Pag? 4 TMK DAILY flEWts. interest must still he paiJ on Cancan PARTICULARS "If high rotes of mmm -OF (Joxewmenl borrowings, ALL the people sfi3U.J .arc the opportunity to earn this interest . MILITARY SIR THOMAS WHITE, Minister tfFhantt. WHY DEPARTMENT OF LANDS that old tore or skin disease of SERVICE ACT roars breaks out again? It's because WATER RIGHTS BRANCH the remedies 70a haTe been VBlng do not get to ths root of the "WATER ACT 1914." disease, but remain on the surface. Report Shows Grave Mlsjudgment Try Zam-Bakt It penetrates to the of Conditions In British UNCELLATlON OF RESERVE OF WATER Why They underlying tissues, destroys all NOTICE Is hereby given that His Honor eerins and cures from the "root" Columbia. be Lieutenant Governor of Brlllsb Colum-la. Hence ly and with tbe advice of bis Execu-Ivc Zam-Buk up. cures are Council, bas been pleased to order: Arc Buying lasttne. All dealers. 60c. box. (Speclsl via O. T. P. Ifl-sraphj.) THAT pursuant to tbe provisions of .ection 5 of tbe "Water Act, mi" being Ottawa, March 28. A report Uuptcr 81 of tbe Statutes of 1 911, tbat 011 Hie operations of the Military be reserve of tbe unrecorded waters or tefuge Creek, established pursuant to WAR-SAVINGS WW jam-Btsk Service Council tabled in Parlia Irder In Council No. 68. approved on tbe day or be 7ih January, 1910. cancelled. menl shows that up to April 18 DATED this 7lh day or February, 191V. of last year, 35.G55 men had been 1. LI. Minister t'A I I IIL.L.U,ot Lands. STAMPS actually placed on duty out of a total of 50,954 recruits obtained N THE SUntEME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. under the Military Service Act. THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION The housewife is economizing in ,' Total registrations amounted ACT" SEE DS1 to 397,671 out of which .373,184 and comfortable ways and investing in War-Savings THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OK claimed exemption and 24,487 re MA1I1A VElty. DECEASED, INTESTATE. Stamps at $4.02 each this For the Garden ported for service. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVE TO WHOM month. In 1924, when these stamps are itegistration fell far below the T MAY CONCERN of an Order made by Suited for Prince Honour redeemed at $5.00 each, dollar Specially ins t. jucu. loung. Local juage. every estimate made by the military au In tbe above matter on tbe 17th day or Rupert soil. thorities, except in Quebec where February, A. D. 1 8 1 0, as follows: will have greater purchasing power. it is uitDLiiED mat me sa d jonn 11. ninety per cent.of the number ex MeMuIlIn shall be allowed to swear to the death of the said deceased as occurring' The business man is cutting off small and FEED pected were registered. on tbe 23rd day or October, 1918. atter CHICKENS In British Columbia it was ;sli the expiration of one mnnt.T from thr date unnecessary expenditures and buying War-Savings of the first publication of notice of this HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER mated 57,000 would bo registered order, unless In the meantime proof Is Stamps. He knows his money is available there rurnisnea to tne itesistrar or tnis court time he needs with added and this really it, were only 16,000, at Prince Ituperf, B.X., that the said de- any estimate proving wider from the o eased,the said.Maria 23rd very,day was of anve October,subsequently 1918. interest. $5 for $4 in five years is an excellent facts than any of the others. AM) IT IS FURTHER OB.DF.nED that tbe return on otherwise idle. aid John II. McMullln do Dubllsb notice .of money hi order In tbe Prince Rupert Dally News, newspaper puDiisnea si rnnce iiupen, School children buying Thrift Stamps NURSES NEEDED AT are PHONE 53 B. c, ror s period or one montn. P. O. Box 333 SOS 3rd Ave, JOHN Official II. MCMULLIN.Administrator. at 25 cents each and are filling their Thrift GENERAL HOSPITAL DATED st Prince Rupert, B, C, this 18th Cards in order to acquire a War-Savings Stamp. lay of February. A. D. 1919. They are helping their country and acquiring Difficulty in Securing Profess-sional LAND REGISTRY ACT. the habit of Thrift. Help Mentioned at the (Sections 36 and 131.) TOM LEE CO. Meeting of Association He Abdication No. 10.551-1. File -6082 Men on the farms are buying W-S.S. because TAKE NOTICE tbat application bas been 840 Second Avenue, West. Last Night. made to register Frank W. Hart, or Prince the Government uses the money to Rupert, B. C, as owner In tee under a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City finance export orders for the food raised on VEGETABLES mere is still a need or more of Prince Rupert, bearing date tbe 8th day Canadian farms. This makes their nurses at the hospital, according or uecemoer, ivis, or all and sinuulah market sure. Wholesale and Retail that certain parcel or tract of land and to report from the house com. premises situate, lying, and being In tbe . General Contractors and iinittee to the . Association last city known of ana Prince acscrioea Rupert,as more Lot twenty particularly iso). Men, women and children of all ages Labor; Exchange. night, at their meeting in the Block .Nineteen 19). Section Six 16). City and conditions of life, are investing in W-S.S. of Prince Rupert (Map 923). council chamber with D. G, luu are required to contest toe Claim because it is a convenient way to"bui!d a bond". Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart presiding. It was pointed of the tbe date tax of purchaser tbe service within of 35 this days notice from The security is absolute and the interest is Phone 547 , P.O. Box 725 out that there were two or three which daily may newspaper),be effected and by your publication attention In is unusually high. Some day they will look back pupil nurses needed, but if it was called to section 36 of tbe "Land Registry Yfith satisfaction to the when great day they Act" witn amendments, and to the follow not possible to get them they ing extract therefrom; bought their first War-Savings must then have more graduate and In default of a caveat or certificate Stamps. FOR ELECTRICAL WOnK f lis pendens being filed before tbe regis 64 inurses. iratldn as owner of tbe person entitled Go to The nder such tax sale, all persons so served president mentioned that Have You Your Ith notice and those claiming Bought Stamp Today? Miss McGregor, the new matron, througu or under them, and all persons claiming any Interest In the land by virtue Geo. Waddeli ,was now in charge and they expected : any unregistered Instrument, and all that before long the staff persons claiming any Interest In the land by descent wbose title Is not registered would be completed and everything under the provisions of this Act, shall be 336 2nd Ave. or ever estopped ana debarred from set running well. ting ud any claUn to or In resDect of the Phones I It was further reported that land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar BLACK 367 GREEN 394 snail register the person entitled under Miss Fraser would be leaving and fuch tax sale as owner of the land so sold Save Money In Lamps. her place would have to be filled for AND taxes."WHEREAS application has been before long. made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the above-mentioned lands, In the name Secure Orderly. or frame w. nan. The board AND WHEREAS on Investigating the authorized the House i title It that appears prior to the 10th day DENTISTRY CommiUe to secure a male orderly cCOctober, 1917 (the date on which the The Pianos Stock said lands were sold for overdue taxes). Gurvich in as poon as convenient, it you were the registered owner thereof. being found necessary that there lunriitii tahk j 1 mat at tne OFFICE HOURS: fame time I shall effect registration In HEINTZMAN & CO. B a.m. to 12; 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. should be one, especially for pursuance or such application and issue Transfer a Certlllcate or Indefeasible. 'I'ltle to the KARN y nighfduty. said lands In the name or Frank W. Hart DR. J. S. BROWN Miss McDougall who was formerly unless you take and prosecute the proper CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ENNIS DEHTI8T proceedings to establish your claim. 11 MORRIS a member of the staff but any, to tbe said lands, or to prevent such Ofllcai Smith Block, Third Avtnu. proposed action xn my part. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that tbe re Phone Green 548 CLINTON who left Phont 454. owing to ill health, is DATED at the Land Registry Office,1 serve existing over vacant Crown Land In returning. Prince Rupert, B.C., this 1 1 tlx day oi! me vicinity or cneiaslle River, Range 1, P.O. Dox 102 Ofllce, Fraser St. DOHERTY March. 1919. coast District, by reason or a notice published Sold Easy Terms. Want More Money. 11. r. MACLEOD, In the British Columbia Gazette of on The Finance Committee District Registrar of. Titles, zdiii may, iviu, is cancelled. We r-nt vvX p.ii 3 was We Sell Coal To Emllene O. Dobson, O. II. NADEN, : : authorized to approach the City North Vancouver, B. C. Deputy Minister of Lands. by the p TitU ss Department of Lands, to ask for tho annual WATER NOTICE Victoria, B. c, low as a ' :iy red Stork's grant. They were going to be tinker USE AND STORAGE 11th March, 1919. M 18 Piano Tuning and Muslol heavy expense this year and LAND REGISTRY ACT Instrument Repairing jtlie opinion was expressed that TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Coast Explo-ailon (Sections 36 and 131.) E. L VADGHAN Co., Ltd., wbose address Is Toronto. the council should "spring" the Ont., will apply ror a licence to take and Walker's Music Store Hardware grant this especially in view use 200 cubic feet per second and to store lie Application No. 10.728.J. fii .si year, 1,000 acre feet or 171.J40.000 cubic feet TAKE NOTICE that application bas been Expert Piano Tuning 2nd Ave. Phono Blue 389 ,of developments in tho city, or water out or Cascade and Silver Creeks made to register Thomas Trotlcr or Prince (streams), also known as draining Long Rupert, B. C, p. o. Box 333, as owner lu and Repairing j A resolution in regard to so-curing Lake and other small lakes In the vlclnltv ii-o uiiucr iwo tux aaie ueeas from tbe a lino of credit at the bank or-vjhe Big Missouri Group, which flows In uoiiccior or tne tny or 1'rlnce Rupert, Satisfaction Guaranteed a southwesterly direction and drains Into Leai-linr date thn tiifi Hiu Ar iA,.i..i,,.. " ',1 V, 'V.1 1 I A Complete l ine of was passed. the Salmon River aboul one mile south of 1918. Of ALL AND SI.NGLiLAII that pertain 1 lie international Boundary Line. iiarcei or tract or lanu and rn-einuet hhuip Final Exams, Leave & Co. 1 ue sioraKB-uawi win ue located at Long 'j 1115 mm ueuig in mo city or prince itu Orders at Heintzman j The secretary reported that Lake ana otner smalt takes adjacent. The;Pert, more particularly known and de capacity or ine reservoir to lie created imcriueu as 101s loriv-rour mi ami r,in Prince Rupert Mu8ic"Store jMiss Stewart had passed her Anal about 200.000,000 cubic ft., and It will nvc. (IS), Block llftceu (IS). Section live examination and received her flood about 100 acres of land, (all rnrk or 'iP vs;. You are required to Phone Black 183 PIANOS The water will be diverted rrora the stream contest 1110 claim of the tax purchaser Marine diploma. it a point about the outlet of Long Lake wiumi ! uaja iruui 1110 uate or me service I or a small lake below, at dam site., end or this notice (which may be effected A l nlinn A Ci. TT woo Tno - fnm will bo used for Dower and mlnlnir imr- by advertising), and your attention is ' Weber Pianos Arnold thanking tho board for pose upon the mine and ror tramways and called to section 36 of the "Land Registry other lower lines; described as land not ... aujviiuiiiciua, mm 10 me luiiow THE WEST END AND their expressions of sympathy at Subdivided, except mining claims. us ujiraci uicreiroiil: This notice was posted on tbe ground "and In derault or a caveat or certificate High guaranteed tho time of his recent bereave on the 23 rd day of February, 1919. A or lis pendens being 11 led be-rore ment. copy of this notice and an application pur the registration as owner or the Chop Suey piansbyrepu-toble suant thereto and to the "Water Act. erson entitled under such tax sale, manufacturers. Household 1914,' win be Hied In the omce of the all persons so served 'will notice,-. . HOUSE. AND OAFE wmer jiccoruer at rnnce KUDert. .... and those claiming through right. FORT GEORGE HAS Objections to the application may be or unuer them, and all persons claiming 912 Third Avenuo Our prices are filed with the said Water Recorder or with any Interest In the land by virtue me uiujiiruiicr oi water nights, Parlia of any unregistered Instrument, and LIBERAL MEETING inciii uuuuings, victoria, D. c, within all persons claiming any interest in THE PLACE FOR iniriy aays arter the first appearance of tho land by descent whose title Is not una iiuhlc in a louai newspaper. registered under tho provisions or LATE SUPPER Paints The territory to be traversed is entirely this Act, shall be ror ever estopped Modsrn Appointments ;Op). i',.,t 0T'.:9 The Liberals of Fort George mining district and Is unsuitable ror any and debarred rrom setting up any Dopt- titer purpose. See Mineral Ornnns. hea.i claim to or In Rsflned Patronag Solicited Pitnian piano respect or the land so W, J. district met in annual convention ir h Salmon An River. Portland Canal. Mlnlnir- sold ror taxes, and the Registrar shall with delegates present from the The dale of the first publication or this regisier the person entitled under P. O. Box 807 Phone 308 sucb tax sale as owner of the land notice is March 8, 1910. so uonsiuerab- country surrounding, sold, for taxes." PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO., LTD. Io business was transacted and a Aiill WHEREAS annl cation haa lu.n Administrator to the estate of J. A. Poctl, MAPLE number of important resolutions By Wm, Nobbs'Agent. made for a Certificate of Indereaslble Title deceased, and all pnrtlt-s having claims LEAF , tl, """" uonea unus, in the name gainst tho said estate are hereby rcaulrcd Barsalou's passed will bo frwarded to tho THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I I Minima I i nner. iu (urnisii same, nroneny veriuea. to me. COLUMBIA. f! vv iir-.iic.Aa on investigating the on or uerore me lam u,iy or April, a. ii PAINT government. The election of of I tie It that appears prior to tho loth day 1919, and all parties Indebted to the estate Transfer ficers for the ensuing year result TEs MATTER OF HIE ADMIN1STRA- am.rii,c.totifr'lauua wem 1M7'nuiu ior dale overdue on which taxes)the are required to pay tho amount or their Motor inneuieuness to me rortnwiin. ed aa follows;' and ,..,v'.m "'.'.vi"" owner tnereor, JOHN II. McMULI.IN, FLOGLAZE limilir.ll TASK NOTICE Hint at llm i Hon. Pres., D, D. McKenzio and J.'Ulr.MAJTEn "F THE ESTATE OF same time I shall effect registration In Official Administrator. ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, DATED this 13lh day of iarrh, 1919. Moving MIon. John Oliver. INTESTATE "ii.iiaui u ui nui ii niMMicaiion and issue a Furniture lertllicale of Indereasiblo Title to the sali IN PROBATE. and NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN No better pai'if made. President, W. Somcrton. T MAY CONCERN or an OrJer TO msde WHOM by iiss louua you in urn tase iiainu ano oi prosecute i nomas Trotler the lOoper un N TIE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Express Vicc-Pr, G. A, Gaskill. lis Honour F.-Men. Young, Local Judge, lirnrtftnillnaa. In Asf.hli.i. .. ffi - It makes good because 2n dVico, J. li. Armlshaw. n anuary,the above a. D.matter 1019, on as rollows:the soth day or any, to the said lands, or to prevent such "! THE MATTER OF nunii TIIE ADMINISTRA.a. WE HANDLE COAL jrf IT is onurnKn timt tim , I'l ujiuanu nviivil 111 I Illy pari. TION ACT ..m i.k. it's made good. 3rd Vice, J. S. Ross. .IcMulIln shall bo allowed to "O Registry omce, and Nla-ut and vm " swear to the Prlnco 4th Vice, II. C. Willson. w "" uereaseu as March. 1919,iiupuri, u. u,, this SSth day of TIIE MATTER OK TIIE ESTATE OF n tho J7th day or October. 1017, arte? ALEXANDER J. DONOIIUE, DECEASED, Sec.-Treas P. J. Moran. II. F. MACLEOD, he expiration or one month rrom tho date District Registrar of Titles), INTESTATE. 1 .iiv mat iuuuca.uuil oi notice or 111 S To Alfred nter, unless In the Gendron, TAKE NOTICE that in order of Ills meantime proor Fred Stork's A man had a range to sell. IIo urnlihed to the registrar or this Court at Is Prince Rupert, n, c. Honour F. Mcli. Young, mado' the 18th MISS M. AjW" rlnce Rupert, D. C that the said deceased lay of March. A. D. 1919. I was annolntcd advertised U in The News IN THE SUPREME Dally COURT OF BRITISH ''iJ'i WM al,ve subsequently to the Administrator to the estate of Alexander Hardware and within an hour after tho paper aid. S7th day of October, 1917i COLUMBIA. Honobuo. deceased, and all parties hav 309 Second Ave""' iV ,V "hkd. mat the IN THE ing claims ngalnst the said estato sro here- was on tho street tho a d MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- range was McMullln do publish notice of by requirea to rurnisn same, properly with-tu'"l;'h,,(' SKCOND AVENUII sold. If have anything to sell Ills order .In the Prince Rupert Dally News TION ACT verllled. to me.on or beforn ilinMmii ilsv Taking you newspaper published at Prince RuDert IN and or April, A. D. 1919, and sll parties In-debied Phone Black 114 ry the classified column. C.. for s period or one month. I,THE A. MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF to the estate sre required to nay primary to aUvnci Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 6II1 POETT, DECEASED. INTESTATE. the amount or their lndehledneu tn ma ay or February, A, I), 1 9 1 0 TALE forthwith, NOTICE lhat in Advertise In the Daily News. JOHN II, McMIII.LIN, JOHN It. MeMULLIN. "nil0u,r..r' S"1?' J0""'' made Official Administrator, Iho ,9 Hi Official Admlnlstratm"." of March, A, D. 1919, I was appointed Dated this) 19th day or March, 1919,