Monday, March 31, 1910. TUB DAILY NEWS. Page 3 Biscuit Special Shoe Fitting" by Practical Shoe men PRINCE RUPERT AT THE The climate, industries and social conditions together Family Shoe Store arrived 1000 lbs of the most delicious fresh and with T st crisp biscuits a prophesy as to the future. First Prize Essay in the Daily News High School Contest, Third'JAvenueggy WHILE THEY LAST SALE ON by Caroline Mitchell, aged 16. A real live up-to-date EXCLUSIVE Shoe Store featuring all . 200 lbs. reg. 50c, on sale for 40c per lb the shoe requirements for men, women, boys and girls. lbs. reg. 40c, on sale for 32jc per lb AGENTSFOR 600 On a little island live and one half miles long and three miles Tho "Dorothy Dodd," J. & T.Bell, Ames, Holden Macready, fe 35c, on saie ior 40c per id "Lady Belle," and "Vassar" Shoes for Ladles. lbs. reg. goo wide just north of the fifty-fourth parallel the city of Princo Ru Sodas, special 3 boxes for $1.00 Slater, "Invlctus," Tetrault, Ames Holden Macready, J. nestles. chosen Ramsay's perl This location was owing to its fronting a Leckle & Co., and Amherst Shoes for Men. greal natural harhor, fourteen miles long, with deep water, good "Eclipse," "Chums," "Sterling," Pillow welt and Ahreus anchorage and devoid of tidal currents. The site is not deep as Shoes for Boys and dirts. it terminates against a high ridge of mountains about two miles E. R. Tabrum is fully qualified to treat all forms of foot troubles. Fuller's Grocery in a direct line from the waterfront. We carry a full range of Scholl's Arch Supports,etc Geo. Hill is a practical shoemaker and repairer., We have a fully Fuller, Smart C& Steen Prince Ilupert, the Northern Columbia carries on a large trade equipped Repair Dept. Metropolis of British Columbia, with these countries rich in lurn COME AND SEE US 45 is the western terminus of a ber, minerals and other- natural PHONE PHONE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM great railway, namely the Grand products. Already many keen Trunk Pacific, and the veritable business men have established The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 front door to the Yukon and themselves for taking care of this Alaska. This city is the centre trade and we have wholesale of the North Pacific fisheries, houses well equipped with large which industry is considered the stocks to do business in all lines finest in the world. A six-storey Among those established here are Storage Batteries House Wiring cold storage, built of steel and Kelly, Douglas & Co, Ltd., Stewart McGOWAN & HANSON j concrete is situated at Seal Cove, & Mobley, F. G. Dawson, Ltd., and Charged and Repaired in all its branches about a. mile northeast from the G. W. Nickerson & Co ion n No Loss of Time While city. Social Conditions Your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC-IRONS Climate. The social condition of our city cie u iveoair lo.i Overhauled. Another Is The climate of Prince Rupert is something concerning which Always Available. is similar to that of Vancouver or we have a great deal of criticism. GRILLS TOASTERS London mild, humid and invigorating. There is little or no provision Repairs of All Kinds H For Agents It differs from Vancouver made for healthy recreation or CVINRUDE Portable RANGES its rival in that it has an amusement for either young or Motors. HEATERS almost entire absence of fogs. In old there are few places for the Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphones, for VACUUM CLEANERS CAILLE Engines summer the temperature never homeless youth to spend the WASHING MACHINES Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys made, Runabouts. rises above eighty degrees or even evening. If there was an up-to-date Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe REGAL Engines for LAMPS in the coldest time in winter does Y. M. C. A. in our city with Trolling. FLASHLIGHTS it scarcely reach zero. a gymnasium, swimming pool Tha Famous English GENERATORS Industries. and library combined, it would be Soldering of All Kinds PETTER HEAVY OIL. The chief industries which are very helpful to the young peopl? ENGINE FOR Now ready for business, with full supplies, at the MOTOR SWITCHES, carried on around .Prince Ilupert of Prince Rupert. FISHING SCHOONERS ETC. are fishing, lumbering, agriculture Religious life. Harry Hanson Plumbing Shop and mining. The fisheries The religious life of the community Full line of Electrical Apparatus in stock. is an extensive trade from which is looked after by the 139 2nd Ave. - - - Prince Rupert our city greatly profits. Immense churches of the various denomi Phone 489 Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. catches of halibut, salmon, herring nations. Much good is done by and black cod are landed at these institutions in counteracting ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. Phone 125 O. Box 67 ts wharves and besides the cold the evil of our city, but perhaps storage plant there are four sepa still more could bo done if rate companies, the Atlin, Booth, all these churches were united and llll!liill!iilillllilm!ll!lll!lliilllllillli San Juan and Royal fisheries. were working together at the S.S. PRINCE RUPERT In our city Lumber.there are two lum same problems.Faith In City. ber companies, the Prince Rupert Many of the largo cities started Dentistry and Georgetown. The Prince Rupert with a more doubtful outlook SAILING Lumber Co. has secured most than Prince Rupert did and so of its. logs from the Queen Char as long as her citizen? have faith DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver lotto Islands and Simpson Bay in. her she is bound to rise and f and Victoria. and has shipped many a car load(become one of the leading cities I lowers Your One Decayed or Missing Tooth WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. of lumber to the old country dur on the coast. .Her position, her S. S. PRINCE JOHN ing the past four years. The industries, resources, trade and : Efficiency Queen Charlotte Islands March 20th and April 3rd. topography of the neighboring commerce all are helping to build country is mountainous and heav up the town. TRAIN SERVICE ily timbered with spruce, hemlock, Near Orient. . Piwnrer MONDAY", WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY it 11:30 l.m, for Smlthers cedar, larch and other varieties of Prince Rupert is several hun Print Gtorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg-, making direct connections for all evergreens, but of these spruce dred miles nearer the Orient than Dr. points east and south. has been in greatest demand. any other sea port on the coast Bayne AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Fertile Valleys. and is particularly suited as the The agricultural possibilities entrepot of business from Siberia, OFFICE HOURS: Tor information and reservations apply to of the fertile of the Skeena, China and Japan. This nearness valleys Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passengor and Ticket Agent. Horning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 makes Naas and Bulkley Rivers cannot to the ports of the Orient City Ticket Office, B20 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 be over estimated. These districts it capable to ship silk and other ! Dental Nurse in attendance. Er which are variously adapted for valuable cargoes quicker than by the production Of fruits, vege any other route. This town being Phone 109 for appointment tables and grain have not been surrounded by a country rich in A. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY cultivated to the same extent as natural resources will be able to they might have been, so as yet provide cargoes for steamers lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllilllllllllllllll m agriculture is not such an important operating from this port and in I Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points industry as the others. timo will become the shipping via Steamer tn Vancouver and the mm mining.t 1 9 point and market for farmers be Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Canadian Pacific Railway At Granby Bay there are largo tween here and the Rocky Mountains. copper mines and a huge smelter Meals and Berth included on Steamer which has just been built recently Development In Sight. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service IV- and copper is found in large During the reconstruction per . FOR VANCOUVER uiptadii vr crATTi u rnnia PRINCE RUPERT quantities at Rocher de Boule iod a great deal of lumber will be Fwuiry ,'uu, March ,,lhi and j,j Aprn tit, nth and Jlst; May nd. Prince to wm aim 83rd; June Jnd. mines. Silver and gold is very shipped through Rupert extensive in Stewart and from be used in building up European FOR KETCHIKAN. F. T. BOWNESS, M.n.f.r JUNEAU. WRANQELL. BKAQWAV. ALASKA that point via Prince Rupert over cities. This industry will increase I From prm?e nupert February lth,- March 7th, t7th and SSthj April 71b. will Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. two hundred and fifty tons have and a great many more men sain; May 8th. 18th and 8tth. been shipped to Tacoma and Trail. bo required. Again the fisheries W. C. ORCHARD. General Agent. Largo coal mines are being developed will, in a short time, bo finding Home Cooking Running Mot and Cold Water C at Telkwa and already new markets, one of the chief exports n Fourth Strtot nd Third Prince Rupert. B.C. Avenue, to the Prince Rupert many carloads have been shippea from out to the various points. Orient will be fish. m ITL. TT . Tho educational Education.facilities of The drydock Shipbuilding.and ship building GOOD EATS uie union COAST SERVICE. Princo Rupert are just as good as plant which is to commence work Second Avenue. in any other city. Wo havo one some time in the near future will Sffi For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m.; Sat., 4 Dreakfast 7:30 to 9 Steamship high school, which at present occupies make great changes. Thousands 11:30 to 2 p.m. three rooms of the Borden of men will be engaged in this Lunch : Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, Dinner 5:00 to 8 !of B.C. Street Public School; there i3 also work and as a result many men Mondays, 7 a.m. another public school situated at will start in business,"no one will SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY Naas River Points, Friday a.m. F Ltd. Seal Cove and also one on Soventh hesitate to invest their money :: Jaclr Rnrntlpv flnernl Affent I Avenue; moreover on account or and all will bo livelyjmd bright. the overcrowded schools a class Perhaps, when that day comes or two are being taught m trie there will be some sort of play Hays Block. grounds and a place where child WESTHOLME LUNCH I'.l,..... Merchandise. ren can go and spend their leisure SECOND AVE. I'ipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Inr tho business section of tho hours without seeing all the evil Edward Cunningham, Vice-President HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. town various banks nave tneir and vice of the street life. branches established. Among Shipping. Lipseit-Cunningham these are: Tho Canadian Bank of Everything is in favor of Prince Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. & Go. she will be Commerce. Bank of Montreal, Rupert's progress Short orders all the time. Specialrates with roomjand board. Union Bank, and tho Royal Bank connected with the eastern points I IMITCn - -1 of Canada. by moans of an neroplane service F,S"INQ & Tho business district of Princo and with tho Oriental pqlnts by CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Rupert is one worthy of any city, means of mighty steamers sailing 8teamsh!p s"PPlles, Gas Engines and Aooessorlos and is marked by beautiful store every day from our port. It BOSTON GRILL n Netting, fronts, prettily dressed windows is also planned to ship tne ma Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Swan- and full shelves. It is a well jority of tho output from " PRINCE RUPERT. B. O. known fact that no man has failed son Bay and Ocean Falls through 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 47 w '"S stored who had a knowlcdgo of his Princejluport and as this includos A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Wter office: Princo Ilupert Oflloe: business and sufficient capital at largo shipments of paper, lumber Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. 8tree, Telephone No, 95 the outset. This city, being the and pulp, tho prosperity of the DINNER 11.30 to S.30; PRICE 45c. lo 50c De.iert at ever? meal. neouver, D. G. P. O. Box 1608 front door of commerce to the town will bo increased a great Short orderi at any time. Yukon and all northern British deal.