tt , i a re gts PAGE TWO —————_—_—_———_——_—_ THE DAILY NEWS _ THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishien Every Aftérnoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid im advance... 5.00 For lesser periods. paid in advance. per week 10¢ By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Célumbfa. paid in advance for yearly period 3.0 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- ptre and United States, paid in advance, per year ... $6.00 Sy mail to all other countries. per year a ideals se . 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per insertion. pef word beeotillcnss bs 02 Gocal readers, per insertion, per line hoagllacects ae 25 —_ — a lth DAILY EDITION Friday, August 5, 1932 KRISHNAMURTI Anmié Besant, years ago, thought thaf she had discover- éé ifva little Brahman boy in India the reincarnated Christ for which thousands of mystics had been looking: This boy, Jeddu Krishnamurti, was educated and trained for the part he was to play. As he grew up he disclaimed being a Messiah but does claim that, in the language of the east, hé “has attained” or “has arrived.” He has reached a point in spiritual development where the body is subservient to the spirit and where he has become “liberated” from every- thing earthly. He is to lecture in Victoria tomorrow eve- ning at the City Temple. THE MOLLISONS It is not for us to tell Mr. and Mrs. Mollison—Mrs. Mol- lison was Amy Johnson before her marriage—two noted British flyers, what they should do about their future in the air, says the Victoria Times. The dispatch announcing their marriage said the husband plans to fly to the United States next month and that there is a possibility of his wife accompanying him. The newspapers some time ago carried a picture of them’ arm in arm, both wearing a very happy smile, and the thought may have occurred to many people that it would he a pity, if one or both were to end their romancé in the BASEBALL grey and angry waters of the Atlantic. Mr, and Mrs. Mollison have done finé work in the air. They have shown they are made of the right kind of stuff. The wife flew solo to Australia. On a sécond attempt she flew from England to Tokyo across Siberia and back again. The husband took less than nine days té fly from| England to Australia last year and in March of this year! he set a new speed record for a flight from London to Capetown. lying solo or together from Britain to New York would add nothing particularly valuable to the records of avia- tion. But this pair of Mollisons seems to be of the adven- turour kind; and it would surprise nobody if they treated themsélves to a honeymoon by way of a non-stop flight from Britain to the United States. SENER © LAGER WINS THE POPULARITY TEST! Seles of Pilsener Lager are now greater than any other beer brewed or sold in British Columbia... SwéW popularity is the reward of quality ~ and qelity alone... Pilsener Lager is « light, cleo, spon kling table beer, matured for several moriths — with « sep and 4 flever thet will please the most sophial- cated palate . . . And rémeniber, you're helping B.C. industry, creating loca! payrolls, when you drink Pilsener Leger . _ VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Brewers and Bottlers of PULSENER DUTCH GIRL U. B. C. BOHEMIAN BEERS OLD COUNTRY ALE CREAM STOUT | maby er lie: t 18 uot puplished or displayed by the Liquor Qdiiren board oe by thd Goveramen of hele cathe Mey CASCADE ee ; ee EEE { At Olympics ItalyWins 1500-Metres For ing among the countries to s Deitrichson of Texas upheld emerging victorious from the “OOTBALL WAS DRAW Canadian Legion and Home Oil Played to Two-All Score in Drizzle Last Night Although the best théy could do was to eké out a two-all draw with the fast moving Home Oil eleven, Canadian Legion was able last eve- ning to move into exclusive posses- sion of first place in the Stuart Benefit Shield football series. The match was played in a drizzle of rain and the crowd of fans, as might have been expected, was limited. Nevertheless, a good brand Alice Wearne, who carried Aus- tralia’s colors in the sprint ev- ents at the Olympic Games in of soccer was turned in and all who Los Angeles. Saw the game were well satisfied ‘aims. excels: stele James Andrews was referee and J. N. Kelly and Charles Barker were linesmen. The teams took the field as follows: Canadian Legion—S. Gurvich; F. Gomez and A. Stiles; Haddon, Cur- rie and Greer; D. Gurvich, Horne Hunt, Smith and Morrison Home Ojil—White; Skinner and Mowatt J. Currie. Davies and Stalker; D. Gomez, Vieira, Del Rio Bye and Murray The first goal came in the first = GC ereees minutes of play when Morrison | scored for Legion. In about twenty minutes Vieiro equalized for Home Oil. Shortly before half time, Horne put the Legion ahead. Thé teams S. 0. C. vs. EMPRESS TONIGHT - 6:45 crossed over with the score stand- Week-End Values —:.'"°,'0 °* Seventeen minutes on in the se- cond half Vieira equalized for Home 6c Oil as a result of good combination CLASSIC CLEANSER per tin CRISCO per 1-lb. tin |play on the left wing. Both goals 23¢ then had narrow escapes but there | J ; | was no further scoring JREAM (¢ WHEAT J Ye - ae om a Fic. The Home Oil was good, particu- fect Cere: : g - jlarly on the va ine where COTTAGE ROLLS—Average ae gg lberigg he a aye oo inten. 6th te C@ | Vieira and Del Rio were shining weight 5 lbs., per hit es : jlights, White kept a good goal and FELS a SOAP 71¢€ Brick Skinner was a_ tower of = anes é strength at full back IVORY . DAP—Full size 1 | For the Canadian Legion the bars, 2 for | three halves were outstanding while MOLASSES—Aunt Dinah 19@ Hore and Smith wete thé pick of per 2%2-lb. tin the forwards, PORK & BEANS—Clark's 14¢: The Stuart Benefit Shield stand- iota , each jing to date is as follows tUNES W.D.L. F. A. P per 4-lb. pkg. 29 | ncian Legion 3 1116 8 7 CORNED BEEF—Libby’s 27E | Merchants 30111 46 Finest, 12-oz. tins, 2 tins Regiment 203 812 4; MAPLE SYRUP—Pride of 59@) Home Oil ee tae ae Canada, quart tins, per tin patties PANCAKE FLOUR vemima per pk. LOC) Baseball Scores . CREAMETTES—Quick Cooking Macaroni, per pkg 8c HEINZ VINEG alt, cider, white VINEGAR, malt, cider, white Philadelphia 6, St. Lotis 2, 76 =o B5C\ wasnington 14, Detroit 11 (10 in- bottle bottle | nities) CREST HONEY—12-0z. | t New York shitag ; jars, per jar 16c ot 18, Chivage § ie | Cleveland 8-8, Boston 2-7 (second SUGAR CRISP CORN 7¢ game, 12 innings). FLAKES, per pkg. National League | PINK SALMON New York 4, St. Louis 1 | per '%-lb. tin 6c : ° | Philadelphia 1, Chicago 12 AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE QE @ ie. ares American League Boston 3, Cincinnati 2. No. 2 tall tins, 2 tins | Brooklyn 7-6, Pittsburg 4-5, SUPER SIX PEAS—Large cC ‘tie ‘anid . and tender, per tin lie) DAVIES OFLA ite Baseball Standings c mat 1 ROSEDALE PEACHES | No. 1 tall tins, each National Léeagae ROSEDALE PEARS— 18e W. LL. Pet. No. 2'fins, each Pittsburg 59 44 573 ENSIGN CRABMEAT— 91 Chicago 54 46-540 NABOB BAKING P ER f ‘ . ! per 12-oz. tin eT Zhe Brooklyn 53 82505 , ‘Bt. Loui Carrots, 2 bunches 9e o Sek 2 yo Hothousé Tomatoes, 2 Ibs. 23¢ Cincinnati “4 “ a eho Ay tah “ : Aniertean League ee Orariges, Sweet atid Juicy, 2 doz. Ie New York 0 34 679 . | Philadelphia 63 42 600 Thrift Cash & Carry eins 60 43 «683 Phone 179 201 Third Ave. a - a 4 “CARRY AND SAVE” eas oie ae Chicago 34 «66h! ©)=3—o40 Boston Sania | 46. | 288 MANY NATIONS WON HONORS A Babe Dietrichson of Texas Sets New Mark to Win 80-Metres For Women in Hurdles; Hall Second 2's? simi: “meme Japan Takes Hop, Step and Jamp Title and Finland Javelin Throwing LOS ANGELES, Aug. 5:—The victorious flags of many nations were heisted from the Olympie Games here yes- hop stép anid jump. Namby was fhe terday, United States, Italy, Japan, Finland and India be-| winner %for women —— TR eee Friday, August 5, Wy | ern placing third after having | lost the lead in the fil fap. In fact | Edwards foréed Litigi Beeéali, the | winner, t6 break the Olympic re- ‘cord for the distance. Jetty Cornes, wards just before the finish. At that Edwards, who had foreed the pace Men ard Bicycle Ridiryg—'au the way, was only thee yards lbehind the winner. Italy was also vietorious both in ithe team and individual [00-kilo- | metre cyelé racing. Japan set a new record of 50 feet, 1107 inehés to wity the fina! of the f 1 ' hare the day’s honors. Babe! The Canadian entry, Jack Ports the honor of Old Glory by | land of Collingwood, made a mark) final of the 8:metre hurdle |°! # feet 5% mehes in the hop, |} step and jump are fee Finland cleanéd wp on the javelit throwing, faking the first three er own mark of #1 8-10 séconds set) piaces in the final. The win‘ip the previous day in the first heat 238 feet, 7 nehés 5 Evelyn Hall, also of United States Was second and Marjorie Clark of | South Africa third. Alda Wilson of} Canada placéd sixth f 11 7-10 seconds and shattering throw was Matti Jarvinen | India defeated Japan 11 to I ii, | hockey There were 40,000 spéctators at; the Games yesterday Italy won the men’s 1500-metre In the mén’s 400-metre dash fir-t final with a mew time of 3 minutes, | trials, Alex Wilson of Montreal was! 51 2-5 seconds. Beeeali, the winner,| third in the first héat, Jimmy Bail | made a sensational finish, coming} of Winnipeg second in the second up from behind several of his op-|heat afid Ray LéWis of Hamifiten| ponents | second in the sixth heat. In the se- Phil Edwards, Canada’s great | cond trials Wilson and Ball ran colored runner, ran a great race in | fourth in their heats to qualify but the 1500 metres, which was the fea-| Lewis was fifth and was acdord- ture track event of yesterday's pro- ingly, eliniinated Vie Tobacco that treats You right! Gives you a cooler, sweeter, more fragrant smoke in your pipe, and thousands of men now realize the big difference that QUALITY can make to smoking pleasure. OGDEN’S cur PLUG ‘ . —————— ~~ . é ONE TRUSTS AN EXPERIENCED CAPTAIN- ’ a. Ogden’s fine cut cigarette tobacco, ; ‘ ome onal alleen a 5 lenin. st aielleetentimeenieetiitiil Ste (8 in ES en T OLYMPIAD YESTERDAY Olympic Progran SATURDAY. AVGUSy § Morning Fencing, sWord teams Swimmming—100 metres fre sh nén (nedts). Modern péntathion—crogg Cony, ry, 400 metres, Swimming 200 «metres breag stroké, ladies (heats) = Water polo. Decathion—-110 metres hug »men. Decathion—diseus throw, tie, Yachting. Afternoon 4x100 Metres relay, men tia Devathion—pole vault, men 4x100 metres relay, ladies. ty, 3000 metres nal Decathion-—javelin throw, me fx100 metres relay, men, trig Decathion——1500 metres, mey steeplechase, yy Swiming—-100 metres free » idiés (Heats). Swimming—100 metres free gy nen, semi-finals. Water polo Rowing Evening Wrestling— Greco-Roman August 9—Merchants vs. Cy dian Legion Tf you" toll your own,” ase . During the past 63 yéars, The Réyal Bank of Canada has encountered every variety of conditions. Through wars, crop failares, booms and panics The Bank hus gained strength and expetiénce and to its established position among che grown steadily great barks of the world. In'a stormy sed, one trusts a captain who has weathered storms. The ROYAL BANK OF CANA CAPITAL $35,000,000 - RESERVES $39,155,106 « ASSET eS , DA S over $725,000,000