Page 2 THE DAILY HEWS. Monday, April 10m The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA - Linzey's Grocery For the EaL Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 216 6th AVENUE WEST trdays at 9:30 a. m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Opposite the Rink From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: lays at 5U5 p.m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c At By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Tuesdays 5 p.m. Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. Your Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. Sundays 10 p.m. Service Vedncsdays 10:30 a.m. Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, DAILY EDITION. Monday, April 14, 1919. at'9 a. m. Forget Politics For Anyox: FIRST QUALITY Sundays 10 p.m And Work Together. Wednesdays . . 10 m "It is lime that the people of Alaska forgot politics for a PHONE 536 p. while and went earnestly to work for the purpose of restoring From Anyox: satisfactory business conditions." That was the advice given to Tuesdays am the' people of Juneau by Andrew Nerlan'd formerly mayor of Fairbanks, Salvation Army. Thursdays "p.m a? quoted in the Alaska Daily Empire. The advice is so For Port Simpson and Naaa Rivet timely that we pass it on to the people of British Columbia as Public meetings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. points: here. equally applicable ii. Sundays at 7:30 p. in. Sundays 10 p.m There is no intention to suggest that the people here have been playing politics, for that seems to be the last thing most Never forget to look through From Port 8lmpson and Naas At tho Empress Theslre tonight people have been thinking about of late. So far as we have been tho classified list on Page 5. River Points: able to discover, Prince Rupert people have had all the politics Tuesdays p. rn they want for a few years and are now thinking about business. Queen Charlotte Islands: At the same time it is dilllcult to let pass such an interesting For Massett, Port Clements and McGOWAN & HANSON bit of advice, particularly when the man who gave it was formerly Upper Island points: a politician himself and a member of the territorial legislature. Vor Skidegale. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points Unite to Advance PMNCE- RUPERT ASSESSMENT anuary 23, Feb. 0, 20; March 0 Cycle & Repair Co, Our Own Interests. DISTRICT. 20th, at 7 p. m. Everyone should take a keen interest in the public affairs of the province, and that is politics, but public affairs must give way Revision.NOTICE and 13 hereby Appeal, riven under that the t provisions Court of 7rom Masset, Port Clements and Repairs of All Kinds of the "Taxation Act" and the "Public Upper Island points;. sometimes. Just now we are more interested in the affairs of schools Act." respecting the assessment From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Prince Rupert than of anything else, for it is ah important juncture roil ror tne prince itupert Assessment uis- inct ror tne year ivtv, win oe neia at City and Lower Island points in the life of the city. We can unite on everything which ltunert.the Provincial 11. C on Assessor's Wednesday,OIDce,the J3rd Prince day anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar, Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Graphaphonet, will advance our own interests. The better we work together the or April, ivtv, at 10 ociock in me lore 11 and 25th, a.m. Guns, Sharpening & Grinding, Keys made, more we are likely to increase our own prosperity. noon.DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C, April Lock's Fixed, Stoves Repaired, Stove Pipe There is evidenced everywhere a desire to work as a unit IS!, iviw. juii.i uiuiiAvn, For Skagway and the Yukon. Judge of Court of Revision and Appeal, anuary 27, Feb'. 8 and 22 9 a. m for the common good. Wo are making progress. There may Soldering of All Kinds NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT From Skagway and Yukon. come times when we shall be divided on public questions, but in 'cbuary 1 and 15 a. m. Now ready for business, with full supplies, at the all -that concerns our own welfare we should stick together. We NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant Hanson to the -Revised statutes of British Colum Harry Plumbing Shop have all the rest of the country in competition with us.. For years bia," Chapter 13, intituled "An Act Respecting Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp we have been held back, largely through unhappy divisions at Creditors,"Assignments and amending for Acts,the and Benent known of Point. 139 2nd Ave. - - - Prince Rupert and cited as tho "Creditors' Trust Deeds .lose Jan 31 ; Feb. 14, 28, 10 pm home. By showing a united front we are likely to make an impression Act," John It. Realty or the City or Prince Arrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd Phone 489 Rupert, Province or Brlllsn Columbia, has on the outside. Unity of purpose combined with plenty this day made an Assignment on the 3 1st of vigor will carry us a long way. aay or or the Aiarcn,City ivtv,or Prince 10 ueorge Rupert,w.Province muter-son A number of people have ad I or British Columbia, or bis real and personal 'erlised furniture for sale in this Grain Westward credits and effects, which may be seized and sold under execution for the paper and they have had 'dozens Via Prince Rupert. tirr.cfl t or bis Creditors. of customers result. Some Phono Black 183 Phone Black 1S3 A meeting of the creditors will be held as a There is a good deal of discussion going on in regard to the at the office or Messrs. Fisher and Warton, people want to keep their furni Pianos, Stringed Instruments, Besson Band Instruments, suite I, smith Block, Prince Rupert, B.C., hauling of grain westward instead of eastward. It is declared on on weanesoay, tne ism aay oi April, imv ure. They do not advertise. Sheet Music, Latest Popular- Songs and Dances at the hour or 2:30 o'clock P.m. to re no less an authority than Grant Hall, vice-president of the G. P. ceive statement or affairs and ror the general ordering: or the estate, and you Prince Rupert Music Store R., that the western route is feasible. He means of course the are bereby notified to attend either in person or by representative. western route by way of the C P. R. All claims must be died with the under WILL EDMU.NDS. I'ropnot -OPPOSITE signed, verified by statutory declaration, POST OFFICE If the western route by the G. P. R. is feasible, how much and to entitle any creditor to vote, bis Repairs to all kinds or stringed Instruments. Flute and claiioeu rcjuMH claim must be filed onor before the date and adjusted. Bows rehalred and rerapp:d. more must the Grand Trunk Pacific route with its low grades be or the meeting. of Music In Connection with Store Prince Rupert Academy And rurtner take notice mat on ana a profitable way of getting the grain off the prairies. All northern arter the 16th day or April, 1910, the said Alberta, at any rale, should send its crop through this city and assets assignee of the will insolvent proceed amongst to distribute the parties the WATER ACT, 1914. then to of the Panama entitled thereto, having regard only to RIPARIAN IUOHTS Europe by way Canal. The difference in claims of which he has then received no tice, and that be will not be liable ror the NOTICE Is hereby riven tha: under the distance from here over Yuncouver by he water route is not said assets or any part thereof to any provisions or section s or mo water Act Hotel Prince Rupert enough to make any appreciable additional cost, whereas the easy shall person not or have persons been or received whose by claim him at notice the any 1014,ngm every to riparian aivert water proprietor or to claiming tne exclusive GOAL grade of the railway is a very material matter. above last mentioned date. use or water for any purpose by dated at tne city or prince nupen. virtue only of bis being such riparian proprietor EUROPEAN PLAN Province or British Columbia, this 3 1st is required on or before the first i Screened Small Margin of day or March, it 19. day or June, 1020, to file a statement of 51.50 per day and up. Safety in War. claim setting forth the particulars of his .Sncked Assignee. claim. Such statements of claim sball be The margin of safety in the . .war was so smell that ever so filed in duDllcate with the Water Recorder FIRST-CLASS CAFE Delivered MINERAL ACT or the Water District In which the water slight advantage might have changed the whole political aspect is diverted or used. A La Carte. of the world. The report of Sir Douglas Haig confirms the belief Arter the first day of June. 1920. no Certificate of Improvements. right to divert water or to the exclusive that has been held for some time, that the Allies were very nearly use or water ror any purpose sball exist $13.00 beeten in at least one stage of the war. What would have been NOTICE by virtue only of any ownership of land. f orms or statement or ciaim can be on. the result had tho Kaiser and his hosts overrun the world it is "Red Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate alned from the Water Recorders of the difficult even to surmise. n the JNaas River Mining Division or Cas several Water Districts In the Province or per ton rom tne comptroller or Water Rights, par District. The more we look back at the days when the Allies were being Where located: On the Kltsault River. Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. Dated at Victoria. B.C.. this nth day driven from city to city and" when the Hun was carrying near take the notice big Canyon.mat Lewis w. Patmore, ui m arm, iviv. Coal Co. everything before him, the more we feel indebted to the men who 'ree Miner's CertMcale No. 20,407-C, act-ng T. D. Minister PATTULLO,of Lands. as agent ror oie Pearson, Free Miner's did the. fighting for us overseas. Their's is the triumph and the Certificate No. 14.157-C. Intends, sixty OfflCS Phons, satisfaction that comes from feeling that they were instrumental days from the date hereof, to apply to the MINERAL ACT. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Yard Phom, Black 5" Mining necoraer ror a certificate or im-rovemenls, in saving us from the crushing heel of the Beast of Berlin. ror the purpose or obtaining Crown Orant or the above claim. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. WATER niGHTS BRANCH And rurthcr take notice that action, under Section 85. must be commenced NOTICE. "WATER ACT 1914." before the issue of such Certificate of Little Joker, Mineral Hill, Midas, Look- improvements. DATtO this Mil .'.JW.V.J, HIUB. MBKO ritWl IH f lib I.ATION OF RESERVE OF WATER. day of February, A. D, UNf-FI lonal Mineral Claims, situate in the Port and Canal Mining Division or Cassiar District. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ills Honor he Lieutenant Governor or umisn uoium National Grofl Special This Week MINERAL ACT Where located: On the East Salmon iiv rminril nti with linn hppn the advice nloAsed of to his order:Esecu mver vaney. that Dursuant to the provisions of TAKE NOTICE that I, A. II. Orcen, act- LimiuJ Certificate of Improvements. ng as agent ror L. Watklns, F. M. C. No. ,ett:on 50 of the -water aci, ivi" uema NOTICE IS319-C; C. D. Carter, F. M. C. No. 9,588- hapter si or of me the aiaiuici unrecorded oi ii.waters uui oi Corner SMh :; It. M. Martin, F. M. C. No.- 9,587-C; If. he reserve to Creek, established pursuant Blinds, Curtains, J. Felter, F. M. C. No. 9.597-C: II. E. irrura the on Ho. nlartr Rear" XHnoral rllm .ifn.i. in Carlton, F. M. C. No. 9,598-C; Martin )rdcr In Council 08, approved Groceries the Naas Mining Division of Cassiar Dls- Welch. F. M. C. No. 9.SS9.C. Intend, alilv 7th day or January, iviv, ue cauceiiuu. High Class DATED this 17th day of February, itV. inci. uajo i rum i no una nereor, in apply to tne Curtain Whpre lAPAlpd fin fh vifiaui. 1, U. t'A 1 I ULUU, ni... Rods, Sheets, Mining Recorder ror a Certificate or Improvements, Minister of Lands. Meats near tho big Canyon. for the purpose of obtaining TAKE NOTICE that John 11, McMullln, a crown urant or tne aoove Claim. Fruits Official Administrator of the Estate of And further take notice that action, un. Pillow Slips, Towels Charles Swanson, deceased, intestate, Free der section 85, must be commenced before Confectionery miner a leruucaie no. i.Bgg-c, Intends, tne issuance or sucn Certificate of Improvements. sixty days rrom the date hereof, to apply and Bakery u mo Mining necuruer ior a certificate uaiea mis sin day or March, A. D. 1919, of Improvements, for the purpose of ob A. II. OnEEN. niiuiiH a 1.1UW11 uraui ui ine aoove Claim. , irrrifTlOK BARRIE FURNITURE STORE under aiiu luruier Section iaae 85, must nonce be mat commenced action, QUEEN tinct CIIAnLOTTE uiarmgT ISLANDS of skeena.LAND Dis ORDERS CET ttamj i"uu ui bucu certificate or iiil'i uvruiciiva). TAL'R nntli-a that Tk. c DATED this 5th dav nt r.h.n... . n I limhpr l?n I f1 jif .tt. rum.... fi r CANCELLATION OF RESERVE second st. And third AVE. 1919. " h.u., ua iaaaaicii,, .1. occupation saw mill, Intends to apply for 1I1UIU1 permission to lease the following described notice is itEnrnV oiven that the re- MINERAL ACT lands: erve iilillnir nvpr vacant Crown Land In commencing at a post planted at the Dm vliMnttv nf i hnlii.lla lilvpr Ilanite 4. ' . PIlOBATt i northeast corner or Lot 8, Block 45, post Coast District, by reason of a notlco published Certificate of Improvements. or subdivision of DM. Lot 745, thence. In the British Columbia Oatetto of the svrwv& 0 ft fhalna limn.a m..i a n NOTICE v v Hlbtivo VGO. all ucKrcri 86th May, 1910, Is cancelled. south to approach or Government Wharr. u II. J.naJCii, UC1II.W uuiutriijr aiuiia saia approacn oi Deputy Minister of Lands. 1lt ACT ..A ITU 1 Launch AliceB. "Red Point Extension" mineral claim. Government Wharr to northwest corner of Department of Lands, ttSCV1' "mi." of.tric" ,Uver Mlnln DlvU10D Lot t, Block 45, thence easterly along the Victoria, D. C, MATTEIJ r KBieriruii. ui iota I, . a, t, 5, C, 7 and 8, (lib March, 1919. M 18 for the Salt Lakes Where lnmtpii iHn th iuD...i" block 4 5 to place of beginning. tt? ; .... near the big Canyon. ntnuiLAiic nrnuuE LUMUEII CO., LTD. f la A M at wAh a A J A a TIMBER SALE X160S. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Honour F. TD l"'i of n. v Free Miner's Certificate No. JuVaOT.C act' General Passenger Service. Certificate NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Sealed lenders will be received by the v1 ' , Hunting, Fishing No. U.UB.C. Intends, sixty Minister or Lands not later than noon on days from the date hereof, to,apply to NflTtrp 19 urnrnv .,.. ... the ' .......... . nnrrw .v. Im Kill rlnv nr Anrll 4010. tnr the DUT ua a c.i ina, iiid ic and Picnle Parties Mining Recorder ror a Certificate of im-provements, erve existing over Lot 418, Queen Char, chase or Licence V1605, to cut 1,939,000 . ror the purpose cr obtaining lotte Islands, by reason or a notice pub-l.shed feet of fir and cedar on northerly portion verincu, A.- (9, m And further In the B. C. Gazette on the 80th Of of Lot 831, South Bentlnck Arm, Range of. April. ,,l. elli J. Myhill Jones under Kocllnn take ll mi,..notice a,.that actlch July, 1908, Is 'cancelled. Coast District. dthiea '"'. their , u. u, nADtn, Two (Si lean will be allowed for re S wanton's Botthou.e Deputy Minister of Lands. moval of timber. ,ands Department, Fur her art of the Chief rorcsier, Victoria. B. c, Victoria. B. C. or District Forester. I'rlnce tnu till March, 1919, M 13 liupcrt, D, C, Dated