2. 1910. Saturday,LApriIl :UE DAILY NEWS. Page 6 HALIBUT HAS Daily News Classified Advertising GOOD RECORD GIVEN AWAY EOR SALE At a sacrifice price, LOOK . . DURING MARCH -and on Lewis Island given away hlock of stock in Jasper Park r-tttrT-A-TIVF"." Collieries. , She Tried :V 10 nsnermen with familbs Will be sold in certificates VFwoai Fruit Medicine. Must becomo bona-flde settlers of 500 or 1000 shares. Catch In Advance of Last Year Apply a t Fuller's Grocery, This slock must be sold to clean Carload of In Spite of tho Cold up an estate. or write II. Striethorst, box 508 Phone or apply Storage Tloup. Prince Rupert. tf to Thos. Le Messurier, Prince Rupert Hotel. The halibut sales for the month WANTED. Provincial of March amounted to 1,192,800 FOR SALE Cabinet Victrola No. lbs. This is slightly larger than WANTED Experienced manager aI in mahogany with $25 worth for the same month last year in must be A. 1 grocery man, of Red Seal records.'All in first. spite of the fact thai the Cold for Prince George Co-operative class condition. Special value btorage boats were all tied up. Association, Limited, forward $105.00. The Prince Rupert Had they oeen operating it is references stating where last Music Store, opposite the post FLOUR possible that the catch for the employed and for how long. omce. 85 month would have been half a Must give satisfactory bonus FOR and stale SALE House and two lots. million pounds more. salary expected. P.O. The prices for the month varied box 207, Prince George B. C. odO Taylor St., five rooms on lots 9 and 10, block 27, Section from 14.3 for first class and (l ANNIE WARD MISS WANTED PIANO. Second-hand. o. Apply to owner on premises for second class to 10.5 for first 112 Hazen St., St.John, N.B. Stale maker, price' and terms. "It la with pleasure that I write to class and 8c. for second class. Apply Daily News office box jFOR SALE Hatching eggs, from teflpttof the ffreat benefit I received The sales for the month averaged 240. (84) prize strain barred rocks, and Each sack of Provincial Flour 11.897c. (ram WO use 01 your meuicme, Rhode Island reds. $1.50 per fniMives'. I was a great sufferer WANTED To rent, furnished setting. Atkins Meat Market. will produce fcr miny years from Nervous Head. STEAMER MONTEAGLE house or apartments with sea ' FOR SALE Lots $50 and uo and Constipation. I tried Lia view. Apply Bruce, architect, nerrthine, consulted doctors; but AFIRE AT HONG KONG 4th Street. 87 wards. Will help finance build nolhinf seemed to help me until ing. See my list and terms. Itried'Fruit-a-tiTes'. JENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM F. W. Hart. 89 Well Known C. P. R. Liner to After I had taken,several boxes, I was and partial or full board in u completely relieved of these Fetch Canadian Troops private family. References. Apply FOR SALE Range and heater of Bread because it is milled troubles and have been tin usually From 8lberla. box and other household furniture. 242, Dally News. 87 well eter since." Apply 205 8th Avenue, West. from the higher of hard grade Miss ANNIE "WARD. San Jrancisco, April 12. The WANTED Good maid for gen FOR SALE Tents. Sizes. 'Froit-a tives'Is fresh fruit Juices, C. P. II. steamship Monteagle, eral housework. Family of two. F. W. Hart. Many concentrated and increased In which was requisitioned by th Good wages. Apply box 245 tf wheat itrcnith,comb!nedTrith finest tonics, Government to bring back Cana Daily News Office. tf FOR RENT I tnd is a positive and reliable remedy dian and American troops from Every Sack is Guaranteed I for Headaches and Constipation. Siberia, is reported afire in Hong Bring your furs to Goldbloom, FOR RENT All or port of lower 50c.a box,6 for J2.50,trial size 25c. Kong harbor. Third Avenue, He pays high- floor of our building on Third Atall dealers or Fruit-a-tives Limited, She left Vancouver with pas est price. tf Avenue below Pioneer Laundry, OttiM. . and 4 Xinniln rnnw T I,1 ft t sengers freight several weeks itnwrt'ri v i-i t.j f .mk """kogc, jjiu. o On Sale nniiii,i luuuis gin cubiiier.i - at ago and on discharging at Hong Must add correctly. Apply P, 'FOR RENT Furnished room, Kong was to have proceeded to O box 778. tf close in. Suitable for i Vladivostok. She is a second young All the Grocers lady. Phone Black 504. tf Leading class passenger ship with large WANTED Live delivery man at Springtime accommodation for freight and is the Table Supply. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping usually known as the missionary rooms. Phone Blue ship because of the large number WANTED by business man, room 217. tf of missionaries that travel by her, with or without board, close in, Apply box 243 Daily News. tf LOST T 11 HELP WANTED OST Blue Cameo earring between isn ere In the Letter Box Empress Theatre and GIRL WANTED for bouse work. To Prospective Green Street Saturday night. box 235. tf Apply Finder please phone Black 337. BETTER HOUSES WANTED HELP WANTED FEMALE BUILDERS &C0NTR ACTORS LOST Part of ivory toilet set. Editor Daily News. WANTED Young ladies wishing Will finder kindly return and Sir I notice in your issue of to take a three-year in Get it all Paule Rachmanoff. Bring us your clothes April 9, 1919, a remark about en nursing, write course superintendent Feeling that it is up to us to assist in the Housing movement lady problems. Have your couraging fishermen to make their General Hospital, ARCHITECTS we will quote rock bottom prices on any of the material Edi and supplies handled by us, such as: homes here. Have Mr. clothes made to you, rrince ltupert, u. u., for ap WILLIAM BRUCE, F. E. A. S. A Electrical material of all measure; descriptions, including -Fittings tor, ever been round this city of plication forms and further in Architect, Fourth Street, Prince and Fixtures, Lamps, Wire of all kinds and size. Pipe' to fit,and yours (I suppose you call it formation. 89 possess Rupert. Plans and specifica Conduit, Electric heaters and mantels, Automatic Electric and what kind of ours j seen thst feeling of satisfaction habitations are offered to the FOR SALE tions for public and private Ranges, etc., Galvanized and black iron Steam and Water buildings. tf Pipe and Fittings, Valves, Radiators and Heaters, Pipe orking man? It would require a which comes mightv powerful imagination to FOR SALE 44 acres of good farm MISCELLANEOUS Covering, Wood Stave Pipe, Boechk's Paint, Varnish and from not only land on the Skeena River; 8 Kalsomine Brushes of all kinds. Hardwood Lumber -Oak, being call these kennels houses. Some acres cleared, with good house. HIE NORTON The place for a Ash, Maple, Teak and Gum. Structural Steel and Iron fishermen make their homes here clothed, but dressed. Right at Kwinitsa station. Price shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp Ornamental Iron Work, Fire Escapes, etc. Rex Flintkote but the majority do not, I think $500 cash and the balance of treatment. 210 Fourth Street Roofing the Very Best Made. Manilla and Wire Ropo and that is own statement. Please your $50.0 in one year. Apply to Open 10 a. m. or by appoint Cable. Derrick Castings and Contractors' supplies. look with unprejudiced eye on an Louis Auriol. Kwinitsa. B. C, or ment. Phone 493, tf We also handle Goodyear Mechanical Rubber Goods, the hovels that are offered to Ed. H. Mortimer, agent, Prince including "Extra Power" Belting, Packings, and Hose and houses, then tell me if the ma-Ijority BICYCLES Rupert. B. C. tf Westinghouse Electrical equipment, including Motors, who do not are the wisest, Sweder Bros. WE PAY CASH for second-hand Generators, Transformers and all other Electrical Equipment. 'and do not, once more I repeat OR SALE off Hatching eggs, bicycles and parts. You can Being direct factory representatives, we are able to Gentlemen's you, all our prosperity is the re-.sult C. White S. C. R and Ladies' S. Leghorns; trade your old bike for a new make very attractive prices. of the fish business, we are 300 off I. Reds, highest laying We repair all makes of TAILORS one. getting all this prosperity through strain and winter layers, from Sixth Street no effort of our own, yet as a set the Pennsylvania Poultry bikes of and accessories.carry a large McGowan assortment Prince Rupert Supply Co., Ltd. of merchants that are reaping Farm, Lancaster, Penn. Also ft have & Hanson Cycle and Repair Co. Fourth Street, off Third Avenue. where they do not sow they Indian Runner Ducks. Sutherland Phones 489 and Green 1G6, 139 P. O. Box 772 Phone Black 389 not sufficient horse sense to provide 704 McBride St. tf Second Avenue. tf LAND REGISTRY ACT. decent habitation for the lit 1H (Stctloua u tnd lsii) goose who lays the golden egg. OR SALE Karn Organ, chap C. P. R. FARM Cabins, shacks, slums, of the el model. Six sets reeds, 12 fTUEK,T.n." '""' rue 608. worst description! if this city stops. Just like new. Special C.P.R FARM LAND Choice farms Nn ftnk w' 1Ur- or Prince wants the best class of workers prico $180. Prince Rupert Music in well settled districts in hJm tti ?uc. P fee under a Tax it should provide for the best, attract Store, opposite'Post Office. Western Canada; low prices; HlL'l r ALL AND the best. For, the size of twenty years to pay; irrigated Georgetown Lumber Co. ii "I :n, SINOULAH FELTOL FLOOR COVERING and lands in Alberta, Sunny Southern or bitin!... :r. irct rr lann ...h the city I am sure there are more hovels or so called houses than Congoleum Rugs. Latest designs with loan of $2,000 in PHONES 130 and 423. P. O. BOX 1632 liock at Brochu's Furniture improvements to assist new I have seen !tikL!. 8U V""6)' C1,y in from any the town Atlantic or city to the Pacific, Store, 309 Third Avenue. tf settlers. Act now they are Largest Assortment of Lumber In Central B. C. lh claim fast. For free booklets FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY lu p-TrVj.,;T, ..f?nle" going t I like of old, I the apostles dii. a dsv rmm am FOR SALE Second hand single am speaking that which I have harness parts and 1-ton spring and full information write II. SPRUCE FIR CEDAR G. Loughran, 744 Hastings St., seen, anyone who doubts my statement, wagon. Pacific Cartage, Ltd. 1 Mia .iS,i.?.?r he Land netlstry Vancouver, or Allan Cameron, Consult Us. all I can say is that eyes they have but see not. FOR SALE Bicycle in good condition. General Supt. of Lands, 987 1st rJXttto "be " a vea i or certlncate (Mrs.) CLARA WATSON. Phone Blue 92. (87) St., East, Calgary. r "utb uiLt? ll perion entitled .ii K notice, Persons so served or undPP .k' lna ,nse claiming- LJ0 "LI?9 land by virtue IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES ,1",ruuient, ind all o .U 2fs.U2uan,J",i,u reslstered A it e"orped nrtH ',hl' Aet. "all be I 1 rr's "M ref it-, -f wJe, and tti n. IV" " been Id! PPear that J?1 lnvetlMtln the ah .fifig, 3- y PtOi. Take K;r-."""er tuereor. jjg oiti.. ii on r Drevpnt siif.ii "C7 ,QOT omce. ,? F MAPI Pftn ve'. U. C. Von ,.... and '.uve SOmethlnn. i.. ...i i l,nre than V" J ;rhn' l?!..oUer papW "w sen it.