l Tllli DAILY NEWS. Page on PLENTY OF ACTION Wouldn't IN EMPRESS OFFERING pAeinc "Tho Girl by the Roadside" Starring You Help Violet Mersereau is DUNLOP Another? Exciting Story. Willk.swift action throughout, and climax succeeding climax, Our . recipe department is helping doing all It can toward "The GJrl by the Roadside," the Belti pholopiay to be screened at tho "Gibraltar RedSpecial" helping cooks to get together is Empress Theatre this evening, Ml a good and .inexpensive of accidents such as a chapter number of recipes. seldom befall the ordinary mortal. "THE ORIGINAL RED So if you want a recipe of any kind, no matter what, Slim Violet Mersereau in the stellar FRICTIONEP-SURFACE please send your request and ' role is as vivacious as cvo.r and W9 will endeavor to get you BELTING " has her audience captivated RUBBER as many as we can. There is throughout the whole play. The' no charge whatever. story is that of the novel of the I Please address your request of unusual same name by Varick Vanardy and it's a question to Recipe Dept., Box has to do with a gentleman adventurer, WHEN in Beltdom, B. C. 882, Vancouver, bis wife and sister. RedSpecial" stands Pacific Milk Co. Secret service men also figure supreme. LIMITED largely in the tale and the denouement 332 DRAKE STREET in the last reel is about As an effective means of trimming Factory at Ladner, D. C. the most exciting incident of the down "overhead" it is known far and wide. Canada Food Board LIcinM 14-156. evening. There is also a Gazette showing This Red Frictioned-Surface Belt has views of tho most interesting in dominated the field since its inception. In cidents jot the most recent history W Klo and witljan Eddie Lyons and Lee Without variation this belt has lived Moran corfiedy, a splendid program up to the exacting standard of service set Mill . I'll ra M III11 Hi ooooooaft oooo,iqo Kloks is rounded out to a fine by us when it was first introduced to belt I'll f I"""'"v911"''""'"'eoooop?oooe. finish. buyers. HHImiII WfP Clocks KICKED CHURCH OUT, Having been tested and tried to the limit in all manner of places and by thousands Have You Enough Clocks? LET IN THE DEVIL of users throughout the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific "Gibraltar You should have one in So Says Anglican Clergyman RedSpecial" will also secure you against WmHBBBm room. Condition every When Speaking of the uncertainties which surround the use Some day every one vill. In Russia. " of "just-as-good brands. . ' They save steps and soon pay for themselves. That tho people of Russia kick jjjl The price be higher than that of may ed the church out of the back door And our prices are as "ordinary" belts, but the service is long and reasonable being while tho devil and all his angels as anywhere, the standard price on came in at tho front was one of, satisfactory in the. extreme, as a multitude most well known lines. the interesting things said by! of long-time users will gladly testify. Rev. Wm. Crarey, of Houston, at' the St. Andrew's Church lastj With the Dunlop Unreserved Guarantee John Bulger night. Ho was preaching from which goes with every belt, you 'should rMiugjfr the text "Render to Ceasar the' JEWELLER things that are Caesar's, and to j have no hesitation in making your next v L c - tt. vV jiVk The Store of Worth and God the things that are God's."! order read "Gibraltar RedSpecial." Beauty. lie said that this was an age of socialism. Both before and since You know the Dunlcp reputation for tho war social questions had been square-dealing, too. to the fore. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK While therewere many conditions Go to preacher ihat said needed it was righting his opinion'the unlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Geo. Waddell that these things could not be changed by revolution. Nothing good could come except through Head Office and Factories TORONTO 336 2nd Ave. out the carrying that principles BRANCHES IN THE LEADING OT1ES Phones Christ preached. There must be BLACK 367 GREEN 394 a civil authority and obedience L Makers of Tires for all Purposes, Mechanical Rubber Products of all kinds, and Cencral Rubber Specialties Savo Money In Lamps. to it was necessary. DM Mr. Crarey -is leaving for Qn-lario soon. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH St. James Hotel DOLLY VARDEN ECHO IN TIIE MATTER i ii OF iiiinii THE ADMINISTHA- TOM LEE CO. E. L. VAUGHAN Pianos in Stoclj (LATE "QUEENS") IN TIIE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OK Says the Victoria Times: There a. rut.ii, ufcu&A&bu, 1.1 lt3 1 A INTAKE 840 Second Avenue, West. FIRST CLASS ROOMS NrtlirR that In nrrioi nf Ilia HEINTZMAN & CO. was an echo of the famous Dolly Honour F. McB. Young-, made (be lSlli Expert Piano Tuning Hot and Cold Water. in tho rt3V tt Uanih ft T IdlO t ntal nnnsxln KARN Var,den case office of the VEGETABLES Administrator to the estate of J. A. Poetl. and Repairing ENNIS Premier this mnrninc. wlim a uctcusuu, uuu an paruts waving- claims Wholesale againt the said estate are hereby and Retail MORRIS telegram arrived from Prince Rupert required Satisfaction Guaranteed w i ui Buiuc, yrucrij vermeil, iu uia General Contractors and CLINTON asking the Government to (in fir ttafnpA tUa I Vih iliw .f ini.ll ft It get . . . . ...... . n ft t- i j t - DOHERTY iviv, auu an parties niuemea 10 me estate Labor, Exchange. jaction in respect of employees' Leave Orders ct from the railway mutMKuiivra m nic lUrillWllll. Sold on Easy Tern wages outstanding Prince Rupert Music Store Fred Stork's contractor. omclal Administrator, Prince Rupert, D, C. Wo rnt out pianos Tho Government, of course, has DATED this Uth day of March, 1019, Phone 547 P.O. Dnr 725 Phone Black 183 by tho month ai no jurisdiction in the matter, and LAND REGISTRY ACT low as 20c. a day. Hardware it follows that tiie act passed during (Sections 36 and 131.) PJano Tuning and tho last days of tho session FtA Armllintt-tn TVa n laa i t?m jn THE WEST END Instrument Hepainm provides security for the unpaid TAkk NOT1TP that annllallAn 1uan The Gurvich made to register Tliomas Trotler of Prince wages. It is said, however, that nuycii, u. u r. u, vox aa, us owner in Chop Suey Walker s Music Store tee under two Tax Sale Heeds from the lliis phase of the question will be I'n 1.K't n f nr Ihn ,"1 1 ,-.r oinnA 1 1 . A Complete line of attended to at an early date. bearing date Hie 9th day of December, HOUSE AND CAFE Transfer 2nd Ave. - PhoneBJ vio, u. nuu auu oi,iuuL,Ai( tnat certain 912 Third Avenue It is interesting to noto in this I'ai tii ur iiuci ui mna ana premises Bltuato. .. . " " -- n .w u j j t i.uiriC iiu connection that the Government riprt. itnrtlilaplt . tnrirn Ltimun .ia ' J. T..1 UUU. W THE PLACE FOR GP. h.rl n J Al. rnnl.r i 1 1 .II has already received a number of Phone Green 548 live (45), Block nrtcen (15), Section live LATE SUPPER 'Marine letters and telegrams commend contest(5X, (Map ttio 823).claim You are required to Modtrn Appolnlmonta P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. Heinlzman & ft. of the tax purchaser ing iUfor the action taken and the within 35 days from the date or the service Rflned Patronag Solicited eland maintained in this particular of this notice (which may be effected by advertising-), and your attention 1 We Sell Coal 1 business '6f the session just rnnpn in cr.pi r.n 3K nr ih. i n H nAn.tB,H P. O. Box 897 Phone 308 : : PIANOS AND closed. Act' wtllf-amendments, and to the follow- "and In default or a caveat or certificate of lis pendens being tiled be Weber Pianos DAWSON - fore tho registration as owner of the DENTISTRY Hoosehold person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served will notice, . , Hotel Hyder grade guanj" .... and those claiming through Hich Ioe McLennan and Dill .Manor arrived or unuer them, and all persons claiming OFFICE HOURS) any Interest In the land by virtue B a.m. to 12 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. hero by dog leam from or any unregistered instrument, and Portland Canal, B.C. table manufacture; 'Cliisana. Tlicy,vero eighteen days all the persons land by descent claiming whose any interest title Is nut in DR. J. S. BROWN prices are rig Our Paints en route. registered under tho provisions of DENTIST M. Ji. JAMIESON, Proprietor ... this Act,.shall be for ever estopped I and debarred from setting up any Ofllcti Smith Block, Third Avsnut. I Sergt. Dempster and Constable? claim to or In respect or the land so Phone 454. ftper!1 sold for taxes, and tho Iteglstrar shall Gateway lo the famout 3)uih Mint Prince Vanco, Cook and Patterson have register the person entitled under returned from a long inusli to such tax sale os owner or tho land so l.flkA flnrl nlhAi im.ll l.lr.. in i h. a,iAini... Inn. PfPl snlrl fnr !rpa " nf lhA Itlfr Mlenilrl Hpniin ichlnh nA...a i.. . Piano Fort McPherson. They report Now Open for Business r AND WHEREAS application has been a southwesterly direction and drains Into MAPLE LEAF that the trail was easy and xvov ,ui a i,niniiuiH ui inuereasiDie Title imv ooiiuuii jiitit auuui one nine BOUlll 01 o the above mentioned lands, In tho name tho International Boundary Line. all in good trim. They wcro 35 f Thomas Trotler. The storage-dam will be located at Long .., . WHEREAS on l.nlfA find nthni smnll 1.1.. A h N THE SUPREME COURT iPAINT days actual mushing consumed ,.AIM; Investigating the OF BRITISH uio ii appears mat prior to the 10th day capacity of the reservoir to bo created Is COLU.MU1A.- on tho trail, ' "t'lljr, 1917, (the date on which the ouuub vu,uvu,uvu cuuic ii., ana it win u.v. ,auu. woio buiu i or overaue taxes) nood about 400 acre of land, (all H TIIE MATTER OF THE ADMIMSTRA- FLOGLAZE on were the registered owner thereof. Tim water will l riivAiAri ,r. .."...' 1IUI1 rtjl Tho Daily News is tho recig-nized ruiti licit take NOTICE that at the it a point about tbe outlet of Long Lake a n 1 1 " kciuw, at uam sue., ana ,N TK"K MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Garden medium between seller and utn application ana issue a will bo used lor power and mining pur- Al.ur.lt T CULK, DECEASED, INTESTATE For the better made. buyer. People all read tho advertising Certificate ands In the of Indcreaslhle Title to the sal other 1 ' -." oiiu i ur iraiiiwaya uuu IMIIIIUC 13 1IEIIE11Y lllVKri TM'WIKIll 1 tn print' Not paint name or Thomas Trotler unless power llnesj described as land not T MAV CONCERN of an Oivler marla bv c,ir,iiv Suitca i"' columns because the you take and prosecute tho proper uuimiuvu, cicfi mining claims. lis Honour F. McB. Young, Local Judge, It makes good because advertisers are livo wires. proceedings to establish your cla m i ui,T,.i.no "."."S0 .was P0'A1 on the ground 11 the abovo matter on the 80 Hi day of aupert soil- ..pi uay oi reDruary, 1019 uc" proposed aclTon in iny pa . copy of this notice and an application amiary, si, 11, nil, at 10IIOWS! it's made good. pur. IT IS ORDERED that thn snlil Jnlirt II AVe pop' into ,hU d?y of IBM." will be inert In the om?e tlcMuIlln"shall bo allowed to swear the put our printing MarTh. .W -' of tne leant or 1110 saia deceased as occurring ! "uer si j'nnce itupert. n the S7th day of FEEDS? October, 1BI7, arter usiness at Tho News Print Shop. II. F. Oil ArMnna In thA anntiM..rl- V. MACLEOD, I ".'"""iiuii may lie no or one ripirauon montn from llw naie TO A.fred o'e'nTo'il. netiU 0f T1Hc9-Prince '.'ed wilh the said Water Recorder or with r 1 no nrsi punucation or notice of this Fred Stork's v-. V,? '""'er n ignis, i'ar ia- rder. unless In the ineantlmn nrrinf Is riupert. D. C. urnished to tho registrar of this Court at MISS M. A. WAY ' ? ppcrnce 01 mice iiupert, u, u., mat the said deceased this notice In WATER NOTICE a local newspaper. Ibeit Cole was alive subaenuenilv tn the Cd Hardware TEACHER OF MUSIC USE AND STOnAOE in. HiiV f . ..r? traversed is entirely aid 27th day of October, l17t R. FEED lher rtiirnniA- fla v.k,inn..i,a uii.unaui r ' J U I,BIIV AND IT 18 FURTHER OIIDERED thai the P. SECOND AVENUE 309 Second Avenu TA VP NflTrrr iv..t n.m. r a!3 John II. McMullln (In nnhlUh nnllcn of Dlvlsfon ' rortUnd C4n81' i,lnln his order in tbe Prince iiupert Dally News, Taking with ttudentt tb trlUbus of the S'n'i0"'."".-; T0" .idLe." Tpronto iiuweiiapur puuninea at rnnce nupcri, Phone Black 114 "Toronto ConMrvatoIro of Mu.lc, from IBB 80(1;"pnhln .t TaaI,u,n.n ....iicrncn J 10 '??..-ana noS?e6 !,S,?taCrch,"l.n,r,,1,flPUl,"CRt,n 0f ,hU C ror a period or one month. I primary to advanced, Dion Blue .. Dated at Prince Runert. n a. this 8th - -w.v (( i fi,i v,uuu Clinic iPel ivi.iriu UUASJ- p. u, f ywr out of Cascade and Silver creeks EXTLOnATION CO.. LTD. ay or February, A. I). I bio. v..i cum.;, aigu miuwn as Applicant. JUlin II, AICMULLIN, draining Long By Wm. Noble, Agent. Ofiiclal Adminlslrstor.