Toney, oe aad 4, io Steamship Sailings} Mail Schedule oe GET READY The Survival of the Pp | , »s we Tatete as Sweetest for Vancouver— For the East— li gd TTT be Monday—ss. Pr. George ....4 p.m. per Wednesaay Fi cael rg , Tuesday—ss. Catala ... 1:30 p.m. ay . i ey the Milk from | By Barbara B. Brooks) Wed ss. Pr, Robert ... 9 am.|Prom the East— Wednesday & Thursday ‘Local Whaler Crew Practising pres i. Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm.| Sunday, Thursday and Friday, TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 pm paratory to Meeting H. M. PEACH MACAROON PUDDING me Condens _ midnight ducer ll Dae, C. S. Skeena One cup milk, one tablespoon Saturday—ss. Pr. George .. 7 p.m. Monday, Wednesday "130 pm. A Romantic Drama of the nie th ‘ :: oan ‘minnie Aug. 6—ss. Prin. Charlotte p.m. | ay Tropics he In order to defend the Burns Cup | °°" Aarem, er third “On 7 os Aug Fs ss. Prin. Louise p.m. | Pee Vancouver— ‘ , Trophy, won last year and retain-|*ree eggs (separated), one tea-; of .. prin. Alice p.m. | Monday p.m. Beautiful ed by the local R. C. N. V. R. Com-|spoon vanilla ‘extract, one-quarter’ yp 97s. Prin. Louise... p.m.| Wednesday 2 Tallulah Bankhead in pany, the whaler racing crew is|teaspoon almond extract, one cup From Vancouver— wm a oa. a ” us i eee turning out daily at * p.m. with ajcanned sliced peaches cups is ea -. pm,| Saturday . ant. EVERY safeguard ou . tion's evenly-distributed view to competing with H. M. C. S.jcorn flake macare wath eee 11:30 oo Aug. 3, 6,13, 20 and 27 p.m. rounds the production of bucter-fat males foots Skeena for the possession of the cup| Scald the milk starch Witdaw cite Pr George 11:30 a.m.| ®rem Vancouver— Carnation Milk. Carnation’s smoother and richer. Use this year. This annual event has|with sugar and moisten with a lit- eae = ale ve ge ong 7) atone ae pm ” field organization guides Carnation for creaming provided a great deal of interest tle cold water. Add the beaten egg , deat tidienadh Adelaide ‘p.m. Wednesday “AL: : ; a -ouver ‘ defeated. The race | fire, add flavoriz and peaches Stee - : j om ‘ continues until Carnation proved by the medical ae a ae a oats 9 Fold in beaten egg whit Place Aug. 29—ss. Prin. Alice me i Sunday 7pm Misunderstood by Her Hus- reaches you in hermetically _fession for baby feeding. H M. C. S. Skeena proved itself a |macaroon crumbs in a bowl or pud- | *eF Naas Rives anw Port Simpson—| = Priday 2 pm band—She Turns to Another : gealed containers. Carna- That's how good it is! formidable competitor when it wag ‘ing dish and pour custard mixture Gundsy-— pes — = 8 b sous, From Stewart and Anyox— A Paramount Picture eRe i ed by barely three strokes'Cver them. Allow to set in refrig- Frame — ono we ia “| Tuesday . 11:30 am Comedy — “WILD BABIES” Write fer free Cook Book and Baby Book oh steed I ay Sanat reports it is)erator over night. May t erved| _ Tuesday—ss. Catala 11:30 am. Saturday 6 p.m y d : Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott St., Vancouver, B.C. ven better shape this year. |@arnished with fi Opridag nan Be. Coneek 2 bia Lome ae Pe One Renee Harry Lauder sings The crew is perfectly sraduated| Yield: eight laz Soraya re “| Sunday 7 p.m. ian dh diaaéhes af b- sorbate Pe eK J Sunday—ss. Catala § P.M./ Prom Naas River and Port Simpson NANNY + , i in splendid condition. It con- From Stewart and Anyox— Tuesday, 11:30 am Ais slime i ci rf : sts of the following Saak Macfie | : Tuesday—ss. Catala ... 11:30 a.m.| gop Queen Charlottes— Car oon—" illage Dpecia ist hi (Stroke), R. Pitcher (2nd Stroke), H | | Prin. George .... 6 p.m. 5 and 19 9 p.m VOR NEWS be, ° J. Westman (Third Oar), S. White otel Arrivals isteach ae 5 ond 3 : Feature Starts 7:50 & 9:50 or cean Faiis— From Queen Charlottes— » ye a nearer, ta Seypenen Carey; Monday—ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. Aug. 3, 17 and 31 a.m ADMISSIOS | <4, Me & Oe e = C. P. O. Young will be coxswain. CENTRAL Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m | a THI RSDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Unless further word is received : |F or Alaska Feature Starts 3:20—lLic & 35¢ eee *trom * ne i “ f th tars b . Mrs. Somerville and Ella M.’R Sat ss. Pr. George 7 p.m. | Aug. 8, 15, 22 and 29 .. a.m. he date of the race has been set! wijson, vancouver; T. Anderson, C.|from Ocean Fafls— —_—— — FRIDAY and SATURDAY d Cows” for Thursday, August 11 Contente ows a ; ; , iN. R. ; A. Moier, Vancouver Wed ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a.m.} / . “CARNIVAL BOAT” rt Friday—ss. Pr. George 11:30 am.| The steamer Princess Louise will sale iid The word “pianoforte” is a com 5 iin Fri ate rs Cesitane p.m. }° mntinue in service on the Alaska tt CANADIAN COWS, PACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN-MADE CANS : pianoiorte 1s ? ee . th t the month of Sep- ae Se ae Ge AND CASES pound of two Italian words mean-| The name “platinuf Span- Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m oes sau Brave an ad am A weekly service will be mainta ‘ing soft and loud. ish for “silvery.” Satur.—ss. Pr. Robert 11:30 am al » tha ©a to Alaska for August with a ten- be replaced for the winter by the val For Queen Charlotte Islands— Setnceni< tiie 1 announced.’ 4aY service in September il , ee Aug. 5 and 19—ss. P. John 10 p.m.| , es — j npnee street? Py <3 From Queen Charlotte Islands— | > sel Aug. 3, 17 and 31—ss, P. John a.m. | a For Alaska— § 4 if’ Wed.—ss. Pr. Rupert 3 p.m.| 6 Satur.—ss. Pr. Robert 3 p.m | | Aug. 8—ss. Prin. Louise a.m.| Aug. 15—ss. Prin. Alice a.m.| ! ka Aug. 22—ss. Prin. Louise a.m. | q » Aug. 29—ss. Prin: Alice a.m. | I “a - : — i AT THE MONTREAL IMPORTERS tom Alte | ot : “onaay 8S I ‘ a. Wed.—ss. Pr. Robert 7am P i Aug. 3—ss. Prin. Louise p.m. | Aug. 6—ss. Prin. Charlotte p.m. | Aug. 13—ss. Prin. Louise p.m.|} Pa : ... Keep Hh, THERE NEVER WERE SUCH OPPORTUNITIES AS YOU GET HERE TO STOCK UP WITH FIRST ; 4 CLASS GOODS AT FAR BELOW ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ON MANY LINES WE HAVE SLASHED ff Phere %3 wnat Ie cool with Oh i tee . 3 > — — whlw rn . on | alt THE ALREADY LOW PRICES TO MAKE A QUICK CLEARANCE 9 | MEN’S RUBBER BOOTS ‘BOYS’ JUMBO KNIT SWEATER COATS LADIES’ PULLOVER SWEATERS pice tala Fries DBE | ise vets rice, RRO Tae ase Px $1.39 sR, OT) le GOODRICH HI-PRESS RUBBER BOOTS ip to $1.25. Fire Sale Price Fire Gale Price - s “ve Men s-length, best made in ai Canada; Fire Salk Regular $1.50 value. In all sizes $4.25 ~ __ BOYS. MERINO COMBINATIONS 79¢ | | friday & ne Price Sular soc value 49¢ Fire Sale Price a MEN’S PANTS lea wenn MEN’S JUMBO KNIT SWEATER COATS Specials ' I treat assortment of tweeds and wor- BOYS’ PURE WOOL GOLF HOSE Assorted colors. All sizes. Regular values to ti various patterns and shades.} With fancy tops. Regular 65c value 39¢ $6.50 $2 95 Mrs. Haines’ Orange Mar- 15¢ > r days wheo = ase deli- Great West Garment make. Sizes 29 to 42 Fire Saie Price Mire Sale Price e aalate vai 1h.d Qous od. . . crisp flakes of su pened “4 a ee ee 95.60 a a x ; ran , sce ee 5 a corn, ao ideal hot weather dish with ms ere. ' $1.98 BOYS’ CHEVIOT SERGE PANTS MEN’S PURE WOOL SWEATER COATS Ay A or span 35¢ nourishing milk or cream. For breakfast, gular $2.95 yalue $1 75 Jumbo knit with shawl collar. Regular size 28, 2 tins for or any other time of day, cool, nourish- Mh MEN’S HEAVY PURE Woot | WORK nae Fire Sale Price ° values up to $4.50 $1 95 Malkin’s Best Pure Plum 39¢ ing, refreshing. ; : : y's >; : a Jam, per 4-lt l | ae Guarat ive your y! MEN'S ST. GEORGE'S COMBINATIONS Fire Sale Price r i opin © o7e Weare confident yoo will like the flavour of Regular values up to $750 "$3. 49 ' Ribbed 100% Wool $1 95 MEN’S FANCY DRESS SOCKS oe . 34¢c bumer Quaker Cora flakes best of all. The ingred- Sale Price Fire Sale Price, per suit ° Fancy patierns in assorted shades Rs -" . } 5 =e D. ients in the flavour are the highest only : ’ a ys sn lany siowers Soap other Cora : l alt, MEN’S CORDUROY PANTS olors, Regular 35c¢ value : | ae ever put into a corn flake. Special m ie’ yup to 9480 §2 95 ; aaa 5 Cee ae OMBINATIONS me 2 ~ 7 > 930 4 cakes ft 29c¢ hove scious pure CANE sugar and salt of crystal purity: ) veCguiar Valu ; U He&vy Ribber 00] i Sai 1 : Tomato Juice | =." Hire Rale Prics Ps Of ond e $ rk Tomato . 2 wins Fire Sale Pric $1.95 and Fire Sale Price, per suit a 95 MEN’S WooL RIBBED HOSE aici ihe 0c We made the flavour of Quaker Corn Flakes MEN'S FLANNEL TROUSERS : Pee ; wes Regular 50c \ ’ just to ats your taste. Won't you try ee ee SER: MEN'S HEAVY WOOL COMBINATIONS , vy 29e Malkin's Bhte them? Economical, for they cost less thao Fire Sale 2 So $2.49 Regular value to $3.50 $1 25 7 i TOMATOES a cent a serving. MADE IN CANADA, ire Dale rice y c oy ® Fire Sale Price . MEN’S WOOL WORK SOCKS Size 2% | a. ee nine re as ' MEN’S MERINO COMBINATIONS 2% Pound 23¢ 2 tins 25¢ \ i A rted col ‘ I in all sizes. Regular Regular values to $1.25 79¢ Fire Sale Price, per pai: fon E ‘ values to $3.00 i 8 rice j fh aaa: hidds, totes $1.49 Fire Sale Price 3 Poun 1 23c¢ PINK SAL val. up to $5.00. Fire Sale Price $2.49 MEN’S DRESS CAPS With unbreakable peak. In assorted pat- terns, colors and sizes. Regular 75¢ $2.00 value. Fire Sale Price SHOES We haxe a great variety of oes for men, women and children suitable for all oc- casions and all have been marked down 50 cents on the dollar MEN’S WORKING BOOTS Leckie’s, regular $5.50 $3.25 Fire Sale Price rnment camps te we bought pair, MEN’S WORK BOOTS Here is one lot of unbeatable yalue. Men’: Work Boots of regular $3.9 $1 95 . value, Fire Sale Price These were made for the gove but as the camp did not oper them at $2.75 a Montreal Importers, Meeker Block, 3rd Ave. Remember the Address mh of Sale: Cash Only Perfect per dozen Seal Jars Perfect Seal Jars Quarts, per dozen —_ Malkin’s Best 5 SOCKEYE SALMON | be 4's, 2 tins “ 99 ~@- = 3c) | “Rupert Brand FF X ainion per 4-lb pail California Oranges Extra Special, 5 doz. for Transparent Apples 5 Ibs. for Bunch Carrots— 6 bunches for Celery per head Cucumber each $1.19 $1.39 Gold Medal STRAWBERRY JAM | The Fish which made Prince Ruperifamons 39c 25¢ 13¢ 9c SMOKED ze! '— BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.