Thursday, August 4, 1932 > z e ' p " day ee | 1 io i NIAGARA PEACHES 95¢ qo Shige... As... : » if C.LD.L. dance tonight 9.30 p.m.! Munr Br ne 0 Dros. 4 John Hall of Athin arrived in the, .’ city frof the north on the Prin-! es - - . je 3 a coe ‘Louise Se agen ey “Special meeting Prince Rupert FOR SALE | a BOARD AND ROOM 4 i and is a guest at the Savo ; , g y oe et Counil sian: SPECTAL—Goodyear Tires at lower BOARD and Room close to Cold t gt. omorrow ni ‘ | The case Of a boy of juvenite . a prices than any mail order — $30 month. Phone Blue age, charged with theft of articles) a. nipht’s mixed train trom the| Mouse. allen Motors ‘Lita. ner =e tf. 4 from a vacant house on Fulton’ ip, st, due ‘at 11 p'm., was reported " 52. | FURNISHED minnie heated, with -* of all Street, has been adjourned sine) (this morning to ‘be ‘on ‘time. ae are me. or without board. Reasonable ‘ die in ‘city police court. asin FOR RENT term. 704 McBride Sreet. tf “ # , 7 Petteins ant on | Henry Edenshaw of Massett is pdt i ai atte n, we nown Porcher! ie : | paying a brief visit to the city, HOUSES for Rent, F. W Hart. im q Island mining man, is paying ®/having arrived yesterday afternoon aa a CHIROPRACTIC brief visit to the city. He arrived in! gm the @teen Charlotte Islands. MODDERN Btudvo Howse Tor rent. ywn yesterday afternoon and is Phone Green 378. mH . ca - — registered at the Savoy Hotel. | Mis ‘C. W. Sera rion of Swan-| Front Plat for teht With ‘range. W. C. Aspinall = : =: : ot ae 'son Bay is paying a brief visit to Apply ‘Smith & Mallett Ltd. tf Whree Year Graduate Chiropractic Miss 8. ree a paso the city, having arrived in town | oe ee os : Widhein Wis Shebeibs Given * ro oR aul . " . 3 nie wen paymg a visit here w 1eF trom down the coast yesterday af-|fOR NT—. Modern flat, Ranc | cyte cae! FOLKS, NOW IS THE TI ME To Take Adv antaye of This brother, James Underwood, of the ternooh. Block. Apoly Max : Heilbroner. tf Phone for Appointment 4 Wenderful Sale. All Goods Being Offered Below Cost to fj, forest Branch service, sailed by ss. id 2 , , , rae , : : IPringe Robert yesterday morning |SOME choice modern apartments! Green 241 and 549 , Make Room For Our Stock of New Fall (,oeds. Don’t n her return ‘ Vane a Tommy Johnson and Pete Fisher | for rent. Gréatly reduced ‘rates. | Open Evenings 6 Excnange Blk € £ : a eee ; : "3 Varn 00 VaRCOUVEr. safled yesterday afternoon on the| w taaty ‘ , 4 Hesitate. Buy Your Family Needs Now. siiechas Princess ‘Louise for Victoria. They| —V°SemRaver Bros. OT | aidan semen will take courses of training at|FOR RENT—Fully modern new un- DAIRIES 5 Esquimalt naval station furnished six-roomed: house with zl v , basement and hot air heating onionciiiiaiileaad ba al] res a Buy More, Save More > , Framk Cole. well known district) . for particulars call at Royal -Ho- Oma meet Protpettor and formerly engaged! | tél, ‘¢ For FRESH LOCAL MILK : ,; msfe sitiess 4 ee ee eRe : SALE STARTS TOMORROW, 9 AM. PARE oe TEAS SS Grane Mime ed 008 or 9s reo a PT for a visit to Lacombe, Albertz | MIN ‘ | Sco as S$ TAT a. om eae to oh city via van . pOMINEy aaa Teas oe scams WILL trade firewood for hotischold| & Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 4 i : EASY [O DIGEST r necessities. Phone Blue 825. 185), so i Big Values Clearance Prices | There were eighty passengers on|_ ——— : ‘ | == |board the steamer Princess Louise|] TS YOUR PROPERTY VA- PASTEURIZED MILK Men’s Silk Combina- Hundreds of Pairs of la- Mrs. L. W. Patmore and children /Which was in port yesterday after-/] CANT? Let. us overhaul it. 1 J) IS SAFE MILK tions, reg. $1.25 dies Shoes, all latest vill sail tomorrow night on the/ noon bound from Skaeway to Van-|{ will rent and give revenue I " eg 75€ styles. Will be sacrificed ‘rince John to spend a Holiday at/Couver. One passenger left the ves-/] again. Charges reasonable. 10 7 - : The 2s” ° 2 .| Sel here while thirteen embarked at this great sale. Black Soe rnes, Sth, Ques ees J. P. MOLLER Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms Men’s Silk Polo Shirts lotte Islands. They will ‘be accom-/| here for the south aboard her. yanied by Mrs. Patmore’s mother reg. $1.50 1 or : 50.00 $3 95 wnd sister, Mrs. Weatherhead and _— Black and White Kid now ® Miss Weatherhead of Vancouver. I ia astciciimeaaiaaiaieaiad | z Fine Dress Sox 20c Pumps, Cemented spike eee. os — Manur For Sal | VALENTIN DAIRY reg. 960, nov - ; Ladies’ Patent one 7 For stealing a ride on a passen- e e and White Oxfords, reg. Phone Red 802 }ger train, William Swanson was) Phone 657 : eee eh oe $4 95 reg. $4.25 N 2.00 Per ¥ e s . - » "C2. 4.20 9 7 o Straw, $2. er Yard Fine Silk Sex $i $7.50, now now $ e ee $25, with option of thirty ' 2 for .. ’ | jays’ imprisonment, in city police Casey Cartage Fuel Co. |) WATCHMAKERS . ESM APOE PONE 8 SS it ‘ourt this morning Dy G. H. Munro.’ Phone 303 - ee? as ~ . . itting as a justice of the peace in | . Price Split Lew Prices Giveaway Peart Elis: casehitwan tna camoat Ma-| . — | Send Your Watch, Clock, ee BR Meclmont tard | Jewellery and Optical — enaimnannae Rnccacmeemmanmae: - on, who was taken off yesterday TYPEWRITERS ) voee : “e Shirt £9 6, Fleet Foot Runners, la- Men’s Oxford Runners | vfternoon’'s @astbound train by C.N - Repairs to ac Us, reg. do.% dies’ mas aha bovs’ reg. $1.25 pair 60e i= stable David Geddes, is ser- Now ss the TUE Te So tt | For Sale or Rent A. E. IRELAND nd $3.5 93 values to $4.25 75 now ee , ai ; ye vo | 33 ¥ p » BC. NOW C; now Cc , o ; | |For Your Convenience We Offer Rose, Cowan & Latta Pcs wat aa : Moleskin Pants, regular ) Boys’ and Children’s | These Specials Along With Phone 234 |Thirty Years Practical Experience , s oO “+ clin fan $1.95) Shoes at almost give- . Many Others [* ; Assures Absolute Satisfactién ~~ do 5 : i om ae. away prices | OUR NEW LOW PRICES A : | ae Sugar ‘ , : . now ate fies, wie: | 3100's $5.35 “THE DUNES” WILL SURPRISE YOU y Men’s Suits reg. price Shirts, reg. | eer n fete ae $2.75) eeeen Chariitve lataias $22.50) $12. 50 ; 0 : + . 95c¢ | ] 1 Days Holiday; $35 Inckudes TRANSFERS nom q >1.00, no Certo, Q5e | Boat Fare ana All Other Al Weldrest Silk Chiffor 8 bottles | eee pane ieee -anemeene” All Our Stanfield’s Un- : _— ' | Apricots $1 35 Children Under 12, Half Fare. |'CAMERON’S Transfer, Phone 177: " se ' ay : - : . - derwear at a Saga Hos t R5e | per ‘erdte ° frets he Rg ori auhon | Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for J prices pair | Swift's Pure Lard 65e “ rries $2 00 ‘write or hlaneah | rent. Beer bottles bou ght. n’s %* Coats} Men's Black Oxfords | Men’s Heavy Red Back ae per crate re _ _ MADAME RAJAUT |SEAI, COVE TRANSFER. Woo for Sy Men‘ Xubber | Coats ’ 3. & K. Pastry Plowr 40 | Rubber Rings—Red or white ‘os ‘ reg. $8.50 $5 95 reg. $4.50 $2 95 Overalls $1 PWarhe eats Cc air ‘deh 7¢ . ee —— | sale at reasonable prices. Phone A » PO. wy 215 : : I Oa > r Blue 90: now . | HOw . reg. $1.50, now Measia Gil 95¢ geimink West 15¢ Green 609 or Blue 903 4 ; . emcee ee eA CCT A ATTA ET NEN RE AE LL NR RNC, TERS | 4-4b. tin | per pkg ‘ | | Shaker Salt 0e Prince R Lawn Mowers Ground ‘ Fund reds of Pairs of Ladies’ Ties and Sport Oxfords at Reduced Prices : Malkin’s Ber per pkey upert | Absolutefy guaranteed to cut be. en PRUNES | Heinz Pork & Beans— 39c | ee ait i a 20c Medium, 8 tins for | S$TAR WELDING & REPAIR , oh tail iieiin pkg Hot House Tomatoes— 2 | WORKS DON’T FORGET—BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING! oy oC) pal ‘ — 7. ae Rk : y H. B. Stiles, Proprietor Come Early. Get Your Ohoice of These Bargains. a er pcm “p er 8c are hone 313 Cow Bay P.O. Box 764 ( per ibd . Fhe SHIPYARD y me OU aa | AUCTIONEER; oO 1eVrs Sh Road Brand Coffee 25¢ h e ° ° | Durkey’s Salad Dressing Freshly ground Gpaiesing Vhede Gey Decks | Packing ~ Crating — Wrapping — ‘ I" ] 35c Economy Brand Tea— 28c Total capacity 20,000 tons | and General Furniture Repals ; Third Avenwe Next to Frizzell’s Meat Market 8-02 ut = Lovely blend ines AAS ‘cant shee Uh oe : . | Sunset Ripe Olives. a } Shipb ist } ods / §-oz. bin 20c ro oo _— 29c and Ship Repairers GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 ———_____]] . Malkin’s Best |Australian Sultana Raisins 25¢ for Steel and Wood Vessels ORANGE 2 Ibs, for “s4 and Mining Machinery ri LO AL ; A Marmalade | Shelled Walnuts—Broken 29¢ paired and Overhauled AUCTIO : ; 2%-lb | ‘per lb : ti i D F ' A. E. Parle tin 30¢ an oon one List vour goods with us—Prinve ' : é trict Forester 4 .. Par | ; ' , wa th reake ~ day at a = » | ’ Electric and Acetylene Welding Rupert's leading Auctionee?. { was e speaker today at the re i ular Weékly luncheon of the Prine BLACK FIGS | 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts ; G. M. HUNT Rupert Rotary Club, his subiett large 1 1 | A Ph Red 37 bein Forest Protection and Fir per 0c ord Ave. re Pere : ‘Economy Store : eavy faxe P y Miss D. M. Morrison, who has Heavy W — |“Where Dollars Have More Cents” 100 feet rol | been visiting In the city for th i" Deliver Orders of $2.00 Free of 3% h Olams—t's past wee Weeks sailed by the Saanich ¢ 5 ees K : ~ re : S halech srestwood Creamery “0c 319 Third Avenue—Phone 18 & 360) Retain the cedar of] in the wood, affording extra and better pre- : Mid Morrison formerly taught! Butter, 3-1b brick } P. ©. Box 575 servation than kiln-dried shingles from which the essential of chool here |O nae _— hetti & Chéese 25c has been evaporated. Our shingles are made on Queen Charlotte 2 Islands and, as a home ‘product, deserve your preference. Shingle TOIT ae el a Mrs. E. G. Osborne and twé! shenoust Gcoaebaia . 50c | — makers wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru- rE aa Talat daughters, Miss Millicent Osborne! ‘S-tb. basket pert, while Vancouver wages never come north, Support a home RN. and Miss Aileen Osborne. will | Preserving Apricots— $1 35 Hotel Central industry and your own welfare by specifying Air Dried Shingles. ( Corete- leave on Saturday's train for Mon-| per box ® o . ” ‘This eG vertisomens te @ @iapiayed by the Soler Cone nan arte A ches osetia = esl P N ] 5X $3 75; N l 3X $3 5 aoe 4 Pritieh Columbia. 408 treal where they will embark for |Pure Gold Oranges— 95¢ Limited rices: 0. . , 0. ° ja visit to England. They expect ‘to 5 doz Coventerit te Wasindls Meese. | ali _— — — be away for two or three months oven oe ' oe . ah ere cae 77 Phone Your Order—We Deliver homelike, beautiful harbor —_ views. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMI rED }) Rates ‘Yeasonable. Spacious J)" _ he : Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancou | A | rta ar et a . “ , ' P88, CATALA BVBRY TUBSDAY, 1:50 P M z ’ Via Waypoints arriving Vancouver, Thursday am nnouncements FIRST CLASS CAFE CETTE, ee ee TAB. ( Anant EVRY YAY aaah beeen" P. GAMULA, Proprietor Opeh at All Hours . ‘ rrivin ancouver Sundey midnigh ‘ab 4 Wedhly saltign to lve ake. ‘eancny "b = ——o Moose Dance Wednesday Aur. 10 Fifth Street. Phene 30 Hotel Central Ltd, : Early Ad. Copy 1s appreciated iC . t Avenue & Seventh Street p Catholic Bagaer, October 19, eae eR on eee ee be 5 t Further information re ardin all sailings and tickets « YRINCE RUPERT ¥; Second A venite Phone 566,