1 Page I THE DAILY NEWS. Saturday Api), COLTS RUN AWAY WITH DRYDOCK BALL TEAM Win Game Last Night With Score of 20 to 8. ft There was a largo and en thusiastic crowd out to. watch the Cqjls baseball team carry away the honors after defeating the Drydock nine at the Market Square stood.20 last night.to The 8. score atlhe close 5 PER PACKAGE The defeated team is expecting to be reinforced before the next game and on that occasion they suggest that there will be another story to tell. The loose play of the lads rep resenting the Drydock was chiefly responsible for the opponents piling up such a big score. Geo. Hill made a home run and two two-baggers. The teams were as follows: Drydocks Fotos, ' Cross ley. Morrison, Lambe, Halverson, E Smith. Havland. Graham and Thompson. Cdlts Hill, Erizzell, Ilobcrts, Martin, Suga, Prudhomme, Currie, W. Mitchell and G. Mitchell. The league standing is now as follows: NAVY CUT Played won lost pet Colt? ... i 3 1 .050 Drydock 3 i 2 333 "Entrance 3 1 2 333 S. Winsby was the umpire. ARETT PRICE OF MUTTON ADVANCES FIVE CENTS BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING Stiffening In Prices of Butter and Pork Flower Seeds are In Demand. With everyone expecting aje-duction in prices, the opposite is occurring. Mutton has advanced five cents a pound and pork is igM cents wholesale and the ra- WATER NOTICE LAND REGISTRY ACT , higher. Butler, too, is higher tailers afe passing, them on to USE AND STOIUGE iSectlons 36 and Ui.) than it was a week ago. The customers nt Inn nnnf.s. He Application Ko. 10.728-1. File 6.134. Gurvichi this of ;',A, ! TAKE NOTICE that radilc Coajt Explo- At time of year course TAkt itOTlCE that application lias been Ihere is a.considerable demand" au0n Co., Ltd.. whose address is Toronto, made to register Thomas T roller, of l'i loco apples are dear.- That was to be for flower sepfN jusi now nnrl mey. apply for. a liceuce to Uke and Situpen, is. c.'f. u. Box 333, as owner in expected. They are how selling b f ,eCond and to store ice under mo Tax Sale Deeds rroia the ansfer are on sale at all the retail gro- U.ooo acre reel or 174,210,000 cubic reel collector or the City of Prince liupert, at $5 a box or from ten to fifteen cers' in town. The JolIosvinK are of water out of Cascade aud Sliver Creeks bearing date the Sin day of December, also Known as draining Lung (streams), 1111, or all aisu biiuiiLAU tnat certain cents a pound. the retail prices for the week:--Meats. Lake and other small lakes In the vicinity I m The scarcity of onions this of the Big Missouri Group, which flows In iug iU(j tetatr in the Lily of i'rlnce liu-: a southwesterly direction and drains Into .rlt uwre particularly known and do Phone Green 548 year has made that commodity Beef, pot roasts, lb 30c. the Salmon Klver about one mile south of scribed as lots forty-four (44) and forty- V rt out nm ! P.O. Box 102 0n;jf Fm.- St mc iiiicriuuvuai me J), UIOCK. UftCeD tl), BeCUOU live very dear. They are selling at Beef, check roast, lb., .,32c to 35c The storage-darn will be located at Long l6. tjj4P v3). You arc required to1 Lake and other small lakes adjacent. The I Beef, rib roast, lb. 37 'Ac. capacity of the reservoir to be created Is Uiuun 35 days from the date of the ser- 1 We Sell Coal Beef, boiling, lb 25c and 30c about 800.000,000 CUhlC fL. and It will ,lce ,m. huUcb luhleh mav be effected : : I nood aDout 400 acre or una. iau rock). By advertising), and your attention U Hamburger, lb. 30c ins water will in J"ertea irom tae stream caucd t0 scciton 36 or the "Land Heglstry SEED '.""VT """ Act'' wun amenuments, ana to the roiiow lb "itewing, 30c or a small lake below, at dam site., and I ,., ,llr.,i ihererrum' Lamb, leg, 45c will be used for power and mining pur and in default or a caveat or certio We handle only two pose upon the mine and for tramways and rate or lis pendens being tiled before THE WEST END For the Garden Lamb, loin v 50c other power lines; described as land' not the registration as owuer or the makes of Pianos; both subdivided, except mining claims. person entitled under such tax sale, Mutton 35c of proved excellence This notice was posted on the ground ail persons so served will noUce, . , Chop Suej Specially Suited for Prince Pork, sausages ...... 30c on the 23rd day or February, "1I8. A .... and those claiming through The copy or this notice aud an application pur or unaer them, and all persons claiming soil. Rupert Tomato sausages 35c suant tnerein ana 10 tne "water -aci any Interest In the land by virtue HOUSE AND CAFE 1914." will be tiled in the office or the or unregistered Instrument, and Heintzman& Co. I ork, leg .... ....... 40c Water Recorder at rrlnce Rupert all any persons claiming any interest In Piano, 912 Third Aver.ur rrrfk For the Pork chops 50c unjecuons to tne application may be the land by descent whose tine i not nird wilh the said Water Recorder or with registered under the or The provisions Weber Piano rUCiL? CHICKENS j ork, shoulder, 35c the Comptroller or water Rights, parlia this Act. sbaU be ror ever estopped THE PLACE FOR Ayrshire ment Buildings Victoria. B. C. within and debarred from SUPPal bacon, sliced, 50c to 00c setting up any LATE HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER thirty days after the first appearance of claim to or in respect or the land so i-uacon, piece, id Go this notice In a local newspaper. Modern Appointments sold ror taxes, and the Registrar shall Prince Rupert Music Store The territory to be traversed Is entirely WW Bacon, sliced, per lb. 60 to 70o mining district and Is unsuitable for any register the person entitled under Rsflnsd PstroMJI ,11am, Smoked, 50c ther purpose. See Mineral Groups, head such tax sale as owner or the land so Opp. Post Office .R. FEED Co. , or Salmon Hlver, Portland Canal. Mining sold ror taxes." P. O. Box 897 Phone! Ham, sliced 55c Division, AND WHEREAS application Has been V, J. Pitman. Piano Dept. The date or the first publication or this cade ror a Certificate or Indefeasible Title Salt backs 40c notice is .ttarcn 8, ivi. i o the above mentioned lands. In the name PHONE 58 Chicken, per lb '. . 50c PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO.. LTD. r Thomas Trotler. P. Q. Cox 333 SOS 3rd Ave. Fowl, per lb 45c By Wm. NnhJp,Applicant.Agent. Itle AJVD it appears WHEREAS that on prior Investigating to the 1 0th day the i uciouer, ivw, (tue date on wnicn tin-aid Pickled I Pork, per lb 40c WATER NOTICE lands were sold ror onrdue taxetj Pianos in Stock Bologna, per lb 30c DIVERSION AND USE. ou FURTHER were tne TAKE registered NOTICE owner that thereof.at the Fred Stork's! Head Cheese, per lb 30c I ntriA ttrns I vuoaa chill a VULtl rrf ICftlfllHHUU i c . SIS n looked ham, per ib. 05c TAVE NOTICE that. E...F. Dubv.. lumber. F.ur?.u.4n?e i such application and Issue a HEINTZMAN & CO. r..... -' t i.eriiiiraiR ni inn.rnfti m. tiiia.. r ih. TOM uiouut.iiurrr, huuh nuurrss is care oi I..V z ,kv z . v LEE CO. Sparc Ribs per lb. 25c Messrs. Patmore & Fu ton. Prince liuoert. ""U3 " l"B. i nomas I roller un- KARN Dairy Produce. B. C, will apply ror a licence to take and ' u ,sit? ana .prosecute the proper ENNIS Hardware use 500 c.s. r. or water out or Union Pref"'n " e,,ui'1UD our cl'm' 840Second Avenue, West. Butler, per lb, 55c and C5c Creek, which nows westerly and drains !ny-'H e .I.am und,, or to prevent such MORRIS iijw jinuu uay aiwui ai Tne wiiCftu or said TrrVn Vi v Butter (cooking) per lb 50c the Land IteirlKrv nmr CLINTON VEGETABLES Cheese, lb 35c The water will be diverted fmn ih rnnce itupert, is. C, this tilli day of DOHERTY irrsi" ai a point wnere union Creek loaves oiirca, iv iv. Wholesale and Retail Eggs (case) coc union i-ake ana will be used ror Dower IL F. MACLEOD. Sold on Easy Terms. line As jaiiu uitiurmsii y inausinail purnoses - ..... S'strlel Registrar of Titles A Complete General Contractors and Strictly new-laid eggs , 70c upon tne land described ninH. i.t i u aii reu uenarou. We ront out pianos Margarine 45c uuiiiucr ivv, i,a9iar tiistrict. Prince Rupert, B. C. Labor; Exchange. by tlio inoQlh as This notice was nntoi nn ih. .n.mrf Fish. r on the 3rd day or April. HID. a copy of " T,,E SUPREME COURT OF BIUTISH low aa 20c. a day. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fresh salmon 25c thereto jiia noiire and to ana th an"Wter application n ion pursuant n.m Columbia.., Piano Tuning Musical Phone 547 P. O. Box 725 Cod, salt, Alaska 15c be filed in the offlce of the Water Record- ,N TIIE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTHA- and Marine Instrument cr a mice jiuoert. u. u. I iiv.i a(,i, Repairing Cod, 2 lbs 35c Objections to the nrmllrallnn m and Cod fillets niea wun tne said Water Recorder or with I1' .,,,fc mattf.r of THE ESTATE OF ..... 15c uiu lAjuiuiroiier or water n rhu Pariia. aiiiiiuii utBAUTtLa. nEi:KASi.'ti i Walkers Music Store Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. 25c ment Buildings, Victoria. B.C. within TESTATE. tri rty aays arter the Orst IAhfc notice that in' appearance of order or Ills Hotel Finnan haddie, lb, 25c this notice In a local newspaper. Honour F. McB. Young, made the stli dav 2nd Ave. Phono Blue 389 Myaer lalibut, lb 25c j r. imiii, Applicant. . . ' ,v,w' ' wa appointed "-j- " nri puuiicaiion or tnis """"v V, ur estate or Artuur ue Herring kippered, lb 15c notice Is April 11, 1919. sautcis, accessed, and all parties having i:' claims airalnst the said pitat.. am ti Hooselfllip Portland Canal, B.C. Soles, lb 10c required to rurnlsh seme, properly verified, Skate, ......... , ... .2 lbs. 25c 1 !. ucluo me tn aay or way, tOlf). and all nanies ihi..iih i iu. J.. E. L. VAUGHAN M. ;it. JAMIESON, Proprietor Oolichans 3 lbs for 25c STEEN & LONGWILL ijie are required to pay the amount or Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb.. boxes 60c iieu- inutruieaness to me forthwith. , Gateway to he faniout '(Buih Mine Crabs, large, ....... 20c to 25c SArilTAn. MnD HEATINQ DATED this juii.h 8th Official 11.day J1CMULLIW,or Administrator.April, lvig. Expert Piano Tuning Painfs I Fruits and Vegetables. and Repairing ' EWOINECK8 IH lilt SUPREME COURT OF HIIITISII Now Open for Business Onions, dry, 10c I.UI.UJIIJIA Satisfaction Guaranteed Lettuce 15c to 20c - IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINI3TRA Bananas -. . 50c and 00c Arjenta for TION ACT. . Leave Orders at Grapefruit (California) 3 for 25c McCLAflY FUHNACE3 rniii l.i i lie, WATTE II OF THE ESTATE (V Prince Rupert Music Store MAPLE LEAfj Grapefruit (Florida) ..2 for 3uc tuwA"us' DECEASED, INTAKE St. James Hotel Apples, per Ib. ...... 10c to 15o HLUMSIKQ TESTATE NOTlHR In r.. in. Phone Black 183 PAIN! Celery . . . 4 , . , 30o end Honour F. Mcll. Vnnnir ciu (LATE "QUEENS") Grapes, per lb 0o SHEET METAL AdrnlriUtrator to the estate. was or Robert appointed Edwards, FIRST CLASS ROOMS carrots, per lb 3e Phone WORKS claims ara deceased,nst th and im all..:,o parties.V havlnj t floglaze Hot and Cold Water. Parsnips, per lb AAc fi, 834 Second Avenu e. rtTi.i.WWl.: .v i - muouih oi tueir in. MISS M. A. WAY Night phone ww.vu..aa yt me inriiiwilll. Lemons . 35o 576 JOHN II. McMULLIN, BJlle of TEACHER music English walnuts 50c and Hlue 270 "lc)il Administrator. t i,it mint DATED this flth day or April. 1019. 309 Second Avenue Australian Currants ....... 30c Th rlaht work, H th rlnht tlm, and iii uiii oui'HEME COURT Taking- with students the syllabus of tL OF Comb honey T 50c at tha rlcht BRITISH FOR ELECTRICAL pro. WORK Toronto Conservatoire of Music, from Go to Figs, per pkt., t.. . . 20o and 40c I.V t THE nN MATTER iri OF THE AnMlNiSTiiA...... ,.w. primary to advanced. Phono Blue 120 it's made s- out )ranges (navel) ..... 35o to 75c nrl Tangerines, doz. ii ilir. WAIJtR IIP THE PflTtTP IV Geo. Waddell Dates (Excelsior)per per box . . 30c 20c DENTISTRY TA'Vffi V&PSPl 'RESTATE, TIMBER 8ALE X146G. Honour F. mcb yo,,V,V . .?,.'ilr i"' Lutes (drom) ,. r ......... . 35c Fre OFFICE Sealed tenders will he received by the 336 2nd Ave. HOURS! Minister or Lands not liter Hum noon on Queen Charlotte .m. to 121 1 130 p. w. to 6:30 p.m. ' the 17th day at April, is 19. ror the pur Hara Islander the ld estate arS herVbiequlred Phones can-lot chase or Licence xiiti, to cut t,400,000 to furnish do belter than mail their DR. J. 8. BROWN on same, properly verified to fiet or Spruce. Cedar and Balsam on an DLACK 367 GREEN 394 or berore UunU tit? day or May. area situated on Hiir Ink. niemlln Day. printing needs to The News Print DENTIST and all parties Indebted to the Kante S, coast District. phnneBlackJ14 Save Money In Lamps. ihop and get the work done Ome.i Emlth Block, Third A,,nu.. 5e.?Vea l0.w to me,h8 forthwith.smount or tliel? In" moval Two or(!) years will tin ellmveri ror re. timber. romplly and well. , Prions 454. lOII.N II, McMULUlV.,. runner particulars or the Chief Forest' nrririai i hii er. Victoria. It c. nr nuiplo. Pnrpster. DATED this 7tu di'yof April,' Ivli. I I'rlnce liupert, B.C. A 18