Page 6 THE DAILY NEWS. galurday. March 29 1... SHIP LIQUOR w 1X1- TVTi f 1 Local news notes i Monday NOTARY PUBLIC . IN HAY BALES Monday.uur saiu Jabour uuimituua Bros. iuuujr Uuu SPRING WE BUY D. D. McKenzie Charges It Is Special Bishop Du Vernet W loft for tho Stored Illegally By Customs east on this morning s train. VICTORY BONDS Department- Under License. Purity Wheatlets Monroe Salisbury with tho pipes Another shipment nf and kilts at the Empress tonight. ... LADIES' Ottawa, March 20. That Im 10 lb. sacks 75c. SUITS New arrivals in Oxfords, pumps Paying highest market price proper use is being made of customs Regular Dollar Value. and high shoes. Family Shoo in smart spring warehouses in Nova Scotia models, for Ihemi No delay. Ask filnre. tf was made by D. D. McKenzie when and in popular us for prices. the customs estimates were un Rupert Table Supply Co. Four carloads of fish were ship cloths der consideration in tho House. It ped cast this morning on tho and shades, has . H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. was psoitively stated that tho PHONES 211,212 train. jnJt Iniurance-Real Es'ate Temperanco Act was being reg been received from the 216 Sixth Si.. Prince Rupert, B.C. ularly broken, .liquor being shipped Wo are still continuing our to these bonded warehouses WILL INCREASE Dollar Day Sale today and Mon east as pressed hay in carloads and day Jabour Brothers. stored there illegally by men WW who had received licenses or LICENSE FEE See Monroe Salisbury at his best THE claimed ta have them from tho in "Winner Takes All" at tho Em Federal Governments press Theatro tonight. Before the House went into com FOR CANNERS , 'STORE ECONOMY There will be a service in St. mittee of supply, good headway- 1 Peter's, Seal Cove, tomorrow, was made with Hon. Hugh Guthrie's Phones 18 and 36 Sunday 30th, at 2.30 p. m. it bill dealing with bankrupt In Future Each Cannery Will 417 Eth AC., E. cy to unify various provincial Contribute $500 to Revenue Instead S, S. Princess Mary will sail aws and have them covered by of $100. Economy store, phone one-eight,-The south for Vancouver on Monday best or goods In' the cleanest . ne federal enactment. night instead of Tuesday. state. Ottawa, March 29. Hon. A. K. ' Economy Coffees, Economy Teas, Fragrant In flavor, sure to please, Smartest ladies' shoo made. MacLean introduced into the Just arrived, Ladies' Spring Chocolates Jams; and Candies, wholesome Queen Quality. Wallace's. To House a resolution to increase the styles in Dorothy Dpdd Oxfords r.ggs and Bacmi, lovely Boiled' Hams, annual license,-fee for British Columbia in, black and tan. Family Shoe I'ickles and Ketchup, tasty Cheese, Brown and White Beans, .lines; salmon' canneries from Storo. tf They Salads Orech and Peas.Fruit in great variety,, For Your j$10Q to $500. He said that the are moderately 'Fit ror all,of Prince nupert Society, i commission which investigated There is only-one. of a kind and and shall First-rate delivery, seldom late, priced we be ' fisheries two Douglas Fairbanks is at The Economy Store, phone one-eight. jthe years ago, rec LUMBER Qmmended that tho annual li Westholme tonight in "Say, Young glad to have look SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY cense be increased to $1,000. The Fellow" you Terrace Potatoes, per 'sack .. $2.25 Department of Fisheries however them Economy Tea, per lb. .j, . . . . . 60c over Sconomy Coffee, per lb. 45c !did not deem it expedient to make Alice B. ready for business. If PLASTER tho increase so large. n need of a launch, phono Red lYlusseHem Grocery Company ine resolution ana a Dili was 391, Prince nupert Boat House, LTD. CEMENT introduced and given its first W. J. Thomas. tf reading. Our Dollar Day sale has pleased fi. S. WALLACE, LTD. At tho evening session the bill Building to amend the Fish Inspection many. You might also like to be pleased. Give us a try. Jabour Act, to make inspection c.ompul Brothers. Corner 3rd and Fulton St. Materials sry was introduced. Mr. McKe'n zie, leader of the opposition, Douglas Fairbanks, Marjorie M. STEPHENS thought the bill capable of im Daw, Frank Campeau and Hank COME TO posing a hardship on fishermen". Mann, all at Tho Westholme to NOTARY PUBLIC The House adopted tho resolution Our 3iVS$$$6$$$ Sale continues frttn,,,mm I night. Remarkable show, come FOR SALE Albert a McCalfery, Ltd. and a bill will be introduced. early. - today and Monday. Jabour Bros. St. James Hotel A five-roomed house and lot only Phone 116 and 064. VALHALLA A. M. Howe of Terraco . who Almost double duly done by (LATE three blocks rrom the centre of "QUEENS") the business district .... $1,500 owns a largo fruit farm there, left dollars Dollar Day. Wallace's. Two choice lots on Beach Place Valhalla will hold Necktie FIRST CLASS ROOMS-Hot $000 each Office, Second Avenue, Next a for his ranch this morning on the Double corner,.0th ....Ave. and Tatlow, Westholme Theatre. Apron Social on April 17th at 10 train, after spending a few days 700 tons New Wellington coal and Cold Water, $1,750 pair m. in the K. P. hall. Scandin just arrived. Phone orders Double Corner, 6 th Ave. Section 6, p. in the city. your $1,250 pair avians and friends are Invited. to i 10 or 5C4, Albert & McCaffery, Friday, Saturday -Dollar Sol Double corner 5th Ave., Section 6, Offers. Ladies bring neckties and aprons. Tho Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Ltd. if -Wallace's. I-roomed view, Seal house Cove and Circle lot,....choice$500 Klox Dancing. Andrew's Society will hold a whist Lot-21,......Block 8, Section 7, 6th Ave, drive on Tuesday evening, April Lot 15, Block 5, Sec. 7, 5th $300 Ave. Iteal butter. "Our Own Brand.' i, in St. Andrew's Hall for mem $300 Kloks Fuller's Grocery. Phone 45. tf bers and their friends. it Lot Seal to.Cove Block Ave.49, Sec. 7, 8th$300 and $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I Lot 16, Block 29, Section 8 .. $350 Clocks Store ransacked to find bar- On nccount of tho railway tim Lots 3 and 4, Block 32, Sec. 8 $600 Tor the pair. bagains for Dollar Day. Wallace's. being advanced one hour, the 75 mails will also closo at tho post M. M. Have You Enough Clocks? .-- ofllce one hour earlier, at 8:30 Stephens Full line in Williams' solid a. in. instead of 9:30. You should have in ono leather workshoes. 'Family Shoe LOANS RENTALS INSURANCE - - every room. btore. tf Meeting of the Retail Clerks Some day every one will. Clerks will bo held in the Car They save steps and soon J. W. Nicholls of tho Canadian penters Hall on Monday night, pay for themselves. Fish and Cold Storage Company, March 31, at 8 p. m. sharp. All Ltd., left for the cast this morning. members kindly attend. it And our prices are as H ouses. reasonable as anywhere, being Miss Vclma Davis, of Van most the well standard known Jincs.'price on Advertiser wants spare time couver is staying over in town and Monday Today For Sale work, monthly accounts, fishing for a few days en route to Sands- boat settlements,, etc. Write post pit to visit with her sister, Miss office box- 854. 75 Davis, who teaches school there. John Extended Monday Five-room house and furniture, Bulger to Section Six JEWELLER The cannery tender P. and W., Miss-D. McDougall who has $1850.00 The Store of Worth and owned by tho Wallace Fisheries been spending the last month or at Naden Harbor cannery, is. in two here with her friends, Mr. Dollar Bargains 3535 Beauty. port today with Salmon. a cargo of canned anu Mrs. 11. is. Allen of Fifth Av stock of seasonable merchandise will be offered on Three room house, modern enue, left for her home at Hazel- substantial j o6 and that represent a good location ton this morning. Saturday Monday at prices Queen Quality Shoes, new shipment. saving. Dollar discounts will be given in $1800.00 BARGAIN Wallace's. 75 See window display Dollar Day many of the higher priced articles, and the following bargains. Wallace's. 75 dollars worths speak for themselves. McCaffery, Gibbons Annual meeting of tho Prince A FEW OF THE DOLLAR LINES ARE One lot in Section 7 and Our Glasses fAupert Lawn Tennis Club will be Ladies' Cotton Hose, black ,pr tan, 4 Pn for J- two lots in. Section 8 together, 6 Doyle, Ltd. held in Patmoro & Fulton's offices Ladies' Fibre silk hose, reg. 75c. per pair, now 2 for v-"Ladies $050, Good locations. P -... Are at 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. Silk Hoso, black or white, regular 81.30 per Insurance - Real Estate All interested in Tennis arc cor- nor pair V"' uially Invited to attend. 70 Misses Cotton ribbed hose, black only, regular t Prince Rupert, B. C. Dylvhavn & Hanson Handsome pair, now 4 pairs for" Our sale continues and Ian today Child's Silk Mercerist-d Hoso, LIck, whito or Monday. Jabour Bros. 2 oalrs for V . . Child's Cotton Hoso.. , FIvo fishing schooners annlied now rlr Itrl li r J1 A J OK EXAMINE a pair or our glasses. for their cle'aranco I Lames wiuio miK uiovcs, reguiur j po pancrs todav. ror 2 pairs the crystal, clear ma-tcrlal Ladies Cashmeretto Hose, regular 00c, In the lenses tho highly as follows: The Lincoln under 1 hi ya ' Silk Pongee, regular 75c. per yard, now LjiCO polished and flawless Capt. Monson; the surface. Feel Hilda, Capt. 3 1TS. the smooth, perfectly rormed edge. Anderson; the Mars, Capt. Cretonne Voiles, regular 45c. per yard, now 1 RINCEKUPERT HOUSING See how carerully the mount l! attached tho Hagan; Cretonne, regular 45c. .......... .now 3 yards a Democrat, Capt. Rocbick; and secure, safe. Children's Underwaists, reg. 75c n "" 1.00 trio i-isner; with Captain Daniel, Nnv put them on. Let your son in command. wiiiio uouon .niusiin, reg. 400 - ' ,ar ji.oa LIMITED tell the story. Makes . Silk, Crcpo do Chlno and Georgette Collars, rcgui you look younger T Surely. Brighter? Head our Dollar Day adver Certainly. Handsomer? Of While children, from " lnO0 course, tisement. Wallace's. 75 Flanelello Nighties for t tu j nr. iur 91,jo . . , (.irular1 WllV V not let us make you a A baseball match hiUvfin fhn .adios Whllo Muslin and Flanelletto NiprliU"' wj1.C Committee Headquarters pair? Our glasses are beyond question the highest quality, and King Edward second team and tho the handsomest obtainable. You will "Tiny Tims" resulted In a vlctnrv Lin really not bo satisfied with anythlnir for tho latter by a "score of 11 to Dollar Discounts in Many Bank of B. N. A. Buildine less. 9 at tho Market Snimrn flila morning. Tho batteries for tl.n Wo promise you satisfaction winners were Fred Scott and 8. U We keep our promises Hibbcrt and for Kintr EiKvnrrl JABOUR BROS. Barney Lumquest and Reuben Call and see) us for information regarding tho Fred bliork. Joudry Now Oxfords and numtis for Third Avenue West building fund. new Practical Optometrist Spring. Dorothy. Dodd and J. &T. Third Ave.Oppoilta. .Tout Prince Office Rupert neira.Canada Family Life Shoo A S.loro. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $j nseru, i, F, Magulre, Phono 566.