Mo nJay, March 31, 1910, THE DAILY NEWS. Page 6 WOULD PROHIBIT ALL HIT ECZEMA UNSEEMLY DANCES RELIEVED Bill In Alaska Legislature to Pro SOOH hibit "Bunny Hug" Referred to Game Committee. Provincial Treatment For This -S 140 WONDER. perfect ry Vol) can Mrve. . . )f Juneau, March 28. A bill to "Y A WORSE LOOKING 1a Distressing uumpiaini prohibit the "Bunny Hug," "Turkey Trot," and "other immoral fACE TrSfH KC y---- W, 'T had an aiww v wwv. and suggestive dances." intro U00K rST Tr- BML izeiw .i v.A vorl that. clothes duced in tho House by Mr. Nor FLOUR ..n k wet tnrouffti i urocs. dale for Us "author," Mr. Collins, v -ro sTrxvrr y ths.I sun erca vern Diy. i oriwu' mn ' , , . was the first joke put over on any could g!'1 1,0 re"eI Unl" 1 " ea of tho members on the floor of it... onrl 'Sooths. Salva' the House since the beginning of mtan - gib .1 116" T hrn- licpd thrA the lourtii Session. After it was read, it was referred by . f 'Soollia Salva' ana two oi Speaker I-ruiU-tlTes'.ana am nuwrww- I White to the. Committee on Roads, Is milled from the and later, upon suggestion of Mr. Collins, to the Committee on Tin n meso bici" - i . .Icrs at 60c. a tK)X. 0 lor Game, though Mr. Soworby, chairman THE HIGHEST GRADE 1. nrn nt nl TlnM nv of the latter committee, disclaimed 'lHk J Ul L"il ' any knowledge of the JTU1 - iiroi" la i so nui ud" in a "game" mentioned in the bill. OF HARD WHEAT -t nliich sells for 26c. Under the Table. After a spirited discussion re garding the proper disposal of STEEN & LONGWILL the bill, Mr. Pennington,- who was that could be secured in seconded by Mr. Dunn, moved that jA-j 6ene- the fields of it "bo put under the table.' Though there wero several (lis EffOINEERS senting votes, Mr. Pennington's Manitoba, Saskatchewan motion carried and the bill was Agents for "put under tho table." Daily News Classified Advertising j and Alberta KcCLABV FURNACES The bill, as introduced, follows "An Act to prohibit certain PLUMBINQ dances commonly called the GIVEN AWAY lots 9 and 10, block 27, Section 'Grizzly Bear,' 'Turkey Trot, 5. Apply to owner on premises. and Land on Lewis Island given away 'Snake Wrestle," 'Bunny Hug,' and SHEET METAL WORKS to fishermen with families. FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from other suggestive and immoral dances and to provide a penalty Must become bona-fide settlers. prize strain barred rocks, and This Flour will be on sale soon Apply a t Fuller's Grocery, Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per 576 for the violation of the Act and ight phones or write U. Striethorst, box 508 setting. Atkins' Meat Market. and Blue 270 declaring an emergency. Prince Rupert. tf by all ithe leading grocers s flaht work, at the right "Be it enacted by the Legisla FOR SALE Lots $50 and upwards; :m ,ni at the rlaht DrlOA. ture of the Territory of Alaska: WANTED. Will help finance building. "Section 1. It shall be unlaw See list and terms. ful for any person to do, to at Bring your furs to Goldblooin, F. W. 81 TIMBER SALE X1466. tempt to do, or to take part in Third Avenue, He pays high-tf Look for Provincial Flour! certain forms or kinds of dance, est price. FOR SALE Six-roomed house, . r I nrls -. Mian Ihin rtnn n Section 6, $250 down. P. O. box ier ui iaiiua uv wi 'ih wn vi commonly known or called the WANTED Girl for general house Hootcliie Koochie,' 'Grizzly Bear,' 230. (75) work. High wages. Apply box nf snnirp Cedar and Balsam on an jjiuaiea tin Dig uic, cucibhu Turkey Trot,' 'Snake Wrestle,' 236, Daily News ofllce. 80 FOR SALE Baby carriage and Bunny Hug,' 'Lame Duck, or any gocart, Brochu, Third Ave. other suggestive 0 r immoral WANTED Woman to do scrub riniT nariicuiars ui lub imci rures dance. bing and cleaning. Apply to FOR SALE Three-roomed house Heavy Fine. matron, P. R. General Hospital.' and Lot 20, Block 23, Section ''Section 2. Any person violat 7. $600 cash. Phone Red 267. lit, siriiL.uL tuuiti ur uiuwau HELP WANTED COLUMUJA. ing tho provisions of the Act shall Westinghouse lit aiAiicn ur iiir, AuniiiiaiiiA FOR SALE New laid eggs, every be guilty of a misdemeanor, and mi ai.i ana GIRL WANTED for house work. day. Bowling alley. Third Ave. upon conviction thereof shall be Apply box 235. tf lit, aiaiie.ii ur inc. caiAic.ur punished by a fine of not less than FOR SALE Franklin stove. Open. IkP NiiTlTF lh( In nrrfer nf Ilia twenty-flve ($25.00) Dollars, or KITCHEN HELP WANTED IN Size 14. Phono Black 365. 7 ELECTRIC RANGES r v mcu. iou nr. iiibuo ice ixui imprisonment in the Federal jail LANDER BOARDING HOUSE. of Miri!h. A. D. IQlfl. I u-ai annoliUPii FOR SALE Trucks and spring not than ten iiiiauatur iu tuts co to ui n ituuiaa for more 10) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. WANTED Woman to prepare wagons. Pony Express. 81 i inuui me said estate are nereuv luncheon, and dinner (electric rpn in iiirn in snma nrnnar v vr nan ... . . range) and lako care of apart FOR RENT Did it ever occur to you that the cost of operating an ua in parties indebted to the es- 'Section 3. An emergency is irz reuuireu in mv inn imm ni nr ment. H. S. Wallace. tf Automatic Electric Range, including the cost of power, udcbieuneH to roe forthwith. hereby declared to exist and this FOR RENT Small well furnished t lll.ii II., Act shall take effect from and FOR SALE house, four or flvo months. for wafer heating is actually less than the cost of coal Official Admlnlitritnr. after its passage and approval." Telephone Black 523, Mrs. A. used or the same purpose? FOR SALE 44 acres of good farm Farrow. tf Isn't such information worthy of your consideration? 11 h bi'dduiip rniinn r r v n tri 0 it land on the Skeena River; 8 COLUMBIA. QUARANTINE FOR ARCHITECTS We are distributors for the Canadian Westinghouse II K UlTTFR MC Till? a r II IVTQTn acres cleared, with good house. Right at Kwinitsa station. Price i Company and as such are prepared to offer our guarantee, ALASKAN PORTS WILLIAM BRUCE, F. E. A. S. A., lit MtTTFn IIP TUP PQT1TP (If $500 cash and the balance of Architect, Fourth Street, Prince backed by that of our principals,' that Westinghouse $500 in ono year. Apply to Rupert. Plans and specifications Automatic Ranges are the very best made and the most Seattle, March 29. A five-day Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa, B. C, or for public and private economical of operation. quarantine against influ'jma has Prince Ed. H. agent, Mortimer, .... buildings. tf We will undertake the complete installation for you WIW saakQ ui itciuci k w been established at all southwestern B. C. tf Brcidea, h ;..aed. and all names Rupert, " -aiMa iud saiu L-aiaiB ai 93 Alaskan ports. This TAXI SERVICE at a reasonable figure. May we now submit our proportion? I'd. 1 ttia n ,- .l. " .-- -J covers all travel at Skagway. The FOR SALE Hatching eggs, off . ... . ., S. C. R. TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE ,f,r. -1IU iiHriiHS 111 Canadian authorities will con S. C. Whito Leghorns; .... 'v vjiio bio rt'uuucu lu Day tinue tho quarantine against I. Reds, off 300 highest laying Night and Day. Phone 99. uiin JOIW H. McMULLLN,- Skagway.travellers bound up country via the strain Pennsylvania and winter layers,Poultry from PERSONAL The Prince Rupert Supply Co. uaj Vl nlrrn. 1V1V. Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also An opportunity for dressmakers Limited IK E IDDrun .n..n- Salvation Army. Indian Runner Ducks. Sutherland to double their incomes. Write P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 704 McBrido St. tf Standard Silk Co., Welton Blk., "t NATTER OP tup intuviaTin Vancouver. State whether or Public meetings, Tuesdays, FOR SALE Fishing boat, com Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. not you work in connection with 38 feet f twAL 0f THE ESTATE OF plete, in running order; fwcii, DECEASED, INTESTATE. ii. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. long, 8 feet beam, 15 h, p. Canadian a store. 78 .. . ALT V Knriisn engine, used only one FOR ADOPTION . Wo put pep into our printing season. Also gear and dory. Georgetown Lumber Co. n tlMi.-iui iif niii r-r wa I auuuuttru A usiness at Tho News Print Shop For particulars apply 1545 BABY GIRL, two weeks old, for rnih . - v 1 cuuiicu TIMBER SALE X1605. Ninth Avenue east. 77 White 217, Canadian or write parents, Mrs. PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 rtnuinVrt V, u io me estate Rpilcit tenders will be received by tbe FOR SALE House and Lot 18, Wm. Brown, P. O. box 575, Largest Assortment of Lumber. In Central B. O. Minister or Lands not later than noon on Block 42, Section 5, $1200. Prince Rupert. 77 FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY he Itlh day or April. !!, ror me pur J0II.1 II. McMULLIM, chase or Licence X 105. to cut l,939,ooo Terms, or trade for timber. ATED thl. i'.'a' Aministntor. rect or nr and cedar on nortaeny pornou Stalo full particulars. Box 237 Queen Charlotte Islander can- SPRUCE FIR CEDAR or Lot 831, Sou tli Bentinck Arm, lunge 78 lot do better than mail their Daily Nows ofilc9. 3, coast District. Two (S) years will be allowed ror re printing needs to The News Print Consult Us. IUAK5 IN PRISON moval Further or timber.particulars or tne cnier rorrsicr, FOR SALE House and two lots, Shop and get the work done Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince 630 Taylor St., -five rooms on romptly and well. FOR BAD CHINAMAN rtupcrt, B. C. IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES Foph:..:"U aRRt V.M ni..ii. mm PHrm IT'S A GREAT LIFE- " "'"aning; Finger 1 "us ten Tale. IA . - ""U wus Cllllrcorl n,llh 1. ; U I n r. """w ()& .1 uiiitri.iii nnnn ft.l . . "o u. nun in. 111 n.m ft - ui oaiun nv nrini.nnn. l HPP.ncn . . . ,urn Tiwi. ' .vuB.iv -uuko 101in r. 41, n 1.. p. -.. UUU1UV --vuuiu llnlln.T It.- ?r prin't till 11!II flA l.n H I. . . . v ?1 1 1 it nnt hpn ""' 1,10 accusca "ITCSlei nn 1 lw. 11 .r 11,0 lhcn of a 1 '"unins ror . u"ence. ami n . which Z " in 1118 Possession, 60 eerveu six months In udffft v luunp bai . . vin.i . " --"n;in;ufi 111m trt Bon pa "W8nment at Okalla 1 hi. iin, represented tho