1919. TIIE DAILY HEWS. Page 3 ReadCarefulIy These Few Prices J. C. BRADY IS ij OPTIMISTIC AVOID ALUM REAWnur Own Brand" per pound. COc IN FOOD J nP K. C. D per pound COc AS TO FUTURE Keep the stomach well, 13 akin g Powder is one the liver active, the bo web of "the most important ORANGES out nil over. . We have Just received regular, and the bretuh n On Lecture W. E.to Gladstone St. Andrew's He Strikes Society food ingredients. Alum Ju"!v,0r lan? shipment of these very special oranges wiiL be sweet and healthy. a Happy Note. nI! i sell them quick we offer the Great Dig Ones But let poisons or other injurious acids "?ni Tho Smaller Ones at 3 doien for $1.00. accumulate nrr doz. It wa3 an optimistic note that in the digestive organs, are frequently used by BEST JA was struck at the St. Andrew's BICE c mi f 7JJc the becomes SPECIAL ikieaL. system closed, Society last night when J. C. some concerns to lower gases form in the stomach Brady gave a lecture ou the life rELl.ijfy a"w packages for sale, C pounds for 40c and affect the breath. and times of V. E. Gladstone. the cost of production. His vivid picturization of the DANDgP0BuUrNwindow, .......... 3 pounds for 50c Special conditions of life in England Demonstration Going On in Store. Call In Conrecfi when Gladstone was a young man sei many of the audience thinking these conditions with of the great progress that had BIKING POWDER Fuller's Grocery Phone 45 Beecham's Pills. They been made in so short a time and Contains No Alum thus inspired them with for hope sman oc jietn promptly regulate the bodily r uller. the future. It is 3l pure phosphate functions and arc a quick His Appeal. remedy for sour stomach and Mr. Urady spoke of the interest baking powder and is that should be taken in Gladstone guaranteed to bethebest, Bad Brea by a Canadian because he was the first statesman who seemed to purest and most health-fil Storage Batteries House Wiring Lit Sal. of tor Mtiicin. la tl VcU. grasp the importance of the colo baking powder Sold CTerjwherc, la UvxaZZl. nial empire outside of purely material Charged and Repaired in all its branches gain; to the Welshman he possible to produce. While appealed because he lived much Loss of Time Your No Battery Is Being ELECTRIC OIL COMPANY of his life at Uawarden Castle in W. Matthew Williams, in Another Is Flintshire; to the English because Overhauled. of IRONS ho brought that country to the "Chemistry Cooking." says: Always Available. GRILLS TO PROSPECT highest stage of her parliamen "Phosphates are the bone-making Agents For TOASTERS tary power; to the Irish because material of food and Portable RANGES he brought home rule into the CVINBUDE Motors. HEATERS PEACE RIVER realm of practical politics, and to have something to do with CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS the Scotsman because he came of building up of brain and Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES an old Scots family. nervous- matter." REGAL Engines for Concern Controlled by British His Ideals. LAMPS Gladstone was unselfish and Made in Canada Trolling. FLASHLIGHTS Government Asks Exclusive truthful. He his old Th Famous English gave up IS PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS Right on 60 Miles friendships and much that he ENGINE FOR Square. held dear in breaking away from FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, his party and alligning himself ETC. (Special via O.T. P. lel'graphs.) with the Liberal movement in the liiliniIIIIIIiI!i!i!S!!ilIIIll!!Ii!!lliiniHili!ij full line of Electrical Apparatus in stock. Vancouver, April 11. Applica country. He did this because he tion has been made to the Pro recognized that to stay with his Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. vincial Government by the Darcy party meant to be a barrier in the Exploration Co. for the exclusive path of democracy. ' Irhonel2S 'ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 right to explore for petroleum in At the close a hearty vote of Dentistry (S3 the area of the Peace River coun thanks was given the lecturer for try sixty miles square. The Government the interesting and timely ad is considering the request. dress. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! j II. A. 'Harvey and Miss Stevens It was the Darcy Co., through played most acceptably, ilr. , One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your j .S. PRINCE RUPERT which the Imperial Government Craggs sang and a trio by Messrs. Efficiency EE purchased the Persian Oil Fields, Harvey, Waddell and Clapperton s said to be the largest in the world, was much enjoyed. SAILING ! in order to secure them from German influence. The Imperial HEAVY LOSSES FROM ITKUBSDAY for Swanson Ocean Falls, Van Midnight Bay, Government owns C2 per cent of couver, Victoria and Seattle. the stock in the company. TORNADOES IN TEXAS Dr. Bayne WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox., , The request for permission to S. S. PRINCE JOHN prospect is accompanied by an Dallas, April 11. The latest Cueen Charlotto Islands April 17. " offer to pay a royalty of 12.5 per figures show that eighty-six per OFFICE HOURS. cent, to the Provincial treasury sons lost their lives in tornadoes Morning, 9 ToJl2, Afternoon, 1.30 to'5.30,- Evening, 7 to 9 TRAIN SERVICE on the product of any wells. in northern Texas and part of MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ind3ATUROAY at 11:30 l.m. for Sinltners fsmtt Oklahoma. Over 200 were injured Dental Nurse in attendance. Edmonton and Winnipeg, miking direct connections for all point east and south. 'SCANDAL" AT THE and the loss is placed at Phone 109 for appointment over n million dollars. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. EMPRESS THEATRE ' F;ir information and reservations apply.to 4 SYNOPSIS or llllllilllliilllinilllllllllllllllillllllllllllllll IIIIII!IIIIIIIII!III!i!IIIIII!IIIIIi!!!IIIIIIIilllll G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Play Shows Plenty of Human LAND ACT AMENDMENT My Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Interest Dealing With One Pre-emption now confined to surveyea of Frailties. lands only. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes Phone 37 P.O.Box 1704 and which Is land. . non-tlinber If vou want to know what Lois Partnership pre-emptions abolished, lmK.. f ANAniArM PAflW PAHWAV Weber sard to Philips Smaley but parties of not more than four with may and arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, For Comfort, Courtesy Service .vaum un in m nil i niiii iii laniuiina about Rupert Julian, and just how Joint residence, but each making claims.necessary Improvements on respective truo it was, you want to take m ITe-emptors must occupy claims for five and make Improvements to Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points the Empress Theatre this even value years of $10 per acre. Including clearing TJHEJyAVO 6 before and cultivation of at least acres, via Steamer to Vancouver and the ing. receiving Crown Grant, It is not often that three stars Where i -emptor In occupation not F. T. BOWNESS. Mao.f.r Canadian Pacific Railway less than I .ears, and has made proportionate of such magnitude come together improvements,other he may.be because granted Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. of Ill-health or cause, Meals and Berth included on Steamer on their orbits as on this occasion Intermediate certificate of Improvement in the play "Scandal Mongers" and transfer his claim. Records without permanent residence Home Hot and Cold Water and tonight marks an occasion may be Issued provided applicant makes Cooking Running to extent of J00 per annum Lrt, VANCUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Improvements which ought to be taken and records same each year. Failure ' "a l May t, is S3; June 2. tl and SO. to make Improvements or record advantage of. The play is found same will operate as forfeiture. Title 'CR cannot be obtained on thepe claims In KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KAQWAV, ALASKA ed upon a famous novel, wtucn less than E years, with Improvements of 11 R'ir ;t- April 17, and S8i May 8, 1 and 9. deals with things as tney are, ana and 110 per cultivated,acre. Including and residence 6 acres cleared of at is an object lesson regarding the least 1 years. GOOD EATS Crown Grant may holding Pre-emptor necessity for tho strict control of record another pre-emption, if he requires W. c. ORCHARD, General Agent. the "unruly member." land In conjunction with his Second Avenue. farm, without actual occupation, provided yh Street nd Third Avenu.. Prlnc Rupert. B.C. There is also a splendid L-HO statutory Improvements made and Breakfast 7:30 to 9 residence maintained on Crown granted comedy featuring Phil Dunham, Lunch 11:30 to 2 'Unsurveyed not exceeding 10 which is well worm seeing. acres, may be areas,leased as hproesites; Dinner . . , ..." 5:00 to 8 obtained after fulfilling residential title be and Improvement conditions. SHORT ORDERS ALL DAY COAST SERVICE. "A DESERT WOOING" areas For exoeedlng grulng and(40 acres Industrial may purposes,be leased by one person or company. For Vancouver, Tues., 7 p.m.; Sat.,'4 AT THE WESTHOLME PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. The scope of this Act Is enlarged to p.m. Include all persons joining and serving Anyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, with Ills Majesty". Forces. The time WESTHOLME' Mondays, 7 A vouncr society bud. placed on within which the heirs or devisees of a LUNCH n.m. deceased pre-emptor may apply for Naas River Points, Friday a.m. the marriage market by her moth title under this Act Is extended from SECOND AVE. one year from the death of such person, er, the strong, virile western as"formerly, until one year after the .1 Rirnit.v C-an.r.l Acrnt war. This HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. A r . conclusion of the present - , v...-. -a multimillionaire, ana me rascuuy f privilege is also made retroactive. rinHnr. who turns out to be a TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT snake in the grass, form the chief ACT. to Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. Provision Is wade for the grant characters in the photoplay a persons holding uncompleted Agreements Short orders all the time. Specialrates with room'and board. to Purchase from the Crown of a'l he screened I Lipselt, President Harry Liosett.- Manager nnsort Wooinc" o such proportion of the land, if divisible, It is the made will Westholme tonight. as payments already the award Cunningham, Vice-President at cover In proportion to the sale price of h niH. old story of two men ana the whole parcel. Two or more persons but told in such a their holding Interests such Agreements and apply for may a proportionate group fett-Cunningham & Co. fresh way and with an undoubted considered allotment advisable Jointly.to divide If It the Is land not charm. The play itseir win piease covered allotment,by an application an allotment for a of proportionate land BOSTON GRILL all who see it and there is as well of equal value selected from available lands In the locality be Crown may LIMITED a two-reel comedy of a most made. These allotments are conditional 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE Nsq 4S7 of all taxes due the kind, well as a fine upon payment CANNErY laughable as Crown or to any municipality. The EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE rights of persons to whom the purchaser A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. gazette. from the Crown has agreed to FhSNimSUPPlle8' Qas EnBno and Aooeseorles sell are also protected.of Lands In The decision to the of Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. Minister respect I I n ' j TO ARREST DEBS the adjustment of a proportionate allotment DINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 43c. to 50c Deuert at every meal. i t-iiiBB, nouns ana voraaua Is final. The time for making application Short order at any tint. for these allotments Is limited to , PRINCE RUPERT, b. n. (Special by O.T.r. Telegraphs.) the 1st day of May, 1919. Any application Hl. ' made after this date will not be Kfl9 ... Washington, April II, Formal considered. These allotments apply to V Will.. . Prince Ilupert Offlce: imprisonment town lots and lands of the Crown sold papers for the arrest and at publlo auction. v n. c. Telephone No. 05 of Eugene Debs have For Government Information Agent apply or to any to Provincial Advertise in "The Daily News" P. O. Box 1608 been sent out by the Supreme a. rt. NADEN. Court. .Deputy Minister Victoria,,of Lands, a The Paper that gets Quick Results ..jBMasjapjSMalaWaisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss a D