The Daily EWS OOLICHANS,GEO.J.FRJZZELL 10c FRESH per lb. Phones 10 and 25 . v U 79. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1919. PRICE FIVE Gt.N TH m CONTROL OF INDUSTRY BY ARCHBISHOPS m AMM POSITION ON CAPITAL AND LABOR SUBJECT OF AND PRIESTS RAILWAY SITUATION, WHICH ARE BUTCHERED INVOLVES THE LOCAL LINE INVESTIGATION BY COMMISSION Atrocities of Bolshevlkl at Porm WHILE OTTAWA WILL NOT RECEDE FROM STAND REGARDING Recounted my Siberian Minister RESPONSIBILITY, DISPOSITION IS Rnliprtsnn. Minister of Labor. Announces Five of Justice. r:J..n nr TO BE GENEROUS TO THE uiucw" - lUii. .ill a . t m (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) COMPANY Seven men win oe Appointed at once to Report on London, April 3. The Siberian (Special to The News via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) of Government Scheme. Minister of Justice detailing Feasibility the atrocities by Bolsheviki prior Ottawa, April 3. The discussion on the railway question continues. to the evacuation of Perm, said On Uie Government side it is urged that the inception of (Special to The Mws via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.' the Archbishop of Andronique Ihe: railway enterprises, the guaranteeing of which brings the Ottawa April 3. The appointment of a commission of five SKEENA CLUB was buried alive, Archbishop of Grand Trunk Railway to its present position, originated with the even mr yjmmandlna the complete confidence of the na- Tchrnigoff was killed, Bishop ,.aihva s themSelves. i-rKu ,: A In nrnnflfiH tn nil thft centre of Theophanus, after great tortures, ' ! ' p labor ana cupuai piuiisou - AGAIN BEFORE ;I When S,r Wm' MKenzie nrst approached the Grand Trunk droned I to the situation and ascertain was by successive Im- Dominion, survey fttie mersions in a hole made in the'aiIway v'ltn a Proposal for linking up the Canadian Northern atisand report to the Government before May 15 upon the ice. ' i Railway in the west with the Grand Trunk lines in the east, the . . a I n nr4 nnaiiattnn' nf rani aln t rtrii let ilaa MAGISTRATE " HW Ml uvi Mail, ii.uuoiil iva The official list contains the Sflbility 0 meeting point to be North Bay, i and labor, was ine announcement muue 10 uie oeiiaio names of fifty priests butchered the Grand Trunk Company was capital Gideon RODerison, mmnwr ui muui. at Perm. 'only willing to conclude such an TWO FAMOUS unn Evidence of Gambling Given by Government felt what was required was not so much the j arrangement on terms which The Police Constable Before practically gave it the control of . f and str kes. out me prevention, ine ADMIRALS ARE Liemeiik ui -! - - ........ Major McMullin. NEW OUTBREAK the whole situation. As Sir William was to worK in tnis direction, Labor Department licy of the was not willing to do this, i Last vear there was a conference of labor and capital, and The Skeena Club case was 'the Grand Trunk decided to in-jvade NOWPROMOTED ether and survevlna all the difficulties IN BERLIN th9 west itself, and the IS C0nlerciiiw niv..i. '-a brought up again this morning j twelve principles upon which employers ana em- i Canadian Northern, for its part, accepted before Magistrate McMullin in tho started eastward to get the eastern could agree. Out or it naa come wiae acceptance oi ine with L. V. Palmore! IS AVERTED iees police court, terminals it felt to be necessary Both Jelllcoe and Beatty Made litney and Rockefeller plans for Industrial councils, which acting as defendant. After hear- to complete its line. "Admirals of the Fleet" In ant giving to labor a voice In the control and management of Inc. nvMpnr.n for lho nrnQoiiilinn ' Will Be Generous. Recognition of Services. -General Strike Stopped by Re- The Government will not recede lustrles. the case was adjourned I lease of Radical Agitator, from the former position of (Special via a. T', P. Telegraphs.) . Constable Duff's evidence was Daumig. holding the Grand Trunk responsible London, April 3. The pro RMS PAY NO GARRISONS as follows: . . for the guarantees of the... motion of Admiral Viscount John On the T 1: A I 11 A "' n - evening of March 25, -"i"' '' n"twc"" Grand Trunk Pacilic issues and it Jellicoe and Vice Admiral Sir I entered the premises known as eraLstnke and political outbreak i3 understood that the offer madeWid Beatty to be "Admirals of IN GERMANY the Skeena Club and found about has been temporarily averted $55,000,000 is tiv is .fin nnen. tIia Gnv. it,. rini n nmnr, r hot- fourteen players engaged in stud through the release of the radical rnment- ls disnosed' to be EenJrtUHnm,i.h0,i ,nn aaoa a and draw poker. I saw one player,agitator, Daumig. It is still eroua 0n tho (tround that the nnnnnnn. .To'itfenA P.rnntnri FOR SUPPLIES NEAR RHINE who was taking part in the stud smouldering today. The Govern- Grand Trunk Railway has done Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa. a year game purchase $15 worth or mcnt is preparing to use every lgreat service to eastern Canada'ago. He served as commander of chips.. The dealer took the money force to crush ethe demonstra-'slnce it was built and partly be- hn r.mnri fi-pi Hnrinc- th Aariv lh Is Now In Belgium Nation Ptace Conference Agrees on Policy and handed it to Vic. Caruso who tions. cause the directors of the com- I1 nart of the war. also as First Sea al Bank at Brussels. In Regard to Many acts as manager, who in turn iX-'rankrort is quiei again, ino pany have made the English Lord and Chief of Naval Staff. gave the dealer chips t6 "that strike at Essen and in Rhur dis shareholders believe that the rtuattv anr-norlorl 'isliicnn in rnm Points. - -u v vj w w w v w waaww .. value". I also noticedon played trict is .less threatening TnO nnvppnmftnl hnrl hoan trpfitintr nnnnri rint ... -u a. i p. Trwrtpis,y- engaged ih the draw game pur- situation in Stuttegart is silK,, jn a andharah r:pr, April 3. - The French (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) very-hard unuau nui in ui nms anu no tuc uriuuai. :inanncr. As Canada will have to rirrrcWlinircrC C rpi ice advised that $50,- Paris, April 3. An agreement game progressed I saw the dealer j ; -- " I 1. .1 TU.. IliA nnil'nnS ,0() .in gold was deposited '" uee in the stud game rako off three rFJFMCCC pnTTlP IC in future, it is not desired 'to BUILDING STARTER w, aro taking part lho 1 l,Ir,c ,,llQlonl -JXn nnH Lllll'IXiUtl LUllXJll lO -day by the Germans in the ,in. ?ac? leavo any ground for such impression. t'um National Dank nt Urus- omerenco in regaru to ...wi ui the dealer in the draw game rake COMMITTED FOR TRIAL This is collateral for the l important leaturcs oi w off two red chips valued at 50c. All of These Will be Partially Ironl of food-stuffs. .treaty which is to do signeu ub- Saw Rakeoff. Financed by the Prince Rupert (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) (fore long; according to uo "I returned to the place shortly Vancouver, April 3. Chen Sue!BAIL ALLOWED FOR Housing Company. after 9:15 and again noticed Myin.Ith Wellington Coal p.m. Yen, a prominent Chinese resi- HAYWOOD AND OTHERS re-. .wnr.iino- in n storv nublished the dealer engaged in the stud Arrangements have been made w t'.nir fuel bill and gives (n n,i r.o n.i whii-h i nnrfir. m. A - ft Aliinn in. 4 t e trnlna dent of Victoria and editor of the; for fifteen new houses to start at I faction,oo Phono 15. .P. R. stood to bo based on facts, uer- of 75c. I left and again returned New Republic, was formally com Sum Required Is $274,000 to once, the permits for which will Imany will not bo permitted to about 10:15 p.m. and noticed the milted for trial by Magistrate Cover Thirty-six I. W. W. do taken out witnin a wee, ah keep her garrisons, fortifications same thing going on. Shaw on a charge under the War Leaders. of these will secure loans- from . ;Vmortrnnnlna Afil. nf hfiintr . ' ....... nanr 4lin T1 ll(n O iit , ri 1 1. : i 0 - a inem- tho new building society which is, not only on tho left bank, but on this time returned at about 10:40 er of an uniawiui organization, (Speclal hy O. T. P. Telegraphs.) being formed here for that pur- MAX I'he Chinese Nationalist-League, HEILBRONER tho right. The Germans will be p. m. with Constables Bailey, Chicago, April 3. Attorneys pose. the is under tho ban of which Reliable Jeweler compelled to rnzo to the ground Adams and McGlinchey. Clarenco Darrow and George F. The committee reports that Ho is allowed i'ederal authorities. all forests or war factories within "I made signs for the other Vandevcer today endeavored to money is coming in well and that bail Diamonds, Watshes, Clocks thirty miles of tho right bank of constables to enter, upon which uitil Frfday to furnish obtain $274,000 bail necessary an announcement of the results cut Glass, Silverwaro, Ivory the river. I slated to the inmates of the bonds. Five other Chinese aro for the release of "Big Bill" Hay- of tho canvass will be made to-wood held under the same charge. Umbrella, Communltv Plain. room that -I had a warrant for and thirty-six other I. W. W. 'morrow. In the meantime every-leaders Etc. their arrest. I then proceeded to now serving terms in body is busy and the money is NO CHANGE TO BE gather up tho chips and cards (THIRTEEN BOATS Leavenworth Federal prison. The .coming in steadily Cornir 3rd ,. ,n(J eth 8trt MADE IN MEAT PRICES used in the stud game, while WAITIKT FOR QAIF men wero ordered bail pending Constable Bailey attended to the tho hearing of tho appeal by the WRESTLING BOUT. draw game. United Stales District Court of (Special via U. T. r. Telegraphs.) Settled with Players. alibut and Salmon to be Marketed Appeals. (Special via T. P. Telegraphs.) Chicago, April 3. No change "On commencing to gather up Tomorrow Thirteen Montgomery, Ala., April 3. in meat prices will result from the chips, D. Zareili (the accused) Catches In All. Joo Steelier, former heavyweight tho removal, of tho Government to me and requosted mo BUILDING PERMITS wrestling champion, defeated camo up profit restrictions, according to . i ' l.. II, .1.1.. 1 M l,n ,H I The fish catches ready for to- John Klem of Chicago, in two RECENTLY ISSUED HOI lO 1UI.V mo cu.i uuu Armour, narrow's hnxr nrfi US follows: The stalomonta issued my settled with tho players. I grant- efrnitrhf falls. v. .,- nnn lha. r.nnft Swift and Morris & Co. said ea nun ins ""ru,"u" ' ifi,000 lbs; Navigator 6,000; Seat building permits were is Swift and Co's. .statement straightway proceeded to pay : Two Swiniming Club Danco May LvJ0n QUALITY tho Government's maximum of 4 ,b gtap 10(500; L(jn sued recently by'F. S. Clements, AND SATISFACTION reached. tliem casn lor u.u cmps uicy , ftnnn. A .o nnn. Af 7 r. , n in niT,i 5?r,i ft l cent has not been nine ,llEari Licence No. per held. Four wH" were in mo . ,. ,.,,, k nnn lha ' . i. 10-7340. nlaco. but only two wero Dtlllb ! - I.. . i . i. I . 1 "OEMERS" oi nuuuui. 1 Hons to nis garagu to uiu muuuiii. used at the time. Salmon Catches. '0f $100. The other to A. Aker- . Constable Adams. Four salmon catches aro in herg who i8 making an addition Vve have a splendidjlis-play Em .Constable. Adams... was: 1 then ask-II,n port today, tho Pug with 10 lbs. lo his dwelling on Section 7, of Spring Millinery. press : Theatre IVJ. h '"" ,h " " reds and 25 lbs. of whites; the jJlock 3, Lot ii, Ambrose Ave., to Trimmed hats from $5.00 Iu arj G"D 225 lbs. or reds and 100 lbs. Ul0 amount of $1,500. to $25.00. Tonight of the inside oors and stated whUo Ro 35Q ,b9 rcdg Ready-to-wcar from $3.75 Thursday that ho saw eight men engaged in th(j QL E,0, on Ffth Avenue to '410.00. Pathb tho game of s ud poker.and n.n, ,wJlh 7QQ Qf redg and 300 IbawM havlbng alrcady ,aId a Now is the time to make Presents men playing tho game of draw ,of wjUe salmon totaling li950 foundation 20x30 feet. It is un- your choice, while tho assortment s George Probert lbs. of salmon, which will bo sold dcrstoodthatwork on it will be is good. Ported by Farnla Marinoff and Margaret Greene, tallied with n...Ukl Constable DalUu Duff's. lomorrow together with the hali- delayed for a time on accpunt of COME AND 8EE uunsiawio hill Mr. La Trace having to go over to ft me famous story by Barr McCutchcon The ovidenco of Constable Bailey was tho same, except ho the Islands. 99 added that D. Zareili was in WESTHOLMF DRA FIRE AT OTTAWA, charge of the place nnd when NOTICE. " U absent it was looked after by Vio. (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) TONIGHT PATHS Caruso. McGllnohy. Tli Regular Monthly meeting of the , Ottawa, April 3. Throe lives CONSTANCE TALMADGE GAZETTE DANDY COMEDY Constable that BOARD OF TRADE wero lost and damage to the extent At her best, as the dcllghtrul stated McGlirichy Constablo be held In the City Hall on of $40,000 was caused this heroine or nly Will two more weeks before the finish I ho took ono of the doors as ni morning by n Are at Hull which "THE SHUTTLE" Htt Tl'E 13tu Episode op the post nnd rountod about tniriv Friday Night at 8 m. By Francis Hodgson Burnett. Tho p 'gutted the Borien block at tho corner Splendid Keystone Comedy the floor. men standing on Main and.Leduo Streets, "COURTS AND CABARETS" Bferfthe Double Cross" enso was adjourned by his worship Among the aubjecls for discus, of BRITISH WAR GAZETTE morning. lion aro tlio Prlnc Rupert Housing Shows 7 and 9, Admission He t lie tomorrow Admission 1571 :77 until question, and the establishment or Constance Talmadge in "Tho c, a iran.5 Pacific line of steamers Country Store Friday 20 handsom and great comedy sian .id unu y Shuttle" a onovys Th oldest. Canadian Life Co. trading with Ihe Orient. (80) prlits. UUAV'S UKCHESTUA. Weslholme Theatre. ,Tho Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent.