V re aid Board kits The EWS BUY pniNCE IIUPEHT, B. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS .'i-i (IS. ILLIAM HOHENZOLLERN WILL BE BEEF PRICES IBIG RAFFLE DIFFICULTIES ALLIED POWERS PROBABLYDROP IN AID OF THE DEVELOP IN TRIED BY ONE OF Dr. S. F. Tolmle of Nanalmo Constituency NEW BUILDING PEACE CONFAB. PROBABLY BELGIUM, IS DECISION Feed Will Tells Cheapen Committee and Meat. Display of Prize Articles in Store Delegates at Cross Purposes and 8howlng Strain of Work; Window Down Town (Special via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) Must Agree Soon. Billion Dollars to be Paid by Germany within Two Years and Ottawa, April 10. Dr. S. F. Shown Today. live for Years after that; That is Tdlmle, M. P. for Nanaimo, addressed There is to be a big drive for (Specll via 0.T.P. Teletranbs.) Yearly Assessment Thirty the Agriculture Committee 1 1. Tt i.. .t 1.1: T ..;t ): Paris, April 10. The Peace Decision of Council of Four of the Peace Conference. and expressed of the Commons the opinion yesterday that jl-'und I luu iieiuruuu inaugurated ouiuiura by the jjuiiuiiib Ladies' certain Conference,official it was quarters declared today,in Auxiliary in addition to the work rnnnhftrl etncrA xvhppft f.hlrrt fi nrfl the price of feed would droo i i l 0.T. P. Telegraphs.! 8 1 just two alternatives, early agree-monsler to The ffr.wa y (Special taking the form of . . ... . . a k i7von to 10. The responsibility of the German Emperor i uu iituuinuiauuu ui sieers in raffle, tho prizes for which arc the effect of the strain Uwar means for bringing him to trial by one of the Australia would affect the price viff Hlar,in,,..i inriov in i ,( 8howing and the of ack of and nervous tension is in the air, de- L ee, ?" 1ac,roun,l dow of the Kaien Island Hardware , ..., ments. Drobably Belgium, has been definitely shipping Australian breeders un-iTherevBPe Every delegate carries an implied L .rnon bv the Council of Four. This follows a definite to dispose of beef cattle flve article3 something ln aU like including twenty-able a "ultimatum on his lips. It is . , ippma of reparation for war damages whereby five would now be able to get these on ld walch and many olner val. becoming not only a matter of rcis . k nalri within two vears. and the inter-Allied the market. things. politica'l and diplomatic effort liion aonars i r - - ' " i I,uable m -1. i . m n ret fit t reaching the end of the string, will assess me remaining uii h""" i iicKets lor uieae rauiea win uo bmmlsslon but as it is human beings that are . Mau 1. 1021. sold during the next three weeks the limit of ----- BUILDING doing the work, physical Degiii'a irty years, of the great obstacles which stood in the path of the and on the evening of the drawing endurance is beginning to Thus two there will be a big cupper and Did attainment of peace have been removed within the last dance in St. Andrew's Hall. That manifest itself. declared DURING 1918 On9 person in authority L.ntw.fniir nourSi ana ine ponwu ui will be on April ?0. it would not be wrong to i . . tki nno 1 1 H c la oiinronrlnrl h n pAvlvnl of r.on- I On account of the value of the -- fcliure to secure ianaiU. say technically that the confreres Ber.ce over the great advance towaras a permanent settlement. Exclusive of Germany and Austria prizes as well as the nra tn cause ha Aa to are agreed on the principles of question of the treatment or the Kaiser nas not Deen uis- 5,477,444 Gross Tons Produced the main issues, but that the The voted, it is expected that a large ... i i L2 U I. U r L.AAn KafA.A Record Never constant dragging in of -details to cny extent oi lam in mo prcoo uut n no vm Uv.w.v sum will be raised by the ladies. Issed has caused an endless going over . - a -Hal. Thfi nuestlon of- navment for dam- Before Equalled. !Everyone will bo anxious to help le conierento of every subject. Ls has been a more live question and the result has Deen tnat During 1918 the shipyards of and doubtless the result will be Diverse Interests. anDeoole fancied nothing was to be done In regard to tne per- the world, excluding Germany and unprecedented in local drawings. It is a case of trying to do Ll responsibility of the ex-Kaiser. .The announcement of the Austria-Hungary produced 5,-) things in the usual way at an unusual IMMENSE LINERS TO he said. The result lamination of the Council of Four to bring tne Kaiser oeiore 477,444 gross tons of merchant' period, shipping, according to the annual is the conference has degenerated court is received here with a great deal of satisfaction summary just published by BE BUILT BY JAPAN into a scramble for individual desires. SIR SAM HUGHES WANTS Lloyd's This figure Register has never of been Shipping.!ap- Vessels of 20,000 Tons Each The Italians are nursing a UNIFORM PENALTIES proached before in tho. annual Designed to Ply to threat to withdraw, while the suggestion summaries; it is over 63 per cent is quietly coming from ODESSA GAIN FOR ALL DEFAULTERS higher than the output of 1913, This Coast. Polish circles that unless they given Danzig they will take it the record year prior to the war, of'more are of included the Huge passenger liners by force. The French and British (Special via O. T.T. Telegraphs.) which, course, than 20,000 tons with palatial still struggling with repatria IS IMPORTANT (output of . Germany, Austna-(ijungary, are Ottawa, April 10. The ques- etc. accommodations and able to tion details, while numerous oth " :nn nf miniohmnnt nf rlpf Alll t PTS maintain a speed of more than er questions furnish constant - -M Jucdor fcihfc- Mili UuySerttce -Act many Dig.unos r-.K'l-.' eigiueen. unois, vessels ouiienui- ground for argument. is , . . . "e "u'""er ' -fnhe knense Resources or aram, aUention of tj10 n0Use of . Vrearsteamshlps Empress Coil and Other, Minerals the ''commons during practically the EX-KAISER WILHELM going steamers oi nei veen o.vuu ,of nussia and Empress of Asia Rciuit of Occupation. whole silting yesterday A debate Whom the Council of l our has and lO.ooo tons launcnea uring lhfl Canadian Paciflo odean MAI REPORT 'arose on the motion by Sir Sam decided is to he tried for nis lyin amouniea 28 per 10 cent ton,of which tho total represents Services, Ltd., will be built in ispcui via o. t p. TeiegrapiM.) illughes calling for the uniform crimes. number of such vessels in exist- j Japanese yards by the Nippon . Vncnn k'niclin fnr Ihn Knil f H A-Ffl! REGISTRATION Paris, April 10. -The chief administration of the law with once at the beginning of the year.; advices to luse of anility in connection uniform penalties for all those Exclusive of the United King according AT NEW HOTEL received in this city Kb the evacuation of Odessa by who had not complied with the re- dom, which produced 1,348,120 of 8hown In the News of the plans Japan's nterestlng Figures Allies and the occupation by nuirements of the Military Ser- tons, the countries where the corporation to Statistics Tabled In House premier shipping pheviki lies in the fact that lVice Act. largest output has taken place SHIPYARD IS still larger liners of Commons. place passenger most fertile regions in south- . during the under review aro Is year in the Seattle trade and to add Russia have fallen into the 'nnnnnru 1 1 sirM ADI I tho United States, Japan and to its transpacific fleet, carriers (Special by 0. T, P. Telegraphs.) TEKrlil UHL lULlUUairtLi Ns of Bolshevik! giving Uiem NOW UNDER WAY .annua. xo uh " sccond in sizo only to the famous Ottawa, April 10. The final re pense resources of grain, coal SIGNING ARMISTICE countries amount to' 3,781,145. other t Northern Hner Minnesota, port of the Board of Registration I'd minerals. and account for 92 cent I The tons, per now operated on the Atlantic, which on June 21, 1918, took a reason tnv llin Alllns rn Have Fifty Rooms and Dining of the total output abroad. I Se- in Canada rnt was the constantly in- Qttawa, April iu. in ins uou Will has caused a thrill along the census of all the people asm? of Commons 1. u. reaiow oi ouum Accommodation ror zbu ."T lattle waterfront. over the age of ,16 years was menace of Bolshevik sol- I The United State output for. At One Sitting. It shows the car. in Parliament. ry against the Allied carrison Renfrew introduced a mil 10 mi Wnen big pa3senger tabled hfch was able to maintain its aside the second Monday in o- mo year ivio, v. , of ,riers Fushimi -Maru. Suya Maru, the number registered as 5,040,-510 PP'ies with the greatest difll- vember of each year as a per-"y. Work on the new boarding gross, is a convincing proof Maru and Kalori Maru, of whom 2,572,962 were males The petual memorial of tho signing of house for tho Prince Rupert ury- uio great uemuymwu. "'-,,arKest of the Nippon Yusen and 2,467,554 females; 202,075 commander decided to '"draw his troops tho armistice dock & Engineering Co. was com- building industry wnicn is gen- Knghas 100 vesselS( were divert were registered subsequent to numbering on the level erany unown iu nuvs wa service to number of menced yesterday eJ f lhe European registration. The peo proximately 50.000 to Rou- .'' inH nHininintr flm now ahiovards. In tins country, inis toiai iui Cno4l1 P rnfo ihAf ple of alien birth was divided lania and Constantinople. The building is to bo three one year is higher than the whole becnme the country's great-storeys among the provinces as follows: Adverlise high, 30 ft. by 160 ft. and output of the United states dur- est gateway lo the Orient and Nova Scotia, 7,290; New Bruns-wisk, in the Dnily News. MAX HEILBRONEFI will contain fifty rooms. It will ing the ten years 1907-1016; it is ii1)ucl lravel from England and 3,732; Prince Edward Island, Rollable Jeweler bo a wooden building but well more than three times the amount th( ConUnent was sent this way. 279; Quebec, 46,379;- On built and permanent in its char- launched during 1917, and it ex- w comeg w(jpd from Ja n thal tario, 109,645; Manitoba, au.uuo; Diamonds, Watches, Clocks on lnx iiHoil in Ihn structure ceuus uy uvci u I'ci still larger and faster liners are Alberta, 50,549; British Colum Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory will bo a big dining-room, large combined output of tho rest of to be built for the Seattle trado bia, 63,479. Umbrella, Community Plate, enough to seat 250 men as well ,me worm iui- yeai .u kitchens and other Paciflo Coast Production. Canadian Life Co. Etc. as appropriate ODESSA EVACUATION The oldest The most striking increase has ofUccs. The Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. FOR QUALITY Oornr 3rd Avt. and 6th Straat. ti ia nnlicinated tnat tne neT,iuxu juuv-o u wio HAS BEEN CONFIRMED "MICE AND SATISFACTION building will be up and ready for jPaciflo coast. The average year-occupation 4: 9 i"ni Hoard work.ly output on that coast during as Licence No. in.73in in a month, "DEIKIERS" the four 1912-1915 was un-the (Special via 0. T. P. TeierapM.) ia to be rushed on it and much of years tor material is already on tho der 30 000 in 1910 it was 123,882 Paris, April 10. Evacuation of i We have splendid display i a j tons, in ivi4 n uiuuuiiii-u m tho Black Sea ports of Odossar by and during 1918 it has Allied forces is confirmed of. of Spring Millinery. Jin IZalBihuuyUBch.d 1.514,20(3 i tons. Of the ficially. Trimmed hats from $5.00 ress : Theatre ..ui i.. ornHMinns total launched on tho Great Lakes to $25.00. oveiyH.ms .cau, - -"n'f Ready-to-wear from $3.75 430.877 tons) only one steamer METHODIST CIRCUITS Tonight Thursday include the sites of 5,429 tons is for trade on those CHANGE MINI8TERS to $10.00. back in order to , ,!. -ii .. ,,ll,0 vAica U lift nir Now is the time to make Goldwvn Presents for the slips, but tne uoaruuib " "v .v .w (Special via 0.T. P. Telefrapai.) your choice, while the assortment intended for 8ea-gomg purposes the fence, be outsido will house Toronto, April 10. The Trans- is good. MABEL I 1110 IUIU. .IKUlua iui niu NORMAND A Pomm Mo nf fliA Math rrliat COME AND 8EE INCREASE NAVY YARD States include eleven steel .steam The Rainbow Uirl of the Season crs of between 8,000 and 9,000 Church has agreed to the follow IN r ui. 4ll in . 1 f ft f I All- tons each, and iJW Ui iivinn-u tub V4 vw w. . . Seattle, . oon A I TlrlMch...... r!nlml.l ...A R. rimrlos P Parks, or tno o.oou mm o,uuu tuna, ou wuu, ack to the Woods Z rn! i 'steamers of over 2.000 tons gross Golwell. British Columbia to Man-nTdrngVuarexptunspeo- each launched at Gulf ports; 183'itoba; W. W. Wagg Saskatchew. WESTHOLMp A Comedy Drama of laughter and thrills. Her latest and best picture r.pcna."?," li. nrrner-"vessels to bo fitted with goarod'an to British Columbia. TONIGHT I I his opinion that.turbines, tho largest being thro? ns. PATHE GAZETTE on hoPuget gave Sound Navy Yard has a of 3,775 tons each; three vessels WAS RIDICULOUS 3 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS 8 M the 14th Episode of the ahead of it that would of 1,370 tons each, fitted with "CHEATING THE PUBLIC"the iposlnr MYSTERY tt its wartime prosperity turbo-electro system of propul. New Jorsoy workers dropped Ten amaztnt thrllilnir inramlea ieene.ot the food OF THE DOUBLE CROSS make point for its slon; 93 steamers built on the their "no boer, no work" campaign proflleeri. Comedy morelv a Bla Two-Heel BMwllf iJl.crwood system of longitudinal because it "mado labor appear "HIS AERIAL JOV RIDK" peaecllmQjrrrowlh This js not tho first Shows 7 and 9. Admission 5c & Ite ridioulous." together SSindMc. Shows start' 7.15 and 9 framing, 22 of whlQh, Ladysmlth Welllnflton Coal re- with five other Vessels, are for time an element In the country's Comong Tomorrow .Mary ven&,f"'"AY Edward Earlo and Betty Howe in "The Blind rf..M voup fuel bill and gives :tho carrying of oil in bulk, and population has been saved from Piokford in "How Could you, ana Uara Kimball Yfi.mo.nH TnW non In "Pirates" Phone 15. .P. n. 07 sailing vessels fitted with mix. error by a typically American Jeanl" 2 reel comedy Coal atlsfactlon.Oo. Hilary power sonse of humor, Seattle Times.