7, 1010. THE DAILY April NEW8. Page 3 PLANS MATURE Iff AT H lllti GOOD RICE. a Shoe Fitting by Practical Shoemen FOR LIBERAL or AT THE I t because you can WORK" HARDER fc Housing after you Scheme have CONVENTION Family Shoe Store Third (Avenue , i ON SALE, SPECIAL PRICE OF Trades and Labor Congress and Zam-Buk la tba choice of the A real live up-to-date EXCLUSIVE Shoe Store featuring all sUreat War veterans Association g.knows uuuaeitecper it Is reliable. the shoo requirements for men, women, boys and girls. that Invited to Cooperate. money spent upon 5?;BukKI well spent bause this ageNts for foMt d ' Whllt U tla,med The "Dorothy Dodd," J. & T.Bell, Ames, Holden Macready, ' "Lady Belle," and "Vassar" Shoes for Ladles. HIGH GRADE Ottawa, April 7w -Tlife parlia tnlcal Slater, "Invictus," Tetrault, Ames Holden Becaiu. It l all medicine Macready, 4. SPECIAL JAPAN RICE mentary Liberal party held an " MMr reaned and con-oeatrated. Leckle & Co., and Amherst Shoes for Men. other caucus and gave further a small Quantity "Eclipse," "Chums," "Sterling," Pillow welt and Ahreus consideration to matters connect. jnert effective than many"time" Shoes for Boys and Girls. 45 PHONE ed with the holding of the na rTiaMity?f or4"nr ointment. PHONE tional convention ESm!"' VU not deteriorate with E. R. Tabrum is fully qualified to treat all forms of foot troubles. on August 5, 6 EylSEui .?ta,M 118 length We carry a full range of Scholl's Arch Supports, etc jand 7 next. Decisions arrived at very last. Geo. Hill is a practical shoemaker and repairer. We have a fully Zam-Duk were as follows: should he kept handy equipped Repair Dept. . . ., Fuller's Grocery 1 rri m i fpme especially-where there xiio purpose 01 tne convention UM.CblIlren"-for cuts- COME AND SEE US will be, first, to discuss and turns, draft, I ' em. rashes and sores. Fuller, Smart C& Steen adopt the platform of the Liberal r 3 for H.25, all dealers. GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM party of Canada; 9econd, to deal The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 jSBHH!linillHiiMliHH99SjlHHI vith the question of party organ- zation; thirdly, to select.a leader n succession to Sir Wilfrid Lau ier. liiiiliiililiiilill!iiil!lil!IIIi!!tilllllllil Following as closely as possible Storage Batteries House Liberal the plan convention adopted for of the 1893,national the SPY IS OUTWITTED McGOWAN & HANSON Charged and Repaired in all its branches representation at .the forthcoming IN WAR PHOTOPLAY No Loss of Time Is While Being convention 1 All the will be members"as follows:of the Cycle & Repair Co. Your Battery 'The I Overhauled. Another Is ELECTRIC-inoNS senate and of the House of Commons Wallace Firefly of France" Starring Available. who desire to co-operate Reld, at the West-holme Always GRILLS with the Liberal party and all the Tonight. Repairs of All Kinds . Agents For TOASTERS Liberal candidates who were de CVINRUDE Portable RANGES featcd at tho last Dominion elec Wallace Reid, a great favorite HEATERS tion. of the Prince Rupert theatregoers, Motors. s the predominant figure of "The Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphones, CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS 2 The Liberal premiers and Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES the leaders of the Liberal opposition Firefly of France." The story Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys made, REGAL Engines for, in the several provinces. deals with the efforts of a German Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe LAMPS agent to secure the plans of Trolling. 3 The presidents of th9 nine FLASHLIGHTS Hun defenses, that had been obtained The Famous English provincial Liberal associations. Soldering of All Kinds by an aviator known GENERATORS as PETTER HEAVY OIL kt Three delegates from each ENGINE FOR noniination constituency which 'The Firefly of France." How the Now ready for business, with full supplies, at the FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, will be elected at a local conven spy is outwitted by Wallace Reid Harry Hanson Plumbing Shop nd his Ann in ETC. co-star, Little, the tion to be called for that purpose. Full line of Electrical in stock. In the case of constituencies having shell-torn battlefields of France Apparatus 139 2nd Ave. Prince ( Rupert make two parliamentary representatives, this a picture full of life and - - - Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. ed. Women six delegates will be will eligible be elect for aotion,episodes based dealing on the with present the war.day Phone 489 iPbone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 election as delegates in all constituencies. The settings are particularly in I teresting. There will also be two- a good 5 The Liberal members of reel and llllilllll!l!ISII!llliilllil!IIIIIIIISI!lillllll IIIIIIIIII!lll!illll!!!lllll!llll!I!!!lllll!II!lliJ comedy an interesting each provincial assembly and the Liberal candidates defeated at the British war gazette. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT province,last provincial acting jointly,election shall in have each NOTICE TO MARINERS the right to select from among A hand fog horn has been es J Dentistry themselves a number of delegates tablished at the light station on SAILING equal to one-fourth of the total Green Island which will be used number of representatives in each answer signals from"steamers in 1 DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! g I THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Van provincial assembly. the vicinity in thick weather. couver, Victoria and Seattle. In addition to the foregoing it This is in Chatham Sound, Ori One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your f WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. was further decided that owing to flame Passage. S. S. PRINCE JOHN changed conditions arisng out of In Dixon Entrance the Cape E : Efficiency Cucen Charlotto Islands April 3rd. the war and to the desirability Chacon Light reported not burn for co-operation among all ranks ing on March 5 was relighted on TRAIN SERVICE of Liberal democracy in dealing March 12. riucnter MONDAY, WEDNC80AV and3ATUROAV il ii:J0 .m. for Sml Ultra with grave national problems, in Prtnc Gtorre, Edmonton and wtnnlper. making direct connections for all vitations will be extended to the When you have read the news Dr. point! east and south. Canadian committee of agricul look through the classified column Bayne ! AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ture. the Dominion Trades and on Page 5, Labor the Great War- OFFICE HOURS: consrress. For Information and reservations apply to SYNOPSIS OF G. F JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Veterans' association and the m Morning, 9 to I2 Afternoon, 1.30 to5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 Railroad brotherhood to LAND. ACT AMENDMENT City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Canadian send representatives to tho con Pre-emption now confined to surveyed attendance. lands only. j Dental Nurse in E vention for the purpose of presenting ltecords will be granted covering only such views as tho national land suitable for agricultural purposes Phone 109 for appointment and which la non-timber land. bodies may desire to present prior Partnership pre-emptions abolished, but parties of not more than four mar CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to the drafting and adoption of a arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with Liberal Joint residence, but each making necessary Illllillllillllllllllilllllllllliillllllllllllll! Illllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll national platform. Improvements on respective claims. When all the details connected Pre-emptors must occupy" claims for five and make improvements to years Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points with the holding of the convention value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before via Steamer to Vancouver and the have been settled they will be receiving Crown Grant. Phone 37 P.O.'Bok 1704 Canadian Pacific Railway embodied in a call to be issued to lesa Where than i i ears,-emptor and In haa occupation made proportionate not the Liberals of the Dominion by Improvements, he may, because of ill-health or other cause, be granted and Service For Meals and Berth included on Steamer the temporary leader of the parly, Intermediate certificate of improvement Comfort, Courtesy and transfer his claim. D. D. MacKenzie, M. P. Records without permanent residence may be Issued provided applicant makes Adhi VflNC0UVE. VICTORIA AND 8EATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Improvements to extent of 1300 per annum "I" My ,na' " 23rdt June nl. and records same each year. Failure TJSAVO HtH and Mrdi June ind, PRINCE GEORGE same to will make operate improvements as forfeiture.or record Title lETCH,KAN cannot be obtained on these claims in F. T. BOWNE5S. Mu.g.r fro'0" JUNE", WRANQELL, SKAQWAV, ALASKA less than 5 years, with Improvements or at the city Including b acres cleared Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Rupert April 7th. 17th and SSthj May 8th. tOlh and lth. The death occurred $10 and per cultivated,,acre. and residence of at hospital of .Tames Larmer or least 2 years. " W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Penny, at the ago of 23. Ho record Pre-emptor another holding pre-emption.Crown Orant If he may re- Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water fail land in conjunction with his operation and ner fourth Street underwent an ?ulres without actual occupation, provided snd Third Av nue. Prince Rupert. B.C. ed to rally. statutory Improvements made ana a residence maintained on Crown granted John Kendall of Vancouver, is ,aunsurveyed areas, not exceeding JO be leased as homesltes; acre, may here auditing the city's books. title to be obtained after fulfilling residential GOOD EATS I TIL TT . and Improvement conditions. COAST SERVICE. I For gracing and industrial purposes, union There was born to Mr. and areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased Second Avenue. , by one person or company. lleamshin For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m.; Sat, 4 Mrs. J. Reiyler on April l, a son. PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Ilrcakfast 7:30 to 9 p.m. The scope of this Act Is enlarged to Lunch 11:30 to 2 Cojof Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, Corp. George Hamilton, who with Include Ills all ifajesty's persons Joining Forces.and The serving time Dinner ..' 5:00 to 8 B.C. has seen three years service overseas, within which the heirs or devisees of a Mondays, 7 a.m. deceased pre-emptor may apply for SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY Naas River Points, Friday a.m. is home again. Other returned' title under this Act Is extended from Ltd. men who have arrived are one year from the death of such person, after the as formerly, until one year Jack Barnslev. General A cent Robert Pooley and Dan. Mcorcg- conclusion of the present war. This privilege Is also made retroactive. or. TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT "' ACT. " WESTHOLME LUNCH Provision Is made for the grant to persona holding uncompleted Agreements ard 1.1.,..i. .... LONGWILL to Purchase from the Crown of SECOND AVE. 75"' resident Harry Lipsett, Manager STEEN & such proportion of the land, if divisible, as the payments already made will toward HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Cunningham, Vfce-President eovor In proportion to the sale price of the whole parcel. Two or more persons SANITAA. nrlD HEATING holding such Agreements may group Lipsett-Cunningham ENGINEERS their interests allotment and Jointly.apply for If a it proportionate Is not Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. & Co. considered advisable to divide the land oovered by an application for a proportionate Short orders all the time. Special'rates with room'and board. allotment, an allotment of land Agents for of equal value selected from available Mr tm ki.iw.i ipi mi mm Crown lands in the locality may be LIMITED MoCLARY FURNACE! made. These allotments are conditional F'5KING ,& upon payment of all taxes due the CANNERY EOUIPMEMY jusimv uanniAARE Crown or to any municipality, The rights of persons to whom the purchaser PLUMBING from the Crown haa agreed to F,as7r5l?Suppl,e8' Qa Engines and Accessories ell are also protected. The decision of BOSTON GRILL nd the Minister of Lands In respect to the Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage adjustment of a proportionate allotment SHEET METAL WORKS la final. The time for making application PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Phoue 5, 834 Seoond Avenue. the 1st for day these of May,allotments 1919. Any la limited application to 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 made after this date will not be Night phones 670 considered. These allotments apply to A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. Prince Rupert OHloe: town lota and lands of the Crown sold and Blue 270 at publto auction. Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. Inm.... - -VI, Telephone No. 05 right For Information apply to any Provln- 11.30 to PRICE 45c. 50c Dettert at meal. vyyy. ' . C. The right work, t the oial Government Agent or to DINNER 8.30; to every P. O. Box 1608 time, and at the right prlo. O. R. NAPEN. m Short order at any time. Deputy Minister of Lands. ., Viotorla, . Q,