Page 6 THE DAILY NEWS. Mond March 31, l9l) SEVEN SQUADRONS G. H. Arnold Local News Notes ! Monday OF THE BRITISH NAVY All Sizes In NOTARY PUBLIC Mrs. Palmer will not receive None Allotted to the North Pacific tomorrow. It Congoleum WE BUY Special According to Reuters Agenoy. Sinking of the Lusitania at the Empress Theatre. London, March 31. neuter's LATEST DESIGNS is authoritatively informed that VICTORY BONDS George M. Cohan as Qilly Sun Purity Wheatlets the post-war distribution of the day in "Hit the Trail Holliday" at British navy will bo a home fleet ALL PICTURES AT (ho Westholme tonight. 10 lb. sacks 75c. an dscven loreign squaurons COST market price - stationed m if Atlantic, West PICTURES FRAMED highest Paying Regular Dollar 'Value. Full line in Williams' solid Atlantic, China, Capo of Good for them. No delay. Ask leather workshocs. Family Shoe Hope, South America, East Indies us for prices. Store. - tf Rupert Table Supply Go. and the Mediterranean. Barrie Furniture Store New arrivals in Oxfords, pumps II. G. HELGERSOIM, LTD. PHONES 211,212 and high shoes. Family Shoe THIRTEEN REELS AT Insurance-Real Es'ate SECOND ST. AND THIRD Store. tf AVE. 216 Sixth St., Prince Rupeil, B.C. ALDERMAN CASEY REPORTS EMPRESS THEATRE The Prince Alhert arrived in TO FEDERATION OF LABOR port from Vancouver this morn ON CALGARY CONVENTION Three Big Features All In One ing at 4 with a cargo of coal. Show to be Seen at Popular (Continued From Page One.) Playhouse Tonight. THE It. J. McDonnell of New Hazel- ton is a visitor in town, coming in their possession banned liter The big thirteen-rcel program ECONOMY STORE in on the train early this morning, Invest In ature in violation of orders-in-council. at the Empress tonight is the talk The Also there were conscientious of the town. There Is only one Phones 18 and 36 700 tons New Wellington coal objectors. Men who show and it includes the sensa- Prince Rupert 417 Eth At.f E. just arrived. Phone yourVirders rerused to light were not neces- tional war picture "Crashing Housing Schem to 116 or 564, Albert & McCallery, sarily criminals. If often took Through to Berlin," in which the SPECIAL FOR Ltd. tf more courage to reruso to fight sinking of the Lusitania and many Three days Only . than it did to go with the crowd.'other wonderful scenes are WHY? O. A. Bryant returned this ese men were active In shown. Itpcnuan it in vmir lnl. na n i morning from his old homo in tnc lauor wonu and they must use! "All Niclil"! nnn nf tlm mnsi man doing busfness in Prince llupert or who exnti Winesap and Iowa, after being absent several every endeavor to secure their re- complicated of plays with a plot to do business hero tomorrow, and who d-clinei weeks. lease. A 'IhnL fs intrp.nimm nnd intprpstincr neglects to invest in the Housing Scheme is a titll Newtown Pippin ir i were in jail, said the aid- jn the extreme. Carmel Myers is and will be making his living off the citizens wboT Just arrived, Ladies' Spring erman, ana i am apt to ho there, the star and tho is delightfully Wo expect to increase our population by 2 ioo Apples styles in Dorothy Dodd Oxfords i biiuuiu not mins-mucn oi you humorous and her acting is su equivalent to 500 new families and Ave hundred,in! in black and tan. family shoe u you am not try to get me re-'perh.. men. Each single man will spend here an $4.50 Per Case averan f Store. tf lecsea. Billy West is the greatest living uu wr, juuiuii, anu eacn lamuy an average of tl'l After WEDNESDAY, April 2nd exception was also taken to the'imDersonator of Charlie Chanlin per month, making a total additional annual eipendi they will be much dearer The Union Steamship Camosun sending of munitions to Siberia1 H0 gives a- rollicking whirlwind turc in Prince Huperl of $1,350,000. docked at 4 o'clock this morning ana action would ho taken to pre- comedy "His Day Out," which from the south, and left for An- vent it EVERYBODY BENEFITS. of the funniest things Iteallem Grocery Company one seen yox at 7 a. ro. Courteous Hearing. hero for many a day. Every man doing business here, whether pro. LTD. Alice 13. ready for business. If Mr. Casey then went on to say Taken as a whole the program fessional, manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, or n need of a launch, phone Red uiai no nau ueen led to Deueve theijs a stunner, ny one of the whether in legal or illegal business will get his snare returned soldiers... were. coming1 rniiipa fa n npfniitm in ttat of tho money, whether ho Invests in the housing 391, Prince Rupert Boat House, - i r -" pro. ' mere to mob him and break up.n is one of Mm rcmnrpssoa jcci, which ihqkcs u possioie, or not. W. J. Thomas. tf the meeting, there were some nights. Mrs. Ellen there and he thanked them for the NOT BLOOD-LETTING OPERATION Kennedy was brought I I STEPHENS before Magistrate McMuIlin this ifourleous faring they had given BILLY SUNDAY SEEN If the average profits are 25, the advantage It morning in the police-court andi,nm' " had produced an argu- us is J337.500. This is not a blood-letting operation, NOTARY PUBLIC flned $30 for drunkenness. im-enl amJ lf lheS did not ,ik9 1,10 AT THE-WESTHOLME nor a pocKet dook slitting stunt, it is the biggest . . . position he had taken he would money maker you ever put a dollar into. We areast- Special meeting Trades and be Bd to discuss it with them.' ing you to invest less than one-third of the proillSTt, FOR SALE Labor Council Tuesday, April 1, In answer lo-qustions, the speak Geo. M. Cohan s Famous Play will make out of the project. It is the most sane lust. Lots il and 12, Block 16, to receive official report of dele er said that there was one relumed Gives Replica of Celebratod ness proposition ever offered to a citizen of Piinst Section 5, corner Tatlow and gate to Calgary Convention. 77 soldier in the B. C. Convention, Evangelist. llupert, The security is absolute. II should reljj Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc., but was not sure how you T7c per annum on your money, 2 - more thai Price only , There was born to Mr. and Mrs. many in the other. In the unusual picture "Ilit-the-Trail Victory Bonds) and indirectly you will make 3C, -c llobert Gibson, of Port Essing- In regard to the activities ofi Holliday" at the West- your investment through the channels of your genem $2,000.00 ton, at the Prince P-upert General parliament a man would bo foolish holm? tonight. Billy Holliday is business. You will gel.your share of that jJ7,S;i on terms of $500 cash, balance Hospital, on March 30, a son. to starve and nurse his misery the replica of Billy Sunday, the payable monthly on Iwaitintr fnr it In nif. tvlion lhr famous Evangelist, he being a I ARE YOU A DEAD ONE? payments to suit purchaser. A. ..u.,.Ur.1 U f "b4a 1 t uui... I nad. an- V industrial--- " organization,' i widely advertised bartender whose It is up to you. If you are wide awake, you cu Look at these lots and own yesterday looking for trout, but; Six-Hour Dav characteristics havo won him en-viable sec the advantage. If you see and arc honest, you your own .home. There is wini nine -success,7i u is sun a- 111 i retam io mo t. six-nour t aay j i celebrity. Ho plays the hasten to do your share. If you cannot see the benefits plenty of room here for two Jitlle early in the season for fish- jf applied only to the western bartending game on the square, to you of this housing scheme, you are a dead czi or three good cottages. ing in the streams and lakes. .'provinces he was doubtful If in-!and refusing to supply liquor to and tho good cjlizens of Prince llupert should ban dustrics could bo kept going un- 80,ne minors at the behest of his charity enough to bury you. If you see, but refuse to M. M. Annual meeting of the Princo der il and at the same time sus- employer, he finds himself out of meet your share of this general obligation, you st;J Stephens Iftupert Lawn Tennis Club will be tain capitalism. They could,;8 Jb and "rifts into a littlo coun leave llupert. Wo do not need you, and we do b:j held in Patmore & Fulton's oflces LOANS . RENTALS - INSURANCE at 5 o'clock however, provide themselves' ltmn seeing employment. the house you occupy. No honest man can stay in on Tuesday afternoon J the necessities of life even in In this town are two elements. business upon the capital of his competitor Nomas All interested in Tennis are cor-1 three hours. one dry, the other wet. .When' he with honorable traditions behind or manly purpceti dially invited to attend. 76 Asked if the one big union idea meets the bautiful daughter of ahead can think of it. Our future is bright Our the leader of the he Promised Land is in We have been n:irir Waller Adams and family left was to Taise wages or to over- drys, casts in sight. fnr Ttflmnnlnn nl nnnn Inrlnv on i throw capitalism. Mr. Casev an. his lot with them and when the forty years in tho wilderness (it seems ''ngr H uses thn train iio .m..'in h wi- swercd "Both." By perfecting'leader of the brewery elements Just a little courage, the old time optimism- U in the city in about ten days. Ho lneir organization they would be,lhrealcns vengeance, Holliday is everyonfc advnnco together and success is ours, Eff 1 : I i .IlPITPr nillM I n inonff fin. filmh4a 1 113 LU II LI V UU LI1U M1U. JAL II mPPL- dollar put in is Invested in your business and returns For Sale iiu icucivcu nuru inai ills ,,,v" uusiaubius,, - - brother' Albert has been dis-iThe3r did not expect it to apply!inB of prohibitionists, which the you 307. chanrp.l from thn vinni only to the western provinces, as urewery element seeks to disrupt INVESTIII Five-room house and furniture, r 'peg, the whole of Canada was being!y the introduction of a number INVEST! INVEST!! Section Six I ... jcircularized in regard to il. Underj01 rougn-nccKs, Holliday takes There were speakers at each the Federation of Labor would,the. platform and nullifies thoir $1850.00 :the Theatres on Saturday night,have to separate from the parent efforts In a thrilling prohibition (urging the necessity of support body, speech, lie succeeds Anally in CHARGED BY POLICE TOOT! Three room house, modern ing the building proposals. The A Firebrand. pulling the wet element out of I TOOT! TOOT! -'-good location mayor addressed the audience at Following Mr. Casey there was business and In numerous char. AS DRAFT EVADERS CLEAR THE TRACK tho Empress and M. P. McCaffery another speaker who said there'aclerlstic scenes wins tho love of Casej $1800.00 at the Westholme. Tonight the-j was only one thing to do, to over-1 1'-Iitli Jason and simultaneously William S. and Tom Jeffery, Well! Here comes arrange u speakers will be G. W.NNickerson tnrow the cao ta istlc rvsIphi makes himself a power in HIS chartred with heinir draft nvndpr. Tones' Spc;ial to at the Westliolme and F, Stork at When the capitalist system goes community. i were arrested hero yesterday and Easter Monday McCaffery, Gibbons tho Empress. down parliament goes down with Bo sure vnn rp h brought before Magistrate Mc- DANCE it. All were looking for a time tho Emnress Thcalrn innlht Mullln this morning in the police he is givM Latest L-KO Komedy and Geo. when Which & Ltd. they would not Doyle, get enough courl and remanded until tomor M. Cohan in "Hit the Trail Holll- to eat. The sooner they knew reels, ono show only starting 7.30. THE RIK Insurance . Real Estate ,day" at tho Westholme tonight. they wuld have to fight the better row.It is alleged that they wero hid On April 21. Ye Off they would be. In Russia they ing in the Francois Lake district Orchestra Go to tho FIRE ALARM 8YSTEM. Harvey's Empress Theatre tonight Prince Rupert, B. C. and see the greatest war had to overthrow the isvelem. In for a long time but tho police got him on his aiw-Reserve iuigianu tney had originated the circuit no. 1. word that they wero in town yes ln spectacle ey;r shown hero. jaea ol the one big union. "When Box 12 tth st'. tad Jrd Ae. terday. A search was made with Full Particulars WP; you joined it you wcro a rebel Box 13 em st. nd 3rd Are. success and the men wore arrested in Box 14 8 lb St. and 3rd Ave. your country. You have to Box IS Junction of lit, Ind tnd by Constables Adams and Mc- L. J. Marren, Prop- Klox For Your educate yourself to that. Tho 3rd Avei. Qllnchy. Phone em thing in the Way is the State." Bor 16 lit Ave., between 8ta and Kloks They would have to fight or die, Stb Sti. (k'nox Hotel), NOTIOE but If they fought Box 17 tit Ave. and 7tb St .Central they might live Hotel). llclail Merchants Association Clocks a little longer'. meeting in tho council chambei JamesHot The chairman of the meeting circuit no. t. St. Tuesday night at 8 o'clock sharp explained that the idea of tho one Box 22 3rd Ave and 3rd St, (Poit E. It, Tabrum, Secretary. PLASTER big union was to take omce). control of Have You Enough Clocks? Hot 23 3rd Ave. ani McBrlde St. CU- T industry and form FIRST a series of Box 24 lit Ave. and McBrlde St. A few lads and lassies gathered You should uu have one in Soviets. Hot and CEMENT Box 26 tnd Ave. and nd St. on Saturday night in tho K, of I every room. Box 20 gnd Ave. and etb HL hall to danco tho hours at Box 270. T. away Some day Awnings. Cheap P. will. every ono and Perfect. a delightful' Cinderella. Tho alfair They save steps and Building Agent, J. F. Magulre, Phone 566. ...iM soon CIRCUIT NO. 8. was given by Professor Harvoy pay (or themselves. Box 31 stb Ave. andrFulton at. and it is understood will bo re MISSM.A.JT And our prices are as Materials Box 32-Borden and Taylor SU. pealed. Everyone voted tho Cin TOO Box 84 LATE TO CLASSIFY 7th Ave. ind Fulton St. reasonable as anywhere, being Box 35. tb Ave. and Comoi Ave. derella idea a good one and near. jv -- the standard price on Box 37- 8in Ave. and Dodge Place ly all wero homo before the clock win..ud" b,jV; most well kn&wn lines. COME TO LOST Blue Cameo pnrrinr, Box S8-oth Ave. and Thompson" St. struck tho hour of midnight, the . riifrvtuW tween Empress Theatre and last danco having boen finished Albert & Ltd. Green Street Saturday night, CIRCUIT NO. i ten minutes earlier. John Bulger McCalfery, Finder please phone Black 337. Oox Place.41 4tb Ave. and Einmenon TiC. JEWELLER Phone 116 and B64. THE NORTON The olace fnr Box 42 tth Ave. and McBrlde 8t Now Oxfdrds and pumps for shampoo. 'Box 43 stb Ave. and Oreen St. Spring, Dorothy Dodd and J. & T. jvMsn . The Store of Worth and Hairdrossing. Scalp 8ox 44 etb Ave. and Bull st. Office, Second Avenue, Next Open 10 Boll's, Family Shoo Store. ...i ina 3. a. m. or by appoint-treatment. Box 4B 71b Ave. and Eberti. Beauty. Westholme Theatre. 210 Fourth Street, Box 141 7th Ave. and Younr 81. ment. Phone 403. jf Heal butler, "Our Own Brand." . inn - Fiiljcr's Grocery. Niono 45. tf