Page 4 THE DAILY NKWS Mondo IV. Mni REV. DR. WHITE AT II fl D F DflFS lliajlJlUAILri V1IU11V11 VT v VT g, ri wi TTTTr VALUABLE. WUK& Tlio Ilov. Dr. While, superintendent of vlhe Methodist Homo DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Missions, delivered three ad-4 Three Local Chapters Have Been dresses yesterday in the Methodist Very Active During Year WATER RIGHTS BRANCU Church, one in the morning, another Just Past. "WATER ACT 1914." in the afternoon, when he was the prominent figure at the The first annual report of th ;anceixation of reserve of water Sunday School, and in the evening municipal chapter of the I. O. D Iio.NOTICE Lieutenant Is hereby Governor fclven or that British Ills Colum-13, Honor ho spoke to the congregation E. as compiled by the secretary. by and with the adrlce of bis Eiecu-Ive Council, has been pleased to order: on the history of Christianity Mrs. Duncan, shows that th THAT pursuant to the provisions of frm its inception to the present .membership of the order in this .ertlon St of the "Water Act, 1914" toelng-:haptcr 81 or the statutes or 19U. that time, when peoplo had need of the 'Cjty numbers 135, made up of 7 1 ho reserve or the unrecorded waters or church more than ever. members in the Queen Mary Chap Irrier lefupe in Creek,Council established No. 68, approved pursuant on the' to Meth Davis and J. E. Davoy te'r, 34 in Hill CO Chapter, and 30 7th day or January, 1010, be tsncelled. dated this t7tn day or February, ttiv. were the soloists. in the Adair Carss Chapter. The I. U. I'AUULLU, total money raised by the three Minister or Lands, chapters amounted to 12,218.14. N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH SEEDS! Donations Donations,were made to the N THE MATTER COLUMBIA.OF THE "ADMIM3TRA TION ACT following? objects: Halifax nelief and of N THE MATTER OF' THE ESTATE OF Daughters Empire For the Garden Orphanage, MARIA VERY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. giant jam gift for the men in th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WIIOMl Specially Suited for Prince trenches. Y, M. C. A. Prisoners of T MAY CONCERN or an Order made by I War fund, French Relief fund, St Ills Honour F. McB. Youn;, Local Judge,I Rupert soil. In the above matter on the 17th day of I Dunstan's Hostel . for the blind heDruary, a. u. iviv, as iohows: it is ordered that me said John h. wool for French peasants, Daugh McMullIn shall be allowed to swear to Uie I FEED tcrs of Empire Nurses Home, the death or the said deceased as occurring I CHICKENS on the S3rd day or October, 1918, arterl Canadian Red Cross, Great War the exb ration or ono month rrom the date i HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER of or the first publication or notice or this Veterans, Daughters Empire order, unless in the meantime proor Is I Travelling Historical Gallery for furnished to me Registrar or mis court I at Pr nee Rupert, u. c that the said cle-1 the benefit of the schools. Two cased, Maria very, was alive subsequently I RRiEEDCo took Victory bonds o tne saia xara aay or ucioDcr, ivib. i chapters up AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Local Activities. aid John II. McMullIn do publish notice of I his order in me rrince itupert Daily news. PHONE 58 During the year members of newspaper published at rrince Rupert.I assisted in the work u. v., lor a perioa or one monxn. P. O. Box 333 SOS 3rd Ave. tho chapters JUtin II. MCMULLlil. of National Registration, under Official Administrator. DATED at rrince Rupert. B. C, this IStD look to canvass parts of the town lay or February, A. D. lots. in the Y. M. C. A, campaign, took charge on two occasions of the LAND REGISTRY ACT. The dainty things love- (Sections 38 and 134.) you TOM LEE CO. Red Cross weekly sales, held i Re Application l'o. 10,551-1. File 608S. tag day for the Navy League, co 840 Second Avenue, West. operated with the Board of Food made TAKE to NOTICE register Frank that application W. Hart, or has Prince been I You need no longer dread laundering them. There's a way Control in their efforts at food nuperi, is. (j.. as owner in ree unaer a Tax Sale Deed rrom the Collector or the City to keep them safe though you tub them dozens of times VEGETABLES conservation, assisted in the Vic or rrince Rupert.- bearing date the Sth day or December, 1918, or ALL AND SINGULAR I Wholesale and Retail tory Loan campaign, and were that certain parcel or tract or una anai the Lux way. particularly active during the in premises situate, lying, and being In the I General Contractors and City or Prince Rupert, more particularly I Labor Exchange. fluenza epidemic in helping to known and described as Lot twenty (SO),I The Lux dip the and down, gently garment up way care for the sick both in the Gen- Block Nineteen (19). Section Six (6). City squeezing or Prince Rupert (Map 923;. I Prince Rupert, B.C. eral Hospital and in the Borden you are required to contest me ciaimi the pure Lux suds through and through the fabric then or the tax purchaser within 33 days rrom I Street Emergency Hospital, as ne aate or me service or mis notice i the it gives beautiful Phone 517 P.O. Box 725 well as in private homes. Knitting which may be effected by publication In I pressing water out, not wringing new, daily newspaper), and your attention tsi meetings have been held by the caned to section so or me "una iiegistryi life to the garment every time it is so washed. act win aiaenaioenis, ana w ine iuiiow- chapters and 483 articles hav lng extract therefrom: FOR ELECTRICAL WORK been sent overseas, these being or and Us in pendens deraull being or a tiled caveat before or the certificate regis I It all comes back to the ultra purity of these shimmering, nearly all pairs of socks. tration as owner or me person emitted i Go to under such tax sale, all persons so served I satiny Lux flakes notwithstanding their cleansing power im notice and tnose claiming Geo. Waddell MEN COMING NORTH claiming through any or under interest them,in me and iana all by persons virtue I they injure nothing that pure water itself may touch. of any unregistered instrument, and all I persons claiming any Interest In the land) FOR GRANBY OPENING by descent whose title Is not registered! 336 2nd Ave. under toe provisions or mis Act, snau be I LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO or ever estopped and debarred rrom set Phones ting up any claim to or In respect or the Three Hundred Registered at the land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar DLACK 367 GREEN 394 Offices of the Company In shall register the person entitled uuder such tax sale as owner or the land so sold. Save Money In Lamps. Vancouver. tor taxes." AND whereas application has been made for a Certificated' Indefeasible Title Between two and three hundred to the above-mentioned lands, in the name! or f rame w. nan. i men are registered at the ofllces AND WHEREAS on Investigating the I 'of tho Granby Consolidated in the title It appears that prior to the toth day I DENTISTRY or uctober, 1917 (me date on wnicn me Birks building, Vancouver. said lands .were. sold for. overdue taxes).I i you were ine regisierea owner mereor. I returned soldiers were included I Many ia&c nuiiiE mat at inei OFFICE HOURS: among the applicants, over same time I shall effect registration In B a.m. to 12; 1 :30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. pursuance or such application and Issue 40 of whom had been engaged in a Certlllcate or Indefeasible Title to the said lands In the or Frank W. Hart name DR. J. S. BROWN enlistment. to their mining previous unless you take and prosecute the proper DENTI8T O. B. Smith, mines superintendent, proceedings to establish your claim. If any, to the said lands, or to prevent such Officii Smith Block, Third Avsnu. said that the company proponed action on my part. The Gurvich Pianos in Stock Phone 454. veterans D.vitu at me Land Registry Office. will give preference Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 11th day or l wherever they are qualified to fill March, 1819. II. F. MACLEOD. HEINTZMAN & CO. jpon positions. District Registrar or Titles. Transfer , Most of the employment seek To Emiiene 0. Dobson, KARN North Vancouver, B. C. ENNIS CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ers, it was stated, are mechanics, although it was at first feare'd by WATER NOTICE MORRIS NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the re Fred Stork's 'company officials that the offering USE AND STORAGE serve existing over vacant Crown Land In Phone Green 548 CLINTON me vicinity or cneiaslle River. Itanre D0HERTY of that class of labor would hard Coast District, bv reason r.r nntirn null P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Coast Emlo ly suffice to fill the needs of tho Q t Inn ff t tl It'hnca tMnaB la Tstnnotn Ilshed In the British Columbia Gazette of Sold on Easy Term Ont., will apply ror a licence to take and zoui may, tvio, is cancelled out pianoJ Hardware nlaht. Miners aro very mUch in use SOU cubic reel per second and to store or it, NACEN. We Sell Coal Wo rint : : demand. 4.000' acre feet or 174,340,000 cubic feet Deputy of Minister of Lands. by tho month as or water out or Cascade and Sliver Creeks Department Lands, day. I The first coterie of workers are (streams), also known as draining Long Victoria. B. c low as 20c. a Lake and other small lakes In the vicinity 11th March, 1919. M 1 H"'' on their way north on the Camo Piano Tuning and oi mo tsig Missouri uroup, wuicn nows in ssun. This will include the a southwesterly direction and drains Into LAND REGISTRY ACT Instrument Rcpairinj the Salmon River about one mile south or A Complete ! ine of kitchen force and waitresses, who the International Boundary Line. (Sections 3ft and 134.) will prepare for the coming of tho The storage-dam will be located at Long E. L. VAUGHAN Walker'Aic Store L.SKC11IIU outer email taxes aajacent. i lie I lie Application No. 10,728-1. File 0.134 workers, many of whom will be cmiaciiy ui me reservoir to ce created is I sbout 800.000.000 cubic rt.. and it win L.JA.- "HJ'J- iv.aL PP''cat on nas been Phone Biwr sent to the copper town on the flood about 400 acres or land, (all rock) 'upert C p o iVot ssTV. ?.U.rm?S Expert Piano Tuning The water will be diverted rrom the ilrtira TuUf 'nJirtV r,".!.? morning Marine Prince Rupert Monday ,w0 T at a Dohit about the nutlet of i.nn i Sale. and Repairing Many Stay at Work. or a small lake below, at dam sl e.. and ''or.' l.Q.? u'!.y S "mc? ""R8" will be used lor and mlnlnir Power nnr Satisfaction Guaranteed I Following the vote taken on the pose upon the: mine and ror tramways and I 1918, or ALL. . AND... SI.NOULAH that certain company's offer before the shut other power lines; described as land not Kngnd'being 1 1 ',10.U,Y of ?HnV. iilf' Heinlznian & ft-. AND subdivided, except mlnlnir claims. Leave Orders at down it voted Thls notice unanimously was was posted on the ground scribed lot on the 23rd day of February. 10 as forty-four (44) and rorty that should any of tho married copy or this notice and an application pur ?K ty.'.BSf.n,le" !). Section live Prince Rupert Music Store suani thereto (S), (Map 923). You are rcaulred to men having families at Anyox, ,,.,i7 T. ,.Vi..'Y the '.i"er..A" contest the Claim of the. lax purchaser Phone Black 183 Household mi, MI UO JilCU 111 IlIIM IllllI'H III I II A I o j - and living there, desire to accept vr.ta. nA.AA. . r" v; w nun jo uava rronr tna niA nr n bpp. "oh ecuon "to a,W "SXa1- n,. k- '. th.'..notice (which may be elfecTed the company's offer they were at filed with.the said Water Recorder or with .?"?. .our.. "teniicn . Is Weber Pianos j perfect liberty to do so without the Comptroller of Water Rlglits. Parlla- .A.h V' '"na "cgistry mem iiuiidings, V ctorla, 7,V.. "uu lo 1,10 ,"'" bearing the stigma of being ihlrly.... days.,. , after. . the. first aonMranri ir, u..?i,.ra5'-ami ill i e thcrefroin:r m 1 1,i nr a n. ,., tin THE WEST END lliffh grade guarj mis iiuiii-u ui b mcai "unfair." Whether they stayed newspaper. cate or lis Paints The territory to be traversed Is entirely pendens belug riled be-rore or remained was quite optional, inning district and Is unsuitable ror any the registration as owner or the Chop Suey iner purpose. See Mineral nmnm h,,i person entitled under snrh tat inanufaf and many stayed, working at re or Salmon River, Portland Canal, Mining all persons so served will notice, . , table in IvIVlolUIl .... and those claiming through HOUSE AND OAFE construction of the property Tne date of the flnt nublfrAtinn nr thil or unuer them, and all persons claiming yu l' ' order to replace buildings, tracks any interest in the land iv virtu 912 Third Avenue PACinC or any unregistered instrument, and COA6T EXPLORATION CO., LTD. and ore bins which were seriously Applicant. i. ia.;.. yiuiiniiiif any interest in Rupert Wusi MAPLE LEAF damaged by tho flee on March 2 By Wra. Noble, Agent. the registered land by under descent the whose provisions title Is not or THE PLACE FOR Prince 0ffi this Act, shall be ror ever estopped LATE SUPPER 10PP. Post THE SUPREME COURT OF BIHTISII and debarred Env rrom setilne- un anofT PAINT PEACE TREATY MAY L.UUUA1U1A. claim to or In respect or tho land so Modsrn Appointments W, J. riii'""" p sold ror taxes, and the Registrar shall Rsflnsd Patronage Solicited N THE MATTER OP THE FLOGLAZE BE READY APRIL 21 TION ACT and ADMINISTRA- such register tax sale the as person owner entitled or thn imH under mn P. O, Box 897 Phone 30S -V TUP MITTri)-...., Tlir tic wr.r.niAlK. iih-i .....buiu i or.... laxes, ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, INTESTATE .A8 PPtlon has been Paris, March 28. Hopes are ma(1e for a Certlflcate or Indefeasihlm ti IN prorate. s riDTltC 13 IIEREIl V fllVFN Tn iirunu " iiieiiuonea lands, n the name Barsalou No better paint made. expressed in Peace Conference T MAY concern nr in iiTi..' -..hIT. r Thomas Trotler. N THE SUTREME COURT OP BRITISH lis Honour F. McB. Young, Local Judge, i,iV.t .nnilE.nE.AKS. ,on. Investigating the circles that a preliminary treaty n the above matter on th onih h. v; ' prior to the toih nv COLUMBIA. It makes good because may bo signed by April 20. aD!ir.y- u D- 19'. " follows: I,. 1 V.0.?.?'.19'7' .,he ds' on which the TION THE MATTER ACT OF THE ADMINISTRA Motor TransW 11 13 UltUL.Hl' 11 thnt thA al I su ililu, were BOIQ TOP nvpprlllA ntftal it's made good. rfcM.ullUi shall be allowed to awear tn th "..2:JPeJ.eltei owner thereof. . and T I I! MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK WON ,c.. ui mam uet-easea as nrrtirrint i - jr,nc niiiiLL inai ai iiift STEEPLECHASE. n ine 97tii nnv nr notnh.. , a.i I puiiiu un a i snail cirecx rrft-lttpallnn In ALEXANDER J, DONOHUE, DECEASED, lie expiration or one month horn the di" KX 'nV.'il PP"tlon and siua a K.O in K.. r the nrst publication or notice i F.eriin?5te.K0f ,!mfe"lble Title to the Id or h sa London, March 29, Poctlyn fer, unless in the meantime no of Thorns Trotler un TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills proor Fred Stork's s Honour F, McB. Young-, made the 18th won the Grand National Steeplechase. rlnce Ilunert. n. r. lay or March. A. D. 1010. I was ar)Dlotcd COAL, mo sam accessed I "u ur ciaim, I' Bally Boggan camo in .inert Cole was alive subsequently ,0 tne Bnv 10 ,,ie ,ald lands,Z or to nrevent such Administrator to the estate nf Aleisndor HANDIf aid S7th day or October. proposed action on my part. - J. Donnnue. deceased, and all rartles hav 1 Hardware second and Pollen third. Tho AND IT IS FURTHER oflDKRED that the I liiTrn .t w B I.anil liAivl.tMi. Am.. ing: claims aira nsl the said estate .are here NlgUl.ndPrl, price on Bally Boggan was 20 to I d John II. MeMniiin ,in Prlnre "upert, B. C. this "iVAf by required to furnish same, properly -J. SliCONp AVENUE bis order in the Prince Rupert March. 19(9. verified, to me. on or berore ilia loth day .ril 1. published at Prince RSpet.' H. F. MACLEOD, or April, A. D. 1919, and all pirtles In-denied . .... miSf' Phone Black 114 n1,1 ne month. to the estate are ream red to pay i I 1."A ' Dat;d at Prince Rupert, B.C. this sth To. Alfred Gendrbn. Ihe amount of their indebtedness to me People read llfflD ptr. See tho classified ads. on page ay of February, A. D, loio rrince Rupert, n. n. forthwith. JOHN H. JOHN II. fivo. MCMULLIN. MCMULLIN, 13 Official Administrator, Advertise In tho Daily News. Omctal Administrator, i, Tho moral Dated this IS lb day of March, 1919,