair. lie will Mir ar? s"in, March nth, and 9 1 St; April 1st, lltn and Stat; May Jnd, man a chance in salmon also endeavor to secure from th9 TKJSAV Uth and 3rds June Snd. " Ashing, tho use of traps and drag pulp and paper mills at Ocean FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KAQWAY, ALASKA seines should bo stoppdd. Falls and Swanson Bay industrial F. T. BOWNESS, M.n.g.r fron Itupcrt February Sttli, March 7th, 17th and J8thj April 7lt), Cannery Licences. exhibits showing the various Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. I'lh and !8lh; May 8lh. nth and Sth. r nuv, i,a csnri stages in the manufacture of pulp right from tho tree to W. O. General an O.-dcr-in-Counoil stopping tho paper Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water ORCHARD, Agent. - t. . IMS IIIIINIIt'll I 111 111 111.1.. issuo or any new cannery licences " ; C n?, luilr,, Strfet Mr. Perry is greatly Interested Third B.C. rnj Avenuo. Prince Rupert. for five years. I think a cannery I . il.- f. I .1....) nt lln licence should bo issued to anyi","'V 7.7 1. , V v. 7" 018 nu w u" "s man who will uso it legitimately. ; II,...V anlmnn "UMJ UUS .JUUIH JUIl Ul .,blliuiu bo- GOOD EATS ' COAST SERVICE. monopoly is no step towards con-i"14""1" ajuu "iu Second Avenue. , iorc- serving the flsh, Throw tho whole I Steamship For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m. Sat., 4 business wide open and regulate Dreakfast 7:30 to 9 p.m. the hours of fishing. Shut down TOOTI TOOTI Lunch 11:30 to 2 TOOTI Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, tiio fishing each week long enough Dinner 5:00 to 8 Mondays, 7 n.m. to allow tho necessary number of j CLEAR THE TRACK SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY I :: I.M .. Naas River Points, Friday a.m. llsh to reach the spawning; Weill Hero comes Casey ' W" . ll. O r 1 A r,f grounds and leave tho fishing and j Tones' Special to arrange his canning industries to straight Easter Monday business competition.Gas Boats. DANCE WESTHOLME LUNCH urn L'Pselt, President iinrrv T.innAi.t. Manacrer "I noto also that, while gas Which ho is giving at SECOND AVE. Edward boats aro permitted in salmon THE RINK Cunningham, Vice-President COOKING. LADY COOK. fishing in tho south, they are ex-prossly On April 21. Yea! Yea! HQME prohibited in tho northern Lipsett-Cunningham waters. Another caso of discrimination. Harvey's Orchestra will meet Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. & Co. him on his arrival. If gas boats arc permitted Short orders all the time, SpeciaKrates with roomand board. in tho south, they should Ileseryo this date LIMITED also be permitted in tho north. Full Particulars Later. F IWG & Drastic Revision. CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE "It seems to mo that the regulations L. J. Marren, Prop, Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories governing the salmon industry Phone Blue 197. BOSTON GRILL 8h drastic revision, Melting, roquiro Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage and that they should bo revised PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. with a view to making the industry FRED NASH, B.C.L.S. 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 'Kistered ono of tho best possible MASSET, 13. C. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. 68 Vll ! fnice! 4 I'rinso uupert Offloe: means of earning a Hving by returned sites.Surveys Coal of Mineral and Timber Claims.Licenses,Town, Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. vo opportunities Acreage Subdivisions, etc, Van,.. - Telopnono no. soldiers. The DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 43c. lo 50c Dasrt at every mea'. ' . . . I fl lln-r HUM aro thcro, hilt tho relumed Surface MINE and 8URVEYS Underground. Short orders at any time, man is fonced off from thorn." T