PAIN LORD CURZON T CONSTANT Daily News Classified Advertising j AFTER EATING PESSIMISTIC GIVEN AWAY I'Oil SALE At a sacrifice price, LOOK OVERFUTURE .and on Lewis Island given away diock or stock in Jasper Park Tortures of Dyspepsia to fishermen with families Collieries. Will be sold in certificates The Must become bona-flde settlers. of 500 or 1000 shares. utcM by "Fralt-as" Says Vienna Appealed for Military Apply at Fuller's Grocery, This stock must be sold to clean Carload of Aid Sees Clouds on Horizon or write II. Strielhorst, box 508 up an estate. Phono or apply Which Prince to Thos. Le Messurier, Prince May Burst. Rupert, tf suffered tortures I "For two yews Ilupert Hotel. I had from Seven Dpfepsta.after eating; pains (Special by 0. T. P. Telemphs.) WANTED. FOIt SALE Cabinet Victrola No. Provincial Sfui-- and back; anJ London, April 10, Defending WANTED Experienced AI in mahogany with 825 worth horrible bitter stuff often came up tho Military Bill in the liouse of must be A. 1 grocery manager man, of lied Seal records. Ail in flrst- uoraa, uari curzon of Kedleston, for Prince George Co-operative ciass condition. Special value eTdtiors, but they d.d not Government leader, declared thnl Association, Limited, forward $i 65.00. The Prince Ilupert up me. Hut as soon as I started Vienna "beintr in a serious nnai references staling where last Musio Store, opposite the post FLOUR Uisf 'Fnit-a tiv"; I began to tion and being apprehensive lest employed and for how long. onice. 86 and this medicine, made it should share tho fate of Budapest, Must taprove give satisfactory bonds cffruit Juices, relieved mo when had turned to Great Britain and state salary expected. P.O. FOIl SALE Second hand single pvervthine else failed." and said 'If you will send 10,000 box 207, Prince George B. G. harness parts and 1-ton spring Has Arrived MARSIIBANK. 1KS.HL'DS0. British troops we can guarantee wagon. Pacific Cartage, Ltd. 50c,i box,6 or$2.50,trial si se 25c. the situation.' " WANTED PIANO. Second-hand. jit !! dealers or sent Ottawa.postpaid by Earl Curzon was not sure that , State maker, prico and terms. FOR RENT Fruit a-tives Limited, war conditions would not revise. Apply Dally News office box FOR RENT All or port of lower Each sack of Provincial Flour JIo said: "I see clouds on tho 240. (84) iioor of our building on Third horizon which may burst at anv Avenue below Pioneer Laundry. moment in a more sinister form WANTED To rent, furnished Pacific will produce rt it Cartage, Ltd. 84 than anything yet seen. If critics house or apartments with sea bminmme of this bill show view. architect, LOST can the Govern Apply Bruce, ment how to rule Ireland without 4th Street. 87 4 TO 5 MORE LOAVES maintaining' 40,000 troops there, OST Blue Cameo earring between they will confer a great favor on Bring your furs to Go.ldbloom, Empress Theatre and the Government. Third Avenue. He pays highest Green Street Saturday night. of Bread because it is milled price. tf Finder please phone Black 337. Is Hi ere BIG LUMBER WANTED Black 419.Tent, 14x18. Phone 86 LOST Will Part finder of kindly ivory return toilet and set. from the higher grade of hard Get it all Paule Ilachmanoff. DEAL CLOSED HELP WANTED ARCHITECTS wheat WANTED Stenographer for law clothes office, apply box 241, Daily News WILLIAM BRUCE, F. E. A. S. A., Every Sack is Guaranteed Bring us your Three and Half Million Feet 8old Ofilce. 86 Architect, Fourth Street, Prince problems. Have your To New York Firm by Rupert. Plans and specifications GIIIL WANTED for house work. Local Dealer. for public and private clothes made to measure; Apply box 235. tf buildings. tf On Sale at to fit,and possess As an indication that there is HELP WANTED FEMALE a demand for British Columbia MISCELLANEOUS that feeling of satisfaction WANTED .Young ladies wishing All the Grocers lumber in the east a deal has just niE NORTON The place for a Leading to lake a three-year course in been put through for which comes 3,500,000 shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp feet of SDruce which is at nreaent nursing, write lady superintendent treatment. 210 Fourth Street. from not only .being piled at the mill of the Giscombe General Hospital, Open 10 a. m. or by appointment. Lumber Co. not far Princo Rupert, B. C, for application clothed, but dressed. from Prince Phone 493. tf forms and further information. George. The ourchasers are a New York firm and the sale was 89 BICYCLES put through by F. G. Brynolson, FOR 8 ALE WE PAY CASH for second-hand wholesale lumber dealer of this bicycles and parts. You can To Prospective city. FOIl SALE 44 acres of good farm trade old bike for a new your Sweder Bros. The lumber is to be shipped at land on the Skeena River; 8 one. We repair all makes of once and is only one of many acres cleared, with good house. bikes and carry a large assortment BUILDERS &CONTRACTORS Gentlemen's and Ladies' similar deals likely to be consummated Right at Kwinitsa station. Price of accessories. McGowan in tho near future, as 3500 cash and the balance of & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. TAILORS the local lumber is of good grade $500 in one year. Apply to Phone3 489 and Green 166, 139 Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement Sixth Street and is in demand in the eastern Louis Auriol, Kwinitsa, B. C, or Second Avenue. tf we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material cities where spring building operations Ed. II. Mortimer, agent, Prince and supplies handled by us, such as: are commencing. Rupert, B. C. tf A man had a range to sell. He Electrical material of. all descriptions, including Fittings advertised it in The Daily News and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size, Pipe IAND REGISTRY ACT. SUMAS RECLAMATION "OR SALE Hatching eggs, off and within an hour after the paper Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatic Electrio (Si -tion 35 sn3 i3i.) S. C. While Leghorns; S. G. R was on the street the range was Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water W..'ll0Q SCHEME GOING AHEAD I. Reds, off 300 highest laying sold. If you hav9 anything to sell Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe No. 10.5Si.I Fllfl ens 9 strain and winter layers, from ry the classified column. Covering, Wood Slave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and rru v. nan. or i-rinco tho Pennsylvania Poultry Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber1 Oak, C Mri tprim K . - .i . ... (Special by o.T. v. 1 elerrapns.) Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also Advertise in the Daily News. Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron K.RuPc. bearing date the 0 id day Victoria, April 10 Next month Indian Runner Ducks. Sutherland Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote wtember. 1018. of all anfi Kir.m ah . imwi ur iriri ill nil and tho Government will bo ready to 704 McBride St. tf Roofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Ropo and uto, iiinir. inn lip I n if in in call for-tenders for a portion of Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. " tuvv Jiuutrri. 1 1 irn nirnrniiriv . . m ln1 H,..-.. " - the Sumas reclamation scheme FOR SALE Bicycle in good con - -mw ucauiUl'U IS LOI lUpniV 1901. Wouldn't Wo also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, whereby 20,000 acres of land will dition. Phono Blue 92. (87) including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and bo rendered available for agricultural OR SALE Karn Organ, chap Electrical equipment, including Motors, Westirighouse Ml DlircbAitPP Within JR r-m purposes. Tho estimated el model. Six sets reeds, 12 You . . Help Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. uc riiHi'ipn n w rm ri! inn in like aggregate cost will bo about stops. Just new. Special direct able to attention Is Being factory representatives, we are ed V j; u.r Prince Music . $1,000,000. price $180. Rupert a-itt. fauu iicRiaiii make attractive prices. .m imeoamsnts. and to ihA fniinW. very "iraci therermm., Store, opposite Post Office. Another? . . FLYING FOR ALL ELTOL FLOOR COVERING and - "w iiHif ion t Ltd. Latest designs Our recipe department is Prince Rupert Supply Co., - m lat Kfl IP m T I rnmm Congoleum Rugs. Paris, April 10. The firm of helping doing all it can toward ") uiiufr mam r, .11 at Brochu's Furniture Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. Farman have been studying means helping cooks to get together Store, 309 Third Avenue. tf P. C. Cox 772 Phone Black 389 Mint i(...i uiuvui auu an to place Hying within the reach a good and inexpensive er flcenri'h?.n.3;..lnl"et it.. "r.r.7" "" not"re"entered land of all, and to promote this end FOR SALE House and two lots, number of recipes. n vaiuunea P"anil or Hnh...,i this Act.m shall Le the Hying school at Toussaus-lc- 630 Taylor St., five rooms on So if you want a recipo of Noble, near Versailles, is to be reopened. lots i) and 10, block 27, Section any kind, no matter what, - "-etoHrr inn tntD ........ .' . Aerial trips will bo or 5. Apply to owner on premises. please send your request and tueg." vi mo iana so sold ganized, beginning with a tour we' will endeavor to get you over the aerodrome for beginners FOR SALE Hatching eggs, from as many as wo can. There is "oe"nmn f,iBrt "SS.S Title then pleasure trips round Paris, prize strain barred rocks, and no charge whatever. Georgetown Lumber Co. rim. u II.:.-" uu, 111 iuo mine Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per tvn nan. and finally visits to the battlefields Please address your request e 1 uii invent n n th. of setting. Atkins1 Meat Market. PHONES 130 423. P. O. BOX 1632 Ociob'rVi.L'.Pno.r to the loth dav and picturesque regions to Recipe Dept., Box and J Hi.Iim,1 "U'U line IOf date OVPrrtllA nn u-hioh lirnil ih France, also business trips. For FOR SALE Lots $50 and upwards. 882, Vancouver, B. C. Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. BTHEH TAW TnT.?5"c.l thereof. aerial transport it will be possthlo Will help finance building. Pacific Milk Co. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY uoie 1 .h.Ti at 1 ne to hire aeroplanes by the day or See my list and terms. month at moderate rates. As snon F. W. Hart. 89 LIMITED SPRUCE FIR CEDAR "oa takn w. nan Jas flying is authorized again by 332 DRAKE STREET tho military authorities it is predicted FOR SALE: Rango and heater Factory at Ladner, B.C. Consult Us. that aerial trips will be and other household furniture. Canada Food Board Llcana 14-166. nunniit n . "vnirv uiiirp. come the new craze of Paris. Apply- 205 8th Avenuo, West. 1 I l iu uay OI " F, MAC!pnn - Tn r-,. UUtrlct llBl.....' . GENE BYRNES Norm v.n,V.""U.KI'?. !Tc a rocAT nrc IP YfllT nON'T WEAKEN By j ww - - 1 u. u. ii j n uiuni ua t TIBER SALE X 1466. nut::All'aori uni . . til flau . '" IttiCr mnn rrin in s r f 6REfsTUFEA f ""I Lifer. ," inr inn tiii 8nrnM MM. to cut nnn - HUllnri ' "1 QU I Illlaorn An AooTN AHt& Auh FoporVlj - tfo in. District."' H'eralle Bay, b f . mK xw! HONKER OP TUB ADMIfllSTRA. - KSJ OF IN i Kn....- t i Men. vi'."Jo order or Hll r,m.."iu. a rv r 01 tuatiH ins 18 111 .. in "up ""'no. npnrta. r 1. "Dtt inn t,i.M:: -", "ll ? Pay the .TnnYX?. '0I1.N T !,. forthwith. - " u or MVfft t i