4 $ Apg 1ft 1919 SjiffS LWITED BUY HRST AID KITS THE DA "'Lilian,dt requirement Board ILY NFWS PhonES,82anil200 PRINCE RUPERT, U. C, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS G.TP in Pubii Eye at London MUSK PAPERS DISCUSS -fff(f TUB FOUNDLING. BORDEN AND KEMP DEFEND THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY THEIR POLICY AT LUNCHEON AND GOVERNMENT POLICY GIVEN SIR ARTHUR CURRIE Financial news expresses opinion that the grand DEMOBILIZATION TAKING PLACE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE TRUNK PACIrlu will i c i dc hdlc iu cmmh COMMANDER IN CHIEF SAYS ALL-CRITICISMS INTEREST ON ITS BONDS CAN BE ANSWERED AT RIGHT TIME (Special to The News' vis 0. T. P. Telegraphs. . Loudon, April 7- Papers here are still giving prominence to (Speclal to The News via 0. T.P..Telegraphs.) de uranu j rn,,nir rnnlmversv.- The Times contests several nninls- London, April 7. At a luncheon given by Sir Edward Kemp iiised in the Canadian Government's reply, Including the state- o meet General Sir Arthur Carrie", the overseas minister took the cent that Smithers' contention that the present situation was opportunity to voice his sentiments upon the criticisms from roughl about by the war, is wnony uniounaea. in mis. connec- Canada. i Oil 11.. Clies-;j- tnnt Oinf. iht. British- rnilwnvs arc. hpintr a wnrkflri Sir Edward Kemp said he had, ever since the armistice, urged less than the estimated hundred million pounds per year. It, that Canadian soldiers be repatriated as fast as possible and his owever. welcomes indications that the Government is wishful own view was entirely contrary to that urged in some quarters i approach the question in.a conciliatory manner and thinks that in Canada, that the soldiers should not be demobilized too quickly, nth signs of good will on Dptn or else they would lind no work to do at-home. He was absolutely-satisfied dea there ought not to i9 any that they had arrived at the best conclusions possible TWO FISHERMEN fliculty n arranging a settie- regarding demobilization and he was quite prepared to defend cnt, the form it took. Equally sure was he that the Canadian people Financial News. what DROWNED WHEN would approve his action directly they understood the situation. The financial News says Ec Government has to justify is No Intrigue. i offer to buy the Grand I runic DORY UPSETS Before the end of this month half of the Canadian troops I term's which will guarantee? its would be back or on the water. "However," he proceeded, "an buities forever to tho advantage odd man now and then returns to Canada, misrepresents the situation Urand Trunk shareholders, Walter Warner and A. Hanson of and reilecls upon the officers here. One of the favorite bereas in due time the Grand runt Pacific in certain to be able Fishing Schooner Constance ySr . themes is that there is an intrig ue proceeding, that there is a tarn interest on bonds without Meet With Fatal Accident - possibility of General Currie being replaced in command of the tip from guarantees. At Port lock Banks. LLOYD GEORGE: "This is a nice uu,. ui Canadian troops. Such a thing was never heard of at any time. Morning Post. loorsten. Shall we adopt it or not" Since General Currie took over the corps, he had never heard any-one(mention The Morning Post notes that Walter Warnsr and A. Hanson, it. More than that, it would be presumption on the Canadian Governments re-1 fishermen on the schooner Constance, part of anybody"here to have thought of it." inder had no ill effects on Grand were both drowned when METAL TRADES MINE MAGNATES. The Premier. hat slock quotations, but rath t heir dorv UDset near Seward, Premier Borden followed with "strongest and most willing nerlbeiess a disposition fn tho . . . r-tnnnn aPPivArf IPrR OF TORONTO I INVESTIGATE-ARECOMBINED' testimony"''to."yoaflseiilienltonihg-thathehad often rteiti: question the Govern- . nt ,- urped Sir Edward to release himself from his duties for a few us aents on some points ' . , . ... " , ,., weeks. r ' was uui no iraie wuiu STEWART ORES picaea up he ..arly tuat regarding the . . . General Currie spoke brilliantly, expressing the conviction mpetition o f the Canadian BO "urJZ, Z' " that every effort had been made by those responsible to get the rjern, whtrh Trunk's ied m many present ways- d QUt flshing off Men Ask 44-Hour Week, Double Half Million Dollars Will be spent men repatriated as soon as possible. It was an undertaking, the realties, Thr paper enlarges the Portlock Banks near Seward. Pay for Overtime and Triple i At Camp This Year, Says dif'lcuities of which could not be appreciated by those unaccustomed Thesun was shining brightly but for Sundays. Mr. Mahood. the results of the extensions the sea was rough. It was the Pay to it. "I for one expect criticism," added General Currie. to: ' auadian Northern upon the "I don't know that now is the time to make any definite statement afternoon and middle of the T ink t-rrilory, (special via o.t. p. Telegraphs.) i The Bush mine is the greatest pna adding making regular criticisms that have been made can be answered." schooner was myself. Any pt the result was that neither Toronto, April 1. Employers discovery that has been made in rounds of the dories to pick up in the iron industry have received "mid be worked the on a com- iUriUsll Columbia, considering rcial basis. the catch and see that everything from tne Metai lraaes council u t . . . . . '.'BOLSHEVIK DEAD i was right. crhoHtilft of w acres and conaitions Chronicle. fn iii in tr Htn ftnrv wliirh was into!dn- That is the statement of LLOYD GEORGE SAYS with a request that it be put ETbe Daily Chronicle thinks' . i. operation on the first of May.;one of the partners, u. jvianood, PEACE TREATY WILL LYING IN PILES wything depends on what the FOR EASTER READY War. BE tho fnnA h AvHnnod. This is the first time the unions of Los Angeles. He was in the vernment means by the words: ,,,, .a -nncri.t in hi rear " have combined, upon a general lCjiy this morning along with an-j r and gmerous used in Its 'as uRe dead, No lrace vParis, April 7. The b t h schedule of conditions. I 1 1 i o t c?:l..-mn .. . AFTER BATTLE "J Moreover, t ie tone nr. . ... u , uinur puriiici, o. o. Silverman, ui preliminary treaty ilinp . .J Ol Hie Oilier mail cuuiu I'd o-cu, The unions included are: Pat- peace in porta n sections of thfi a i New York, and Chas Caldwell of will be ready by Easter and iv so auer cruisins aruuuu a..nc tern makers, moulders and core does not indicate any very there was nothing to do but to makers, electric workers, boiler-makers, Kaslo I, the German will be asked "teria Admlnstered to change of altitude. J come away. Fishing was stopped machinists, blacksmiths On the strength of the wonder- to come and sign it at the Crushing Rod Defeat In Mekhrenga ful results obtained from the of Premier Army May, beginning at once ana tne scnooner pm nut. and kindred trades. Sector of North Seward where the body of the unfortunate Six thousand men are involved. Bush mine, Mr. Coldwell has op-1 Lloyd George declared Russia. I-1 man w.as left. Then the The request is for a forly-four- tions on. adjoining properties' in an interview. MAX HEILBRONEFI boat came on to Prince Rupert, hour week. Overtime is to Dei;.which. he. expects to take. .. up.: The i Archangel, April 7. The Allied flshing the , ..u. a 4:i 4ia on Forty-nine group ana uie lenow-- Reliable on way. forces, principally British and Jeweler Neither Axel JIanson nor Walter Sundays and all legal holidays, sl,.n group are tne properties PREMIER BORDEN Jltussian, operating in Mekhrenga 1 Diamonds. Warner of the fishing schooner work at ten cents (which he expects to take oven Waterloo rintc and night per UNVEILS MEMORIAL sector, delivered a crushing de I Mr. Silverman is already inter- l Cut Class, Constance were very well known of Bolshevik Silverware, Ivory feat to a large body sua, community P ate. in Prince Rupert, but Warner I I 1 " TI .mnnn.. (Special via 0. T. r. Telegraphs.) attack'ers. Piles of Bolshevik Etc. ivas a" shipmate with Harry Mea- MAY MAKE EFF0R1 I to take over -this old Dewdney London, April 7, Premier Borden dead indicated the severity of the gher, secretary or tne ueep oca , enemy's losses. Corn.r 3rd A,. TA DAKF QfiPHIA opIer ,nine a Sidney Inlet and unveiled at Taplow a memorial d 6th str,et P'ishermen'e Union here, seven 1. Arrangements April 1U MilOEi London, iJUrnirl.it i,as i,een shipping ore for the years ago on the Commonwealth, to those who died at the to despatch a British relief last several years. It is a low. tl Both were unmarried. Canadian lied Cross Hospital force to Russia are being 'gPade Salvage Steamer Tees Will Come ore and could not be worked j North In May to Make when the price of copper was very there pushed forward. The advance Survey. low. guard leaves in April for Murmansk Mr. Mahood says that Stewart' CAPT. JOSEPH READ DEAD. to proceed at the first opportunity Emp Theatre (Special via p. T. P. Telegrapns.) is better known in New York than j t o Archangel. The ress : 7. It is prob- that has main force proceeds in two sec-lions, Victoria, April it is in Vancouver -and it (Special via o. T. P. Telegraphs.) nhle that an effort will he maae a great future. At least half a Ottawa. ADril 7. CaDt. Jos- the first at the beginning of Tonight Monday during the summer to salvage the million dollars will be spent there ePh p.ead, Liberal member for May and the second a fortnight C. P. 11. steamer Princess oopiua touring tho coming year. Queens, Prince Edward Island, later. BLUE BIRD PHOTO PLAYS which struck on Vanderhtit reei died yesterday. . Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces present fascinating and sank two days later in October The oldest Canadian Life Co. fuel bill and gives your V last. The vessel lies on top The Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. ELLIOTT ARRIVE8. atlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. iolet Mersereau nf a submerged hill 700 feet high Coal Co. reported that the hull it and was (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) hnrt broken in two. Diver Jacoo- , in the latest success , DEMERS" nauiax, yprn . - uivui. .ci- who went down later reported sen "fc Girl by the Roadside" that that she time was the still,question intact of and raising,since We have a splendid display Northland.the liott of arrivals Vanderhoof on the was steamer,among WESTH0LMF'" TONIGHT u the wreck has been debated. I of Spring Millinery. A powerful drama It is expected that the Tees will j Trimmed hats from $5.00 i WALLACE REID of thrills and adventure make, to $25.00. I.N be sent north next month to Eddie complete survey and in all prob- . Ready-to-wear- from ?3.76 THE FIREFLY OF FRANCE' a lyons and Lee Moan Comedy aUllliy.fin.. "H".- ...Ill"' nil palnrn fn ViO-- to $10.00. His ambulance was with to make Kitchener's Contempticles a ....ill elin faLrata IMA nfllill ill f Now is the time lOria UUU DUO taavo lgAZETTZ, the Latest New with her. It is probahie mat ov your choice, while the assortment 2-Reel Splendid Comedy AdmiSSi0n least two salvage ships may be, is good. . British War Gazette 15c and 25c. Shows start 7.15 and! required and possibly the Santa COME AND SEE j FOH QUALITY Alex mnv lin brought north to aid SERVICE AND oATISrAUTI(in Shows 7 and 9. AdmlM'on S5C k He Grab's Orchestra . ' .1-1, food Board Licence No. 10-7340, in ui"