Pago 6 TI1E DAILY NEWS. Saturday, April 12 NEW SCHEDULE OF G. H. Arnold i! Local News Notes j 500 Dozen Strictly TEACHERS' SALARIES PREPAREDNESS NOTARY PUBLIO Enid Bennett in "A Desert Fresh Eggs Fifteen Per Cent Added to Rates Wooing," Westholme tonight. : Paid In tho City of ir you need lot to build your Ghas. n. Sumner of Surf Inlet Vancouver. home on we thltik lot 18, block 5, is among 'lie visitors in the city. between At the school board meeting section 5, on Firth Avenue Just arrived. Fulton and McBride would be jour 700 tons New Wellington coal last night the teachers' salary logical neighborhood,selection. It level Is In and in eicel-lent flush Just arrived. Phone your orders EXTRA SPECIAL schedulo was completed. Tho with roadway; has sewer connection, to 116 or 564, Albert & McCaffery, school teachers in Prince Rupert beautiful mountain and some Ltd. tf While they last will receive an increase of 15 per marine view and is close In. The - cent, plus a war bonus of $150, price Is I7S0.' Reserve me the 7lh for the Oddfellows' Oc against Vancouver's $100 war Are You Prepared with Your ftp, masquerade ball, Prizes bonus. They will get credit for for best costumes. Invitations four years' service plus the war Outfit Per Dozen H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. only. It bonus as follows: Insurance-Real Es'ate Vancouver's Schedule. 216 Sixth St., Priace Raperl, B.C. Launch Alice B. ready for gen ARRIVING MONDAY First year, 780 per annum (this eral passenger service. Fishing is the wage paid to unexperienced FOR EASTER and picnic parties. Prince Ilupei t Louisiana strawberries, the teachers); 2nd year, $840; 3rd Boathouse. tf first of the season, also year, $900; 4th year, $960; 5th lettuce, Florida tomatoes, For Sale which The arrived Union from steamship the south Venture last Illinois green cucumbers,onions, parsley,asparagus, year,7th year,$1,020;$1,140;6th 8th yea,year$1,080;and Our store is prepared with many attractive iu-iy-to-y night is due to arrive here south artichokes, etc. succeeding years $1,200 per an garments for ladies, and recent shipments have sdudto bound at 4 p.m. num.Prince Rupert Schedule. a fine showing of Costumes, Dresses, Blouses, Kcckvear Five-room house and furniture, The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Table Co. Prince Rupert will follow the and so on. ' Section Six, $1,850.00; G. A. Taylor of Port Essington, Rupert Supply same schedule as above except Good lot, Section Five, ?250. died at the General Hospital on that 15 per cent will bo added o One-fifth cash, balance five Thursday, April 10. the above amounts. It has also dollars per monthi been decided that all teachers An express shipment due on The taming of Mr. Cactus Eat shall receive credit for four years 16th will END OF WORLD IS the bring us a fine Seven-roomed house for rent er in "A Desert Wooing" at the plus tho $150 war. bonus. $20.00. Westholme tonight is full of NEAR SAYS HOWATT ' Manual training instructors showing of laughable situations. and domestic science instructors Victory Bonds Bought at will receive a 15 per cent increase LADIES' Highest Prices. See "Scandal Mongers," a great Canon of Holy Trinity, Hamilton, as will also 'he principal of the society play with three stars, Says King George Will Place public school. All teachers are adapted from the famous novel Crown at Feet of Christ. allowed to work up to a maximum SPRING COATS. McCaffery, Gibbons "Scandal," at the Empress Theatre of $2,160 after eight years' service. tonight only. (Special via o. T. i". Telegraphs.) Wait for them & Ltd. Hamilton. April 12. That the High School. ' Doyle, Launch "Pr6vincial" leaves for end of the worjd is near and tha J. C. Brady has been advanced Insurance - Real Estate Stewart and way points every King George will probably have to $2,700 plus the war bonus of iTiday morning at 6, carrying the honor of placing the crown of $150, and Miss McLenaghen, $1,-CS0 Our Shoe Department is well equipped with 'Qren Prince Rupert, B. C. mail, passengers and freight. the British Empire at the feet of plus the same bonus, making Quality," Empress, and other leading muke, of Phone Red 391, A. Swanson. tf Christ, for which honor his grandmother, total of for a $2,850 per annum fine Shoes, Oxfords, etc. A sale' of work, home cooking, Queen Victoria, had prayed J. C. Brady, and $1,830 per an- so reverently, were statements r t 1 home-made candy and flowers uum ior miss xucijeuagusn. made by Rev. Canon Uowatt las1 I I STEPHENS will Church 16, from be held hall 3 till in Wednesday,6 the o'clock.Presbyterian Tea April will night a in large an address audience delivered in the parish before SEAL COVE RED CROSS H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. hall of Holy Trinity church. NOTARY PUBLIC be served during the afternoon. DANCING AND CARDS - FISH ARRIVALS The G. E. Foster owned by the zmsa FOR SALE Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., There were five fish arrivals Enjoyable Evening Spent at Schoo Lots 11 and 12, Block 16, Ltd., with Capt. E. Sanderson in this morning, one being halibut, Houso and S25 Raised Section 5, corner Tatlow and' charge .arrived home last night the Kodiak, with 20,000 lbs. for Society. Special This Week The salmon sales follow: Sixth Ave. On sewer, etc.; from her fishing grounds in the While not as well attended as Hesquiat, 200 pounds, to 'he Hecate Straits with a catch of Price only usual the whist drive and dance 25,000 lbs. .of ground fish. Royal Fish Co., at 17.1c. for reds $2,000.00 and 4c. per lb. for the whites. at the Seal Cove school held las on terms of $500 cash, balance Provincial Government Employment Gosnel, 1,600 lbs. ol reds and night under the auspices of ths Blinds, Curtains, payable monthly on Bureau and Soldiers' 400 lbs. of whiles, making a total Seal Cove Red Cross proved a payments to suit purchaser. Civil Re-establishment; temporary of 2,000 lbs. at 17.1c. and 4c. to most, enjoyable event. As a re Curtain Rods, Sheets, Look at these lots and own ofllce 621 Second Avenue, the Pacific Fisheries, Ltd. sult some $25 was added to tho your own home. There is Prince Rupert. Employers having The Glen, 500 lbs., and Scout, funds of the society. Pillow Towels plenty of room here for two vacancies for men and women in 300 lbs., sold at 17.1c. for reds, 'The whist prizes were won by Slips, or three good cottages. clerical, factory, domestic or and '4c, for, whites to the Booth Mrs. C. Knightall and Geo. Acker-man, should apply to above Fisheries, Ltd. while the consolation prizes -Phone 553. tf The sale of the catch of tho went to Mrs. Vigor and Geo. Hill STORE M. M. Stephens Kodiak will take place tomorrow There were two raffles, one for MIE FURNITURE The Prince Rupert Music Store morning. a silk camisole donated by Mrs LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE has received a new shipment of George Ferguson, and won by SECOND ST. AND THIRD AVE. guitars, mandolins, Ukuleles and PORT ESSINGTON George Ackerman, and a toy cat violin outfits at reasonable prices, The Port Essington branch of given by Mrs. T. H. Johnson and z: also a consignment of the latest the Canadian Red Cross Society won by Bobby Bodie. popular songs, Victrolas and Vic during the year ending March 31 Music for the raffles was pro SeamlessWedding Rings . tor records. Do not forget the have raised from all .sources tho vided by Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker, There's a difference in address, opposite the post office. sum of $1,333.48, which has been Stewart Steele and Geo. Crate, Lau: chAliceB. Phone Black 183. 87 expended as follows: For Wool, wedding rings. Some are rolled out in strips and joined CHEQUES LOST $358.68; to general fund, $126.00; VALHALLA fa th" Sit Lakes after bending.- French Red Cross, $323.85; Brit ish Red Cross, $100.00; Canadian Valhalla will hold a Necktie Some are cast in a' mould, General FV'.i:'jer Service. NOTICE Is hereby given that payment which may leave the gold has been stopped on certain cheques lost Red Cross, $125.00; Prisoners of Apron Social on April 17lh at 10 HunliiiJ, Fukicl ai rnursion tumor, yueen unanoue islands, War, $191.00; Soldiers' comforts, ). m. in tho K. P. hall. Scandin and Pknic Pari"' porus. U. -C, on March 7th, 1919, which ' Our., are hammered from cheques were ill awn by the Imperial Munitions $6.00, leaving a balance on hand avians and friends aro invited litard the Bank on or Montreal, one solid piece by a patented Vancouver, marked "Thurston Harbor Account," of $102.95. Ladies bring neckties and aprons J. Iviyhill Jones endorsed "I." or "Ivor Lucfcen," Four hundred and Dancing. machine which produces a particulars of which are as follows: seventy-six Swv Boilhouie without vta niarcn isi, jonn varmeics. . . pairs of hand-knitted socks have perfect ring a seam tr4H 063 March 1st, James Frew 98.75 Anyone interested in tho forming - and of a hard, even texture 950 March 1st, Ivor Luckcn 79.38 been sent away during the year, of a mondolin and guitar band 910 February 1st, C. Petersen.... 91.25 vvhffih will keep its polish 897 February 1st, W. Qulnllck..., 88.75 Read Fuller's adv. in today's phone 497 or Blue 433, or call and will not wear away 013 08 February February 1st,1st, John J. Lurken Allgrcn. ... . 97.96.01 U issue and phono 45. tf Mr. Harvey's Music Studio, 225 quickly. Finders will please return to the underlined: Second Ave. 89 From now on all our BIND, MACDONALD & CO., A fine 2-recl L-KO Komedy at wedding rings will be made Barristers, Vancouver.etc., 901 Metropolitan I). C. Dldg-. the Empress Theatre tonight Ladies! Buy this way. They cost no more Come and have a good laugh and than the others. drivo those cares away. The Value of Good rings usually run from 86.00 to $10.00, according For Your Rose McCoy and Mina Roberts the Perfect to weight. .were brought before Magistrate Good Glasses McMullin this morning in the JOHN BULGER, JEWELER police court charged with tho theft Shoe! of two hundred dollars from Julius Johnson. Tho case wa3 adjourned have a value only to GLASSES !until 2:30 this afternoon. they represent the skill PLASTER I or your optician. ' Costs you no more than the ordinary THE j E. M. Jacobs, one of tho original kind, and when properly fitted will twice CEMENT ;inhabitants of Prince Rupert, arrived all Important thing- 1 that give you THE the comfort, 'service and homo on Wednesday after correct and overcome the ap- x ECONOMY STOR E being in France over a year with derects that cause visual trouble pcarance, and dlscomrort. Nothing else will Building .the 13th C. T. R. Ho was engaged satisfy. No other standard Is high The "Classic" Shoe Phones 18 and 36 on construction work near Hazel-iton enough. 417 Cth At., E. Materials and received his discharge in for Ladies and Children in jVanconver before coming north. the worin of your high cut, Oxfords and SAVE MONEY Ho formerly took prat in the MEASURE by what thoy donot Pumps, in all styles and COME TO Phlllipino campaign with the by what they arc. widths By laying- In a (food stock of noyal American army. Crown and Oolden West Soaps at Albert & Lid. wo make" McCalfery, glasses, It U once, whllo we can let you have In preparation' for the international WHEN a deliberate-and careful packages containing- 0 tablets each for 2 Sc. Phone 116 and 564. football match which will examination, estimating accurately bo tho amount of the defect, and In future these soaps will be played on Good Friday between grind. Ing the lenses to cancel and eliminate packed In cartons containing- only Ofllce, Second Avcnuo, Next representatives of England and ,lt. c4T- i tablets for the same price, so Westholme Theatre. Scotland, there will bo a practice thrifty, rar-scelng- customers will this afternoon on tho exhibition see the wisdom or buying now and thereby effecting a saving or 38 grounds. The football league, er cent. whoso games were of such interest Como in and See WE AWAIT YOUR ORDERS before the war, will be resumed, For Sale. Small Building and any football players Fred Joudry in tho city will be Mussaflem welcomed at Grocery Company on Third Ave., facing Second St. me pracMces, Practical Optometrist' LTD. Third Ave. . . Prince Rupert West Apply, P.O. Box 774 Third Ave., Awnings. Cheap and Perfe. Oppoult Pott Offlc Agent, J. F. Maguire, Phone EGG.