Page 8 TOE DAILY WEWB. Wednesday, Ap ril 2 1910, Aro wives humanl Aro wives equal I See ''Woman and the Law" G. H. Arnold Local News Notes j GROCERY SPECIALS Wcstholme tonight. - t THE Til NOTARY PUBLIC) Real butter. "Our Own Brand."' tecrre Cet up a month's with the supply Pfcw Time or these tad Mrs. E. R. Tabrum and child of TO BUY Fuller's Grocery. Phone 45. tf canned fiulls which we ire going' this city left for Lethbridge by to slaughter prices on. Gallon Apples, per tin 4tc this morning's train and will bo WE BOY the Gallon Apples, 6 In case .... $9.SO for a couple of months. Your Spring Goods Mrs. J. F. Myers was among Gold Medal Apricots, large tins away arrivals from the south this fore Special per doz $3. Special, 30c. per dot (3.35 Provincial Constable Logan, viCTORY BONDS noon. Maple Leaf Peaches large tins IS NOW . 3 for (1.00, per doz .... (3.75 having In his charge Chow Hing, Malkln's Best riums, large tins New arrivals in Oxfords, pumps 30c, per doz (3.35 iflft last night for the New West and high shoes. Family Shoo Glebe per rears,doz J-U tins tg.SO 25c minster penitentiary on the Prin Store. tf Royal Anne Cherries, per tin 30c. cess Mary. Paying highest market price Kosedale doz Grated Pineapple 2-lb Our Store is filled with new things, and (3.35 for them. No delay. Ask Mrs. A. G. Little returned to the per tins, special j Je Tho grim hand of the law takes train every Malkln's n est Raspberries, J-lb. brings us more new stock. us for prices. city this morning on the Prince tins 40c. per doz (4.50 a babe from a mother's breast. Rupert. Quaker Strawberries, per tin 40 She kills her husband: was she per doz. 14.50 The newest models in silk, Law" II. G. HELGERSON, LTD. right? See "Woman and tho poplin Full line " in Williams' solid at tho Wcstholmo tonight. Insurance-Real Es'ate leather workshoes. Family Shoe Rupert Table Supply Co. and serge dresses and skirts; also 216 Sixth St, Prince Rupert, B.C. Store. ' tf W. J. Wakefield who is in the ft ft ft PHONES 211, 212 employ of the Pacific Transfer crepe de chine and georgette K. Swan of Terrace was among Co.. left for his father's ranch at blouses the train arrivals early this Telkwa this morning on the train have come morning. Gounlry Store, about 20 prizes, and expects to be back in about For Sale Weslholme Friday. Let's go, a week. For the kiddies we have the J. G. Rock of llazelton passed George I new-est through the city this morning W. Pitman who represents the styles in gingham and drill, and Three-room House, plastered, homeward bound. 0. A. McNicholl, assistant general Heintzman PJano Company, ar- electric light, and water, t passenge'r agent of the G. T. rived from Vancouver this ihorn-, the very latest in girls' pleated One-fifth cash, balance as Mrs. Kenneth Hicks and child P., arrived this morning from the ing with his wife and family andr rent $1,900.00 ren arrived in the city this morn south. intends to make Prince Rupert his ' skirts and middies, for the Five-room house and furniture, ing from the south. future residence. Section Six, 1,850.00. No one should miss the 13th I warmer days G. G. Ketchum returned to the episode of the "Mystery of the Good lot, Section Five, $250.-Onc-fifth The fishing boats receiving city this morning after being absent Double Cross" at the Empress the cash, balance five their clearance yesterday were dollars per month. for some time. Theatre tonight. It is better than Niagya under Captain Rassmus-! Jaboer Eros., Ltd. Martin O'Reilly was among the ever as it ncars the end. aon; the Nidaros, Capt. G. Russell, and the Clara N. with Capt.' Victory Bonds Bought at arrivals from the south this fore Highest Prices. Ness in command. ! Third Ave., West noon on the."Rupert." 'For Your Gibbons The Rev. Father MacDonald accompanied New Oxfords and pumps for HS3322 McCaffery, Bishop Bunoz from the Spring! Dorothy Dodd and J. & T. south this morning. Bell's. Family Shoe Store. & Doyle, Ltd. LUMBER "The Awakening" which is at There may be something you Phone Black 183 Phone Black 183 Real Estate insurance the Empress tonight is a drama want.- See the classified column Pianos, Stringod Instruments, Besson Band Instruments of life in Bohemian Paris. PLASTER on Page 5. Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances Prince Rupert, B. C. J. S. Holmes stepped off the Prince Music Store Awnings. Cheap and Perfect. Rupert Prince Rupert this morning on CEMENT 566. Agent, J. P. Magulre, Phone VVILL EDMlNDS. Proprietor. her, arrival from the south. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Building Ftepalr to all kind! of stringed Inatrumenta. Flute and clarinet replddtd M. I STEPHENS ! Chas. M. Adam, Alex Noble and TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY bnd adjusted. Bows relialred and re wrapped. T. Dawe arrived in. town last Prlnco Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Store night from Port Essington. Materials NOTARY PUBLIC LOST Number plate of Ford car L. W. Patmore returned Co the number 16100. Finder bearing ! E. Watson appeared before The greatest woman's pidun FOR SALE city this morning from the south please return to Royal Pool t -I . I .1111 . COME TO Magistrate McMullin this morning ctti siub"Ui oiiian ana im after being absent for some weeks. room. 79 in the' polico court charged iLaw," based on the international. Lots 11 and 12, Block 1G, A Section .5, Conner Tallow and 700 tons New Wellington coal Albert a McCaffery, Ltd. WANTED Boom man. Wages'with keeping a vicious dog, but Iy sensational De Saulles Dona Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc., just arrived. Phone your orders Phone 116 and 564. t90 per month and board. Apply the charge was...withdrawn. tio tragedy, Weslholme tonight Price only to 11G or 564, Albert & McCalfery, box 238 Daily News office.I tr i , The gay Broadway dancer who Harold Lloyd Is fast becomiti $2,000.00 Ltd. 1 Office, Second Avenue,. Next CARPENTER WANTED for scow wrecked a home which resulted in as popular as Chaplin in a m on terms of $500 cash, balance F. G. Dawson was. among the Wcstholme Theatre. repairing. Apply box 239 Dally a great tragedy. See "Woman and comedy full of pop at the Empresi payable monthly on many passengers from the south News office. 79 the Law" Westholme tonight. Theatre tonight only. payments to suit purchaser. this morning on the Prince Rupert. Look at these lots and own igygrara;gir".ma!Lg- i m n n i all i 1 1 2 ggsaafarpre your own home. There is plenty of room here for two Just arrived. Ladies' Spring or three good "cottages. styles in Dorothy Dodd Oxfords in black and tan. Family Shoe M. M. Stephens Store. . tf The Rev. Dr. White, superin LOANS RENTALS - INSURANCE tendent of the Methodist Missions, Assured left the Princess for Vancouver Mary.last night on OUCC6SS is Lounch "Provincial" leaves for Klox Stewart and way points every Friday morning at 0, carrying Kloks mail,Phone Red passengers 391, A. Swanson.and freights tf Full Clocks The two Jeffrey boys who are AIGN Gets Under Headway charged with evading the military draft law, were again brought Have You Enough Clocks? before Magistrate McMullin in the from all Solicited. You should have, one in police court this morning. The Magnificent Response every room. 'case is adjourned until the police Some day every one will. have communicated with the Attorney-General. They save steps and soon I pay And for our themselves.prices are as I A.Mrs.H. Bayne A. H.of Bayne,this city,wife arrived of Dr. It is a civic public spirited duty to subscribe to this fund. If the reasonable as anywhere, being from Vancouver this morning on the standard price on the Prince Rupert to Join her most well known lines. husband here to make Prince Rupert Committee has not reached you, phone 588. You can't afford their future homo. Dr. Bayne John Bulger 'development has very great of faith this city;in the and future has to have your name off the list. JEWELLER decided to stay...with it. The 3tore of Worth and i j Do II. B. Bayne, brother of Dr. Beauty. A, II. Bayne of this city, arrived from Vancouver -this morning on Among the subscribers yesterday were the following: the Prince Rupert, accompanied by his wife and children to make Dominion Lunch ...$1,000 A, T. Broderick. . 200 Prince Rupert his permanent Miss Leontine Bourlier 1,000 Steve King . " " " THE home. This is his first trip to 20O Prince Rupert, and he says he lias Miss Blanche Hart.. . . ... 500 Miss Pearl Woods . . ,'. ' ' ' 200 ECONOMY STORE already a good impression of the Miss D. Lamont 500 Miss May Brown goO place. Dr. Bayne will enter into Miss Hazel RhollJ ; 500 O. G. Fisher .;.;.;... 10o business with his brother here. Phones 18 and 36 Kaien Hardware Co. ... , 500 Asiatic Club Ltd 417 6th Aft., E. SPECIAL FOR SNLONGML Full list of subscribers and totals will be published later. Three days Only SAWI7AR. mkO HEATING Newtown Wines Apples ap Pippin and McCLARY ENGINEERS PLUMBING,Agents FURNACES for Do Your Duty $4.50 Per Case and TOWARDS After WEDNESDAY, April 2nd SHEET METAL WORKS they will be much dearer Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Mussallem Grocery Company Night phones and 578 Blue 270 Housing the new Prince LTD. " The right work, at lha right time, and at the right prloa.