4 Page 6 THE DAIL? NEWS. Monday, April 7. ,9l9 ASK FISHING Local News Notes J MONDAY SPECIAL G. H. Arnold Special This Week FOR LICENSES NOTARY PUBLIO Full line of outing shoes. $1,000 Woith of Canned Fruit. Family Shoe Store. tf FOR SALE Rupert's favorite, Wallace Reid Special Dollar Sale BRITISH ONLY Blinds, Curtains, -Westholme tonight. SEE OUR WINDOWS Six-roomed house with bath on two level lots facing park Painter and paperhanger want Great War Veterans Pass ResO' Curtain Rods, Close in. ed. Apply Fred Scadden. 83. Arriving California Monday's head lettuce boat lutlon Which Is Forwarded Sheets, Price $2000 Real butter. "Our Own Brand." Cauliflower to Ottawa. Pillow Slips Towels tf Cucumbers Fuller's Grocery. Piione 45. (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) $500 Cash, Balance $500 Fresh tomatoes Victoria, B. C, April 7. A John T. Cosens of Mill Bay, California out-door rhubarb each year. resolution calling for the grant Naas river, is a visitor in the city BARRIE FURNITljRESTORE ing of fishing licences to British II. G. HELQERSON, LTD. Asparagus Drama, comedy and gazette at Artichokes subjects only and including Insurance-Real Es'ate the Empress tonight. Program clauses calling for the operation SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. And else 216 Sixth St., Prince Rapeit, B.C. everything on the one of the best. only by British subjects of purse Southern market. seine and drag net, etc., was in i mrmrg I1 m ml J'i it'll illlli aaaiMaitdagSggraSBsygrgpjt E. T. Kenncy and L. T. Keuney, dorsed by the Great War Veler both of Terrace, B, C, arrived in Rupert Table Supply Co. ,ans Association ai us receni . ...rr.f,f. the city last night on the train. 'mcelinsr here. The following i For Sale L PHONES 21 f, 212 B 'the resolution in full, with its Just received a full supply of " jpreamble; Launch AliceB. Scholl's arch bunion supports, - "Whereas, many men are re shields, etc. Family Shoe Store New arrivals I Men's "Invictus" turning daily who are desirous of for the Salt Lakes Three-ropm House,, plastered, shoes. Family Shoe Store. tf taking out fishing licences for electric light, and water, 700 tons New Wellington coal I General the coast the salmon fishing along P.lle, ger jM. One-fifth csh, balance iy Just arrived. Phone your orders Six carloads of fish left for of British Columbia: and where- vice. Hunting-, Full,,, rentj ......... $1,000.00 to 116 or 564, Albert & McCatfery, eastern markets this morning. Ias, the bulk of licences in the nd Picnic Tartid Five-room house and furniture, Ltd. tf . . .. Inast have been granted to alien Section Six, $1,850.00. a - uoys and oirlsl Call for your and Ju Cef J. Myhill foreigner8. WIiereaSi Jones Good lot, Section Five, $250. Launch Alice B. ready for gen blotters. Family Shoe Store, tf the licences attached tan areas arc Swton't One-fifth casli, balance five eral passenger service. Fishing 9 Doitkouie to canneries of. be instead dollars per month. and picnic parties. Prince Rupert Wallace Reid, a good comedy Boathouse. tf and Gazette, Westholme tonight. ing free fishing; licences, "Therefore be it resolved that Victory Bonds Bought tit Highest Prices. F. M. Wells a nioneer of Surf New arrivalsl Boys' and girlsv"'8 branch or ine U; w. v. a., Inlet,- passeilUhrough Princo Ru school shoes. Family Shoe acting throusrli the Provincial pert on'-JifK.Avay south Saturday Store. tf and Dominion executives as well McCaffery, Gibbons afternoon on the Venture. , jas independently through our FURS F UKS Violet Mcrsereau at the Em- British Columbia members of & Doyle, Ltd. Pat Philipson of this city re press tonight in "The Girl by the Parliament at Ottawa, request turned from a successful fur buying Roadside." Don't miss it. ilhat all fishing licences bo grant- Insurance Real Estate trip up the Naas River Satur ed to British subjects only; that day afternoon on the Venture. The Union steamship Venture'the licences in British Columbia Prince Rupert, B. C. arrived at 4:15 -p.m. Saturday.be free in Dlace of beiner attached Ship to Us Direct Lounch "Provincial" leaves for from the Naas River points and 'l0 special or of any cannery group Stewart and way points every sailed shortly afterwards for canneries;. The top market price paid and equitable Friday morning at 6, carrying Vancouver. "Be it resolved, that in the i grading made. No delays at any point. mail, passengers and freight. Avanl c f rumen anino nnrl rime tifi Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf J. It. S. Roberts, nephew of the AO ,,, w iha tw Wc arc registered with and recognized by the United M. IN. STEPHENS ate Lord Roberts, arrived in mjnion Govcrnmcnt lhal it be Slates War Trade Beard and all of the Collectors of Customs The launch Provincial left this town last nght from Regna, en nrf,Arlf, ,in, nn nnn under licence P. B. F. 30, and you can send your furs to NOTARY PUBLIO afternoon for Stewart , with a route to Vancouver. He is of the but a British subject bo employed us direct by. our tag or any lag. changed to suit, if marked number of passengers who came Royal Mounted Police Force. "Furs of Canadian Origin" and furs will in operating them, and be it resolved, your come right north on the Camosun and who that the Vancouver branch through. FOR SALE were in a hurry to get through. Capt. Crow of the Imperial ' Lots 11 and 12, Block 10,-Section . . Munitions Board left for Edmon-K U'e G Y A on.tL,e,.r FAIR GRADING The Union steamship Coquit-lam ton this urancnes on ine ooasi oi uruisu morning route to ,5, corner Tatlow and en Columbia be informed of our action The rules and ethics of the exchange do not permit ol Sixth Ave. On etc., was here yesterday to load London, Eng., where his. old home sewer, their earnest and ener- sending out alluring price-lists, yet wo give you an exact two "carloads of tinplate for He does not know when he and Price only and and at rale of five to twenty, getic support be requested. expert grading pay you a Namu. She took cannery supplies will return as yet. $2,000.00 north to the Naas and other "Be it further resolved, that flve cents more on the dollar than the average advertising oh terms of $500 cash, balance points. The Seal Cove W. A. will hold all British naturalization be de- fur company as wo cut out all middlemen's profit in deal-ing payable monthly on a bazaar and concert in the Seal nied to any of the unassimilablo direct with you. payments to suit purchaser. Be in the fashion I Wear Oxfords. Cove school house on Wednesday,!races who have not served over-April Look at these lots and own Family Shoe Store. tf 9. Bazaar opens at 3 o'clock seas with the C.E.F., and that St. Louis Fur Exchange your own ' home. There is and concert at 8 in the evening; stringent action be taken to pre plenty of room here for two The movement northward con Concert admission 25c for adults; vent the illegal trafficking in naturalization 7th '& Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. or three good cottages. tinues. Bookings on the regular 10c for children. 83 papers. steamers have to' be made some days ahead in order to secure Mr. and Mrs. II. McCall are M. M. Stephens berths. The Camosun when she MUCH FISH both ill with influenza at the hospital SALVAGE CONCERN MORE STOCK FOR left Vancouver was sold out and at Edmonton and will in'all LOANS - RENTALS .. INSURANCE the same is true of all the steam probability not bo home for some WILL REORGANIZE THE GRAND ers, SOLD HERE weeks. Mr. McCall was taken ill last Monday on his way from H. Everything need in footwear. Old Wound Up you Company Being Winnipeg and Mrs. McCall sick Family Shoe Store. tf ESTERDAY and Larger Ons Taking Its ports Bill Granting Company ened soon after. It is probable Place. Permission. The G. T. P. steamer Prince that both will take a short holiday Liozeu's in order to recuperate be . it Grocery Albert will make a trip to Stewart Liberty Brought in 60,000 Pounds fore returning to Prince Rupert. Victoria, April 7. With a cap 1 .It'll! US UJIJi Bin - - this week, leaving here for the Halibut and Other Boats ital of $550,000. the Pacific Sal. b authorizing thr. loana J . . . Portland Canal after her arrival I r ..nun ini K 216 6th AVENUE WEST ueen 10 issue new ww- Had Good Catches. Work was started today pre- vase uomoany lias mcor- nauway Opposite the Rink 'from Alaska on Wednesday or paring to move the old Bank of poraled in place or the it. u. faal- debenture siock noi Thursday.- The Prince John is The Fish Exchange on the G. British North America building vage Company, which has gone,$12,500,000 at the session of expected to arrive in port from T. P. wharf was crowded with in which stands on the corner of 3rd into voluntary liquidation. This .Hallway Committee of me w the Queen Charlotte Islands some terested fishermen yesterdav at Avenue and Fulton street, to a move has been taken owing to mons at Utlawa. time tonight and will leave in the - At noon wlien the sale of fifteen lot next to Bpurr's Market owned ie uecision oi uio company to- I W. l UOCKSIIUll rm-uCT..MM! morning for Vancouver. catches took place as follows: by Mr. Benfer. II. S. Wallace has increase considerably its scope report that in" comvw Boys' and Girls' running shoes. The Liberty with 00.000 pounds taken a ten year lease on the lot "n equipment. Fore-seeing a willing to carry on ior w ITpDnt- I Family Shoe Store, of halibut and selling to the Can and is having the building moved great shipping development along if it should receive a gmu Your adian Fish & Cold Storage Company, on to it. jtho Pacific Coast, the officials are $7,000,000. Ltd., at 13.ic. and 8c. per 'reorganizing with a greater capi-l Hon. J. Y. Held, Jlin's'c' pound. William S. and Tom Jeffrey, talization ,to be in a position to Ilailways, said that no su.u The Constance, 35,000 pounds who were charged with evading handlo all salvage needs alontf the posal had been maue uy i - Service Springtime at 13.4c. and 7c. to the Booth 1,16 ""iHary draft law, a short coast line. : eminent. ,, Fishppi'pa T.fH WUllO acn. WPro hrnnclil lurnroi- A miuf nir.nr (pirl (am Una ' 'I'hn Mlnlsl-r SS1U ii. . The Ilolfe with 13,000 lbs., the Magistrate McMullin this rnorn- called for April when the af- desire of Sir Thomas "Je' Norma, 8,000; and the II. & ing and each fined $50Q, o rlwo fairs of the old"coinpany will b'o'lho bill should pass, Me ' 7.000 lbs., at li(2c. and 8c. to the years in default. Iwnimi! nn. A. f!" Hnr.iipir nr ialnr assured Uio Committee QUALITY FIRST Atlin Fisheries, Ltd. .... " V 'continue as mahacrer of the sal the negotiations for me '.. American iiie nev. v,H. A. Crux left this varo enneorn. nf the Grand Trunt wouiu vv - ::i Volunteer rir PHONE Is Hi j 531 . ere norning ror vernarisdol r. i u..i nrnlonSeu. 8,000 lbs., and the Marengen, 18,-000 near, Tim inrifin . w tMi Ibs at 14.1c. and 8c. to the Copper City, and expects to bo Jia8 now quite a fleet of vessels, expressed tho conv.rlion lack on Ihursday night's train. Orand Trunk should be jomeu Hoyal Fish Company. Completely outfitted as salvage . ... oi " ,.i.i ii." m. . .u-, nn.inpiimont ''Stem Tatoosh with 19,000 lbs., and niinin. i 1 1 ii i i i't u l 1 1 t i nnn liiu 11 11 li in" ..n . . .. . i. fli-st.c as i" the Canadian Volunteer with 4,000 tsanta uruz lie at Ihe wharX in the,"'0!'8, matins i THE lbs., at 14.1c. and 8c. to the Pa For Your Inner Harbor, while if the sloop- .ways. rnd Trunk Bring us your clothes cific Fisheries. of-war Algerine, recently acquir- Dr. Hejd entit led ECONOMY STORE The Wanderer, 9,000 lbs., Ad od hv llm Rfilvn 'nnanciiir metnoas, i problems. Have your vance, 10,000 lbs., and the Cay- LUMBER i uunu iu wo ouiLuuiK. h iu Liifi win "'i'u"vu - rannuo, clothes made to measure; tgeon, 5,000 lbs., at 14.4c. and 8o, be added to the flfifif which u Trunk management in Phones lS and 36 i.. j. . .. nrriii was w" " . .. per pound to the Canadian Fish . . 417 Bth A., E. to fit,and possess ,t Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ...u. .toinra in The Murineac PLASTER i dents. don who had raised Ibe JoW that feeling of satisfaction having 2,000 lbs, A Bargain in of halibut, sold at 14c. and 8c. Id the credit o which comes Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., CEMENT Awninos. Cheap and Perfect. ioob. ni " High Class Coffee from not only being Ltd. Agent, J. F. Maguire, Phone 666- Lends,i he said.i i TbeOrwJ Lua. . .. The Mary Christopher with waa an overJoau-iu The Famous Economy Coffee, pcc clothed, but dressed. lbs, sold to the Royal Fish 1,-000 Building CHEQUES LOST . .'.a if. was n'""- "ally ground for each customer In Jur Electric Coffee Mill 3 lbs. $1.15 Company at 14.1c. and 8o. per lb, posed to load it "P 'ff0Uid Iteg-ular Price 48c. per pound. The rairnanks with 3,000 lbs. Materials h?i been .topped on ceM.in cheqEci lo.' capital noem- - t,)e f(0. Every keen buyer who like, good was purchased by the Canadian JIhurstoii Harbor. Queen Charlotte U- lio said, a comcWC'1' .loITee should take advantage of this land. B. 'C, on Marcn 7th, 181V, whlclil' ,7,n, opportunity. Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd., at cheque were Uiawn by the Imperial Wu-'plo of ff of tn' We cannot offer tn! for long-, at 14,2c. and 8c. per pouund. j COME TO Vancouver,nltlons Hoard marked on the"Tboraton flank of Harbor Montreal,Ac lli0 finniiniUGe,Minister o! FiD- no lose money on every sale, but Sweder Bros. Today's Arrivals, count." endowed -I." cr "Ivor Lucken," request of the ,ba) tl we know that repeat orders win particular of which are a followa: . etat'imen1 follow. Today's arrivals. ar9 the Two Albert & Ltd. McCaffery, GenUemen's and Ladies' Brothers having 15,000 pounds of 3 March lit. Jainea Krew 98.75 ,nnnov (t is proposed1" oVSmi halibut and the Presho with 8,000 Phono 116 and 564. MussaKem Grocery TAILORS 897 February lt, ,W. Qulnllck.... OVCr w sir. Company pounds. 13 February tit, 1. Lucken.V. . . ll.Oi should be taKen lbe bill. LTD. Sixth Street There is also one salmon catch, Office, Second Avenue, Next 08 Finder February will lit,plea.e John return Alla-ren.to .the.. imder,'"0 , ' reprlea pbjecling' the Rainbow, with 1,000 lbs. of Westholme Theatre.' DII1D. MACDONAl.n A, r.ci jreds and 500 lbs. of whites, Barrliiera, etc.. sot Metropolitan Bldif.