Page 2 TliK DAILY NHWb. Monday APril ) 9lo V The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE t PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA WRIGL For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. lrdays at 9:30 a. in. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. gyjiiimiiiiJB The Greatest Name In Goody-Land From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Hi at 5:45 p. m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per; year $6.00. Vancouver: ' To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 5 p.m. 1 I Thursdays . ... 10 p.m. moo Telephone 98. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. . know the TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver 3 realm of child, Contract Rates on application. Sundays. . I. ...10 p.m. hood dreams .Vednesdays ... 10:30 a.m. tS Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, is a (and 19li). of DAILY EDITION.. Monday, April 7, i fg MADE IN at 9 a.m. sweets. .CANADA Nothing Radical ForvAnyox: About a Soviet. HC.W.GILLETTCO. LTDl Sundays ... . ..75...... ...10 p.m Make There is nothing radical about the soviet form of government. WINNIPEG TOKONTO.CAHADA MONTREAL Vednesdays 10 p. m. some of It is much the same as ours. It may be conducted on radical those dreams principles or on conservative principles. A series of councils or From Anyox: parliaments is all it is. All depends on the view point of those Tuesdays .a.m. a delightful who arc in control of the Soviets. Any form of democratic gov Salvation Army. hursdays ............... p. m,l ernment is good if those in charge have enough commonsense to reality by pass proper laws and then put them in force. , Public meetings, -Tuesdays, For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet taking home According to the press reports Saturday, the Budapest Soviet 'i liursdayt and Saturdays at 8 p. points: was not radical enough for some of the people of that city, so i.. Sundays at 7:30 p. in. bunuays ......-... ....10 p.m. they started a rival under more radical control. Practically every thing depends upon who is in control. The fact that it was Never forget to look through From Port Simpson and -Naas m . WRIGLEYS soviet did not of itself make' it a radical soviet. the classified list on Page 5. River Points: sr- aw a t mj Supposing a soviet were started in. Prince Rupert and an Tuesdays' p. m. frequently. election took place, who would be its chairman or president? Just .MINERAL ACT the same men 'who are head m the city council. Just now it Queen Charlotte Islands: would be McClymont, for the people chose him by a large ma Certificate NOTICE of Improvements. For Masselt,- Port Clements and yOp How about 1 jority vote. Possibly the workingmen think it would be a mem Upper Island poiats: ber of the Trades and Labor Council. That does not follow. In "Ised rolnl Extension" mineral claim, For Skldegate, Queen Charlotte iyM tomt- Russia the head of the soviet is the son of a nobleman. lie is not Ituate r cassiar In the District.Naas nivcr Mining Division City and Lower Island points I drawn from what is usually known as the ranks of labor. Where located: On the Kltsault lUver, anuary 23, Feb. C, 0; March 0, If labor wasomited it could pass any laws it wished under near TAKE the KOl big ICE Ciwiyon.that Lewis W. Patmorc. 20lli, at 7 p.m. 8 SEALED TIGHT our present constitution. There would be no need of a violent Free .Miner's Ccrllllcate No. 20.407-C. act- In? as agent Tor uie Evlndsen, Free Miner's KEPT RIGHT revolution. The difltculty is that laboring men are as much divided Certificate No. 14,155-C, intends, sixty ?rom Mabset, Port Clements and fj JY yw in their views as are those who do not labor. They may for a d.iya Mining from Itecurder the date for hereof,a Certificate to apply or to Improvements, the Upper Island points: time agree, but there is no such thing as permanent agreement crown urant for or the me purpose aoo.e ciaim.or obtaining From Skldegate. Queen Charlotte Iff The FlavourW among a large number of people, no matter who they may be, And flintier take notice that action. City and Lower Island points under Section 85. must be commence) before the Issue or such i.'ertlucate or anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. Commissioner For Improvements. 11 and 25th, a. in. Board of Trade. u vitu, mis am aay or reDruaiy, A. u. 1819. Mr. Mortimer has resigned the position of commissioner of For Skagway and the Yukon. the local Board of Trade. He has carried the institution through MINERAL ACT 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a. in. a dull time and deserves much credit for having done so. Since anuary From and Yukon. Skagway he has dropped out it remains for the Board to appoint another Certificate of Improvements. NOTICE "cbuary 1 and 15 a. m. in his place. As much the commissioner of the so depends Board, upon "Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In Uewart, Maplo Bay and Swamp I the appointment should be made without any considerations of the Naas Mining Division or Casslar Dls Point. favor. The great thing is to have a live man if possible at the job. tnct.Where located: on the Kltsault niver, lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 It is difficult to find that kind of man, but he is valuable" when near me Dig canyon. pin TAKE NOTICE that John II. McMullln, Arrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd found. It is better to wait a few days rather, than rush in and get Oniclal Administrator or the Estate or Charles Swanson. deceased. Intestate. Free a poor man. "H Miner's certificate no. 3.&22-C. intends A number of peoplo have ad- sixty days from the date hereof, to apply- Better Deal ' to the Mining Recorder ror a certificate 'crtised furniture for sale in this 9 or Improvements, ror the purpose or ob NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! and have had For Prospectors. ainmg a crown urant or the above claim. paper they dozens. There is a general opinion here that there should be a better under Ana runner Section mice 85, must notice be that commenced action, of customers as a result. Some Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present deal for.the prospector in this province." He is the man who risks before the Issue or sucb Certificate or people want to keep their furnl- everything. He gambles with his time and often comes out the mprovemen$s.DATED tills Bth day of February, A. p urc. They do not advertise ' -:- Watch this space for our -f-announcement loser. Anything that can encourage him to continue and to follow 1919. of a new supply up the work of developing the property after he has found MINERAL ACT it is of benefit to the country as a whole. There is a proposal that an assay office should be established Certificate of Improvements. WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED here in order to facilitate mining in this district. That would be NOTICE BUTEDALE -. - - b.C. a great aid to the prospector. ExperUuIvice can be obtained from Mr. Clothier who has a fine comparative collection of minerals in "lied Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate the Naas n Itlver Mining Division or Cas his ofilce. That is not so good as an assay office, however. slar District. Where located:-On the WATER ACT, 1914. As this is the most central point for mining in the province, near the big Canyon. kltsault nivcr, RIPARIAN RIGHTS it would seem that this is the first place to be given consideration TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Free Miner's Certincate No. 20,407-c. act- AOTICE Is hereby given that under tbe in this regard. ntr as agent for Ole Pearson. Free Miner's provisions or section o or me water Act. Hotel Prince Certincate No. H.157-C. Rupert intends, slxtv iuh. every riparian proprietor claiming I ! oays trom me aaie nercor, to appiy to ine any ngnt to divert water or to the exclusive GOAL Minin? necoraer lor a uerimcaie or im- use of water for any purpose by Phone black 183 rovements, ror the purpose or obtaining virtue only or his being such rlDarlan pro Phone 183 Black EUROPEAN PLAN crown urant or the above claim. prietor Is required on or berore the llrst Delivered And further take notice that action. day of June, 1920, to file a statement of I and Price List $1.50 day per up. Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instruments, under Section 85, must be commenced claim setting forth the Dartlculara or his before the Issue or sucb Certificate or claim. Such statements or claim shall be Sheet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances Improvement. pfrl Grade nied In duplicate with the Water Recorder DATtu this sin day or February, A, D. or the Water FIRST-CLASS CAFE $13 Mil District in which the water Screened, Sack sd, Prince Rupert Music Store 1910. is aiverteu or usea. A La Carte. sacked una After ine nrst aay or June. 1920. no .Aline Run, ' NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT right to divert water or to the exclusive ' Screened, in bulk i2io;i WILL EDMUNDS. Proprietor. use or water for any purpose shall exist OPPOSITE POST OFFICE uy virtue oniy oi any ownersmp or land. Mine run, in bulk Repairs, to all kinds of stringed Instruments. Flute and clarinets rcpadded NOTICE Is hereby given that,-pursuant tonus oi statement or Claim can be ob bulk rom car w'jl and adjusted. Bows re haired and rewrapped. to the '-'Revised Statutes of British Columbia," tained from the Water Recorders of the Mine r,un Chapter 13, Intituled "An Act Inspecting several Water Districts in the Province or All bulk cal wirnta "" Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Store Assignments for the Benent of rom ine comptroller or water Rights, scales with ad.Ill. ,'.I cbarge or Creditors," and amending Acts, and known Parliament buildings, Victoria, li.C. and cited as the "Creditors' Trust Deeds Dated at victoria. B.C.. this nth ri.iv I ,ter load added. Act," John II. Beauy of the City of Prince oi lumxu, iviv. Rupert, province of British Columbia, ha T. D. PATTULLO, this day made an Assignment on thn ant Minister or Lands. Terminal Coal Co.; Lday or March, 1 e 10. to George W. Nicker- ton oi me city or rrince nupert. Province MINERAL or British Columbia, of his real and personal, ACT. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS " credits and effects, whlcb may be X Yard Phom, Blie ,1 seized and sold under execution ror the benent or his Creditors. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. WATER RIGHTS BRANCH Gives Better Results Than Milk at A the meeting ofilce or or Messrs.the creditors Fisher will and held NOTICE. "WATER ACT 1914." suite 1, smith Block; Prince Rupert, B.C., Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look- on Wednesday, the 16th day or April, 1919, ui, myaivry, nnuas Lane rnc, pass- rrac-lonal :ancei.lation OF RESERVE of WATER a, mu iiuur ui :ju o ciock p. m; to receive Mineral Claims, nititnta In thn Pnrt. Why sbould you feed -milk to your calves -when you can statement or affairs and for the and Canal Mining Division of Casslar DIs.- NOTICE Is hereby given that Ills Honor sell that milk, gaining better reiulls 'by reeding- general order In ar xf the estate. n,i vnu irici. -lie Lieutenant uovcrnor or uriusn uoium- ional Grocerfj la. by and witn me advice or ins hiecu aio uKicuy iiuiiucu lo micna enner in person Where located: On the East Salmon or by representative. - luver vauey. Ivc Council, has been pleased to order: BLATCHFORD'S Calf Meal All claims must be filed with thn unrfi. TAKK .MITICF llml I A If llrun an,. THAI pursuant io ine provisions oi ectlon 59 or Hie "Water Act. 1914" being Limit 1 siKiii-u, verinea uy statuiorv ng as agent ror L. Watklns, F. M. 6. No. and to entitle :haoter 81 or the Statutes or 1914. tha any creditor to voir- hi ioji-i.; u. u. uarter, k. m. c. no. 9.588- SixhF Containing a wider range of proper nutriments, which Is one claim must be filed on or beforn thn it It. M. Martin. F. M. C. No. o.SR7.r- n. lie' reserve or me unrecorded waiera oi Corner Jt Uie secrets of successful calf raising. It surpasses any other Ul lilt, JfiCCliUK. J. Fetter, F. M, C. No. 9,597-Ci II. E. lefuire In Creek,Council established Dursuant the to And further take notice that -.n .n,i canton, v. m. c. Nn. t noa.r. in.tin )rder No. 68, approved on food on the market. As the final results In money earned from after the 16th day of April, 19 IP, the said Welch, F, M. C. No. 9,599-C. Intend, sixty 7tn aay or January, iviv, no cancencu, Class Groceries your cattle depends upon the Ivlnglng up of tbe calf, It Is of assignee will proceed to distribute the uujo uum tue ume uercor, to apply to the I UATtu tnis i7tn oay or reDruary, iir. High vital assets of the Insolvent amongst the parties Mining Recorder ror a Certincatn nf im. 1. U. 1'ATIULI.U, Interest to you to Inquire into this calf rood. Meats entitled Minister or Lands, thereto, having regard only to provements, for the purpose of obtaining nanus ui which no nas men received notice, a i.iuii uiuiu ui me auove ciaim. and that he will not be liable for the Ana runner taae notice thnt im m im. Fruits said assets or any part thereof tn nv der section 85, must be commenced before Confectionery person or persons of whose claim notice uie iBuniite oi sucn ueruncit nf im. shall not have been received by him at the pruveiiieiiis. uufo ia,i ifjeuiiuiii-u uaie. yatea mis stn day of March. A. D, 1919, and Bakery DATED at the cl!y or Prince Rupert .For That Non-Paying Cow ......Province rAnnK or British.n.n Columhl., ' .hi. V,..' UIJ Ul 1HUII.M, IV IV, UEO. W. MCKERSON, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS..........LAND. DIS- GET PKCKfJ TIIIPT 111 U T lilf T j it ORDERS Assignee. Maybe Just one cow In your herd, though eating as much TAKE notice that ThA Apnnlana finniiii I as the others, only produce a few quarts or milk a day. There'll i.uinui-1' urn., or rori Elements, b, C, CANCELLATION OF RESERVE a remedy ror this In- occupation saw mill. Intends to apply ror 'A:'." " '""owing oescnued NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the re ailUfli Blilln( mi AM ii.m n 'omi'n I anrl In PRATT'S Stock Food Commencing at a nmt mam .t ih. I.r" "...if ."il.."",V.'"""..r: V northeast rornpp nf im i Yn;U: I "10 -" uueiasue niver, nanso , IN i t". surnWB With a little attention In feeding, you can ueually turn her north 8 chains, thence wail OA ...... l. .. - 1. ' n the T. nM' uchicvs i vain Ainv. luin. it caneAIIoil. Into a profit-paying cow, pnATT'S STOCK FOOD assists Nature routh to approach of Government Wharr, U. It. fl ADr Tl, N THE MM ' . ,1 thence southerly alono- In aiding digestion and Increasing the flow of milk. Begin unlit Deputy Minister of Lands. feeding that poor milker, today, it means the difference between, s I'lUNCE UUPErtT ASSESSMENT Lot poyernment 1, BIock46,Wharr thence to northwest easterly corner along the or Department of Lands, .... mittkh 'u'hA&n profit and loss. Victoria. B. c. DISTRICT. block 45 tO DlaCB Of hrs-lnntno- ' lttlr March, 1919. M 18 AEHOPWNE SPRUCE LUMBER' CO., LTD. NOTICE Is hprphv iivon ih.i . -.... riAtA Maph Oft ,n,n TIMBER 8ALE X 160S. Revision and Anneal, nnrw ih ,,r: "'o.u.r..?-.M?lcr d; i!..,.Vf i?Sl Come In and Talk or the "Taxation oay oi iv". ;- j'',,,rgf - Matters Over ScllOOlS Act." rpnprlln Act" and th th o. .i.,ti.. ,.w..ww vr VMnb.i.i.nTiON OF RESERVE I Sealed tenders will be received by the roll for the Prince Rupert .,... I Minister or Lands not later than noon on Assessment Dls-the to I1C11E.11Y lilVKW mat tn. !.- I Im I h I a v rT InM o a rni fliA n r. msr cal "'rVn fiirois" ' ,M i 2i Vancouver Milling & Grain Co., Ltd. Provincial Assessor's Office. Prin? fn,r.v9f.'!itJng:,ov!l Lot 418- Qun Char- chase of Licence X 1605, to'cut 1,939.000 nupert. 11. C, on Wednesday, iP.iSi ? Jfy.rV!80n of notice pub- reet or fir and cedar on northerly portion the 3rd . " day IlSIieu in 1116 IS. C. flavntlA nn lh. Oft.n ..Ur I B,l n.ntln.l. .m llflnA of April, A. LV I at 10 " " """ ""' "- state nLr'r" o'clock In the fore iniv ions i. -,nelr Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Mission City .., outriiru. ig, coast District. debtea of 'U1"' DATED at Prince Rupert, B. u. it. NADEN. Two (S) years S fHowed for re lie amount ,uUtijX,. c April IJPD111V M Inlalnil a f m-Am I .- n a.n I l.... ortnwiiu. h. "-iVminUHS. Ut, 1919. - n ' " " vJ. UI A.BllUa I illU VIII VI II11IUC1 inllN ,0UN DYBHAVN, '... -R H J Further nartlculars of the Chief Forester, ' Judge of Court of Revision and Appeal. eth M.r'rh,1........ .... .X"f r U1"e forester, rrmce Dated this m n i i nuivri, Ui u,