friday, August 5, 1932 BUY THIS FOOD BARGAIN AP ge 1 PALE ea AND BOOST CANADA A few cénts for Shredded Wheat fot only Ways a bargain but also boosts this country’s greatest industry, Only Canadian wheat is used for Shredded Wheat. Do your patt by eating this nourishing ail-family food evety day. SHREDDED WHEAT 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX MADE IN CANADA + BY CANADIANS + OF CANADIAN WHEAT oe eae ae te wes does insist on “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE”—The Original ~ SEASONABLE New Péas and Beans From Interior Coming Soon—Local Small Fruits BeingOffeyed = + New peas afd beans from Remo and Terrace wil} be selling in local retail stores within the coming week. During the next few weeks, it is expected-many other lines of lo- ;cal vegetables will be in. Loeal smal) fruits such as rasp- |berries and black and red currants jare now available in good quantity The strawberry crop is about over jat Terrace with recent rains having | Spoiled the fruit considerably. A short season of apricots is ‘nearly ended. This year only the ‘Okanagan fruit was available |dumping duties having effectively ee a “MARKET IS ; | LOCAL ITEMS | Fruit Store Open Saturday Night | TTonight’s mixed train from the | Munro Bros East, due at 11 p.m., was reported | Pe atk Sag Mills igf Tettace ot Mr:and-Mrs; W. L. Stamford and | paying a> bfief visi? to the city, this morning sto be on time, | ifamily will sail on the Prince 5 ues having arrived from the interior on | George tomorrow évening for a last night’s train. |holiday trip to Vancouver. CNR. steamer Prince Geofge,| Capt, Neil MéLéan, arrived in port! nae on time at 11:30 this mormineg from |°t Lewis a ; : Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean| Vist " te none errived int’ the Falls sails at 3 o'clock this after- | yesterday afternoon. noon for Anyox and Stewart) wise Dorothy Macdoflald of the whence she will return here tomor- | row evening southbotitid | Government Agént’s office staff % : 7 wm sail tomorrow night on thé | Prince George for a holiday visit fn Vancouver and Nanaimo. | 2 ee Miss Rita Johnston of the Cana- idian National Railways general su- | perintendent’s office staff will sail Mrs. D. L. Jonés, stool teacher ECZEMA, RASHES a OTHER SKIN TROUBLES is paying a brief |’ | Classified Ads | SPECIAL~Goddyéar Tires at lowér| FURNISHED Rooms heated, with prices than any mail order| ©F without board, Reasonablé house. Katén Motors ttd. a tetm, 704 McBride Sréet. tf 52. : om CHIROPRACTIC i _- - ee ~ | HOUSES for Rent, F. W. Hart. Im| MODDERN Stucco House for rent. | Phone Green 378. tf) Front Flat for rént with range.| Apply Smith & Mallett Ltd. tf; ; Bian 1¢ FOR RENT— Modern fiat, Rant | ypeh Evenings Block, Apyly Max Heilbfotiér. tf |* W. C. Aspinall Yhree Year Graduate Chiropracti¢ Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 6 Excnange BIk. ; prevented importations from Uni- 4 For Sale at Vendérdé of direct front “Mall Ofder lees va Psa anes ction, picichit tialins on thant ‘on the Pfifiee Johh tonight for a| SOME choice modern apartments| DAIRIES Dept.” Liquor Control Buard, Vietoriad. B.C. poo Deke ; ; Reis te sharl for rent, Greatly reduced rates,)| — ——— —____ | Retail prices current here at pre- : ew visit to Queen Charlotte Wastivhavér trae tf i sent are as follov . aby | Wdih f. Prien iddiit #e aeannie | FOR RENT—Fully modern new un- For FRESH LOCAL MILK Butter iat sak ft c _ a ot nr ‘aie! Miss Julia Walters, who has been! furnished six-roomed house with Phone Red 608 or 953 Fancy cartoned, lb Dek ‘gies nia, pipe wetenes epee: 38 {spending a holiday here visiting; basement dnd hot air heating. I ; 3} Commission; returned to the : ; No. 1 Creamrey, 3 Ib te oo te Die Contes an with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mi-| for particulars call at Royal Ho- DOMINION DAIRY Flour sata at Sas ny wie eae ,|¢haet Walters, Hays Cove Circle,} tel, tf 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 | Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.95 alias herrea rg on ~— on) will sail by the Prince George to- : i ; : | Pastry Flour, 10 Ibs 45 to 50 CltCta! Business jmorrow evening on her return to EXCHANGE . ne Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs : 40 bau nai ite her nurses’ training duties at the 5 Al ler enjoyable dancé was) : 7 — PASTEURIZED MILK Fish held last night by the Canadian| Vancouver General Hospital. WILL trade firewood fot isasitiokd| * Smoked Kippers, lb os 15 Labor Defence League in the hall} ieiadt. 4, a ae ‘ necessities. Phone Blue 825. 185} IS SAFE MILK Salmon, fresh, Ib 15 on Second Avenue. Music was fur-| i | A als } Halibut, Ib 2 Ibs. 25 /nished by Mienibers of the Teague otel Arriv —————— = th Pager + Casey Caftage Fiiel Co. | WateR, Chock, idvertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor te, DA Oooper ar- | Pho 303 | Jewellery and Optical Control Board or the Government of British Columbia Beef, steak Ib 25¢ to ived in the efty On the Prince! : ne ; : Repairs to Lamb, leg, 2 George this morning froft Vaneor.-| ecia —es See pairs Lamb chops, lb 25c t } f 1 brief visit in fowh. Mr | : jacana c sna oa : Mutton, shoulder, Ib 15 Cooper is a sound eneineer for fh-| ift’s P Lard 324 Th - ‘a Aros aagah B.C we , TwoHW. jaffi. picnic, first grade, Ib 1 maemo Cs te here | SWilt’s Pure Lard— : ird Ave., Pri upert, B.C. CANADIAN PACIFIC eat pane, fet trate, 2 Fleetie Co. ands here| Swifts PuFE La 65e| TYPEWRITERS )j:2 tia ave. rrince rune AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER en Saree en eee ae ee : ‘ton WKN the eculpment) ° Pe Thirty Years Practical Experience P38 ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 pwn.-via Ocean Falls and way ports | Pork shoulder. Ib 15 local Canito! Theatre. Mrs |B. &K patty Flour— 40¢ For Sale or Rént 4 Assures Absolute Satisfaction Ss LO ISE r PRINCES 3 ALICE Saturdays 5 p.m. dit Pork. loin. lb 20 Cooper was formerly Miss Violet | 10+lb. sac ; T'CHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU and SKAGW ny i. ii | Pores leg lt 20) j at én® Hine a niember of! Mavola Off 95¢ Rosé, Cowan & Latta OUR NEW LOW PRICES ration eal) ot write — ge | Pork, dry salt; lb 0 the staff of thé Cariadian Na¥| 4-lb. tin Phone 234 — WILL SURPRISE YOU nai Nala Bs Pts tl ae cence. Specs Sy Ayrshire Bacon, |b nal Railways ity fiékét offiee | . =o Veal, shoulder, Ib Malkin’s Best} sli a - j Apples silos ee Eee? eae f 241. BO Tuesday—#s. Catala .. 1:30 pr.|rhone 313 Cow Bay. P.O. Box 764 a. 252 28 8 ee tin C} Wea—ss. Pr. Rovert ... 9 a.m | Hi ae on Melons, each 35 000 0 EEE Friday—s8. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m 2 cA ie zea stom) The AUCTIONEER aE bees : BLACK FIGS | saturdiy—s8. Pr, George . 7 pm. e ee mer , - aml y per _ Aug. 6—8s. Prin. Charlotte ... p.m.}, Packing — Crating — Wrapping | Pears, do 3S . 10¢ Atig. 13—s8, Prin. Louisé p.m.} and Genera! Furniture Repairs Feea Ib. br Aug. 20—88. Prin. Alicé p.m. List your goods with me Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.75 Heavy Waxed Pap 2r— 90¢ Aug. 27—ss. Prin. Louise p.m} GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 Wheat, Bulkley Valley 1.75 100 feet roll From Varicotiver— Oats 1.70 Saanich Clams—l's 15¢ Sunday—ss, Catala ............... Pm Bran 1.40 r tin Wed.—ss. Pr, Rupert 11:30 a.m A CTIONEER per t Shorts 1.45 Market Crestwood Greatiety 70¢ Friday—ss. Pr. Georgé 11:30 a.m i ae ! B5 Butter, 3 > brick ; j ay eee ad is or List Your goods with us—Prince ariey 09 e Clark's Spawhetti & Cheese 95¢ Ss. Princess elaide p.m Seictt’s leadin# Anctionber. Laying Mash 2.65 Saturday Specials I's, 2 tins Satur»—s8. Pr. Robérf 11:30 a.m ee Oyster Shell 1.90 Hothouse Tomatoes 50c Aug. 15—8s. oan. Alice a.m G. M. HUNT Beef Scrap 2.90 Rump Roast Beef, 5 Ibs 5.16. basket Aug. 22—8§. Prin. Louise a.m me peri a PI Red 637 Ground Oil Cake 3.0 & 10 Ibs. Spuds $1.00 Présérving Apricots— $1 35 Aug. 29s. Pri. Alice. am a Aveé rone Re rine Oat Chops 18 '| Prime Rib Rolled, 4 Ibs. $1 00 per box ae for Naas RiVér afd Port Simpsons | Crushed Oat 1s & 10 Ibs. Spuds 7 Pure Gold Oranges— 95¢ Sundiy— . Catala .. 8 [yang Barley Chop L715 T-Bone Roast, 4 Ibs, & $1 OG) 5 co Ffoiti Nads River & Port Simpsoh— 3 bunches of Carrots . Tuésday—ss. Catala ... 11:30 a.m ‘ Pét Roast of tt I ee a ee Prince Rupert 4 lbs : Friday—ss. Pr. George 3 p.m }} Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs, tt Stifiday- -ss. Catala 8 p.m & 1 Cauliflower $1.00 Alhe a arket From Stewart and Anyox— DRY DOCK ONSIDER the importance of quality, when you Leg of Lamb $1 95 : Tuésday—ss, Catala ... 11:30 a.m . P. GAMULA, Proprietor Satur—ss. Pritt. George ... 6 p.m ; buy lamps. Edison Maeda Lamps — ee ' , spr a | Vifth Street Phone 29% | por Ocean Falls— AND the advantages of every improvement made in lamps oin wt al 25¢ Re or Milnes aie : : % : , : i per lb Monday—ss. ; : since Edison's invention of 50 years ago, They tive she tansy «tall 5 (jc AMON | Fiday—. Prin, Adelaide 10 pm SHIPY ARD you soft glare-frée light ane - ner f 2 bunches of Carrots Cc haa wr dnt} Sut —ss. Pr. George 7 pm ten orb et tea | en nes | icopetyre dee, $1 00 | Wed. an Be Ritp rt 11:30 a.m Operating three Dry Docks the price nary lamps. 8 Ibs. Apples eX | ¢€ | ae See © Bs . re 3 Total capacity 20,000 tons a Pork Chops 35¢ Hote entra ae Z epee 11:30 am 2 Ibs. for ; Limited es 2 ena p.m Shipbuilders Boiling Fowl Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m and Ship Repairers 1 i c : [ "0 % 1 ial. th Covenient to businéss district, Sutur—ss. Pr. Robert 11:30 a.m for Steel and Wood Vestéld a ine Chicker— homelike, beautiful harbor For QtéeH Oharlotte Islands— . we COUPON Vi oan 65¢€ views. Aig. § and 19—ss, P. John 10 p.m.|| Sawntill and Mining Machinery | Cénadian Milk Products Limited, | oud ditieae 3 Rates reasonable, Spaciotis | r¥dni Queéii Chatldtte Islands— Repaired and Overhauled | 115 George St, Toronto : 5¢ sample roortts. Avg. 3, 17 and 31—ss. P. John a.m ; : : Mo +o ron and Brass Castin A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT Pleae send ne free booklet ” Your | 2 Ibs, fot . vhiet claue tare vit Miike z escent “- are 957 — Phone — 957 Open at All Hours Wéd.—ss. Pr. ns : p.m.|} Electric and Acetylene Welding ; ces ; Hotel Central Ltd. : poy oe pe pe -o $0-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts + SS : . &—ss. ‘ § : Early Ad. Copy 1s appreciated NAddrest ey | First Avenue & Séventh Street Aug. 15—s8. Prin. Alice ........ ee Es, ee er gag eT. sae TT iti wt ke Ee nical = ~~, ‘on em tt - or,