SOCCER SEASON aaaaaaaaaaaVBdw OaKS aaaaM "laaaaaV m fKaM aaMBljW anca ABOUT TO OPEN N aaaal BaaB H ' B LaaV an aaaai fl aaaV LaaasHSfls Football Enthusiasts Will Gather Tonight at Athletlo Grounds For Open Practice. The football season opens to " day. There will bo a gathering of Gibraltar RedSpecial" Belting all enthusiasts this evening on the athletic grounds for the purpose of practice, preparatory to "THE ORIGINAL RED I If I 1 It--?- ! 4k the big game on Good Friday. There is a proposal afoot to FRICTIONED-SURFACE form a .soccsr association this " Sunlight does it year. That would mean mat mere RUBBER BELTING would be several teams and a You who alwaya dread wath series of, games, which would of unusual rHEN day because of tte hour of arouse a good deal of interest. it's a question weary, with-boarJ robbing, the This is a football town, but, achievements in Beltdom, daap Heamy air. with pethapa owing to the war conditions and "Gibraltar RedSpecial" stands oor tkirt and ahoei (plashed the departure of most of the best supreme. andioa!ccd just forget all that. players to the scene of the bigger Come itUo the can and comfort As effective of trimming game overseas, tne association! an means of a Sunlight Wash Day. activities huve been allowed to down "overhead it is known far and wide. Sunlight Soap will do the wash drop during the past few years. you can f o out calling or shopping. Now it is to be revived and it is This Red Frictioned-Surface Belt has Read the directions. promised that there will be some dominated the field since its inception. exciting matches during the com Without variation this belt has lived ing season. Mil I i;l Si 1 1 . 1 llll 1 1 III oox Xfaoc). Anyone, ever so remotely inter up to the exacting standard of service set Ill Y Ipsa hi 1 1" ( oiooooov6 oooaacea I I ll'Vl l'M ii U,l Ml O0oofotfosi. ested in the game, is asked to attend by us when it was first introduced to belt '. 'l I at the grounds' on Acropolis buyers. ilwlll ,itteiRS5 Ilill this evening, and a special invitation is extended to new arrivals Having been tested and tried to the, in town. limit in all manner of places and by thousands of users throughout the country from HE MADCAP MOODS the Atlantic to the Pacific "Gibraltar RedSpecial" will also secure you against STEEN & LONGWILL OF MABEL NORMAND the uncertainties which surround the use of Brands. t . 1,1 w iw wiii m "just-as-good" Back to the Woods," Her Latest BANITAR . miD HEATING Fairly Bristles With Excitement. The price may be higher than that of EtYGMEERS "ordinary" belts, but the service is long and satisfactory in tKe extreme, as a multitude Agents for Mabel Normand, she of extra of long-time users will gladly testify. McCLARY FURNACES ordinary eyes and madcap moods, is at The Empress tonight. This With the Dunlop Unreserved Guarantee PLUMBSNQ ime it is "Back to the Woods," and and the plot bristles with excitement which goes with every belt, you should and, as must be expect- have no hesitation in making your next SHEET METAL WORKS of Mabel Normand, whole " order read Gibraltar RedSpecial." Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. some fun. Night phones 576 She is Stephanie Trent, daugh You know the Dunlcp reputation for and Blue 270 ter of a lumber king, who elects The right work, (tt the right to go to a village as a poor lit- square-dealing, too. time, and at the right price. tie scnooimarm mat sne may 4 0fm9t fWrtiillWlii meet the sort of a man she can love. beaux.Stephanie And is of weary course of she society DuiiSop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited does meet him. He is Jimmy Raymond, MISS M. A. WAY outwardly a mountaineer, Head Office and Factories - - - - TORONTO TEACHER OF MUSIC but reallv more than that. And 309 Second Avenue .Stephanie adores him at the start BRANCHES IN THE LEADING CITIES Taking with students the syllabus of ths I Learning that he is in danger Toronto Corservatoir of Music, from Makers of Tires for all Purposes, Mechanical Rubber Products of all kinds, and General Rubber Specialties from the rough element, Step advanced.' Blue primary to Phone 120 hanie goes to his lonely cabin, perched on a precipice, to warn jhfm. Jimmy locks the door and ! ilaughs at her, declaring that he IS THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH t St. James Hotel jresorted to a ruse to get her there. I.V THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT TOM LEE CO. 'Stephanie throws herself across and , E. L. VAUGHAN (LATE "QUEENS") the sill pf the window and N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF open MA II I A VtnY. DECEASED, IMTESTATE, 810 Second Avenue, West. FIRST CLASS ItOOMS .threatens to jump if Jimmy persists TAKE KO I ICE that In order of His Hot and Cold Water. there. Honour F. Mel). Young, made tne 29th day Expert Piano Tuning in keeping her or narcn. a. u. ibiv. i was aunomica I It would spoil the story to tell Administrator to me estate or nuria very, VEGETA BLES and Repairing deceased, and all parties having claims Wholesale and Retail it all. against the said estate are hereby required Satisfaction Guaranteed 10 rurnisn same, properu -verified, w me General Contractors and on or before the 7th dav of Mav. 1010 and all parties indebted to the estate are Labor, Exchange. Leave Orders at V --T. vt otoc m I STRONG MELODRAMA required to pay tne amount or tneir in debtedness to me forthwith. AT THE WESTHOLME JOHN Official II. McMULLIN,Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Prince Rupert Music Store Fred Stork's DATED this Till day of April, 1810. Phono 547 P.O. Box 725 Phone Black 183 4$ LAND REGISTRY ACT Owing to the fact that the play Hardware "Cheating the Public" has proved (Sections 36 and 134.) THE WEST END We handle only two of local interest and that Re Application No. 10.728-1. File 6.134 Pianos; both so great. TAKE.NOTICE that application has been The Gurvich makes of so many requests have been re maJs to register Thomas Trotler of Prince s of excellence Rupert, II.. C, 1. o. box 333, as owner In Chop uey proved ceived asking for an opportunity tee unaer two iax aaie ueeus rrom me to see it, the play will be repeated Collector or the City of Prince Rupert, HOUSE AND CAFE Transfer The A line of bearing date the Sttiday of December. & Co. Complete tonight at the Westholme. 1018, of ALL AMD SINGULAR that certain 912 Third Avenue Heintzman parcel or tract or tana and premises situate, The plfiy is a realistic melo lying ana being in tne uty or prince llu Piano, drama full of the most admirable pert, more particularly known and de THE PLACE FOR The Weber Piano scribed as lots forty-four (44) and forty Phone Green 548 displays of realism and human rive (45), Block fifteen (15), Section live LATE SUPPER (5), (Map 023). You are required to P,0, Uox 102 Office, Fraser St. Marine nature. It is the most outstand Modern Appointment contest the claim of the tax purchaser Music Store ing drama that has been screened within as aays from tne aaie or tne service Reflnsd Patronag Solicited Prince Rupert or this notice (which may be effected here for many a day. Those who by advertising), and your attention Is We : Sell : Coal Opp. Tost Office called to section 36 of the "Land Registry P. O. Box 807 , Phone 308 AND attend thn. Westholme tonight v. J. Pitman, l'iano w aci wiiii aweiiuuieuis, aim to tue fouow- may look for something really n K exiraci inereirom:- "and in default of a caveat or certlfl' interesting. cate of lis pendens being filed before the registration as owner or the DENTISTRY person entitled under such tax sale, louselm. all persons so served will notice, . , Motel Hyder Pianos in Slock ENGINEER ARRIVED . . , . and those claiming through or unucr them, and all persons claiming OFFICE HOURS! any Interest In the land by virtue B a.m. to 12 j 1 130 p. m. to B:30 p.m. ELEVEN YEARS AGO or any unregistered Instrument, and Portland Canal, B.C. I HEINTZMAN & CO. all persons claiming any interest la DR. J. S. BROWN tho land by descent whoso title Is not KARN Paints registered under the provisions of DENTIST M. III. JIAMiESON, Proprietor ENNIS Today is the anniversary of the this Act, shall be for ever estopped Offlctl Smith Block, Third Avanu. arrival in town of F, S. Clements, and debarred from setting up any MORRIS claim to In Phone 464. or respect or the land so CLINTON the City Engineer. Eleven years sold,for taxes, and tho Registrar shall Gattway to' th famous tf)ush Mine, dohertv ago, Mr. and Mrs. Clements ar register, tho person entitled under such tax sale as owner or the land so Lake and other small lakes In the vlclnltv Easy Terms. rived on board the "Carnosun, sold for taxes." of the Ulg Missouri Oroup, which flows In Now Open for Business Sold on The wharf was Just built, but AND WHEREAS application has been a souinwesieny direction and drains into Wo ront out pianos MAPLE LEAF nadc for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title the Salmon River about one mile south of as there were then few houses; most a me auove mentioned lands, in the name the International boundary Line. by tho month i iikiihh" i roller. The Storage-dam will be locaiitil at I.nnir a day. of the citizens living in tents. low as 20c. PAINT and whereas on investigating the; uuu inner bihsii jukcs aajaceni. Tne From a lent to a shack, from ltle It appears that prior to the 10th day cnnaclty Of the reservoir to be created In Tuning m f i uiiuucr, in, ime uaie on wnicn the suout xuu.uuu.uuu cudic rt and It will P.ano shack to a frame house, from aiu lanus were soia ror overdue taxes) flood about 400 acres of land, (all rock). SEEDS! Instrument Repairing FLOGLAZE frame to ou were tho registered owner thereof. The water will bo diverted rrom the stream reinforced concrete a lURTiiEil take NOTICE that at the at a point about the outlet or Long Lake home, Mr. and Mrs. Clements oino nine i snail eireci res- strut nn in or a small lake below, at dam site., and Walker's Music Store Ipursuance of such application and Issue a iu no uicu iur iiuwer ana mininir pur For the Garden have experienced all styles of liv (Certincale of Indefeasible Title to the sail pose upon the mine and for tramways and . ... . RIU8 389 No better paint made. ing m I'rinco Rupert. iunu.1 in me name or i nomas Trotler un- other power lines: described as land not pnono ie juu uno aiim prosecute the proper uiiuiviueu, except mining claims. Specially Suited for Prince It makes good because this notice was posted on the ground any, to the said lands, or to prevent such on mo ioru uuy ui renruary, mi v. A Iiupert soil. it's made good. A BIT METEOROLOGICAL yi iiHi!i-u Hi-nun tin my part. copy oi tins nonce sua un appnratlon pur WORK ii.M 1 1 j ai mo uino. negistry omen, "aiu mcicnj ouu tu iiib "water aci. FOR ELECTHii"- rrinre iiupert.- u. a. th - -----9 k 1 1 ,i 14," will be tiled In the office of the "You aro tho sunshine of . my ii..h urn Water Recorder at Trlnce Rupert, FEED Go to II. F. MACLEOD, (injections to tne bddi cat nn mm i. CHICKENS life." D1,irlc neglstrar of Titles Died with the said Water Recorder or with Fred Stork's "Oh, Jack!" To Alfred Oendron, ma lAimiiiruiier in waicr n cuts, pan HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER. Wa ddtll PrliH'o Rupert, II. ment nuiiaings, victoria. U. C. within Geo. "You reign alone in my heart." thirty days after the first appearanco of WATER NOTICE this notice In a local newspaper. Hardware "Darling!" ino territory to be traversed Is Ave. entirely 2nd "With USE AND STORAGE mining district and Is llllmiltflhlA fnn nnv P. R. FEED Co. '33G you at my side I could tliaTrarinc uier purpose, see Mineral Oroups, head mLaMAI) 8ECOND AVENUE weather any storm." TAKE NOTICE Coast Eiplo, f Salmon River. Portland rmni iiini,,. 1394 atlon Co., Ltd., whose address Is Toronto. Division. ' Phone Black 114 "Excuse me, Jack but is this a Int., will .apply for a licence to take and The date of the first rjuhlirntinn or thi. PHONE 58 B"oKS.!7.r,;u ise 200 cuble feet ner sernnil uniiiin notice Is March weather report or a proposal.- 4.000 acre feet i74.9io.nnn 8, I bib. Save mono or rnhia PACIFIC COAST iJX PLORATIO.V CO . I.Tn P. O. Box 333 90S 3rd Ave. Dystander. of water out of Cascade and Silver Creeks Applicant. """"vi mau Kiiuttii as draining Long By Wrn. Noble, Agent.