Page 4 1UK DAILY Tuesday, April 8- 19 RETAIL CLERKS WouldnH jfceinri CONDEMN THE You Help DUNLOP Another? s ONE BIG UNION Our recipe department 13 Pass Resolution Condemning the helping- doing all it can toward Actions of Radical Labor helping cooks to get to Leaders at Calgary "Gibraltar RedSpecial" Belting gethsr a good and inexpen Convention. sivo number of recipes. So if you want a recipe of At a meeting of the Retail "THE ORIGINAL RED any kind, no matter what, Clerks Association held last evening please send your request and in the Union Hall tho follow FRICTIONED-SURFACE W3 will endeavor to get you ing resolution was passed: - " "That the organization on RUBBER BELTING as many as we can. There is go no charge whatever. record as deploring and repudiating Please address your request any connection whatever with of unusual to Recipe Dept., Box the labor movement known as it's a question 882, Vancouver, B. G. 'One Big Union' recently formed WHEN in Beltdom, in Calgary. RedSpecial" stands Pacific Milk Co. "That we condemn tho actions supreme. LIMITED of the radical labor leaders who 332 DRAKE STREET have advised labor to break away As an effective means of trimming Factory at Ladner, B. C. from all international organizations, down "overhead " it is known far and wide. Canada Food Board Llctnil 14-158. sowing discord, extreme and vicious meinoas, urging anu This Red Frictioned-Surface Belt has adopting by vote the calling of a dominated the field since its inception. general strike on June i. "That- we resent the sentiment Without variation this belt has lived Klox I II H lull SH I1 I, I . 1 I OoX XaoMi' and sympathy passed in the said up to the exacting standard of service set I II ill ViVlfrSj I II i t ' 'Illlllf 1 0oeo)m6 o giQt convention with the Russian Bol-sheviki llM WliwWSsJ l it I " 'II O00aootf6o. when first introduced belt Kloks by us it was to and soviet government buyers. the Spartacans of .Germany, also Clocks tho word and actions of I. W. W. Having been tested and tried to the propaganda. limit in all manner of places andby thousands Have You Enough Clocks? of"Further this resolution resolved be that circulated.a copy of users throughout the country from v$swlll it iill I il Vl'i o s the Atlantic the Pacific "Gibraltar You should have one in through tho press urging other to WWxyi I'III ml " 7 every room; labor organizations to demand a RedSpecial" will also secure you against Some day every one will. refutation of the resolutions ex the uncertainties which surround the use pressed by the said convention to of "just-as-good" brands. and They save steps soon ,, wards alien anarchists and revolutionary 'V pay for themselves. government, failing The price may be higher than that of ffii' And our prices are as which the leaders of the One Big " ordinary" belts, but the service is long and V&fSy VsaV $SZSZllr i ll' ttttt i"i.7 J iffi Itml Kwim'E3ll t reasonable standard as anywhere, being Union labor parly be deprived of satisfactory in the extreme, as a multitude VSavSSSc "4vll lll It V I iB-i'X IKS-tf I tho price on their rights as unpatriotic citi most well known lines. of long-time users will gladly testify. zens. It seemed to be the opinion of With the Dunlop Unreserved Guarantee all present that the action taken John Bulger by the extremist party at the Cal which goes with every belt, you should JEWELLER gary convention was not in any have no hesitation in making your next beneficial to true unionism. The Store of Worth and way order read "Gibraltar RedSpecial." The chairman of the meeting Beauty. the to be delegates present urged and . You know the Dunlcp reputation for at the meetings of the Trades Labor Council in order that the square-dealing, too. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK opinion of the clerks' union Geo. Go Waddeli to should KITTY be GORDON upheld there.IS Dun!op Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited TO BE SEEN TONIGHT Head Office and Factories TORONTO 336 2nd Ave. BRANCHES IN THE LEADING CITIES Phones Famous Actress Stars at Empress CLACK 367 GREEN 394 In "The Divine Sacrifice." Makers of Tires, for all Purposes, Mechanical Rubber Products of all kinds, and General Rubber Specialties Save Money In Lamps. D 34 Kitty Gordon is al the Empress K23B2Z tonight. Tho famous actress, who is really Lady Beresford, is to be IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH St. James Hotel seen on the screen in "The Divine COLUMBIA. I.N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Sacrifice," a strong society drama. TION ACT TOM LEE CO. Pianos in Stock and E. L. VAUGHAN The famous has been seen (LATE "QUEENS") Kitty IN THE MATTEn OF THE- ESTATE OK here before a number of times J. A. I'OETT, DECEASED, INTESTATE, 840 Second Avenue, West. FIRST CLASS ROOMS TAKE NOUCE that In order of Ills HEINTZMAN & CO. Hot and Cold Water. and the films in which she appears Honour F. Mcb. Youn. made tbo 1 2 in Expert Piano Tuning day or March, A. D. 1919, I was appointed KARN always attract large houses. VEGETABLES Auinimsiraior 10 mo estate or J. a. I'oeu, and Repairing ENNIS There is probably none of the deceased, and all partlns havlnar claims Wholesale and Retail against the said estate are hereby required MORRIS Satisfaction Guaranteed actresses who "were stars of the iu luruiMi same, properly vennea, to me. General Contractors and CLINTON before of on or cerore tno 13 th dav or Anrii. a. d stage the popularizing 1919, and all parties Indebted to the estate Labor; Exchange. D0HERTV the movie who are so well known are required to pay the amount of their Leave Orders at as Lady Beresford. inaeDieuness JOHN to me H.rorthwltn.McMULUN, Prince Rupert Music Store Sold on Easy Terms. Fred Storks I In addition to the feature there Oniclal Administrator. Prince Rupert, D.C. We rent out pianos DATED this 13th day of March, 1919. Phone Phone Black 183 547 is "Teddy at the Throttle," a P.O. Box 725 by. the month as I Mack Sennet comedy, and the Mutt LAND REGISTRY ACT low as 20c, a day. Hardware and Jeff cartoons. (Sections 3D and 134.) Piano Tuning and Wus'c3' Ha Annlfrflflnn Nn inToa.T niA a tot TH E WEST END Repairing Instrument TAKE NOTICE that application lias Wen The Gurvich "FIREFLY OF FRANCE" iiiiiuu iu register i nomas i roller or Prince Itupert, B. C, p. o. Uox 333, us owner In Chop S Walker's Music Store fee under two Tax Sale Deeds from ttis uey A Complete ! ine of SPLENDID PICTURE hpnrlnir uoueciur u rlntp oi me fhn- " uity Qth u or rtiv I'rmce v.t.t utVCIIllCI n..&mhAi.nupert, HOUSE AND CAFE Transfer 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 3S9 1918, of ALL AiNll S1NOULAII that certain 912 Third Avenue parcel or tract or land ana premises situate, lho lireliy of rranco" is a onus aim ueimr in me uity or Prince Ilu pert, more particularly known and de GnJnnrlirl c i rrv T( Hon la tvHIi iYia scribed as lots fort.v-four (tit and rnnv THE PLACE FOR Phone Green 548 and vork with live (45), Block llfteen (15), Section live LATE SUPPER life of the aviator, Marine (5), (Map 823). You are required to r.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. & Co. lho German secret service and is contest tho claim of the tax purchaser Modern Appointments Heintzman wi.ujii ad uiijs iroiu me date or ine ser Refined Patronage Solicited a ripping tale with plenty of action vice of this notice (which may be elfected dv aaveriising), and your attention Is We Sell Coal from beginning to end. As uuueu 10 section jo or ine "Land Itegistry P. O. Box 897 Phone 308 : : PIANOS AND one who attended said: "It is one win, aiucuuiiicma, -auu io ine roilOW- of the best shows that has been "and in default or a caveat or certin-cate on here for some time." or Us pendens being 11 led be. Weber Pianos fore the registration as owner of the DENTISTRY There is in addition a flrst-rato person entitled under such tax sale, all persons so served will notice, . , Hotel Hyder and British War Gazette guaran-anteedpianosbyrep comedy a .... and those claiming through Hitrh grade that add much to tho interest or unuer them, and all persons claiming OFFICE HOUnSi any Interest to the land by virtue B to a.m. 12) 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. of tho program. or any unregistered Instrument, and Portland Canal, B.C. manufacturers. tablo all persons claiming any interest In the land by descent whose title Is not DR. J. S. BROWN Faints TEN FISHING BOATS registered under the provisions of DENTIST M. Jt. JAMIESON, Proprietor Our pricMarerigiw. this Act, shall be for ever estopped RECEIVE CLEARANCE and debarred rrom setting up any Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue. claim to or In respect of the land so Phone 464. ' ftlusic Store sold for taxes, and the Ileglstrar shall Gateway lo Me famous 3uih Mint prince Rupert Ten fishing schooners recoived register the person entitled under 0ffic their clearance papers between such tax sale as owner of the land so ,,Lake and other small lakes In. .ihn. viMniiv Opp. Tost 'J sold for taxes." r ft... 111'. iii..A., n Dept. vi hiu uib niisauuii uruup, wnicn nowa in Now Open for Business Piano Saturday and yesterday fol W. J. Pitman. as rtrwj wiikhkas application has been a Buuuicieriy uirection ana drains into MAPLE LEAF lows: nado for a Certificate or Indefeasible Title the Salmon Illver about nnn miu mmh r.r o tha above mentioned lands, In tho name the International Boundary Line. The Morengen, Liberty, Volunteer i i Humus i i nner. The storage-dam will be located at Long PAINT wutHbAs on investigating the uurvu niiu uuiui' Diuuii Irani anmrrni Tim (United States), Tatoosh, Hie It appears that prior to tho 10th capacity of the reservoir to bo created Is Constance, Arctic, Atlas, Rolfe, f October. 1917, (the dato on which tn? ouuiii zvu,vuu,uuu cuoic it., and it will STEEN & LONG WILL SEEDS! oi, Hem sum lor overdue taxes) flood about 400 acre of land, (all rock). FLOGLAZE Norma, and the Eastern Point, ou were tlie registered owner thereof. The water will be diverted from tnn itmm run i libit iakk jmotice that at the at a point about tho outlet of Long Lake undijr Commanders Flern, Endgal, ame time I shall effect mtiiiHii. or a small lake below, at dam slle., and Martinson, Svencen, Osaason, ,'u,ouuia u, cum ana will bo used for power and mining pur-loso BANITAR. rD HEATING For the Garden certificate of Indefeasible Title to the sal" upon the mine and for tmmumva , No better paint made. Stamens, Ekrom, Oleson, Jacob-son jo.iuo timiiuiue ui i nomas Trotler un- oil'"" power llnc! described as land not ErVOINEERS Suited ,i do jri.u vuau mill nrfiRnrniA lha auioiiriueu, cAii-jJi f mining ciauna. Bnecially and Sheehan respectively, nrneeerllnfi-a. tn pstnhiiah ,T' It makes good because any, to the said lands, i ,J,""ie WS5 postea on the ground Rupert 8"'" or to prevent such ,iu ua v ui rnr irv. lull A it's made proposed action on my part. copy or this notice and an application pur. Arjonta for good. When you hac read tho news ...Tii i. a, urn i.aua iiemsirv mant thereto sand to thn wii, in look through the classified column March.Prince 1919,lupert, D. C this 3ll dav nf ll." will be tiled In the office of the MoCLARY FURNACES aiei ncuuiuer ai i-rinco itupert. FEED Sg on Paso 5. If. F. MACLEOD, ODjecuons to the application may be XI neg,,,rl,r 0f TIUM. 11 led with the Bald Water Ilecorder or with PLUMBINQ Fred Stork's To Alfred tuu uuuiuirujier or waier itivhta pallia HAY,, GRAIN & f"l' Prince nupert, B. C. mem iiunaing. victor a. n. n.. wiihin end MISS M. A. WAY WATER Ipjrty days after the first appearance of SHEET METAL WORKS NOTICE uumg in a jul'ui iiewsDaoer. Hardware TEACHER OF MUSIC USE AND STOIIAOE iralnri :1TY.l0 and la traversed nnminhu Is entirely r. ...r. Phone C, 834 Second Avonue. PR. FEED Co. SECOND AVENUE 309 Second Avenue TAKE NOTICE tllaTracinc Coast ther f Salmon purpose.niver.See rnrii.n,i Mineral aroups,;i7 head Night phones 57fl li."?.0.' at on Co.. Ltd.. Whoa artrf-1.. " """" Taking-with atudanta the syllabus of the Division. Phone Black 114 nt.. will apnly for a f lin ,. and Blue 270 PHomew Toronto Conaervatolra of Muilc, from Tno date of the flrat mifiiiKiiinn 1 . lse SOO cubic feet per second and to store notice Is March 8, igjV """ Tho right vork, at the 99-- primary to Advanced, I'hona Clue 120 4.000 acre feet or nnn PACIFIC COAST right P. O. Box 333 HHHHHHH' y.,?L:Su,? 1a"Sie l" Creek; EXPLOIIATION Applicant.CO.. I.Tn time, and at the right ppo. uraining Long By Wm, Noble, Agent.