Thursday, AP'n 3' 1019. THE DAILY NEWB. Page 3 ROD AND GUN DRYDOCK FOR Biscuit Special Shoe Fitting by Practical Shoe men AT THE CLUB ELECTS ESQUIMAU JuS arrived 1000 lbs crisp of the biscuits most delicious fresh and NEW OFFICERS Definite Assurance Said to Have Family Shoe Store Been Given Island Members SALE WHILE THEY LAST By Government. Third (Avenue ON Accommodation to be Provided at A real live up-to-date EXCLUSIVE Shoe Store featuring all 200 lbs. reg. 50c, on sale for 40c per lb Lakes of Up River for Members lhal Dr. Tolmie and J. C. the shoe requirements" for men, women, boys and girls. Organization. 40c., on sale for . . 32c per lb Mcintosh, Federal members, have AQENTS FOR 600 lbs. reg. definite assurance from the Do The "Dorothy Dodd," J. & T.Bell, Ames, Holden Macready, 200 lbs. reg. 35c, on sale for , .25c per lb Active steps to Improve the minion Government that it will "Lady Belle," and "Vassar" Shoes for Ladles. Sodas, special ,.. 3 boxes for $1.00 Lake conditions and Mile for fishing at Khtada build the drydock at Esquimau, Slater, "Invlctus," Tetrault, Ames Holden Macrer.dy, J. 21 taken be are to Ramsay's Leckle & and Amherst is the message brought to Vic Co., Shoes for Men. by members of the Ilod and Gun "Eclipse," "Chums," "Sterling," Pillow welt and Ahreus toria by II. A. Morley. who has Club. Tliat was decided at the just returned from Ottawa, where Shoes for Boys and Girls. annual meeting of the club last 1 i , . . . r . He has been on nrivale business E. R. Tabrum U fully qualified to treat all forms of foot troubles. Fuller's Grocery XThpH yearM'. Morley spent a week with the We carry a full range of Scholl's Arch Supports, etc fe '.""!! !2r!wo Island members, and when Geo. Hill is a practical shoemaker and repairer. We have a fully equipped Repair Dept. Fuller, Smart C& Steen left for OrV.w-n T,Tbe home he asked if they i ft 'mHi Pe,Md had albiaB te their COME AND SEE US PHONE 45 PHONE what ThT .in Hg 8Kme 5lng, r fnM fluents.Mr m,iq It was n,then that they GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM A cab'n The Practical Shoe Phone 357 !Pnt ,US 8ef,8n; .the d-OCk to be built at Esqui- men " "T ,x.nn. malt Nvould be Pa6sed in the suP-convenicnces and a pIementapy e8timales before t,ie uuai uau ueeu jjui Oil me la&es. session at Ottawa closes. lllllllllilllllllillliillllllllllllllllllillllllllll These had proved a great convenience The Government does not yet to anglers who had gone know whether the dock will be Storage Batteries House Wiring in there from time to time during built this year or next, it depend McGOWAN & HANSON the season. They had been used ing upon the acuteness of the Charged and Repaired in all its branches by all visitors, irrespective of labor situation. No Loss of Time While whether they were club members Mr. Morley says that both Dr. & Your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC or not. The difficulty in making i.oimi9 and Mr. Mcintosh are Cycle Repair Co. Overhauled. Another Is improvements was that often working hard in the interests of IRONS their stuff stolen. Even the was Always Available. the Island, lie speaks of the unreasonableness GRILLS TOASTERS windows were stolen from hunt-ng of some people Repairs of All Kinds I Agents For cabins. who wire to the members and expect CVINRUDE Portable RANGES Boat on Khtada, replies right away. Motors. HEATERS This year they hoped to put a Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphones, CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS new boat on Khtada Lake and a Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES stove was also needed there. This LOCAL MEMBER AT Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys made, for would be Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe REGAL Engines LAMPS one of the important EMPRESS THEATRE Trolling. things for the club to do. The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS The hunting season last year Soldering of All Kinds PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS had been interfered with a good "There was a time when we ENGINE FOR beal by the attack of flu. All dreamed great dreams of the Now ready for biiness, with full supplies, at the FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, their good intentions had been wonderful things that were to Harry Hanson Plumbing Shop ETC. set aside at the time of the epi take place in Prince Rupert. Now Full line of Electrical Apparatus in dock. demic. one of these dreams is about to ! 139 2nd Ave. - - - Prince Rupert Tne olllcers become an actual fact and it is were Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. elected: following Hon. President, Major our aW 10 see tnat 11 19 a 8U- Phone 489 Tnat was tne ,lno 01 lalK Geo. Hull; president, Ben Self;,ces8 fhone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 vice-president, G. A. Bryant; sec.JPut UP fly AIex- Manson, M. P. P., lll!!llllliiil!lllllllllllllllllilllEI!lllli!l! lillllilllllllillllilllllHIIIIililllllllllllilll treas., R. II. Shockley. Executive iasi mgni ai ine r.mpress ineaire V. E. Williscroft, V. E. Thompson, uuruig u siiuit iiiierujisBiuu. iilll!!illll!!!!llllllllllilll!ll!l!!ll!llll!illi V. Reid, D. G. Stuart, Frank "To make the most of the present pillllllllllillllllilllllllillllllllllillllllll Foster, Oliver Rodgers, W. Alex opportunities," continued the ander, W. V. Wrathall. speaker, "we must provide houses .S. PRINCE RUPERT A suggestion was made that for the workers, not only to make the men who come contented but Dentistry there should be an effort to stock i-til to encourage them to bring their one of the local lakes with rainbow SAILING trout. This, however, was wives and families here and make left in abeyance. permanent homes J DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH 1 j THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay. Ocean Falls, Vancouver, There was a good deal of Victoria and Seattle. swapping stories and recounting THOMPSON ELECTED j One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. of experiences, especially in conr S. S. PRINCE JOHN nection with fishing, after which Chicago, April 3. Mayor V. H EE Efficiency Queen Charlotte Islands April 3rd. the meeting adjourned, leaving Thompson, Republican, has been the working out of the sugges re-elected after one of tho most TRAIN SERVICE exciting political struggles tne tions to the new executive who Piiseorer MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY si 11:30 l.m. Tor SmltDen will meet in the near future and cily ever witnessed. rrtnee Owtt. Edmonton and Wlnolper. msklnr direct connection! for U lay plans for the season and arrange Dr. Bayne pointi ttat tod south. for an active canvass for See the classified ads. on pae AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. members. five. OFFICE HOURS:- f Information and reservations apply to t SYNOPSIS Of G. F JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. M'CUTCHEON'S BOOK LAND ACT AMENDMENT Morning, 9 to 12( Afternoon, 1.30 to;5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 city Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 "NEDRA" AT EMPRESS lands I're only.emption now confined to surveyed Dental Nurse in attendance. Jiecorda will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes Phone 109 for appointment Dramatized and which Is non-timber land. Well Known Novel Partnership pre-emptions abolished, and Leading Parts Played by but parties of not more than four may CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with Well Known Actors. Joint residence, but each making necessary Improvements on respective claims. Pre-emptors must occupy claims for Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Everyone who has read Barr Ave value years of $10 and per make acre, Including Improvements clearing to McCutcheon's story "IS'edra" will and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before via Steamer to Vancouver and (he receiving Crown Grant. Phone 37 P.O.'Box 1704 want to see the play which is at Where i -emptor In occupation not Canadian Pacific Railway less than i .ears, and has made proportionate the Empress Theatre tonignt. improvements, he may, because Meals and Berth included on Steamer Those who have not read the book of Intermediate Ul-health or certificate other cause,of Improvement be granted For .Comfort, Courtesy and Service will also enjoy the picture story, and Records transfer without his claim.permanent residence FOR for it is one of the best. may be issued provided applicant makes VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM.PRINCE RUPERT Improvements to extent of J300 per annum anil iist, May jnd. mn ind SSrd; ;une Jnl. Fania Marinoff and Margaret and record same each year. Failure nth and :rd; june 2nd. Greene are starred in this picture same to will make operate improvements as forfeiture.or record Titie KETCH,KAN well George Probert, all cannot be obtained on these claims In F. T. BOWNESS, Manager as as JUNEAU, WRANOELL, 8KAQWAY, ALASKA less than 6 years, with Improvements of Pn m p Rnp.rt -April 7lh, 17th and SStoj May 8th, ISth nd fttu well known in the movie world. and 110 per cultivated,acre. Including and residence 6 acres cleared of at Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. In addition to the feature there least t years. W. C. is an episode of "The Mystery of record Pre-emptor another holding pre-emption.Crown Grant If he may re- Home Cooking, Running Hot and Cold Water ORCHARD, General Agent. Pathe Ga land In conjunction with his the Double Cross," a C ?ulres ne r. without actual occupation, provided ur h 3tret rnd thiid Avenuo. PrJnce Rupert, B.C. zette and a first rate comedy, une statutory Improvements made and residence maintained on Crown gianted show runs nine reels and is a big Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 one for the money. acres, may be leased as hpmesltes; tlUe to be obtained after fulfilling'residential GOOD EATS Tk. it and Improvement conditions. COAST SERVICE. For graslng and industrial purposes, SHUTTLE" COMES Second Avenue. THE areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased by one person or company, StearnshiD For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m.; Sat., 4 TO THE WESTHOLME PRE-EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Breakfast 7:30 to 9 p.m. The scope of this Act Is enlarged to Lunch 11:30 to 2 Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, Include with Ills all Majesty's persons joining Forces.and The serving time Dinner 5:00 to 8 Famous Story to be Shown in within which the heirs or devisees of a Mondays, 7 a.m. deceased pre-emptor may apply for SHORT OROER8 ALL DAY Naas River Points, Friday a.m. Picture Is From Novel of titi. undrr this Act Is extended from Ltd. one year from the death of such person, Same Name. after the as formerly, untU one year Jack Barnsley, General Agent conclusion of the present war. This privilege Is also made retroactive. "The Shuttle," Constance Tal-nadge's TOWNSITE PROPERTY AULOTMENV current Select Star Series ACT. WESTHOLME LUNCH Provision Is made for the grant to by .plpase. has been adapted persons holding uncompleted Agreements Uld Lipsett, Mnrmret Turnbull and Harvey to Purchase from the Crown of SECOND AVE. President Harry Lipsett, Manager such proportion of the land. If divisible, -award Thew from the novel of the same as the payments already made will HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Cunningham, Vice-President cover in proportion to the sale price of name by Frances Hodgson Bur the whole parcel. Two or more persons holding such Agreements may group nett, whose popularity urougiu Interests and for a their apply proportionate Lipsett-Cunningham through ten editions. allotment jointly. If It la not Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. & Go. the book considered advisable to divide the land This picture, directed by Rollin oovered allotment,by an application an allotment for a of proportionate land Short orders all the time. Special j-ates with roomand board. Sturgeon, gives Miss Talmadge of equal value selected from available Crown lands in the locality may be LIMITED as Beltlna Vanderpoel a roie aa-nirably made. These allotments are conditional & suited for her portrayal upon payment of all taxes due the CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Crown or to any municipality. The truly-American cf to whom the purchaser high-spirited, lovable, rights persons Steam of from the Crown has agreed to Ff! SuPP"es, Gas Engines and Accessories girls. sell are also protected, The decision of BOSTON GRILL love the Minister of Jands in respect to the elny, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage This delightful story of adjustment of a proportionate allotment be shown at the Is final. The time for making application and hate is to limited for Uiese allotments Is to PRINCE 606 TK1RDAVE. PHONE 457 RUPERT, B. O. Weslholme Theatre tonight. tho 1st day of May, 1919. Any application made after this date will not be 8tered nmn. considered. These allotments apply to A GOOD PLACET TO EAT. Prime Rupert Ofllee: H is Just as cheap to get your at town publlo lots auction.and lands of the Crown sold Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. Ver. B. G. Telephone tto. 95 printing done wei! and done at Tor Government Information Agent apply or to any to Provincial DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Detaert at every meal. P. O. Box 1098 10me as it Is to send it away. Try Short orders at any time. Deputy Minister of Lands, The News Print Shop. Victoria, O. 1H04 D