™e 4 i . yee Wid. me: , il be fi ; : "% Ph THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TWO —— — a ___ eae eas THOSE GOOD CIGARETTE PAPERS Pure... thin... strong... pliable ++. théy burn evenly and without any bite... packed in the doubl® slotted, handy automatic booklet. 120 feaves for 5¢ CIGARETTE PAPERS | a oe ett ‘2 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon News Daily Except Limited Sunday, by Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Prince Rupert ee ti ee DAILY EDITION wegen Thursday. A “en — ’ . WHAT COALITION? Yesterday a successful local businessman who is also pe oS YF Keenly lirverested 1 the propoed coaliti approval and asked: “What with the people whose policy we heartily disapprove, poil cs on move Was aSKed Wnhal Ae tn ment. He gave a grunt coalition ? Shall we coalesce sii of dis- vNno have proved themselves incompetent and whose aims and ‘objects in life are as west? Coalition with foolish. It would be policy or personality + i +he ure ar from ours as is the east from the t} almost criminal. If they 1¢@se people would be more than had either y would have shown it during the nast few years during which they have had the administra- tion of affairs in their hands with a huge majority in the legislature to back them up. Such a coalition would be un- thinkable for Liberals who value their principles or their characters.” This man then made a suggestion in regard to coalition which is wholly different from the proposals made in the south. It is that a coalition should be arranged between Liberal and Labor groups for the purpose of bringing about a saner condition and attacking the system whic —— has brought such disaster to the world. “Mind you, I am not suggesting that we should join with the Reds,” he dis- claimed. “We are a different people from those who have adopted the Soviet system, and yet we may learn many lessons from them. We must evolve our own system suited to our own people and it will be for the Liberals and mo- derate Labor people to bring it about. We can never ex- pect anything from the group now in power and we could not expect anything from the new. lineup being manipu- lated from Shaughnessy Heights. What is necessary nov + is a complete turnover. We cannot compromise with evil without bemg contaminated. Coalesce with the present ad- ministration? No. Clean them out through the joint ef- forts of Liberal and Labor parties and then get down to a sane administration in the interests of the people and no’ of the chosen few.” SS ees George Simpson ~ Finished seconc 1 200-metres final at Olympi ELIMINATED Sert Pearson Dropped Out in Semi-Finals of 200 Metres Yesterday ANGELES, Aug LOS Pearson nd Harold Wright of ia were minated_ yesterday he semi-fin f the 200 metres I e O} Games Baseball Soles American League and Harold Wright , Pore , Cr ’ York 2, (1 We commend this suggestion to the earnest considera- tion of the people of Northern and Central British Colum-| p, Washin bia. All othe f i O tempting! ere eee eeees and just as delicious as they look Packed full of phimp, tender, uncrushed Sultanas, retaining the natural flavor of the fresh fruit,—so delicious and so wholesome. In the store or om the ‘phone, always ask for Christie's Biscuits CANADIANS SOFTBALL IS CLOSE In a Treeular scheduled C.N. R.A Softball League gam last evening Round. H e defeated Navy in an exciting est by a Score of 8 to7 N y