.day. April 2, 101 THE DAILY NEWS. Page 6 . USEFUL WORK OF THE SESSION Alex. Man8on, M. P. P., Tells of Provincial Some Legislation Passed at Victoria Recently. At the request of the Dailv News Alex. M. Manson, M. P. 1 FLOUR has given a further synopsis of ( ONE ( THCtA " fl II I I t-r- - 1irtC l.Mil I I II I III some or Uio work done at the 7vT u- n I ill session of the Legislature Juat l,r iViV ' m i hi picases ilie Men concluded. Asked to what part 'he himself had taken in the legis appreciates the differ-..7. lative work, Mr. Manson did not c saraapw'-. i when hit linen nd "oollent care to say much except to mention Is produced from f'at ho was responsible ftfr Ke,hliwInew.Helik,.hi. the Administration Act which put THE HIGHEST GRADE wife to hare the freedom from (womcn on the same footing with ,oil end the leisure that Sun-liiht men in connection with personal wish-day brinfi. He 'properly. Next year Mr. Manson kwwi that an eb.olutely the wain pore I thinks there will be an up-to-date OF MILLING WHEAT ,o.p-Sunliht-does economically hill governing the devolution of and more better real property. thin common loapi. I The Legislature also went on '.record for the extension of the and is surpassed by none.. Every sack limt Uif Jdower right to women and there Sunlilht is guaranteed. will be an extension of the Dower I . YRNS Act at an early dale. Legislation was passed to make Give it a Fair Trial tho redemption period in the case of the sale of lands at tax sales and know will be with in unorganized districts one year Daily News Classified Advertising we you pleased Instead of two. This will aid its quality somewhat in bringing the lands GIVEN AWAY !FOn SALE House and Lot 18. LAND REGISTRY ACT. into speedier occupation. Block 42, Section 5, 31200. Se:tbns 3 and 134.) Publlo Utilities. -and on Lewis Island given away Terms, or trade for limber. The Public Utilities lo fishermen while with families. iiui mi tv in aaii. rim uuoc. Act, Slate full particulars. Box 237 not of particular interest to the Must become bona-fide settlers. Daily News office. 78 To be on sale at all leading northerly districts, is important Apply a t Fuller's Grocery, b; .7.u nnruiri iwArintT dale me Din aay legislation. The most pressing or write II. Striethorst, box 508 FOR SALE Hand power washing shortly problems for the commission to Prince Rupert. tf machirte.iu good condition, $6. grocers i vino inn n ri nir in inn deal with is that of transoorta 220 8th Ave., East, Phone Green t.inM nnnfri. more Darucuiinr WANTED. ' ..., a- aikoi n iii iwpniv ixiii. tion in the larger cities to the 318. (79) south. The constant strikes and Bring furs to Goldbloom f Prinra RUDrt MaD Vz jj. your FOR SALE House .Ym a.re n.r required iiA t ulthln come,9 5 alavft me xiaim fpnm much uncertain loss rates and inconvenience have resulted to in Third est price.Avenue, He pays high tf 630 Taylor St., five and rooms two lots,on Look for Provincial Flour! ha nlltf it lilt" iild ua, una iiutivv in n iiu rm.'.icu. uj uuvhvbuvu a the public. It will be the duty of lots 9 and 10, block 27, Section i.iiv iuwtinanar ana vour auenuon is the commission to fix fair and WANTED Girl for general house 5. Apply to owner on premises. ,1 unar iminr equitable rates for all the public work. High wages. Apply box FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from service corporations and it is 236, Daily News omce. 80 prize strain barred rocks, and possible that smelters may ultimately Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per nler su:h tai lale all persons so served be brought within the pur HELP WANTED :lD nauce, iuu muse cietuimiff setting. Atkins' Meat Market. . view of the bill. nitnB"tfljr uunrgoiCJt'u anv i iirrat in man ma uutcu lann nv iuu virtue an The Minister of Mines introduced GIRL AVANTED for house work FOR SALE Lots $50 and upwards. rwi -;aini.:)K any totcreat la the land legislation directed toward Apply box 235. tf Will help finance building. itaiKanf nh'ta II Ha let nAt tntrttPH ,lt in na nf t hi Art. nhall Iia the establishment of an iron industry KITCHEN HELP WANTED IN See my list and terms. Westinghouse r f i"r riiL u a iu uluii icu a a inn bci and enabling the Government LANDER BOARDING HOUSE. F. W. Hart. 81 A a k mr-A turn ta in1 lha TAelati to take iron not in ores excess FOR SALE Three-roomed house h fiv iiln is im-rwi ftf fh linil rw anM of ten thousand tons from FOR SALE r uiei. and Lot 26, Block 23, Section AID WIIERE4S applicailon has been different properties for experimental 7. $600 cash. Phone Red 267. ELECTRIC RANGES purposes. FOR SALE 44 acres of good farm uk i;ic-menuonca lanas, in me name frank W. llarL Minimum Wage. land on the Skeena River; 8 FOR SALE Trucks and spring AXD WHEREAS on Investigating' the The Minister of Mines also introduced acres cleared, with good house j. wagons. Pony Express. 81 late:-. tt7 llie date on which Uie legislation establishing Right at Kwinitsa station. Price a board for fixing a minimum 9500 cash and the balance of LOST Did it ever occur to you that the cost of operating an rtllUEB TAKE NOTICE that at the watrn in Lh coal mines of the $500 in one year. Apply to OST Blue Cameo earring between Automatic Electric Range, including the cost of power, nrovince and it is quite probable! Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa, B. G., or Empress Theatre and for water heating is actually less than the cost of coal rt;' ,r Indefeasible Title to the its immediate effect will be to Ed II. Mortimer, agent, Prince Green Street Saturday night. used for the same purpose? u euiu,.a your ciaim. u eliminate Orientals from the coal Rupert. B. C. tf Finder please phone Black 337. Isn't such information worthy of your consideration? 1 IDA II Id mll ihf TfArAn niaah IV "fl lrtlnn nn mu naift.- mining industry. 'Oil SALE Hatching eggs, off ARCHITECTS We are distributors for the Canadian Westinghouse WTED it me Land Ueglsiry omce. Publlo Works. S. G. White Leghorns; S. G. R. Company and as such are prepared to offer our guarantee, Hapert, d.c, tbls iith dav or In the Public Works Department, 300 WILLIAM F. E. A. S. I. Reds, off highest laying BRUCE, A., backed by that of that Westinghouse our principals, H. F MACLEOD, in addition to the usual appropriations r'iIIM ll.ielait.a. Tlll.a strain and winter layers, from Architect, Fourth Street, Prince i( ttr. 0. D hson. i there was a special the Pennsylvania Poultry Rupert. Plans and specifications Automatic Ranges are the very best made and the most million and a half voted for pro Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also for public and private economical of operation. TIMBER SALE X1466. vincial works. It was felt that Indian Runner Ducks. Sutherland buildings. tf We will undertake the complete installation for you after the policy of retrenchment 704 McBride St. tf at a reasonable figure. May we now submit our proportion? 'J Un.ls. n ,t 1,,er thal noon on during the war and in view of the TAXI SERVICE ' i-ik Hy r Apr.i, t919, for the pur- problems connected with FOR SALE One ton motor TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE . - -".:! X Uti'.. in nit i jaa nnn grave the returned citizens, it was time truck, practically new. Will Night and Day. Phono 99. "WlUWd-Jt!t)n Dlstnu.El Lk. k'llKnlla II.v lo undertake a liberal policy in stand rigid inspection. Sacrifice PERSONAL ' tlmbe" ti ;) bc lll0WC(1 ror connection with the public works. for quick sale. Apply H. The Prince Rupert Supply Co. ' 1 ,?,rli"l!",isi of n.i.i.i,hc Chief i Foreat-. The special appropriation is to Barsalou, Phone 182. 82 An opportunity for dressmakers Limited Ripirt, B enablo the Government to carry to double their incomes. Write A 18 FOR SALE English style baby P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 raE '-.'heme on necessary work and to provide Standard Silk Co., Welton Blk., count OF nniTistt buggy, good condition, apply employment for a goodly numcer Vancouver. State whether or 79 Block. Scoble, Clapp "jj'j'n OF THE ADMI.M3TIIA- of returned men, thus taking not you work in connection with and them away from tho centres of FOR SALE Baby carriage and a store. 78 (1MATTEIt OK THE ESTATE OF lEnStt H8IUU.JI, UECEASED, IN population. .gocart, Brochu, Third Av9. MISCELLANEOUS 2? fNim'1;e ln t"le' r iiu Local Member. aar k r . - - -- The minister from this city had good words to say for not niE NORTON The place for a Lumber Co. ci, " '' !" estate ot Wlcholas maintained his reputation this only the irrigation but the grazing shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp Georgetown i,. .'iaiu H inn i, and a..i all..-.mmi h.vm. session as one of the hardest policy as well. treatment. 210 Fourth Street. .D" L?;,,s?1r,?(''.P.ri,P5r,y verincd'. working o f ministers. Every Open 10 a. m. or by appoint- PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX-1632 Pirtln Indebted to ih.. member of the House appreciated Queen Charlotte Islanders can-iot ment. Phono 493. tf Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. O. t ,nr. , "ay .lne mount or the expeditious manner of handling do better than mail their jui "P0 forthwith. the legislation he introduced. printing needs to Tho News Print A raan had a range to sell. Ho FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY H!'n iki. ..... "'I' Hl Administrator. Tho irrigation policy which he ihop and get the work done advertised it in The Daily News FIR CEDAR maim. IV1V. SPRUCE THE SfDtir.... inaugurated a year or two ago romptly and well. and within an hour after the paper further leg was on tho street the range was Consult Us. was supplemented by Tin .J'TEH OK THR inuivioTiu sold. If have to sell anything IVf "wiuiiugiiift. islation and appropriations tins We put pep" into our printing you "IK MATTrn "i1.1' -T. year, liven opposition memoers usiness at The News Print Shop ry tho classified column. S5I ALFnVn " ESTATE OF Do- 'I?1.8 nfb.murptt F NOTICE.""Via,u; iu.'h.,E;.tno ft i in luiuH order inn of: i.ills vin.. IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES r' Brrin... .,u estate or f idm i 5 IUM iMiJ'lJ' "n1 Prtlea f'H. k n n .1 ? ,ame' Properly 6 ihJ. . ,. "."i'S'-0,118 nariio.13" day i .. iiiiiiii aie rpninroi4 n S flaw"' Ul "r IndebUdne.'; '."o S5 f m, ,0"J'; MtMULUJf, PKjff' ?! Ss "T 0F Bnrns" ffi osJEtT rSND i& ts& BLEW Tivg THE "ECPE tnX THE HE ADM1NISTIIA-E3TATE OF fp i.".!'CE that in .LTESTATE. mSSiirHh i11?" the i9ti. W.'o the ,;:; ? PPointed eatate p 1 JOIlTll011?""-NcMULI. their Dllrr.... n'i :l ' Juki . . ! rmiln do7r:?.aP Bel your ,J,i9a, it . wei' and Hnn n