Page i THE DAILY NEWB. Wednesday, April 2, l0l9 TENNIS CLUB Pianos in Stock HEINTZMAN KARN & CO. IS EXPECTING Suits Coats Dresses VV aists ENNIS MORRIS ACTIVE SEASON CLINTON DOHERTY Meeting Yesterday Afternoon Sold on Easy Terms. t Goldbloom's Selling Elects Officers and Makes Out We ront out pianos Preliminary Arrangements Sale, Third Ave.. Prince by the month as for Tournament. low as 20ft; a day. Rupert Piano Tuning' and Musical I Instrument Repairing On Saturday afternoon, provided the weather is suitable, the i 11 A O 1 Walker's Music Store LTennis Club will open the season Goldblooni several scratch one s ureal aaie 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 3S9 with games, aeiimg-uui eing a match between the lawyers and school teachers and the. oth er between the bankers and the ' Takes The Entire Town by Storm army. This was decided on ai wis Heintzman & Co. meeting of the club yesterday afternoon, at the offices of Pat-more & Fulton with President Watch the Crowds! See where they go! The Crowds will tell the Story Fisher in the chair. It was further decided that They show which way the Bargain winds are blowing". The crowds are pouring Into Gold-bloom's Weber Pianos 'there would be a number of interesting store, to buy and save at this selling out sale. tournaments during the THESE selling out bargains have taken the town by storm. Most everyone Is figuring on High grade, guaran-anteed :season,the including same to a be ladder arranged tournament, by their needs, present and future and supplying them at this great salo. If you're not, you don't pianos by reputable (principal J. G. Brady of Jhe High know what you are missing. manufacturers. 'School. JUST come In look around examine and compare. The economies will reveal themselves Our prices are right. ' Revival of Interest. to you. Every price in the store is an emphatic buying reason. No end of buying incentives The Club looks forward to a no limit to saging possibilities. " Prince Rupert Music.Store very successful season. Much interest is being taken in the ;Opp, Post Office game, and the general revival of You Who Were Acquainted with W. .1. Pitman. Piano Dept. interest here in things commercial, it is thought, will have a I reflex action on the club and its Goldbloom's Stock activities. The courts are to be THE WEST END put in the best of shape, a telephone installed at once, and a Need no second invitation. Our reputation for high quality and Chop Suey good stock of balls ordered. exclusive styles make this little short of marvellous. HOUSE AND CAFE What will prove somewhat of w 912 Third Avenue an innovation in connection,with Here are a few of the many startling values to be had here the game will be the serving of and now : the ladies under the THE PLACE FOR tea by superintendence of Miss Tingley. This LATE SUPPER Modem Appointment will be on Saturday afternoons, Refined Patroniga Solicited when many of the tournaments Winter Coats Suits Dresses will be played. P. O. Box 897 Phone 308 Silk and serge $50 Officers Elected. $25 coats now $16 $30 suits now $19.50 dresses now $37 Officers elected for the coining $40 coats now $22 $40 suits now 27.00 $35 dresses' now $22 year were as follows: President, FOR ELECTRICAL WORK jV. E. Fisher; vice-president, J. $60 coats now $34 $75 suits now 50.00 $20 dresses now $14 Go to C. Brady; secretary, W. O. Fulton; additional members of the Geo. Waddell J executive, Miss Tingley and C. T. ,Heward.Some of the members spoke of LOUSES, KIMONAS, SKIRTS, FURS, RAINCOATS, 336 Phones 2nd Ave. 'necessary the need of exercise the club and to recreation provide BLACK 267 GREEN 394 for those whose work was of a Save Money In Lamps. sedentary nature. It was the most Everything now at 1-3 to 1-2 Off ihealthful and enjoyable game going. j Mr. Brady expressed his inten " this week 'May we expect DENTISTRY sion to give a good deal of attention you to encouraging and coaching ,the young people of the Uigh OFFICE HOURS: .School who receive special priv 9 .m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. Goldbloom's Store ileges from the club and who use Milady's DR. J.DENTIST S. BROWN he courts a good deal. Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue. Phone 454. WAS SPEAKER AT Third Avenue Written by Ivor Smith Prince Rupert, B.C. WESTHOLME ON THE BUILDING QUESTION Fred Stork's V. E. Williams was the speaker WATER NOTICE at the Westholme Theatre last USE AND STORAGE night, giving three minutes tq TAKE NOTICE that raclfic Coast ExplO- St. James Hotel SEEDS! BarsaiWs urging the people to support the niton Co., Ltd., whose address U Toronto, Hardware int.. will aDDly for a licence to take and (LATE "QUEEN8") Transfer He stated building proposition. use 300 cubic feet per second and to store Motor For the Garden that as a result of the canvass 4.000 acre feet or 174.240.000 cubic feet FIRST CLASS ROOMS of water out of Cascade and Silver Creeks Hot and Cold Water. they had secured 25,000 for the (streams), also known as draining Long Specially Suited for Prince Lake and other small lakes In the vicinity Moving which was being Furniture new company of the Big Missouri Group, which flows In Rupert "soil. A Complete I ine of formed for the purpose of encouraging a southwesterly direction and drains Into Express and Baggage ihe Salmon Hirer about one mile south or LAND REGISTRY ACT building here. the international Boundary Line, I Mr. Williams told of the ne The storage-dam will be located at Long (Sections 36 and 134.) FEED WE HANDLE COAL Lake and otner smajt lakes adjacent, rue CHICKENS cessity of erecting buildings and capacity of the reservoir to be created is I:.. P.O.Box 19 about 200,000,000 cubic ft., and It will Re Application No. 10,728-1. File 6,134. GRAIN & FERTILIZER Nla-ut and Day Phon of all working together for the flood about 4 00 acres or land, (all rock). TAKE NUUCE that application lias been HAY, the The water will be diverted from- the stream made to register Thomas Trotter or Prince of pushing city purpose at a point about the outlet or Long Lake Hupert, U. C, P. O. Box 333, as owner In ah'ead. The need of unity of purpose or a email lake below, at dam site., and fee miller two Tax Sale Deeds rrom the "j will be used ror power and mining pur-pose collector or the City or Prince Rupert, rrJeIdI f was especially urged. upon the mine and for tramways and bearlnr date tho 8th day of December, AND I other power lines; described as land not 1918, or ALL AND SINGULAR that certain Gurvich subdivided, except mining claims. parcel or tract of land and premises situate, The ALLEN T. FRASER This notice was posted on the ground lying and being in the city or Prince Rupert, PHONE 58 on the 23rd day or February, 1819. - A more particularly known and described copy of this notice and an application pursuant as lots rorty-rour (44) and forty-live P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. KILLED IN SLIDE thereto and to the. "Water Act, (45), Block lit teen (15), Section live Transfer 1814," will be tiled In the office or the (i), (Map 923). You are required to Water Recorder at Prince Hupert. contest the claim or tho tax purchaser Objections to the application may be within 35 days rrom the date or the service Chief Engineer of the Canadian filed wllh the said Water Recordc'or with or this notice (which may be effected the Comptroller or Water nights, Parliament by advertising), and your attention Is 548 i National Railways Victim Buildings, Victoria, I), c, within culled to section 36 or the "Land Registry Phone Green thirty days after the first appearance or Act'1 with amendments, and to the foilow-pg- TOM LEE CO. Near Mount Robson. this notice In a local newspaper. extract therefrom;- P.O. Box 102 OfflceJWSt. The territory to be traversed Is entirely v;auu in uciauii ui a uuveai or ccriili- I dull, mining district and Is unsuitable ror any cite or 'lis pendens being Died before 840 Second Avenue, West. j (Special via 0. T. P. Telgraphs.) ther purpose. See Mineral Groups, head the registration as owner or the Sell Cod Edmonton, Aprjl 2. Allen T. or Salmon Iliver, Portland Canal, Mining person entitled under such tax sale, We : : Division. all persons so served will notice, . , VEGETABLES Fraser, chief engineer of the The date or the first publication or this . . ? . and those claiming through notice Is March 8, 1919. or unuer them, and all persons claiming Wholesale and Retail Canadian National Railways, was PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO., LTD. any Interest In the land by virtue MAPLE LEAF killed by a snowslide near Mount Applicant. or any unregistered Instrument, and General Contractors and By Wm. Noble, Agent. all persons claiming any Interest In Robson, The train on-which tiio land by descent whose title Is hot Labor; Exchange. 5 the supreme courtT of BniTisn registered under the provisions or L. VAUGHAN Fraser west t PAINT was proceeding was COLUMBIA. this Act, shall be ror ever estopped stopped by a slide. Fraser and and debarred -rrom setting up any Prince Rupert, B.C. claim to or In respect or the land so the section crew went ahead to N THE MATTETl ACT OF THE ADMINISTRATION sold for taxes, and toe Registrar shall Phono 547 P.O. I3ox 725 Expert Piano Junto FLOGLAZE examine the slide when another and register the person entitled under Repairing N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF such tax sale as owner of the land so and mass o"f snow and rock came ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, INTESTATE sold Tor taxes." IN PROBATE. -N SatisfaCtiqnCwraSTEED down, burying the party. The NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEtf TO WHOM ANp whereas application has been THE SUPRITME COURT. OF BRITISH No better paint made. T MAY CONCERN or an Oislcr made by made for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title COLUMBIA. k- section hands dug them out, bud-ly lis Honour F, McB. Young, Local Judge, o tho above mentioned landsln the name t It makes good because injured, but when Eraser's n the above matter on the 2Qth day or f Thomas Trotlcr. w N THE MATTER OF' THE ADMIMSTRA. Leave Order. nuary, A. D. 1919, as rollows: AND WHEREAS on Investigating the TION ACT MutcSto. it's made body was recovered life was extinct. IT IS ORDERED that the said John II. itle It appears that prior to the 10th day and Prince Rupert good. ilcMullin shall be allowed to swear to the r October, 1917, (the date on which the N THE MAVTER OF THE ESTATE OF r1-.L ISJ leath or tho said deceased as occurring aid lands were sold ror overdue taxes) ALEXANDER J, DONOIIUE, DECEASED, Phone ui n the 87ili day or October, 1917, srter ou were the .registered owner thereof. INTESTATE. ha expiration or one month rrom the dale FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at tho REFUSE TO puuiiwuion or nonce or this ame time I shall effect reirlstrnilrm in TAKE NOTICE "that' In order of Ills Fred Stork's STRIDE hit. uiiiubs in ine meantime pursuance or such application and Issue a Honour F. McD, Young, made the 18 Hi ' Wlhnd t0.,hS T&r" pf 1I Court atkcrtincate or Indefeasible Title to the sal day or March, A, D. 1919, I was appointed . ,trV Seattle, April 1 The Seattle Inert Rupert,Colo B, C, that the said deceased. lands in the name,or Thomas Trotier nn. Administrator lo the estate of Alexander was alive uhnvniieiitiv m less you take and brosecute MISSM.A.-- the proper J, Donohue. deceased, and all parties hav shipyard workers voted over- aid J7th day or October, 1917: proceedings to establish Hardware your claim, II ing claims against ine said estate are Hereby AND IT IS -309 FURTHER ORDERED that the any, to the said lands, or to prevent such TEACUP" required to furnish properly same, 'wbelmingly against going on a d John H. McMuilln do publish notice action Af" or proposed on my part. verified, to me. on or before the 10 th day Second SECOND AVENUE hi order in the Prince Istrlke for higher wages. newspaper published Rupert Dally News dated at the Land Registry ornce, of April, A. D, 1919, and all parlies' in- 1 ftM at Prince Hupert. c- ,n, T.Hffwith.tudnUth'"; P0 C. ror a period or one p,rlnL8 4R!Tm' th "ay of unueu 10 ina estate are requireu to pay Phone Black 114 month. March, 1CI9, Dated at Prince the amount or their Indebtedness to ine Con.v.!" Rupert, B.C., this fith II. K. Toronto 'WJ I See the classified ads. on page ay or February, A. D. 1910. UUtrlct MACLEOD, orltiwltb. Registrar of Titles. JOHN II. McMULLIN, JOHN II. five. McMULLIN, To Alfred Gendron, Official Administrator, -Dated Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B, C, this 19th day of March, 1919,