it Monday, AprHJ: 1910. THE DAILY NEWB. Pago S CRIPPLE FOR BUILDING FOR THREE YEARS LAST YEAR VMHY OP 1M. iast mxc OF Provincial Light Record This Year Compared Pit. IM THE HOUSE To 1. t n:it, Rkrumitiim With Last, But Increase POOR HOM5M LITTLE. Til. Took "FRUIT-A-T1VES". Is Expected. BOX Wrto vJOOLP KNoCn M ouR. Cftc JUST ft The building permits for the DOOR foR. sorAerkus WJH "TILL month of March amounted to only VOO fSK SUOi FLOUR $0,000 while for February there A SOW UESTION1 POOR. was a blank. In January Dermits 'were issued to the value of $18,-000. It Is expected now that there (will be an immense addition To tho amount during the remainder 'of the year. Is produced from Permits for 191S. The permits for 1918 totalled THE HIGHEST GRADE $50,901 for buildings other than those on the waterfront. Those on tho waterfront amounted to MR. ALEXANCEH nunnu $55,400,improvements making a total last of year building of OF MILLING WHEAT U.K. No. 1 Lorne, 0n' $100,301. The following is a detailed Tor over three years, V was statement of the buildings: in bci with Rheumatism. January 2 $ 1,200 arid is surpassed by none. Every sack . urine m February ...... t . .r HrtMnM nrm tripir March 1 25 is guaranteed. . At- M-ihirff i saw uuici ujcu v April 3 2,260 May 3 2,900 Give it Fair Trial a nv uuwuv .Tnnn k ...... 9 fifin -- M W Finally, 1 ceciaeu w uy ( lWnrn I had used half a box, July 6 3,900 r and know will be with noticed an improvement; the ram August 8 20,320 Daily News Classified Advertising j we you pleased ,i not so severe, and the wellin-; September .... 13 ..... 6,020 its quality . i (October ...... 2 ..... 8,400 r tneitttr Lnis inttt me November 0 3,145 .I.i f 1 1 1" '" ' --a GIVEN AWAY ?OR SALE Karn Organ, chapel -It i - 4tmA wl December 1 125 model. Six sets reeds, 12 . ohnttt (trn miles And and Lewis t .-.II- on Island given away nw L IIOU I' -- - stops. Just like new. Special o Ml cnorcs auou.t -..4 it.-mo -1 puto . Total $50,901 to fishermen with families. price $180. Prince Rupert Music To be on sale at all leading On Water Front. Must become bona-flde settlers. Store, opposito Post Office. 60c.a box,6 for 2.50, trial size 25c. July. G. T. P. wharf front Apply a t Fuller's Grocery, t al dealers or sent postpaid t 1 on block "E" $35,000 or write II. Striethorst, box 508 FOR SALE One ton motor grocers shortly September, G. T. P. sheds, Prince Rupert. tf truck, practically new. Will imit-d.Ottawa. Front block "E" 3,500 stand rigid inspection. Sacrifice December, Georgetown Saw WANTED". for quick sale. Apply II. LAND REGISTRY ACT., Mill Company, wharf, F. WANTED-Experienced m.nnc,nl rsa.uu,t muu.T ion. on Look for Provincial Flour! (Sections 38 and 3(.) Block "F" 10,000 must be A. 1 grocery man.'pELTOL FLOOR COVERING and Application No 10.55-!. File 0082. December, Georgetown Saw ' - for Prince George Co-operative I Congolcum Rugs. Latest de-Association, AIL -"- I ll.t. tun Mill Company shed . . . 2,000 Limited, forward1 signs at Brochu's Furniture December, Albert & McCaf- references stating where last Store. 309 Third Avenue. tf fery wharf extension.. 4,900 employed and for how long. prHlllllfr. lain, ui niu niiu u i u w ut a Must give satisfactory bonds FOR SALE House and two lots, . nr t.Alns in t tin Total $55,400 and state salary expected. P.O. 630 Taylor St., five rooms on uu anil uubuiucu a mvnij tvt box 207, Prince George B. C. lots 9 and 10, block 27, Section Grand total $106,301 5. Apply to owner on premises. WAN-TED PIANO. Second-hand. To Prospective SALF Hatching from FOR eggs, State maker, price and terms. date or me service or mis nouce VICTORIA POLICE News office box prize strain barred rocks, and icq may ue vucvicu in uuuuLauuu ui Apply Daily (8i) Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per BUILDERS&CONTRACTORS ARE NOW UNIONIZED 240. setting. Atkins' Meat Market. una amenameuia. sua 10 me iuuow-eiirici thererromt WANTED To rent, furnished in default or a caveat or certmcate Victoria now posses a full- FOR SALE Second hand single house or apartments with sea Feeling that it is up.,to us to assist in the Housing movement fledged police union affiliated with harness parts and 1-ton spring view. Apply Bruce, architect, we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material the Trades and Labor Council and wagon. Pacific Cartage, Ltd. 4th Street. 87 and supplies- handled by us, such as: organized to the last point as a RENT all including Fittings FOR .Electrical material ot descriptions, furs to Goldbloom, labor organization. Bring your and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all'kinds and size, Pipe As a result of Uio meeting of Third Avenue, He pays 'high-tf FOR RENT Furnished room, Electric Automatic Hnt whose title Is not registered Conduit, Electric heaters and mantel3, r uk orovisiani or inn ri. anaii dp members of the department held est price. freftrrpcd and debarred from set with or without. breaKfast, in Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water up ar uim to or in respect or tne at the Labor Hall, the union, was WANTED Tenders for carpenter private home, for young lady. Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe M u fiiP tain, inrl thA ltirttrap' register the person entitled under formally completed. A charter work. Apply John Dillman, 11th Close in. Apply P. O. Box Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and III lllft l ounpr nr thA Unrl i inM had been obtained sanctioning af- 33 and Conrad, after 6. 83 778. Kalsomine Brushes of ail kinds Hardwood Lumber Oak, flliatfon with the central body Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron Ash, Maple, of organized labor in this city. HELP WANTED FOR RENT All or port of lower Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flinlkote The first officers of the new floor of our building on Third Wire and Best Made. Manilla and Rope Vft ll'tirtric j .i .i v. house work. Hoofing the Very GIRL WANTED for Avenue below Pioneer Laundry. Jailer Hall; II iDir that tipIaf m Ha Hiv union are: President, Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. W 84 Cable. box 235. Ltd. Apply Pacific Cartage, Constable Thomas vice-president, Rubber Goods, "Mechanical IIDdS U'(r, f rttt Ai'arH ma Imatl We also handle Goodyear v v"u VI VI V t VJ tOAt"It rr tne rerlatered owner iherof. Palmer; secretary, Constable KITCHEN HELP WANTED IN LOST including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and Aiiitn TAkE ISOTICK that at the Bishop. LANDER BOARDING HOUSE. Westinghouso Electrical equipment, including Motors,. L'T if B:: 'h annllrntii-in ami laittA the OST Blue Cameo earring between pMtnoat. r. t. . . - r Tho question of organizing Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. unrtl In f hn nnmA r r.nVi. ttr it..t force as a labor unit has been under FOR SALE Empress Theatre and able to v nuaaac VI r I OIIIW w liar Being direct factory representatives, we are a take and Drosecuta thft night. nroner consideration for some time Green Street Saturday SALE 44 acres of good farm make very attractive prices FOR Black 337. past, and was not welcomed to any Finder please phone the Skeena River; 8 extent by the Police Commission land on with house. LOST Part of ivory toilet set. Ltd. cleared, good acres Co., ers. At the time the Vancouver Prince Rupert Supply and return II- F MACLEOD, force took steps- to organize, the Right at Kwinitsa station. Price Will finder kindly I)Hlfril't Ilaolal.i.. r TltU. $500 cash and the balance of Get it all Paulo Rachmanoff. Y?s-tii i ii Qfpanf nfT Third Avenue. same course was agitated here, Ka ana "vnu N fifth fauuuuver. u.' i:. but nothing was done until recently, $500 in one year. Apply to ARCHITECTS P. O. Box 772 Pnone Biac aow TIMBER when the move for a union Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa.B. C, or SALE X 1466. assumed definite shape. Other Ed. H. Mortimer, agent, Prince WILLIAM BRUCE, F. E. A. S. A., Pt'SlPn Intif1'. . Rupert, B. C. tf Architect, Fourth Street, Prince cities have followed the Vancouver win day or AnrlL 1010 . rA ihA nm. example, the police departments 'OR SALE Hatching eggs, off Rupert. Plans and specifications . . for public and private l IF Knm.. ----- 1- i - Toronto and of Winnipeg, S. C. White Leghorns; S. C. R. tf Tun ' wisinci. t . other leading eastern centres I. Reds, off 300 highest laying buildings. . Lumber Co. Tfin win i. i j unionized. Georgetown having become strain and winter layers, from TAXI SERVICE rUrthcr narli'iiU.. -1 Poultry im. ' "".urni a ui 11m 1.111 or Knrpiia the Pennsylvania iiwna, B.C.. np v..V. George Clothier, district mining Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 engineer, arrived north after Sutherland Night and Day. Phone 99. Central B. C. E SUPREME Indian Runner Ducks. Largest Assortment of Lumber In COUIIT OF BRITISH convention attending the mining ' with 704 McBride St. If MISCELLANEOUS FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY at Vancouver and conferring tlW ACTTER 'r"T1IE ADMINISTRA. tho Minister of Mines at Victoria FOR SALE New 3-piece mahogany rilE NORTON The place for a FIR CEDAR "ll0UaTTir5?EvT"E ESTATE- OF on the mining situation in this parlor set". Bargain. Phone shampoo. Ilairdressing. Scalp SPRUCE TESTATE L1SC11E'li DECEASED. IN- district. Mr. Clothier's report to Black 505. (83) treatment. 210 Fourth Street. Consult Us; Ttt the convention was generally acknowledged Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. NflTlrp SALE Trucks and spring 1 1 FOR Ills to be the most inter- 81 Phono 493. tf urn trm q Pnnv ExDress. . IIUP In V. - r 1 w , ::." deceased. ni n r,...i. .rr.r.r: ,1 ' GENE BYRNES By IT'S A 6KKAT LiWlFYOU PONT WEAKEN in or hor; .i""' V'yv" veruicu. te'tS" r,n "? maawto"ire oni II. Ml.MII!forthwith.I IV I a "It's sTNr"X y -i211J3thday of Marrh. Ittiol iTftto"! I Rome VJ1 ) 'rftKiI V ViECHX Jl' TIM Act"" 0P TE ADMINISTIA- Tiip . and IIEKBFHT i?r.F THE ESTATE OF " DO "IE t'ESTATE. ' "ur f ...n .." 111 order nr it it a r lain "Inlstriini' 1819. I wa nnnnlnto,! .."Mden. d7r..V'?l9.or. Herbert Al- Mf rslm ii'. ."H. 411 P-re S"equips",n!L -aid estate are "lca to the i .''. and ail psrtlca iri "MiC or "ir indebBSaSi to . II. McMULIIV ln Pay of March. 1919, A 1 "uu a ran trn in pdi n .-'""Ha It i rr.. " n x ii 1 mi if m as on lunlon? af-er tho-papcr 11 -tyon."cei ino range was