Vol, XXIII, No. 182 tae 3 "7M BRITISH AVIATRIX Che Daily News Soyer ‘AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Tomorrow’s Tides . Saturday, August 6, 1932 BG dicho 3:30 am. 20.4 ft. 16:03 p.m. 203 ft. Loe 20 . 9:55 am. 3.0 ft. 22:20 pm. 48 ft. os CANADA MAY MODIFY HER OFFER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS LS QUT FOR NEW ENDURANCE RECORD pe" 8 ~~ Vo ; , ‘ British | Delegation At Ve < E Conf. Is = | a | Empire Conference Is | Awaiting Expert Repori ag Expectation is That Both Canadian and Australian Pro- posals Will Be Revised—Compensation For Removal ) of Foods From Free List is Required ® + \ mid OTTAWA, Aug. 5:—Modification of Canada’s offer of : Teo ae preference for preference will probably be requested by band strikes up the Na iona hem, and press photo- | British delegates at the Empire economic conference. The graphers’ cameras click busily, G eral, Lord Bessbor- | British delegation is awaiting the report of its own ex- is with hat in hand—and ther e big show is started eiding on a line of policy. In doubted whether or Australianetrade offers stand at present will sufficient compen imposition of preferential tar no wheat, meats and raw ‘matnelile now on the British free list. It is fully realized that actual vargaining has scarcely begun and hat, in the coming negotiations nodifications on both sides will be bquite within things, VISITOR PLEASED as they be reg re as rs. Victor Bruce and Two Companions Embark With “Aerial Bungalow’ sation t however ight Sergeant McCleery and Flying Officer Pugh Are Participating—Husband Will Assist in Refuelling of Amphibian Machine HAMBLETON, Er Aug. 5:—Mrs. Victor Bruce took I ternoon on an endurance re i flight attempt. mpa ae CcO-pllot and radio operator and San Francisco Newspaper Woman ising an amphibian plane equ)] ped with kitchen, Impressed on Visit to Queen and sho ver bath. Mrs. Bruce calls it her “fly- Charlotte Islands ee er es ee par. SKIDEGATE, Aug. 5:—Miss Grace M. Lincoln, who has been making k ig viatrigs |@ tour Of Alaska in the interests of r it wa 1d i { avialrix : ; ontrea ‘ toc : Flight | he San FPrancisco Chronicle, ar- nusoan W , il it rived on the Queen Charlotte Is- flight but ust before the take oft Lien . Lieutenant W. R. McClee vho Prices Advance chalet « flying than |4ands recently from Juneau. After wen age took |Spending @ day at Madame Rajaut's a nese. ort 1 BW be sutiful surome! resort The prise ited Advances to 64 Witr Puch went along pilot. Mi Dunes,” at Tlell, Miss Li ne yin mo Other Issues Also Showing iii cael es ‘ fuel ,. | tored down to Queen Charlotte Cit Gains in Active Trading ue : where she caught the steamer! " Prince John for the south While in the Inlet, Miss Lincoln a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs She said ry . | TTY GOW a r & ‘ f C ' ; always thought of the Queen Char - 3 GOES HOME lottes as a group of small islands ck Ex , . 4\ away out in the Pacific with a few fishermen living on Stevens that she had them. Instead ‘ Former Nursemaid in Lindbergh |" had been a pleasant surprise for : Household Left Yesterday her to make the wonderful motor For Scotland trip with Jame Denholme fron . , Port Clements to Queen Charlott atholic Women S NEW YORK, Aug. 5 Miss Betty | City either Canadian™® the ~nsval. order of! /perts who are now studying the Canadian offer before de- British circles, however, it is : INDICTED BY JURY Libby Holman Held Responsible For Death of Her Husband, Young Smith Reynolds WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., Aug. 5: Libby Holman was indicted by a vane ae grand jury yester- day on a charge of murdering her Smith Reynolds, the Reynolds tobacco millions, wh died at his home here a few week ago following an alleged wild part) Miss Holm at present at ber home in Cincinnati but her father here that husband in is has assured authorities she will be surrendered TRADE IS" DISCUSSED: heir o N. C. Havenga outstanding lawyer finance since 1 tries, is unusually optimistic, (left) and 924. If A. P leader of the statesm an, J Four it may be South African delegation, is an having served as minister of ie, minister of mines and indus- because he was adminis- trator of the Good Hope Cape |ARE WEDDED IN CHURCH |Miss Asta Olive Dybhavn Became | Bride of Dr. Harold 0. Johnsen Last Evening A marriage of much local inter- est took place at 7.30 last night at St. Paul's Lutheran Church when Miss Asta Olive Dybhavn, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kari Dybhavn of this city, became the bride of Dr. Harold O. Johnsen, well known .0cal dentist and son of Dr. and Mrs. Johnsen of Alesund, Nor- way. The wedding ceremony was per- pormed beneath a bridal arch, ad- orned with flowers and ribbons, by Rev. P. M. Fosse, pastor of St. Paul's Church. The church throughout was prettily decorated. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, was charming in a bridal costume of egg shell ‘satin with veil. She carried a beau- tiful bouquet of mixed roses. The maid of honor was Miss Kitty Dyb- havn, sister of the bride, who was | tastefully attired in peach silk and jlace with hat to match and carry- ‘ig a ‘bouquet of pink carnations. The bridesmaid was Miss Viola |Dybhavn, cousin of the bride, who |wore pretty pink silk with lace and {bonnet to match, carrying a bou- quet of roses. Little Mary Dybhayn and Margaret Gjosund were dainty iflower girls | Harold Gjosund was groomsman. | The Wedding March was played {by Peter Lien and there was a vocal |solo by Rev. P. M. Fosse. | James Mastin and Tom Dybhavn j}acted as ushers. | Following the ceremony, a recep- jtion was held at the home of the | bride’s parents in the Clapp Block. eee feet District Forester A. E. Parlow Inter- | : BROUILLARD WINS | esting Speaker at Rotary Club + OVER M’LARNIN a Luncheon Yesterday if ondiedaadl a # NEW YORK, Aug. 5:—Lou 4 In view of the interest that is be-|@ pBrouillard, former world’s wel- 4 iken in the Imperial economic) ® terweight boxing champion, 4 nierence now sion at Ot-|® wona decision over Jimmy Mec- 4 tawa, a discussion of possibilities Of}@ Larnin of Vancouver in ten @ rade expansion between Canada/@ rounds here last night. There # nd Great Britain proved a timely|® were no knockdowns + topic for a talk by District Forester |» . A. E. Parlow at y¢ rday’s Rotary), 44964¢0e0¢0¢¢0¢¢%40406b Club luncheon. Mr. Parlow dealt to a large extent wit! possibilities expansion of ¢ lian lumber to the United Kir m and gave his listeners some of the bene fit it would be to Car a if business NEW PARTY IN SESSION Socialists Had Gathering Last Night Witn T. J. Shenton Leading Disc A meeting of jlocal branch of of Canada was J. Shenton Gow. former nursemaid in the Miss Lincoln was so much impres- | now going Sovi t Russia could | L cague Tea- Sale Lindbergh household, who came /|sec with the Islands that she said; be diverted to this Dominion to prominence during recent kid intended to spend all next sum In the absence of President G. A. | nvest itions, sailed from ron the Queen Charlottes, bring } Woodland, Past President 7. an } rt ) ~althy | Johns occupied the chair. There HOoE estere } ‘ iavy for her home in}!! vith her a party of weal hy | inson occuple { Aft = See > Z Mr wi friends from San Francisco } was a fair attenda: of members ernoon a ome oO f Richard E. Moore Card of Thanks | . : i ial Sect Catholle Women's Leas Chicago Industrial Section 4 very successful tea and sale Charles Sunberg and family de- | a s me cooking vesterday after-isire to thank thelr Many friends § pt By § F L t at the home of Mr R. E.|for the kind expression of sym we erious Ire as e, Fourth Avenue West. Many pathy and floral tributes received bereavement called during the afternoon ';juring eu end their patronage to the af Those ending Howers were ~— and the financial results wer: | Selv) Mr. and Mrs. E. Hellman,| MacDonald and} Lewis, Mar-| factory Mr. and Mrs. D. H CHICAGO, | Night; Six Million Damage Aug. 5A devastating fire swept three full blocks of the southwest industrial seetion of Chicago last night and caused damage estimated at $6,000,000, It was one of the largest and most ser- ious conflagrations this metropolis has experienced and several of his men were injured, Fire fighting forces from all parts of the Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Harold \Mic-| Angus, Mr. and Mrs V e president of the Cathoiic'tha Trommer, Mr. and Mrs, O. A iomen's League received the Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A Halvar -} ts. Mrs. J, Fred Ritehie and son, Mr and Mrs. Percy Delter Fd- J. Lorne MacLaren poured.|monton, Mr, and Mrs Mussa!lem viteurs were Mr Frank St.)and family, M * vc 5 a in years. mour, Mrs. G. W. Nickerson and: Johnson, Mr. ana rs Stelm- nt, hin? Dow , C. P, Balagno. Acting as cashier ert, Olof Hanson MP., and Mrs Fire Chief ¢ armod) Mrs. Hubert Ward Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. F W. Hart, The home couking table was in/Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gordon, Mr.|] »jty responded to emergency call. ree of Mrs. Wilfrid Gratton and and Mrs. Chas. Sunbelg HOt TS The fire is believed to have been J. Arthur Smith ily, Capt. and Mrs. Ormiston, Mr. ' Mrs, Harold McEwen was the|and ‘Mrs.’ Thos, Yule and famil) i ‘aused by an ex- plosion in a grain elevator. 4noer of a raffle. ) Pioneer Association | eon Labo! ussion the newly formed the Socialist Party held last candidate for jelection, led a general discussion lwhich was held among the mem- ibers. Ald. G. W. Rudderham, yice- president, was in the chair and labout twenty-four members of ‘the jparty were present WEATHER REPORT | | | Prince Rupert northerly wind temperature, 63 Part cloudy, light barometer, sea smooth | Triple Island-—-Clear, calm; sea } smooth | Langara Island—Overcast, light {southeast wind Dead Tree Pol barometer, 30,22 sea smooth, sea smooth it-—Overcast, calm; temperature, 59; night. T.} 30.30; | *:|MAY FLY i ions and best wishes to the lappy couple. Tom Dybhavn was |toastmaster. There were numerous ltoasts both to bride and groom with suitable responses , | Dr. and Mrs, Johnsen will sail to- night on tl > e Capt. von Grorau Changes His ight h he Prince John for a a 1 one Y vis g + Mind Again—to Follow the i veek : —_ yao views at “The 9 Dunes Tiell, Queen Charlotte Is- Lindbergh Route? : eat ands. On thetr return to the city, they will res > CHICAGO, Ang. 5:—Capt. wolf-: ‘ey will re ide on Atlin Avenue, : * oak Westview gang von Gronau, German trans- Atlantic flyer, who, apparently The rooms were beautifully decor- ated and there was a large gather- jing of guests to tender congratu- The couple are both well known . and popular among many friends serves the right of changing his a ; The bride has resided mind every day, told newspapermen ; here for five years with her par- here yesterday that he might con ' ents, having come from , Norway. tinue his present flight across the, _ ; ,, The groom, who pratises dentistry, Pacific Ocean and around the world |. ; , has been a resident of Prince Ru- after all. He suggested that he vert for about two years might follow the route which was taken last year by Col. Charles A Lindbergh via Northern Canada Wheat Pies ab at and Alaska Pioneer Mining Canal District, is Here Today Enroute to Stewart pioneer mining m Portland Cana! district, i 0. B. Bush f the Man Goes North| | Atlin in the forthcoming proyinclal 0. B. Bush, Veteran of Portland aland Winnipeg Strong |Grain Futures Advanced Sharply This Morning at Centre of Prairie Trading . WINNIPEG, Aug. 5:—Wheat fy- tures showed marked advances in early trading on the Winnipeg rrain market today. October ad- 1} vanced to 59'4c, December to 60%¢c¢ May to 65\4c. yassenger aboard the Prince George today bound for Stewart in con- nection with his interests which Halibut Landings include, in addition to other pro perties, the well known pee Sammare Silver mine near the Premier | American—68,300 pounds, 4c and } ot, ee eee | 2c Delayed by fog and heavy! Canadian-—None, freights, C, P. R. steamer Princess American | Adelaide, Capt. 8. K. Gray, is due} Radio, 42,000, Royal and Cold ,in port at 8:30 tonight from the | Storage, 4c and 2c, south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her, Schorn, 10,000; Whileaway, 1,800, return to Vancot and | points, iver way and Garland, 14,500, Cold Storage 4c and 2c. | { : a ‘i va ; " & “4 ¢ ‘ee “at oF « ae a... ~~ = cline ~ “= ~ al i a 5 atta rr