'I il GEOJ.FRIZZELL C,fcsT salt retirements AID KITS THE Daily 1 1- TSPi OOLICHANS,FRESH R workmen's.Hon Board Cora-c 10c per lb. hnnpq B2 and 200 Phones 10 and 25 Si PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENT t. X. NO. 70. BERMAN CASEY REPORTS CLOCKS TO GO ASK GOVERNMENT TO INDEMNITY IS PLANTYOFPEP ADVANCE THEM CASH TO FEDERATION Ur LABOR HOUR FORWARD Employees of Dolly Varden Railway FIXED AT VERY IN CAMPAIGN Met'Passed Here Resolution.Yesterday and LARGE AMOUNT FOR BUILDING ON CALGARY CONVENTION Order Passed Saturday and In t Effect Yesterday; Confusion At a meeting of former employees LaiNS GREEtTnGS WERE 8ENT TO BOLSHEVIKI Throughout Dominion. of the Taylor Engineering Commission on Responsibility for Organizers Find Much Encourage WHY Co. on the Dolly Varden Railway VUar Recommends International ment In Campaign Which Is OF SPARTACAN8 GERMANY; I OF RUSSIA AND (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) held here yesterday the following Tribunal to Try Ex-Kalser. Qoing With a Swing. IDEA OF ONE BIG UNION Victoria. March 31. A nrocla- resolution was passed and ordered mnf.lnn nf Ihn I.lAiil.-flnvArnnr In wired to Premier Oliver at (Special via U. T. P. Telegraph.) The building campaign is going In .re was a large gathering of workmen and returned soldiers Council' promulgated on Saturday Victoria: Paris, March 31. Tho "In-transigeant" with a swing that spells suc llighl tO hear AlUCnnuil uuscj icn ui mo ioiv wo wui- made il obligatory to put all tho "A mass meeting has been called prints a report that cess for the project. Everyone is I3, i! wiiip.h was held recently. under the auspices of clocks forward one hour yester- at the city hall, Prince Rupert, the indemnity which Germany entering into it with enthusiasm K LiOIIv Federation or iauor, anu muny were unuuie.i i iu KCt i iluv ninrn i n o cr IhrmirhnTif....--o..--.. fhn- by the labor men holding labor must pay for the damages of the and the organizers are meeting American c,nnH1nc mnm u Wfl. nn nrdflrlv Province of British Columbia. cheques for the work done on the war have been fixed at between with much encouragement. Kission owing w iuu - flt Ottawa. Dolly Varden Railway. These men j 150,000,000,000 and 250,000,000,- " The offices are now open in tho E . j .t 4v, oin:r nnlv a few auestions were asked. financially straitened through Bank of B. N. A. arc 000 francs. Yearly payments will building and a E, Casey gave a long account of the proceedings at Calgary, fU8ion and vexatious complica- the postponement of the settlement j increase as Germany's economic telephone has been installed. A by the )rovisional board of directors has m mint 01 mOSl 01 WniCIl I1U3 uueauy uccu (luuiioiitu, no mwi uuu is mo yiuayvni, ua a icsuii. ui company. life revives. lisriiss tho sending pi m Itin w,c 11 i""""nn n n) tin uhkhoiu nnnl n In on.uai.iuu iiitiifiHnn "We as a body of men appeal 1 The commission on responsibility een chosen as follows: D. G. Ki to the Government for financial for the war has decided: Stewart, C. H. Orme, J. II. McMul- assistance, and ask that the Government ! First, solemnly to condemn the in, J, G. Scott, Geo. Frizzell, W. use its influence to procure violation of neutrality and all E. Williams and John Dybhavn. lie saia mai w.u ..,.mfi t n L - . n a speedy settlement, so that the Tho actual campaign com not of their ill I II I I It a i caiiiiifjiiuu tins jcai in uauuua crimes committed by Central btion of labor was W I I tl M .V A the railways adopted the new time the hundred men now hero may Empires. mences tomorrow and'will bo kept Iwi-intr. No one muiviauai ' V "- , 1 f .1.. .'!. J 4 secure casli for tfieir cheques. during the week and it is confidently for the system. unu musi ui nits uiues unu iuvviib Second, the appointment of an up responsible appear ready also to adopt it.. We further beg that the Government international tribunal to judge all expected that the amount is the natural proauci 01. an Regulations Governing 8ookeye Still In Force. advance the amount of.those responsible, including the of money needed will be raised. ftural system. By orgamza- Salmon Proposed to be Put j Sir Henry Drayton, chairman of money necessary to cover the former Emperor. There is plenty of money, here if nopeu 10 ' Ud education they class and Into Effect. the Railway Commission, has labor cheques issued by the Tay-lo As soon as the text of the preliminary those who have it will only invest. Rant the capitalist com- brought down judgment that the Engineering Company. peace is adopted the Those who wish full particulars feurate a co-operative (Special ly 0.T. P. TelejTapba.) Daylight Saving Act of last year "signed J. P. Hawkinson, Secretary German plenipotentiaries will be in connection with the plan can ealth. Washington, March 31v The .Is still in force on the statute of the Meeting." instructed to proceed to Versailles get them at tho offices of tho company, that order is to come, said State Department has made pub- A prospectus is being prepared books, and that only a proclama-lic It is not believed that the meeting i'You and I cannot stop it. the draft of a proposed treaty uon i,y ordcr-in-council is neces-and NINE FISHING BOATS of Germans and tho repre and will give all the details will be compelled for ..3em regulations to govern the sary t0 make it effective in the sentatives of allied and associated required. town v-ry existence to adopt sockeye salmon fishing industry Dominion. In spite of the opinion SOLD THEIR CATCHES powers can bo held before the day Russia they see tilings mo in 4hn Prnflup pivAP svaf.pm. whir.il e ii,n t. ! rknnmnni it to Easter. after CANADA WILL LEND ' we UO ana Ha0 FOUR MORE ARRIVE wav tnai jnciU(jes M10 l0Wer portion Of thO nf npppanpv In nnss n now net. d the same philosopny uui nonr, nnH T,,an dp. Fuca i n,lIf nf , r...i i, i rraar, CREDIT TO ROMANIA v'M .-v...-- liajlUll llttO OCb WCI auvouu; en of Russia beat us to n. s,P,i n ih Riat0 of Washing-U hio), iho iivvnV Pnmnnnip To-day's Arrivals Will Be Offered TWENTY HAVE f not Kct greetings will our ton. jean come before him and give on Fish Exchange To-Morrow London. March 31. Canada has Rise there is no way of send- The proposed treaty provides should adopt Noon. reas0ns why they at signed an agreement establishing hem. but we have displayed for an international commission.'new timo, regardless of the action ESCAPED JAIL a credit with Roumania in order them." toward food feeling Two.'mcn from each country shall j0f Parliament. The railways will Nine fishinpr boats sold their that the latter may purchase from Spartacans. conduct investigations recom- have some heavy backing from catches yesterday at iyon as fol Canada essential materials and sling with the message to mended for consideration and city councils, boards of trade, re- lows: Sinn Felners In Dublin make a manufacturers for reconstruction nartacans Mr. Casey said the mniiiflr.il inn that PXDarienCO may loll morphnnla pfp. TnrmprR nlsn The Nidafos with 12.000 lbs. of Clever Get Away and are Aided work, will supply Roumania with icans were an auxiliary of jnjiCat, as desirable and the wju be represented and will press l.n'liti.il KUIIUUl nnrl U thn T.nvppn with...... 10- -I. From Without. Iseed grain and agricultural im tolsheviks, Germany had treaty'shall remain in force for or order c6mDelling'railway" 0'do lbs, both sold to tho Canadian plements. Roumania s import Known as me iionio ui s?u- fiftepn years. pnmnantfle tn nf. IpnsL Plin on Fish & Cold Storag9 Company, (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) trade with Germany before the ii, but it was a heresy on 'ri1R peculations contemplate standard time where local lines Ltd., for 14.3c and 11.0c per lb. Dublin, March 31. Twenty 'war exceeded $110,000,000. s; When tho lest came ih iippninir nf th? fisheries by are concerned. The Niagara with 9,000 lbs; Sinn Fein prisoners including J. aiiats went with tho Kai-'cana(ja and tho state of Wash- the Tvee 8.000: and the Dip with J. Walsh, member of the British Ledysmith Wellington Coal re inai oociaiism uiu nofc rep- jngton a9 heretoiore; tnai no 7,000Ibs. of halibut, sold to tho House of Commons, escaped from duces your fuel bill and gives t nil IIia vvnrL'nrs linvvAVP. i ....ViAn nt Upptiopq fnp TROUBLE NOW Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Mount Joy prison. Prisoners atlsfactlon. Phone 15. ,P. R. presented their action. These any Cass 0f nshing be issued at Co., Ltd., for 14.1c and 10.0c. were exercising wnen some or Coal Co. it the institution bn the in- Washington than in 1918 and no The OlvmDic having 10,000 lbs; them turned on the wardens and j r:u...it.. ii.. 1 1: ' . . ... ... . i ... IS IN KOREA and the S. felled them while others were arranging n laiuiiuu us inu aiiita niorc than l.ouo gin licenses iu u tho Director 8,000 lbs; it it on the outside. He ..t.i nn iim P.nnnrlinn side: and E. with 3,000 lbs. of halibut, a rope ladder over a 30 MAX HEILBRONER Trom a manifesto issued tnat iCCnse restrictions in Can-the sold to the Booth Fisheries Ltd., foot wall. war whicli called on ,! nrp mnrf tn annly only to Many People Imprisoned and for 14c and 9.9c respectively. Outside tho public noticed men Reliable Jeweler Oennan soldiers in tho in n. C. or to companies 100,000 Injured, Including Tho Condor arrived with 400 sliding down a rope from the jail to quit and deposo tho iffensed to do business in the Children, Says Despatch. bs. of spring salmon and received wall to tho canal bank. They Diamonds, Watches, Clocks 1 from Ihfi- llirnnp i i j irnohinTtnn atntn 8.2c for tho reds, and Co per quickly gathered and assisted the Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory unu ni " uo.iino i had read nf tho nrlivMipa nf provinuu r Ainppicnn citizens or pound for the whites. fugitives.. As Iho military guard Umbrella, Community Plate, iecht and authorized to do Today's Catches. camo to aid the wardens the es Etc. others of tho lead- to companies (Special via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) 'ho wero imprisoned for ex- business jn tho state. San Francisco, March 31. De Tmlnv's fish arrivals were the caped prisoners dashed in various Corner 3rd At. and 6th Streat. : ing tneir views. Ho was not monstrations throughout Korea Grayling with 8,000 lbs; the Al directions. ied of sendinc frnlnrn.il iinilirOP rtnnACC are growing stronger; 32,000 per ton 5,500; and the Siren with uu in. to men win, n,.P,l alnn 'JfllAPIEaL UffUOD sons have been imprisoned and nnnn.ls of halibut. The Iona ARGYLL HOUSE IS . ims. ANY DISCRIMINATION 100,000 injured including chold-ren. brought in 750 lbs. of spring sal- . Political Prisoners. Christian churches, schools mnn. 500 lbs. of reds, and 250 lbs. IN THE LIME LIGHT "DEMERS" Icussing the liberation .. whites, and sold for 18.4o and 5c oi , League and store have been closed, according prisoners Aid. Casey said, Against to a cablegram received nar nniiri ri. Tho halibut catches (Special via C. T..P. Telegraphs.) We are showing some inn worn n inii r i. ' wi will be sold tomorrow morning in Not Included. at the headquarters of the Korean Toronto, March 28, Argyll very smart hats for kiddies IConlir.ued on Pago Six. National Association. tho Fish Exchange. House and the methods of administration from two to ten years, in (Special via O.T.r. Telegraphs.) BURGLARS employed at that institution tho best straws and silk SHOT BY TnlHn Mnrr.h 29. A mass BIRTHS. over Canadian overseas poplins. By the way they residents of forces, came undor lire in the are going they must be the meeting of prominent (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) S .Tokio adopted a resolution opposing There was born to Mr. and Mrs. March 31. legislature yesterday when Lieut right thing. Also a few North Vancouver, any League of Nations Dominick Santerbarie, 400 Eighth Martin Grellish was shot twice Col. A. C. Pratt, Conservative coats in taffeta for two to covenant which does not contain Avenue West, at the Prince Ru- and seriously wounded by two member for South Norfolk, spoke five years. 'a clause nbolishing racial discrimination. nert General Hospital, on March attempting to on tho riots at Kinmel Camp and who were burglars FOR QUALITY daughter. tho conditions prevailing else-whero COME AND SEE 30, a rnh hi homo. Tho assailants es- "CE AND S&TlRCiRTinM among the forces still 'caped. One of tho bullets went Life Co. I Board Licence May 2. The oldest Canadian overseas. No. 10-7340 Swimming Club Dance. through his lung. The Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. pSTHOLME THEATRE Empress : Theatre TONIGHT Housing Campaign Tonight Monday peorge M. Cohan Crashing Through to The Famous Yankee Doodle Boo Tomorrow Opens See with your own eyes the most sensational, IN most authentic and the most thrill' Berlin ! ing war spectacle ever shown; see the it the sinking of the Lusitania, the most realistic Trail. Hollidav scene you ever saw; aee it as fighting soldiers saw it, in the thick of it. in the with subscription open, in the trenches, on the sea, in the air Smashing, slashing, Be prepared your ' ,ne a delightful impersonation of the baseball evangelist, "CRASHING THROUGH TO BERLIN." Hit the trail BILLY to the SUNDAY Weitholme Tonight when Committee calls CARMEL MYERS Tl . me Latest Rin-RnnrinCT I -K'O rnmedv. in the Comedy Drama, "ALL NIGHT." L "SWEEP Headquarters Bank of BILLY WZST in "HIS DAY OUT." 2 reel. CLEZi. 7nJo B. N. A. Building Phone 588 Admission 15c and 35c. Shows start 7.30 City time Alex. Gray's Orchestiia IWrMay. Lota of splendid Prizes ( MHHHMMHHHP