¢ ie a Chancellor of The Excheque% "all ey, Vol. XXIII, No. 183. —_—_—_— Ohe Daily W rivs ~o Bees NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINC E RUPERT, B.C. SATURDAY, RDAY, AUGUST 6, 1982 1932 ee appearance, Rt t 63 looks Exchequer has since the ‘90's. With him is J. H. Thomas, Dominions whose middle name i breezy not Doubting.” anada-New Zealand i ine ors aut Enthusiastic As To es yhamberlain a life of service. The chancellor of the e close pared down extreme ad- |vances in some instances substan- | tially. Conference Outcome BOATIS ings Certainly Look Much Better Than Last Week” is Vay One Puts it—Coates and Others of His Dele- i of egarding Outlook — Hopetal ® . s Alaska Vessel Prince of Wales i Stranded Near Alert Bay and Leaking Badly TAWA, Aug. 6:—Canadian circles are very optimis- sult of conversations during the past two days | lelegations to the Imperial economic conterence, | rtainly look much better than they did last week | time,” was the way one of the Canadian official: ALERT BAY, Aug. 6:—The 87- ton Seattle motor vessel Prince of Wales, plying between Ketchikan and Seattle and owned by Dr. L. P. Daw of Juneau, ran aground ten miles north of here early yes- Canadian circ witnessed by a| terday and is badly holed, taking statement yesterday by Rt. Hon. J considerable water. OCKS IN G. Coates head of the New Zealand Nine passengers and the crew will be| of 18 are safe. delegation The ynferenc ADVANCE. ucces declared Mr. Coates in An attempt will be made to re- peaking at a luncheon party yes- : float the ship this afternoon. % Nor is the optimism confined to iay I can say W : th more York Market Strong Yesterday confidence than on the opening y day ANADI ANS though Reduced Later By f the conference. That the gen- Profit Taking eral opinion of the Ne w Zeal and | =. = ae ORK, Aug. ' —_———— ASHORE sad LOGAN 1S | Willie Spence Only Canuck to Sur- push. quotations highet vive Preliminary Swimming cainidngs bereay Heats—Australian Girl ‘Teme gains 0! , CONDEMNED Breaks Record per share | i imbet | — | LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6:—Willie was near the | |Spence of Montreal was the only 1es on lighter volume of Canadian Senator Comes in Fer Canadian to survive the prelimin- ’ Criticism in Report of Royal irv rounds of the men’s 100-metre Commissioner | free style swimming event at the eather Conditions OTTAWA jaa: pel anther emna n of Senator Hance Logan iminated . . f Amherst, N.S., was made by Chief | In Interior Drier Just urvey of Alberta in his re-|¢ieg in the 200-metre breast stroke, the Gypsum Queen case Dot Prior and Janey Shearer being rhe repo! to the government!poth eliminated. Claire Dennis of nquiry into war repara-| australia set a new Olympic record yment of more than $171,-| winning her heat in 3 minutes 82 ; made to Capt. Free- ole owner of | " | Olympic Strong con- nsistent Rains of Several Weeks pave Terminated, Forest Branch Is Advised seconds n Hatfield, alleged throughout I n was solicitor for | tral interior have been very ated the past seule od d an H te a i | Harvey finds that Father Webb Back wing pretty consistent rainfalls . : In Prince Rupert everal weeks, it was stated this ing at offices of the Forest oa fires have, however, kmarine ! in| Father Webb OMI . lost through ordinary) annunciation Church, arine peril as ht on the Princess Adelaide SOR See » the ore ence of Hatfield is not Poets or brm He was hurriedly known. He did not appear at the! ..mmoned there last week to a new assignment in Saint Benedict's parish in that city The orders calling him away from Rupert at this time have been changed, so Father Webb will con- Summary tinue to look after the interests of 21,000 pounds, 5c and the local church until other im- portant matters affecting the Ca- \tholic diocese are definitely settled | A ther condition the evidence “indubitably” estab- lishes that the Nova Scotia vessel | destroyed as alleged | had not been action in pastor of returned by Germal 1915 but was LIQUOR AND RACING + MONEY COMING SOON # !™aulty + 4 Halibut Landings VICTORIA, Aug. 6:—Muni ‘ipalities of the province will ¥ receive their share of liquor # Profits and motor licences from the provincial govern- # American ment towards the end of next # 2c to 5.2¢c and 2 Week, officials of the Depart- # ment of Finance announced # esterday + + American : Sirius. 11,000, Pacific, 5.2 and 2c Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Galland and Unimak, 10,000, Cold Storage, family left on yesterday after- i ‘noon’s train for a visit to Terrace. ' *+ee04040464 44 Bland x |tations were seven minutes behinds AGROUND 'Munro Bourne of Montreal was el None of the Canadian girls quali- Hurricane of Buying Swept Securities To Sensational Advances Rising Tide of Bullishness Threw Aside All Opposition and Swamped Trading Facilities For Time—Heavy Profit-Taking Marks Close of Session | NEW YORK, Aug. 6:—A hurricane of buying swept |the New York stock market today, hurling prices upward \in one of the most sensagional advances of the past three | years. Gains of from $2 to more than $12 were recorded on the rising tide of bullishness. which threw aside all opposi- ition from the shorts and so swamped facilities that quo- Tomorrow's Tides Sunday, August 7, 1932 23:11 pm. 49 ft. ——— = a a = PRICE: FIVE CENTS BIG BOOM ON STOCK MARKET TODAY “a OPTIMISM EXPRESSED REGARDING SUCCESS OF PARLEY Arriving In State GRAIN CROP IS REDUCED Estimated Yields Cut By Drought, Particularly in Southern Prairies Cutting General Rain Needed Everywhere—Peace River Expects Average Production WINNIPEG, Aug. 6:—The past week has brought continued reduc- tions in estimated yields in all sou- thern areas and in parts of the cen- tral grain growing territories as dry, scorching weather has prevailed, HANG WEI HAS QUIT rime Minister tp. Sanking Gov- ernment Resigns in» Protest at “Passive Policy” SHANGHAI, China, Aug. 6:— Hang Ching Wei, president of the executive Yuan and, as sueh, vir- tually prime minister in the Nan- king government, resigned sud- | denly today. It was a romantic and unexpec- ted development which arose from Hang's dissatisfaction with the “passive policy” of northern militarist authorities with respect | to Manchuria. 1S DENIED BY SOVIET No Further Restriction of Trade With Canada Contemplated, Moscow Intimates DROP OUT MOSCOW Aug 6:—The Soviet government today authorized of ficial denial of a report that Rus sia would intensify restriction of| trade with Canada NEW CANAL IS OPENED Welland Secteat, Which Has Ta- ken More Than 20 Years to Build, Now Completed THOROLD, Ont., Aug. 6:— Canada’s water communications stretch from the Strait of Belle Isle to Fort William and Port Ar- thur, a distance of 2200 miles, and the Welland Canal today becomes | a component part of this water- way, said Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, | minister of railways, today in her- alding the opening of an engin- eering project which has taken more than twenty years to com- plete. **+*+ee7777704¢0404 VON GRONAU AT MILWAUKEE NOW # MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 6: # + + + + ne + * —Capt. Wolfgang von Gronau, # German trans-Atlantic flyer, # and his three companions lan- # ded here yesterday from Chi- * cago in their big twin-motored * Dornier flying boat Groenland # Wal enroute to the Pacific #* Coast in the course of their * world flight. * +. erode eee eee eee * + + according to the weekly crop report of the agricultural department, Canadian National Railways. Ampie precipitation received earlier in the season has evaporated and, with no reserve sub-soil moisture, crops will jfail continuously unless general rains ocur. The late crops will show the .result of drought more than those seeded earlier. Hail has da- maged crops in a few localities and ! f grasshoppers are still taking their # toll of coarse grain yields in the At The Empire onrerence more southerly districts. Rust has ‘ made its appearance at many points in Manitoba and Saskat- chewan but, generally speaking, it is too late to materially affect the grade of the berry. In Manitoba scattered showers occurred which were of considerable benefit as they prevented grain from ripening too fast and mater- ially assisted filling: Oats and bar- ley are rapidly nearing the cutting jstage and harvest is general throughout the province. The | wheat crop gives evidence of pro- |ducing a heavy yield while oat and \barley yields will only be fair as a |certain percentage.of kernel shrin- nage will result At all points in Southern Saskat- chewan the weather has been hot and dry. Rain is badly needed to retain normal growth of later sown crops and green feed. Fields, which ja month ago gave indications of a ibetter than average yield, will, in | some districts, do no more than |meet seed requirements. In some of | these districts grasshopper and sawfly damage is more apparent lsince the dry spell set in. | ailing 100% Cutting Commences i Sianley and Jim go calling. Donning thei: high hats for the oc- | In Central Saskatchewan cutting | casion, Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, head of the British conference of all grains has commenced and | delegation, and J. H. Thomas, dominions’ secretary, visit Lord ' will be general within the next few | Bessborough days as the hot weather has brought ! the crop along to maturity faster han expected. Wheat yields in } | | | | ' Arriving in state, escorted by the Princess Louise dragoons, Lord Bessborough arrived at the parkiament buildings in the governor- general's state carriage to open campaign for empire prosperity. | | | | j i i i | ! ’ | ’ ’ CHARLO E REPORT OF these sections should be in the | : Ineighborhood of 25 bushels to the acre. At all northern sections of the LOSES MAN IMPORTERS province crop conditions continue gocd. Moisture is plentiful to suf- er ficiently mature crops ‘ although } ni d ) nd, i g ‘ana s j » U : Drowning of John iI rumn ond British and Canadian Agree Upon warm weather would assist. Wheat Member of Crew of Coastal Steps to Be Taken Against heads are well filled and will yield ine > . Sovie 2 Liner, Reported : Product of Soviet better than average. This applies over the whole territory known as the Prince Albert division. Southern Alberta has experien- ced hot dry weather and yields will A radiogram received this morm-| OTTAWA Aug 6:—Canadian jing at divisional headquarters of and British lumber importers have j the provincial police told of the placed their report before the Im- | trowning near Juneau yesterday perial economic conference. Thr } necessarily be reduced as moisture morning of John Drummone of | document endorses an embargo by at all points would be beneficial. In Vancouver, a seaman eneera the/ the Unitéd Kingdom against sawn Central Alverta wheat is ripening Canadian Pacific steamer Princess|}umber imports from Soviet Russia fast and some farmers have started Charlotte. No details were given of | and an increase in the indemnity cutting. Rain is needed as the oat ithe fatality which occurred whilejagainst all foreign countries on and barley crops are somewhat the ship was at sea _ |sawn lumber from ten to twenty- onort straw and heads are not The Princess Charlvite is due in | five percent with Empire lumber ), ivy. A good rain. however, could port this afternoon from Skagway.| continuing on the free list : + yet materially change the coarse e — mnie British lumbermen suggest that) o.oj. situation # Vancouver W heat imports from Russia should be con-| prom the Peace River come re- e Takes Jump Today wollen by lumber importers them- ports that conditions have improved + | Selves and, while at scattered points hail + VANCOUVER, Aug. 6:—Reacting a ~s did damage, an average crop is ex- # to the increases on the Winnipeg Miss Swana Olafson returned to pected @ market yesterday and today, wheat the city on this afternoon's train’ A heavy liquidation of cattle from @ bounded up to 57¢ on the local ex-| from a brief visit to her home at western farmers has resulted in @| change today | Osland, (Contitiued on page four.) } r y Pa * a 7 1: “| ¢