I Page 2 ran daily wiiwa. Mondr The Daily News r MADE IN MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA For the East. Published Every. Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and SaU Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. trdays at 9:30 a.m. I MllimilllllE aW E H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. The Greatest Name in Goody, From the East. Land Ithn Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 p.m. ir 'City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per, year $6.00. For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 5 p.m. Thursdays 10 p.m. OU Telephone 98. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. know the TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver realm of child, Contract Rates on application. Sundays . , IvwlO p.m hood M il. dreams Wednesdays . . . . . iq:30 a.m. Jonday, Jan. 27; Fb. 8 tind 22, Is a land DAILY EDITION.' Mt Jlonday, March 31, 1919. of at 9 a. in. sweets. House building For Anyox: Sundays - , .10 p.m, A Publio Duty. Make Vednesdays . .. 10 p. in. some of Advertisements on the front page of the Daily News on Fri day and Saturday drew forceful attention to the need of houses From Anyox: those dreams in the city and the duty of every person to help in the campaign Tuesdays a.m. a delightful which is now going on. While the language used in those adver .Iiursdays p. in. tiseinents was calculated to draw attention to the need in a rather reality by For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei TO SUBSCRIBERS taking spectacular way the general condition was not overdrawn. The points: home houses are needed by the hundred and that at once. Subscribers to The News bundays 10 p.m. We were all very keen on getting the shipbuilding here are asked to pay the delivery Everyone worked for it and looked forward to it as the one thing boys each month From Port Simpson and Naas WRIGLEYS . that would put the city in the running as a commercial centre when they call, except River Points Now that we have it we must do our duly by the people who have where payment has been Tuesdays f p in 1 frequently made for the in advance. ventured their money here. We stand to gain by every development The year boys when Queen Charlotte Islands: that takes place and it is for us, now to see that no neglect collecting cany olllcial receipts For Massetl, Port Clements and on our part injures our prospects. which should always Upper Island points: ' be preserved. .Vor Skidegate, Queen Cliarloltc Houses Rooming are ... Filled to Overflowing. City and Lower Island points The hotels and rooming houses in the city, with a few ex . anuary 23, Feb. C, 20; March 0, 20th, at 7 p. m. H r"T" SEALED TIGHT M ceptions, are filled to overflowing with boarders. Some of the MINERAL ACT men are not working, but are awaiting the movement which is j kJiTP kept right fa Masset, .Port Clements and now due. True there are some other buildings that may be im Certificate of Improvements. rom Island proved and put in shape so that they may be used but not many NOTICE Upper points: RavourH From Skidegafe. Charlotte and the accommodation they will provid is not always of the besL Queen The Men who will come to Prince Rupert will be men who have been lied rolnt Extension" mineral claim. City and Lower Island points situate In Hie .Naas Itlver Mining Division 28; Feb. 11 and Mnr. used to" some of the luxuries of life and they will not expect to or cassiar District. anuary 25; Lasts! Wlicre located: On the kltsault 11 and 25thr Fl River, a. in. be kept in cabins or ;in barracks here. The city is now beyond near the big Canyon. the mining camp siage. Let.us nuua ana uuuu permanently so TAKE AO f ICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Free Miner's Certificate No. J0,407-C, act-In For Skagway and the Yukon. that"the people who come here to live will be inclined to slay and as agent for Ole Evlndsen. Free Miner's Certlllcate no. 14.15S-C. Intends, sixty anuary zi, i-eu. a and 'zz y a. m. make their homes. days from the date hereor, to apply to the From Skagway and Yukon. Mining Itecorder for a Certificate of Im Fisheries for provement, for tho purpose of obtaining 'ebunry 1 and 15 a. m. crown urant or me aoove Claim. Returned Men. And further take notice tiial action. There has been plenty of talk of putting returned men on the tnder before tne bee lion issue 85,of must such be Certlllcate commenciM of Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp land but little has been said about starting them in any other in improvements. Point. dated mis 5tn day or February. A. D. dustries. On Friday the Prince Rupert Board of Trade suggested IV. lose Jan 31 ; Feb. 1 i. 28. 10 nni to the member for the district in the Federal House that returned Arrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd. MINERAL ACT men should be allowed to use gas boats in the salmon fishing and that they should be given the same help as those who go on the Certificate of Improvements. A number of people have ad land. The idea seems to have been an excellent one. Here is a vertised furniture for sale in this NOTICE NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! place where the natural resources of the province may be utilized paper and they have had dozens to help out the men who are getting back from the war. It is to Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate in I of customers as a result. Some the Naas Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the Division of presei Mining Casalar DIs be hoped that the possibilities of this port to provide for some of trlet. people want to keep their furni the soldiers and the utilization of the great natural resources of Where located: On the Kltsault River. ture. They do not advertise. near ine mg uanvon. Watch this for which this is the centre will not be overlooked. TAKE NOTICE that John II. McMullln. -:- space our -:-announcement Official Administrator of the Estate of of a new supply Change of Time i cnanes swanson, deceased. Intestate, Free Miner's Certificate .No. 3.5S2-C. intends. General Muddle. my uays irom tne aate nereor, to apply to the .Mining Recorder for a Certificate WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED The Dominion Parliament undoubtedly made a mistake when or improvements, ror tne purpose, of ob- it refused to conform to the rest of the continent in the change aiiiiiis And further a Lrown lake urant notice or me that aDove action claim BUTEDALE - - - B.C. of time. In this country we do not need Ihe daylight saving as under Section 85, must be commenced much as they do in the south, because our summer days -are before improvements.the Issue of such Certlllcate of longer than theirs. What we need, however, is to be in con- t'ATED this 5th day or February, A. D WATER ACT, 1914. lormation with our neighbors. His now borne in upon us that we RIPARIAN RIOIITS cannot exist independent of the United States and yet get along MINERAL ACT NOTICE Is berebv riven that nnrW thn comfortably. That was made clear this morning when our rail provisions of Section 6 of the Water Act, Wouldn't tstl, every riparian proprietor elalmlnz GOAL roads and telegraph services were forced to adopt the daylight Certificate of Improvements. any right to divert water or to the ex-elusive saving as a protective measure. Happily the provinces have power NOTICE virtue only use of of bis water being-for such any riparian purpose pro-by to cniorce a law ueanng witn the question and the H, c. Legisla nl Point Nn , Mm.i n.i -' "lu'rea on or cerore toe urst You Help Price List - Delivers!! lure has acted promptly. The result is that we shall all conform n the Naas Tr ir Minn D vision of KZ ?K ?.nL ??.?' to the new requirements and do it legally. liar Where JJiBiriCI.located: On the Kltsault River,Irlntrn niln in h,.X n.h iltr.m.iit.." :t":".r"".r .1., .,-,. .. Curt' V near the big Canyon. 'TJArrA .:. '.' V"Lcr.."ec"" Another? Sacs'td, TAKE NOTIf.F Hint !! v P.imn r' . ,u ""- me waier Screened, - . ,nrv, i- Aftr inn nrnt ilnv nf lim. loon nn Mine Hun, sacked mr as agent ror uie fearson. Free Miner's i.rin.iv. its Ceriincate No. ii.i&7-n. inn.n-! ."Anl..,....!."1-.-" J lo tbe Our recipe dcparlment Screened, in bulk hVri.nr .hi "?.."lrr. r any purpose wan exist ItiS days from the dat i .n bulk MliUng Recorder fof i CertTnSK'or im. B""i .?LAn'-9:Pe.'P ot. "I liolping doinp all it can to Mine run, in ward helping cooks to get to xi;.,mum mm hulk- from car And furllMT laWfi fiAiir th.i ..iir, i3"l ' o rrovince or gctlier a good and incxpen aii tun ii "i; . ComDtroller..,, , .......rr uiop.. mht otf. ijiuii uo cuiiniifiiceu til. II A sive number of l ai iiaiut;ii UUI1U1I1K9, victoria, u. u. recipes. before the Issue of such Certlllcate or loal nrti'd. Dated at Victoria, n r.. thin nth iiiv per Improvements. So if you want n reoipo c ipoTtD m 5111 dar 9f Fthrmr?' a-d- T. D. PATTULLO, any kind, no matter" wlia Ci Minister or Lands, 1 Terminal Coal AVIOAULK WATERS I'UOTEC pleaso send your request and TION MINERAL ACT. ws will endeavor lo get you Pliel ACT Bl,cl as many as wo can. There Is Yard PI""1' CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. no cliargo whatever. R. Si C Chapter 116. The Northern R r piaitAifA timi- i'lcaso address your re hereby gives notice that they have, under . I llflA ltitintt .t In...I iftt, m.i.. i. quest to Ilccipo Dept., Uox f"?,1? ,7,of ,ha Mld deposited with iler nf Pnl.li. rnrui ., ,1,, Ut. MVSlcrv. Miiiaa l sir a i-pb a n.a r..n. and In the ofilee or the District Registrar lonal Mineral (Minima aituatA Yn th. norl 882, Vancouver, U. G. '.r the Land lleglMry District of Prince and Canal Mining Division or Casslar District. Rupert at Prince Rupert. BC a de.crlp. Pacific Milk Co. ional tlon of the file nrt h nin rn. r.,.:"er?..loc,,ed! On the East Salmon "i-'r.f f nd. ""Ting of rannery jnd nsh' LIMITED V..,Vp.r,fMSed.,0.n Prtlon or TAKE NOTICE that I, A. II. Oreen. act- pm nir as agent for L. wmvim 332 DRAKE STREET Limit d i .'; """ur ni rori .s ngton . . p m Nr. 4 a 1 1 n r - r i : n rront or Lots 3 and I, Clock 3, Esslng. if' M. U WO. 8,688- Factory at B. O. i'i" iT..nslie' i"'ln? a '"b-dlvlsloh of Lot H. M. Martin, F. M. C. No. O.ogT.C: II. Ladner, Corner Sixlhjg I. Fetter, F. M. C. No. 8,897-C: II. K Canada Food Hoard Llcans 14-158, Ana lake no I re th.nt utter ih. No- .8-Ci Martin U Welch.'t. M. C. No. o soo.n int.n .inu Groceries , .t'1 1, r.r.m Ih. . . . . . - I TTirrh Chss V ' '. ,u ollre, ine northern r..iT uereor, 10 apply to tne iiifa" - II. C Hsherles Limited will under Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or Im-provements, 7 of thn said Art innlu ih. .!,.:.' .. ror the purpose or obtaining Meats Pt.hlle Works at his omee n the 7 ui tins nuuirj claim. n..wa.f,op,".pi?r?.v;1.of " Mil sit y,ndf And further taka nntlAA thir ... Fruits shore fnr ih (am hiL1? ABia J"re dor section 88, must be commenced before Hotel Prince Rupert Confectionery I '""" ut ucn uertincate or Im- or cannery and nshermen's boat,m0r' 'l Ul r.lll U.S. or Jan ."ri ,?2?SUVer' C- uaica mis stn day or March, A. D. 1919, and Bakery A. II. queen. EUROPEAN PLAN lltAiX B.C. FISHERIES LIMITED. A. Croelile. Secrelarv. F2R Q.'AnLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DI3- $1.50 per day and up. GET PROMPT Jl WATER NOTICE ..u. Lioiiuv.t ur BKtENA. ORDERS TAKE notice that Thn o.,.... FIRST-CLASS CAFE Lumber Co.. Ltd.. nt Pnn ru!n,,. fi'"A Ihb nilllflK..VEnsiON that Tlit AND USE.y . . w mill, intends to apply' ror A La Carlo, Motor dt'mtiJJ who,e address i, TerraVerD:c., w.nD7y lands'-- lonowing described for a licence to uuiiiiiiiiicing at a post planted Ihe PKr. ".ee2nd of '' 01" of Thornli II Creek northeast corner or l.Vt a h" ; At the Empress Theatre tonight ' s- or subdivision or Dst. Lot 740. thence ing. rcel W0M or Ftrrl' l-snd- north 8 chains, thence west SO degrees fh".10 ar.pro,ll(:l1 or Oovcrnment Wharr, Stremn The water at a nr.mi will be k. dlverled. rrom th southerly along said approach of Phone Black 183 east or the Skeena lilvef, ' Slid lovcrnment Wharr to northwest. Mrner or Phone Black 183 and will be ?:.'il.1'Iclc.4s. thence easterly Hong the V. MJU lllfl mild (R4(l-l, Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instruments, This Lot not S39,rn Range un nn.i.H 5, Coast.ii'i."cV . mlNCE RUPERT. 0. C. SUfl-AGENCV 8heet Muslo, Latest Popular Songs and Dances Ihe Dili div i ',.,r ' i" A J1"1" on AEAMN.lh8,;'nUC.E.LuM', .V, p(If, CO., LTD. Tenders addtessed to the Sub-Agent of ! Portland Canal ; this notice . ,'ilni ;..T;.- "py.. and ne aDove ueparimcnt. endorsed on tne en Prince Rupert Music Store io filed Prince In the office or the w.i.V nV.-Jil'i CM"U NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Steamer velope "Tenders'Supplies" ror for 10I9-1SII0.Lighthouse will and bo Obiecllona Rupert.in tha tnr,it...i NOTICE IS HEREBY niVPN ... J.ySu u" w m"ca WILL EDMUNDS, proprietor. tiled with the .M '""". my be lt7eeltfanrt?'t,vve,..,:0, 41.' Queen Char, Tender Forms and List or Supplies can OPP08ITE POST OFFICE the Comptroller rughu .!5 i" Rshtd iiyrr n!"..of 'l01'68 f""- be obtained from the Sub-Agent. Marine r ?v-. Repairs to all kinds of stringed Instruments. Flute and clarinets repadded ment ih piw Ilulldlngs,(lava .!. Vl"torla li c.,' -V.'.1?' July, i"U8,'""".u on the of Denot. l'rlnen riimert 11 ..id all ten. nt ,8n?e"?J.. ders must be made supplied and adjusted. Bows re haired and rewrapped. anr.....-"i UDon rorms Prlnco Rupert Academy of Muslo In Connection this notice rim a In i nJi.'I.ajfi'vr. ..AI?EN' "y 1,18 Department, with Store .ands ueputy Minister of Lands. The lowest or any tender not necessarily Department, ccepted. viviuria, u. c, (Bls-ncd) v x. HMiNiiuns. March, 1919. MIS' Sub-Agent.