Page 2 THE DAILY NEWS. Tucstlay Apri 8 The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA M. iH. STEPHENS For the East. WRrfil -Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News NOTARY PUBLIC) Mondays, Wednesdays and SaU Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. irdays at 9:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. FOR SALE The Greatest Name In Goody-Land : From the East. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Lots 11 and 12, Block 16, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays I Section 5, corner Tatlow and at 5:45 p.m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc., By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Price only For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. $2,000.00 Tuesdays .5 p.m. jn terms of $500 cash, balance Thursdays 10 p.m. I ML OU know Telephone 98. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. the payable monthly on TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents per inch. payments to suit purchaser. From Vancouver realm of child, Rates Look' at these lots and own 10 Contract application. on Sundays p.m. hood dreams your own home. There Is Wednesdays ......... 10:30 a. m plenty of room here for two .londay, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, is a (and of DAILY'EDITION. 1919. Tuesday, April 8, or threo good cottages. at 9 a. m. sweets. Liberals Need to M. M. Stephens For Anyox: Riso to Situation. Sundays ......10 p.m. Make There is to be a big Liberal Convention in the summer and LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE Vednesdays 10 p. m. some of it is now time for the party to consider its policy in view of the From Anyox: those dreams changes which have taken place during the last few years. If Tuesdays a.m a delightful the party, harks back to the old cries with the old platform, and Salvation Army. Thursdays p. in reality by the old methods, nothing but defeat stares it in the face. If, on the other hand, it can riso lo the occasion, throw oil its lethargy Public meetings, Tuesdays, For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei taking home Thui'sdayb nnd Saturdays at 8 points: and become something more than a mere opposition, it will in all p at 7:30 Sundays ....10 ii. Sundays p. in. p.m. probability secure the confidence of the electors. In preparation for the big convention it will be for the individual Never forget to look through From Port Simpson and Naas WR1GLEYS electors to make suggestions. When a delegate is sent the classified list on Page 5. River Points: to Ottawa the suggestions can be passed on. The views expressed MINERAL ACT Tuesdays p. m. frequently. at the convention should be not only the views of the leaders but Queen Charlotte Islands: the views of the rank and file. The program should be evolved Certificate of Improvements. How For Massett, Port Clements and about from the inner consciousness of the nation. It must be progressive NOTICE Upper Island points: else it will not be Liberal. "lied 1-olnt Extension" mineral claim ''or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte tonight? Ituate In the Naas hirer Mining Division The Liberal policy must keep pace with the spirit of the r cassia r District. City and Lower Island points: times. It mustgrow else it will. die. Stagnation always leads to near Where the located:bifr canyon.On tbe Kltsault niver, anuary 23, Feb. C, 20; March 0, TAKE NOTICE thai Lewis W. Patmore. 20tli, at 7 p.m. SEALED TIGHT death. - Free Miners certificate no. 20.407-c. act In; as agent for Ole Evlndsen, Free Miner's KEPT RIGHT Liberalism means progress. It cannot be narrow or shallow ueriiucaie 00. n,ttp;-u, mienus, sixty "rom Mnsset, Port Clements and Mr, from the date hereof, to apply to the or deceitful. When it is either of these it is not Lberal. The days Mining Ilccorder Tor a Certificate or Improvement, Upper Island points: present condition of the nation is one which has to be handled crown urant for or tbe me purpose aoove ciaun.or obtaining From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Flavour And rurther take notice that action, City and Lower Island points with courage. People are no longer satisfied with the old conditions. under Section 85, must be commence, lie fore the Issue or such Certlllcate of anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. It is useless lo stand aside and say "Let us alone." Improvements. 1 1 and 25th, a. m. Liberals have to act boldly and with energy and in that way only IBltf.DATED this 5th day of February, A. D. MADE can they be a real factor in allaying the unrest and in steering MINERAL ACT For Skagway and the Yukon, IN sRss 3ftrtf"iF the nation once more into, smooth channels. anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a.m. 3 CANADA From Skagway and Yukon, Certificate of Improvements. Sign of Times NOTICE "cbuary 1 and 15 a. m. Seen in Japan. According to a newspaper report the master of one of the the"Black Naas Bear"Mining Mineral Division Claim,or Casslar situate Dis In Ucwart, Maple Bay and Swamp Japanese liners has paid off the Japanese crew and hired Chinese, trict. Point. Where located: On the Kltsault River. .lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 their the Chinese and near the lib- canyon. pm in places. Apparently were cheaper more take riuiiet. nia i jonn n. Mcuuiiin, Arrive Feb. 3. 17; March 3rd. docile than their Japanese cousins. The Japanese workmen are Official Administrator or the Estate of Charles Swanson, deceased, intestate. Free beginning to feel their position after hearing of all the wonderful sixty Miner's days Certificate from the 3.522-C.hereor, lo Intends.apply A number of people havo. ad-ertised things workmen in other parts of the world are doing. to the Mining Recorder . for a Certificate furniture for sale in this NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! or improvements, ror tne purpose or od- Japan is a nation evolving. At present labor is very cheap, atning a thrown urant or tne UDove ciann, paper and they have had dozens measured after our standard. This cheap labor in a yerile country under And rurther Section take 85, must notice be that commenced action of customers as a result. Borne Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present is a danger to the rest of the world, it gives manufacturers an before the Issue or such Certincate or people want to keep their furni- advantage over every 6ther nation. rnprovements.DATED this 5th day of February, A. D ure". They do not advertise. -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement The Japanese are a sober, observant, clever people. When 1910. of a new supply the Japanese warships visit Victoria or Vancouver, the men do MINERAL ACT not make a rush for the barroom, the dive or the brothel. They walk the streets perfectly sober and self contained, but observing Certificate of Improvements. WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED everything. They look with contempt on our frailties. Even before NOTICE BUTEDALE - - - .C. prohibition came into effect they were never seen in a barroom drunk. "Red Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate nor were they ever n the Naas River Mining Division or Cas- A nation of such people, is something to be reckoned with. flar District. Wlrere located: On tne Kltsault River, WATER ACT, 1914. They stand to gain in prestige and power as the years roll by. near the big Canyon. RIPARIAN IUOHTS There is nothing they cannot do if they set their minds on it. It TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. ratmore, is because of this that Canadians have to consider their position Free ng as Miner's agent ror certificate uie Pearson.No. 30,407-C,Free Miners act- provisions NOTICE or Is hereby Section given 0 ot the that Water under Act,the Hotel Prince Rupert as neighbors lo the Japanese. Nothing but the pond separates days Certificate rrom the 14.157-C.hereor, to Intends,apply to sixty the any 1014.right every to riparian divert water proprietor or to claiming the exclusive AL (he two nations. Mining jiecoraer ror a uertiucaie or tin- use or water ror any purpose by rovements, ror tne purpose or obtaining virtue or his only being such riparian proprietor EUROPEAN PLAN Crown Grant or the above claim. Is required on or berore the first And rurther take notice that action. Screened day-or June, 1020, to ale a statement or S1.50 per day and up. under Section be commenced 85, must claim setting forth the particulars or his berore the issue or Buch Certificate or claim. Such statements or claim shall be Sacked Improvements. (lied In duplicate with the Water Recorder dated sin s sin day or February, a. u. FIRST-CLASS CAFE Delivered or the Water District la which the. water 1019. is diverted or used. A La Carte. After the first day or June. 19J0. no NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT right to divert water or to the exclusive use or water ror any purpose shall exist by virtue only of any ownership or land. $13.00 NOTICE U hereby given that, pursuant Forms of statement or claim can be obtained to the "Revised Statutes or British Colum rrom the Water Recorders of the bia," Chapter 13, Intituled "An Act Respecting- several Water Districts In the Province or Assignments ror the Benefit or rom the comptroller or water Rights, per ton r.nHlln.l t nil.l nmnnrtlnn. In... nnrt trnA..-n aim auidiuiiiB aim auuvtti an lament uunaings, victoria, u. c. and cited as the "Creditors' Trust Deeds Dated at Victoria. B.C.. this 11th day Act," John It. Beatty or the City or Prince or fiiarcn, ivtv. uuperi, iTovince or uritisn coiumDia, nas T. U. FATTULLO, Coal Co. this day made an Assignment on the 3 1 si Minister or Lands. Terminal day or March, 18 19, to George W. Nicker-son or the City or Prince Rupert, Province MINERAL ACT. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Offlct Phoru, Pl"k " or British Columbia, or his real and personal Phona, BUci credits and effects, which may be Yard seized and sold under execution ror the benefit or his Creditors. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. WATER niQUTS BRANCH A meeting or the creditors will be held "WATER ACT 1914." at the onice or Messrs. Fisher and Warton, NOTICE. suite 1, Smith Block, Prince Rupert, B.C., Little Joker. Mineral Hill. Midas. Look- on Wednesday, the l6lh day or April, 1919. tit ...MU.I.-V, UIH. I mrn -. . 11 .. I' n A u, j a...j miuh ian rial... ras, r I av :anceli.ation of iieseiive of water. at the hour or 2:30 o'clock p.m. to re lonal Mineral Claims, situate In the Port- ceive statement or affairs and ror tbe and Canal Mining Division or Casslar District. JNOTICE Is hereby given that His Honor 1 general ordering or the estate, and vou tic Lieutenant uovcrnor or untisu uoium onal la. bv and with the advice of his Eiecu are hereby notified to attend either In person Where located: On the East Salmon or by representative. River Valley. Ivn Council, has been pleased to order: All claims must be filed with the under TAKE NOTICE that I, A. II. act-ng THAT pursuant to tbe provisions or Oreen, .ectlon 69 of the "Water Act, 1914" bclnu Limit;J signed, verified by statutory declaration, as ror L. agent Watklns, F. M. C. No. and to entitle creditor to his ;hapter 81 ot the Statutes or 1914, that any vote, 16349-C; C. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9,588-3; SlxihjdTul, claim must be filed on or berore the date' R. M. Martin. F. M. C. No. 0,587-C: II. ho reserve or the unrecorded waters or Corner established or the meeting. J. F. M. lefugo Creek, pursuant to Fetter, C. No. 0,697-C: 11. E. And runner take notice that on and Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9,598-C; Martin Irder In Council No. 68, approved on the arter the 16th day or April, 1910, the said Welch. F. M. C. No. 9,609-C, Intend, sixty 7lli nay or January, tvtv, do cancelled. "nigh Class Groceries this day or 181V. assignee will proceed to distribute thn days rrom tbe date hereor, to apply to the DATKU 17th February, assets of the Insolvent amongst the parties Mining Recorder ror a Certincate or Improvements, T. D, I'ATTULLO, Meats entitled thereto, having regard only to ror the purpose or obtaining Minister or Lands, uiauiia ui which ut nas men received notice, a Crown Oram of tbe above claim. and that be will not be liable ror the And rurther take notice that action, under Fruits said assets or any part thereof to any section 85. must be commenced berore Confectionery person or persons or whose claim nnii the Issuance or such Certificate or Improvements. shall not have been received by blm at the above last mentioned date. Dated this 5th day or March, A, D. 1019, and Bakery DAitu at me city or prince Rupert, A. II. OREEN. Province or British Columbia, thi. n.i iffrtlTlflU day or March, 1019, QUEEN CIIAnLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DISTRICTDISTRICT GET PROMPT T UlU, W. ftlUKEUSUN, OF SKEENA. ORDERS Assignee. TAKE notice that The Aeroplane Spruce CANCELLATION OF RESERVE occupation saw mill. Intends to apply ror Motor Delwy permission to lease the following described NOTICE IS HEJIEUV GIVEN that the re-erve lands: existing1 over vacant Crown Land In Teacher cone. Commencing at a post planted at the the vicinity or Chclaslle IMver, Mange 4, northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 45, post Coast District, by reason or a notice published or subdivision or Dst. Lot 74 8, thence In the Ilrltlsh Columbia Oazctte or T,IE "?OAf Cleveland plain D&Aler. north 8 chains, thence west 30 degrees 86th May, 1910, Is cancelled. bur,,2K south to approach or Government Wharr, u. it. nAucn, THE thence, southerly along said approach or Deputy Minister or Lands. HON ACT Tl , PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT Government Wharr to northwest corner of Department or Lands, fek Lot Block 1, 45, thence easterly along the Victoria, D. c, THE MTEH Phone Black '183 Phone Black 183 DISTRICT. waterrront or lots 1,1.3, 4, 5. 8, 7 and 8, 11th March, 1919. M 18 INTESTATE. .... m order ,; Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instruments, AEROPLANE SPRUCE LUMBER CO., LTD, . ....... TIMBER SALE X1605. NflTIPE tl h.rohv Ev.n thai f -. uaiv, marcu xu, IVIV, 8heet Music, Latest Popular Songs and Dances nevlslon and Anneal. nnrtoi. th. nmuii.inni day of March, A. fir the "Taxation Act" and th "pnnti NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Sealed tenders will bo received by the Srhnnla " ...... Act rpinppiinv ih. Minister or Lands not later than noon on Prince Rupert Music Store roll ror the Prince Rupert Assessment Dls- NOTICE IS HEREBY fllVEN that' the re-servo he 11th day or Annl. 1010. ror the pur 111 x i:iuui" -.. rifniau - mn iiiil ior me year iviv. will be held at existing over Lot 418. Queen Char-l?';16.."'1411'' chase or Licence X 1005, to cut 1,939,000 1 iiv i-i'uuii- - a lift"-.. ri t th Provincial Assessor's WILL EDMUNDS. Proprietor. Office, prince by reason or a notice pub-Ilshed rect or fir and cedar on northerly portion IVAI'lIlRtl. IV ,.ln 1I1U --id.. Ul I Rupert, B. C, on Wednesday, the J 3rd day In the 0. C. i nrl I A. Ui M IT 4"" tfl OPP06ITE f'OST OFFICE Oatette on the 80th of or Lot 831, South Pcntlnck Arm, liange or April. 1010. at 10 O'clock In lh rnr.. July, 1908. Is cancelled. debfe'd'to-th. ,n,'!',B' nepalrs to all kinds of stringed Instruments. Flute and clarinets repadded noon. a, uoasi uiiinci. aniount of , O. It. NADEN, Two (J) yr will be allowed rcr removal lie nd adjusted. Bow rehalred and rewrapped. DATRn at PrlnfA Itnnnri n r n.n " " """" DeD.u,y Minister or Ltnds. or limber, ortnw.u.. lOI'l J.i.r iiii- Adw'l Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Store lit. loie, .ands Department, Further particulars or the Chief Forester, . Ware". - JOHN nf DVBIIAVN. Victoria, B, C, Victoria, I). District rrlnce C, or Forester, ,n Judge of Court or Revision and Appeal. otb March, .919, M It nupcrt, 11, C. tied tW