f Page 2 THE DAILY NEWS. Thursday Apru l0 19m The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA toy's Grocery For the EasL . FURS FIIRq Sunday, The News Published Every Afternoon, except by Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-lrdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 216 6th AVENUE WEST at 9:30 a.m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Opposite the Rink From the East. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Sundays,at 5:45 Tuesdays and Thurs-lays Ship to Us Direct City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. At p.m. By MailCanada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. For Vancouver: The top market price paid and equitabl To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 5 p.m. grading made. No delays at pofoj any Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. Your Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. Wo are registered with and States War Trade Bonrd and all of the Sl"ctor, 2r TRANSIENT-DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver under licence P. 13. F. 30, and you can L C?slom Contract Rates on application. Sundays 10 p.m. us direct by our tag or any tag. changed to suft jr U" lo Service Vednesdays 10:30 a.m. "Furs of Canadian Origin" and your furs vviU V marked C0I"e 1919. Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, through. right DAILY EDITION. Q$& Thursday, April 10, at 9 a. m. FAIR GRADING Sano Reform But For Anyox: The rules and ethics of the exchange do not n, QUALITY FIRST sending out U' Not Revolution. Sundays 10 p.m. alluring price-lists, yet we ghe VOn The union men of Prince Rupert rather resent an idea that PHONE 68S Vednesdays 10 p. m. and expert grading and pay you at a rate of n lo flvo cents more on the dollar than the seems to have got abroad to the effect that they are in sympathy From Anyox: fur company as wo cut out all middUm,,.,-.av-rase, adv."!crli.81n with the Dolsheviki methods and movements. Naturally they Tuesdays a.m. Ing direct with you. ...VM Pront in deal. favor any movement which tends to get rid of autocracy and op Salvation Army. Thursdays .p.m. prcssion, but that does not mean that they are revolutionists or St. Louis Fur Exchange that they look for any violent upheaval in the body politic. Public meetings, Tuesdays For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei There are and always have been men who would like to see mursauyb ana Saturdays at a p points: lit u. uuusiiiut, OI.. L.UU18, MO., U. S.A. ii. Sundays at 7:30 p. rn. bundays 10 p.m. a general upheaval, hoping in the scramble to secure something better for themselves. There are also a few who are jealous of Never forget to look through From Port Simpson and Naas those who are doing better than themselves. Taken as a whole, the classified list on Page 5. River Points: however, the union men are just as sane and anxious for stable .uesaays p. m. government as are the businessmen. They resent any idea that MINERAL ACT Queen Charlotte Islands: Shoe Fitting by Practical Sh oemen they are easily carried away by the glamour of a new movement, Certificate of Improvements. AT THE For Masaett, Port Clements and and they can be depended upon to look at every new proposal NOTICE Upper Island points: from the point of view of the general welfare. "lied roint Extension" mineral claim, For Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Family Shoe Store Few people ever thought seriously that there was any real lluate In the Naas niver Mining' Division City and Lower Island points: disaffection in Prince Rupert, but commencing yith a joke, the Where located: On the Kltsault Illver. anuary 23, Feb. 6, 20; March 0, near me Dig uanron. Third TAKE RO riCE that Lewis W. Palmare 201!), at 7 p. m. Avenue idea seems to have gained ground in some quarters that the Free Miner's Certificate No. 20.407-C. act A real liv3 up-to-date EXCLUSIVE Shoe Store lng as agent ror Ole Evlndsen, Free Miner's featuring all Federation of Labor and that was a revolutionary organization Certificate No. I4,15S-C, Intends, sUty 'rom Mabset, Port Clements and the shoe requirements for men, women, boys and girls the Trades and Labor Council was closely allied with it. There days from the date hereof, to apply to ttie Upper Island points: AGENTS FOR .Mining itecoraer ror a ueruncaie or im- are always a few hotheads in every community, but the mass of proveiLents,Grown or am for or tbe ine purpose aoove Claim.or obtaining From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte The "Dorothy Dodd," J. & T.Bell, Ames, Holden Macready the people are sane and do not like their efforts for mutual betterment And further take notice that action City and Lower Island points "Lady Belle," and "Vassar" Shoes for Ladles. to be misconstrued. before under the Section Issue 85.of must such be Certificate commenced of anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. Slater, "Invlctus," Tetrault, Ames Holden Macready, i. imDrovemcnu. 11 and 25th, a.m. Leckle & Co., and Amherst Shoes for Men. dated this sin aay or February, a.d. Interior News' 1V1V. "Eclipse," "Chums," "Sterling," Pillow welt and Ahreuj First Birthday. MINERAL ACT For Skagway and the Yukon. Shoes for Boys and Girls. Feb. 8 and 22 9 The Interior News of Smithers under thts capable managing anuary 27, a.m. E. R. Tabrum is fully qualified to treat all forms of foot troubles. editorship of L. B. Warner has just completed one year of life, Certificate of Improvements. From Skagway and Yukon. We carry a full range of Scholl's Arch Supports, etc "cbuary 1 and 15 a. m. Geo. Hill is a practical shoemaker and repairer. We have a Mr and it looks to be in a healthy condition. In order to make a good NOTICE equipped Repair Dept showing and put up a readable paper the editor says that he has "Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp COME AND SEE US had to work sixteen hours a day. That is true of almost every trlct.the naas Mining Division or Casslar Dls Point. GEO. HILL E. R. Where located: On the Kiuault River, .lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 pm TABRUM that is making'a There is in the paper success. no money newspaper near me Dig uanron. rrive Feb. 3, 17: March 3rd. The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 TAKE NOTICE that John II. Me.Vullln for but there is facination about it which game anyone, a Ofllclal- Administrator of the Estate of makes it almost impossible to break away. The newspaperman Miner's Charles Swanson,Certiacate deceased.No. 3,52i-C,Intestate,intends,Free A number of people have nd- is always looking to the future, a future that is as evasive as the sixty'to the days Mining from Recorder the date ror hereof,a Certificate to apply ertised furniture for sale in this or improvements, for the Duroose or ch and they have had dozens foot of the rainbow. aining a Crown Grant or tbe above claim. paper Phono Black 183 Phone Black 183 Ana runner take notice .mat action. of customers as a result: Some Mr. Warner has been doing good work for Smithers and the Pianos, Stringed Besson under Section 85, must be commenced people want to keep their furni- Instruments, Band Instruments, The Interior News is of the most welcome. before the Issue or such Certificate or Sheet Latest Bulkley Valley. one mprovempnts. ure. They do not advertise. Music, Popular Songs and-Dances and it to that DATED this 5 th dar of February. A. D exchanges the News gets is a compliment paper 1919. that we find something each week that we can pass on to the Prince Rupert Music Store people of Prince Rupert. The growth and prosperity of the Bulk-ley MINERAL ACT Witt ED.MU.ND3, Proprietor. is watched with keen interest from the coast and there is no OPPOSITE POST OFFICE better reflex of that prosperity than the columns of the weekly Certificate of Improvements. llepalrs to til kinds or stringed Instruments. Flute and clsrlneu repidded NOTICE ind adjusted. Bows rebalred and rewrapp d. paper published at Smithers. Prince Rupert Academy of Music In Connection with Stort "Red Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate Liberal Leader n me naas lilver Mlnlnr Division or Cas Still Discussed. slar District. WATER Where located: On the Kltsault River. ACT, 1914. The Vancouver Sun is very much concerned over the question near uit? uijr canyon. RIPARIAN RIOHTS TAKE NOTICE that Lewis of leadership of the Liberal party, the chief concern being Free Winer's Certificate No. 20.407-C.W. Patmore act- NOTICE is hereby given that under tbe thai it shall not go to McKcnzio King.. Apparently that paper is ng as agent ror Ole Pearson. Free Miner's provisions or Section 0 or the Water Act. Hotel Prince Rupert Certificate No. 14.1S7-C. intends, siitv I9M. every rioar an oroDrlctor c i m ni GOAL willing to support anyone else. Day after day the matter is mentioned days from the date hereof, to apply to tbe any rutin 10 divert water or to tne exclusive but with no definite result. iuiuiiiff necorner ror a certificate or im use or water ror any purpose by very rovements, ror the purpose or obtaining virtue oniy oi ms ueine sucn rmarian pro EUROPEAN PLAN Just why the Sun objects to Mr.'King is not very clear. The uronu urani oi me aoove Claim. prietor Is reaulred on or before the first Screened And further take notice that action. day or June, 1920, to file a statement of I S1.G0 per day and up. paper admits his all round sterling qualities but refuses to allow under Section 85, must be commenced claim setting forth the particulars or his that he has any qualification for leadership. before the Issue of such Certificate or claim. Such statements or claim shall be Sacked improvement. tiled in duplicate wltb the Water Recorder FIRST-CLASS CAFE a. I It must be admitted, and the attitude of the Sun is one of UAlfcU this Sin dav or Fehruarv. A n or the Water District In which the water Delivered , the that Mr. has chance of chosen 1919. is diverted or used. A La Carte. proofs, King as good a being After tne first day or .June. 19S0. no leader as anybody at present in sight. His name is constantly NOTICE" OF ASSIGNMENT right to divert water or to tbe exclusive fflO fill use or water for any purpose shall exist before the public, especially in the east, and he seems to have no uy virtue oniy or any ownership or land. rival except the present House leader. NOTICE Is hereby given that, pursuant ronus oi statement or Claim can be ob- to the "Revised Statutes or.British Columbia," alned from the Water Recorders or the Chapter 13, Intituled "An Act Respecting several Water Districts In the Province or ton Assignments ror the Benefit or rotn tne comptroller or water Rights. per Creditors," and amending Acts, and known Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. l!!l!lll!ISI!!!Si!!II!!l!!l!ll!llllll!!llllllllllll and cited as the "Creditors' Trust Deeds Dated at Victoria. B. C.. this nth dav Act," John R. Ileatty or the City of Prince vi iuartii, iviv, f '.Ml m m i fsjft Rupert, Province of British Columbia, has T. D. PATTULLO, t ' a n i in this day made an Assignment on the 31st Minister or Lands. i lerm na tutii w, McGOWAN & HANSON day of March, id 19, to Ceorge w. Nicker-fon or ihe City of Prince Rupert, Province MINERAL ACT. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Offics Phons, Pl or British Columbia, or his real and personal Yard Phons, Blici H credits and erfects, which may be seized and sold under k ..... , j.j.iUiti execution ror tbe CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. n benefit or .his Creditors. WATER RIGHTS BRANCH A meeting or the creditors will be held "WATER ACT 1914." Co. at the office or Messrs. Fisher and Warton, NOTICE. cie & nir suite 1, Smith Block, Prince Rupert, B.C., Little Joker. Mineral Hill. Midas. I.onk. on Wednesday, the 16th day or April,.1919. Ut.-Mystery...... Midas... . Lake Krar . Vmr.l lANCELLATlOX OF RESERVE OF WATER at thA hmir nf Q.ln A'.lni.t. ! uiiai Mineral L.iaims. aiinatA in th. pnrt. celve statement or affairs and ror thi and Canal Mlnlnir Division or Casslar Dls. NOTICE is tiereDy given mat ills uonor I general ordering: tit iha i.ii tnci. lie Lieutenant uovcrnor or uritisn coium National Gfocef! Repairs of AH Kinds are hereby notllled to attend either In per- niver Where vaney.located! On the East Salmon Ivb la. by council,anil with has been the advice pleased or to ms orden Execu All claims must be filed with the under. TAKE NOTICE that I. A. If. Oreen. act. THAT pursuant to tno provisions or ,ectlon 69 or tlm "Water Act, 1914" belns; Limited nir as agent ror L. cieucu, tciiucu statutory declaration Watklns, F, M. C. No, Chapter 81 or the Statutes or 1914, that aim vo entitle any creditor to vote, bis IOJ4W-L.: u. v. carter, f. m. c. No. 9.688- SUlh and Fullon Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphones, no reserve or tne unrecoraea waters or Corner 3; R. M. Martin. uiauii ijiuot aju ujcu uii or ikprnrA ira Hit. F. M. C. No. O.SgT.n! II. Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys J. Fetter, F. M, C. No. 9.597-C: II. E. terure Creek, established pursuant the to made, Council Jrder In No. 68, approved on aiiu luriner taice noire that nn .nj Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9,898-Cs Martin Locks Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe after the 16th day of April, 1919, the said weicn, r. M. u. NO. V.BBB.C. intend, siitv 7lli day or January. IBlB, be cancelled High Class Groceries DATEU tnis inn aay or reDruary, iviv assignee will proceed to distribute the days rrom the date uereor, to apply to ihe "f,s ft the Insolvent amongst the parties Mining Recorder ror a Certificate of lm-provements, T. V. Minister rAiiULLU,or Lands. Meats t..,i,.u lunuu, unviuff regard only to ror the purpose or obtaining Soldering of All Kinds claims of which he has then received no-tlce, tiuwu uraui ui me aoove claim. Fruits and that he will not be liable for the And further take notlm that unirm im. said assets or any part theronr tn .nS der section 81, must be commenced berore Now ready for business, with full supplies, at the nppflrtn nr norsnna rtt vhroj .i-i J ms issuance oi sucn uenincate or im- Confectionery shall not have been received by blm at the pruvciiicuiB. B Iia.a last. mrnlln.. ..... Bakery Harry Hanson Plumbing Shop uv.ru u. men,iviir:i uaiC. uaiea tnis Bin aay or March, A. D. 1919, and . DATED at the Cltv nf Piin n.. A. It. UIIU.ll, UlT't.:UorViVi l'0lun"". this siat 139 2nd Ave. Prince uuj - .-(us via, IV IV, OUEEIY CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIS- - - - Rupert UEO. W. HICKERSON,ASlt-na liuut uiailUUT OF SKEENA, ORDERSJETJW Phone 489 TAKE notice that The Aernnlan Snriirn CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Luniuur Liu., or rori uiements, u. c. occupation saw mill, lntenda In annlv fnr IIIOIUI ic.nv; wiiiiiB.ioH to icaso tne ronowing described notice is hereby oiven that the re lanasi TO. .,1,1 . ...; ....; rm;,n i in Commencing at a nnat niantort .1 HiaI.i.. i.7..t..;,'.r'zL;".,?i"r.... 1 S? .ubdiviaiiS'nr fn ' i8.U1Sc,k. ".v"0" C04St Wrlcl, by reason or a notice pub-SLth IN PnOBATE. jjjTJS" a ,h.in.or.h?"h h?.7ih Hshed In the Brltlah Columbia Oaietle or N THE 8UPBfcKIA. VIXI3TR' v.... v .Memo wvbi au uerreei oflih M.tr loin I. ..n.aMaH aouth tn Annrnarli nr nnvarmr.. mh... OF " wviviuiiiiiii r ii a i i U. J(. nAIJtn, N THE MATTER NOTICE TO FISHERMEN thence southerly alonsr aain ir.nrr.arh c.t Lands. beouty Minister or TIO A. ni rsTATt.,. J'HINCE RUPERT ASSHRSMF.M'n poyernment Wharr to northwest corner or Department or Lands, OK T,,-pECA.r. mi l, uiuua, i, mence easterly along the Victoria. B. C. MATTER DISTRICT. waterrront or lots 1. . 3. 4, 5, (I, 7 and 8, 11th March, 1919. M 18 " aV KYANBEn J. 0U'1V BIG SUPPLY OF FRESH BAIT AEROPLANE I'sm.tj SPRUCE ui veil LUMBER iniiin K( CO.. LTD. TAKE liNTESi.A'-liviiy .....nv lh,i In WW rj. ...nrt im I', NOTICE lfl hlrPhv tfivan s.... Date, March SO, 1919, TIMBER SALE X1G05. F. i V Honour. Yjii, & and Ice Butcdale or nevlslon"Taxation and Appeal,Act-under the "PubuS day or Marcn, . - (lttw ; e, v at thp and NOTICE OF Cannery th CANCELLATION OP RE8ERVE Sealed tenders will be received by tbe Minister or Lands not later than noon on in7 f. .u. ..'.. "eBsment Ills NOTICE IS HEREBY niVFN that th . he II tn day or Aonl. 1919. ror tne pur the nrnv n. ,1-iior.....iviv.i- win r.A- riMii' at serve existing over Lot 418. Queen Char-?ye,!Ian.l'' chase or Licence X 1606, to cuttl,939,000 verified w w jefore, "P"w : sU, par on, WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED itupcrt. B. c. on Wednesday.omce,th 'iiiA Z.Z J?J' reason or a notice pub- feet or fir and cedar on northerly portion to in, llshed In the B. C. nf Anrll. A. P". ara mZZv or April. tot 9, at 10 o'clock Oazett nn ih. im, nf or Lot 831, South Bentlnck Arm, Range I1UIUI. in the fore- July, 1908, Is cancelled. 3, Coast District. debted '"".of v',beir naei"-im .,.., BUTEDALE - - - B.C. DATED at Prince rtUDert. n u. II. NADEN, Two (9) years will be allowed ror re amount lt, 1019. C, April DeP.u,y Minister or Lands. moval or timber. orthwitb, JOHN DVBI1AVN. ,ands Department, Further particulars or the Chief Forester, Judge of Court or Revision Victoria, B. c, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince III M and this Appeal. 6th Marrh, 1919, M IS Rupert, 0, C. Dated