LcUIkUt Library GED.J,FRIZZELL FIRST'.unrequired"AID KITS THE EWS SPRING LAMB Pliones(82and200 pension Workn.enCom."""" For Easter Phonei 10 and 25 VOL. x. no. ot. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1919, PRICE FIVE CENTS RETURNED SOLDIERS OBJECT . C.P.R. TOHAVE INOT GUILTY TO APPOINTMENT OF GALE AIR SERVICES OF RIOTING UTILITIES COMMISSIONER Big Railway Corporation Takea AT KINMEL Steps to Keep In Lb With MEETING IN VANCOUVER DEMANDS CANCELLATION Modern Transportation. OF APPOINTMENT AND RESIGNATION OF Gunner R. W. Burton Released (Special via 0, T.P. Teleraplis.) From Double Charge Defended THE GOVERNMENT POSSIBLE Ottawa, April 19. Notice is by Capt. Geo. REVIEW OF SITUATION given in .the current number of Blaok. the Canada Gazette that,"the Tbe Kewi via 0.T. P. Teierrnpni.) (Special lo Canadian Pacific Railway Company (Special via 0.T. P. lelographs.) vnncouver. April 10. Providing a special steamer can Tje will apply for an act -of London, April 19. At Kinmel tiered, the Vancouver branch of the .G. W. V. A. will proceed' Parliament authorizing it to es Camp Court there was a case in - -j o ""'v upvu me tablish, maintain and operato against Gunner R. W. Burton k Victoria against the services by aircraft between charged with joining in a mutiny Cabinet to protest appointment of Mayor Provincial points within or without Canada. by combining with other soldiers Air travel is now being recog. to resist lawful authority and to Ihe Government in which the claims of returned soldiers have .nized as the most modern method destroy the property of No. 2 hfcn ienored. . fif transportation and the C. P. R. camp, Kinmel Park. There was mass meeting at the Old seems to have been the first of a second charge of having used Court At a House Square, resolutions GALIANO LIFEBELT ?th.9big transportation firms to,vio'ence to a superior offlcer. the cancellation of the .look upon it as a practical method Gunner Burton was found not for calling appointment of Mayor Galo and FOUND IN HARBOR which might be made auxiliary to guilty on a'1 charges and re-the ii rocienalion of Hie Provincial railway and steamship,'Sys- 'released. in view of tho feel- terns. I Pte. Charles Sherstotoff, a Rus- Government pcked Up 0n Beach recent appointments, . Yesterday by sian, pleaded not guilty to charges ,ing against!,!(.. offices were presented Four Local Boys. WFPKTII7 QAPIAI IC of JinmS ln a mutiny and strik- unanimously amidst iUAslUIL iJuUflL I J ling a superior offlcer. By ar carried j and enthusiasm. Yesterday four boys, wandoring r..Timi.-,rn- f.IVFM RV VAI HAI I A 'rangement with the Agent General . ... 'alnnz tho hnr nf Ujn tmrhnr- tint I VrtLnaLLA for British Columbia, Capt. Geo. Wbillakcr c largea tno - . - TAMING THE WILD ASS. Black, former .",; -...(hnriliAB willi a cross "UUI tuo ou"' es, touiiu u Commissioner to ucwii '""" rr t: ifnhow -u. tim i-h 'naiionn Auction Sale Conducted by George the Yukon, defended the accused. .app0to-nl SHIPBBUILDING Frizzell Causes Much Uinojv. I hnnn I lilll arn crnino- rivai. In nlnl. Merriment. tirtnna. A Dri I 19, There is a CONSIDER .RECEPTION report:.. in -circulation.).. 1 1.-i in returned Anl.Lnl it The today.boys who found it were PREPARATIONS CATCHES SOLD Neckties sold at a good price, TO CAPTAIN M'GREGOR Elmer Smith, Harry Ward, Willie running up to five dollars each at that tho intimated had minister the Valhalla entertainment at the Lainbie and Theodore Halvarson. stole question of the oppolnt- AT VIGTORIA K. of P. hall Thursday night, the Special Meeting of City Council i tf PaIa F VnnAAlitiAN It was near Picnio Bay. v , A Special Train Will Be Made Up guests This Afternoon Is Discussing having a most enjoyable This lifebelt must have been Tonight to Carry as Utilities Commissioner would time and getting home not long the Matter. carried by tho current wind' or Fish East. reconsidered next week by the !k from the region where the Gal- One Slip Completed and Other before daylight. George Frizzell rai mini, il was biuluu Luub uiiu made most ine uty Lour'Cil is holding a soldier's name put up to the Gov iano was wrecked last fall to the I Being Prepared Not Far Twenty-three fishing boats sold a , competent, and ener- 'snfimal mHn thu nfinnn fn- south of the Queen Charlotte Is Ahead of Rupert's their catches this mornintr at the "s esperi - -- " " " ! ernment for consideration was lands; Yard. Fish als saicsmanslnp added much to the,""3 oousiueniiB tue . .xenange the following - i itni i ni f i.nirk uiiii in merriment of thn evenine- norm of puniic reception wnich command of the 72nd and Is now Victoria, April 18. One of the prices: Halibut. I After the purchasers of the s,1.a11 bo eiven for CaPl- McGregor r i ni. i- t C9 n n C... who returned POLITICAL UNREST IN ti.M:ni -1 il.i. V. n few riava slips at tha new shipbuilding Corona with 24,000 lbs, Hilda, i."" caic" u,cir 8UlJr crmm4nliir Hio Savon h Tlrl yard of the Harbor Marine Company Wllh the ladies who wore aprons aBU . . . HUE, SOUTHERN SLAVONIA 4,000 at and-7c. to Pacific The matter was considered ln is nearly completed and the Fisheries ! i mo uuui- wua cieareu - ----- ---- . Mher one is 'starled.'The-ateeM aim uuiiumg was.sepi up wen into ...0 Vienna, 9,000; Vesta, 13,000, of the whole council last WMIAUi 99ft I.m Ulit Kill 1 fU VlllV (Special by o. t. p. Telerrapns.) is expected here any day. This and Lincoln, 7,000 at 10.8c ar J Ihe morning'. . , jmittee Villi 11 1 UUiU Trieste, Italy. April 19. A new yard is the one that is to build 7c to Atlin Fisheries, Ltd. jliiusq icspuiisiuio ior me event o-- seemed to be that the civic WERE LOST IN STORM proof of the political unrest pre- the two 8,100-ton steel ships Adeline, 7,000 at 10.Cc. and 7c we're -!a committee ir u consisting tt. : ! of i ceDtion. to Lient.Col. Penk anil ro-!vro vailing in Southern Slav territory similar to those which are to bo " Norland, 22,000 at 10.8c. and 7o.; , T I'.V" Cant. McGregor should be a Joini ispecw by o.T. lv liempns.) and the .difficulties being encoun- ount at prince nupert. (Markwell, 2,000 at 10.3(f. and 7c. and Harrv Hanson. John Dvhhnvn one- However, it is expected that LDftrhilMPtr FrnnitA A nwt f 4 n tered in organizing tho new stale) ine contracts were originally to Royal Fish Co is president of the Ia decision will bo arrived at this wen uerman submarines which is furnished in tho perplexities of let to c. il. v. hpratt of the Vic- Republic, 75,000 at 10.8c. and- society. anernoon.' the constitution of tho kingdom lona Machinery Depot, but that 7C. to Booth Fisheries, Ltd. n low have lteen lost in a storm. of tho Serbs, Croats and Slocns. concern found tho job too big for Tom and Al, 50,000 at 10.4c. "COAST LEAGUE BASEBALL Among the passengers leaving The official Journal of Belgrade it and tried lo turn it over to the and 7c; Eagle, 35,000; Rennell, Salt for the east this morning was Lake,, 5; 3. Udyjmith Welllnototi Coal re- publishes tho full text of the con- Foundation Company. Again the 9,000 at 10.2c. and 7c. to Canadian Los 3;Portland, 1. Bishop Du Vernet, who is bound Angeles, Vernon, (Wtl your fuel hill anf nlw.. stitution of the new state pro- 'deal fell through and finally a new i.'jsn & Gold Storage Co. or Haysport. Frisco, 4; Oakland, 1. iMactlon. Phon ik. r n mulgated by the council of min- company was formed known as Bingo, 2,000; Clara N., 800 at Coil Co. isters in tho name of tho king, the Harbor Marine Company with toe. and 7c. to Atlin Fisheries, Sacramento, 3; Seattle, 2. Peter Karageorgevitch. .bpralt at its head. This is the Bay View, 3,000 at 10.2c. and ODDFELLOWS' Hi ii , Tho impression given among,company that is proceeding with 7C. to Atlin Fisheries, Ltd. ; MASQUERADE BALL the Croats and Slovens was ex- the work. Ihe yard is located on . Salmon. LOCAL NEWS NOTES ! May 7th, 1919. "AX HEILBRONER ceedingly unfavorable, because a 'Provincial Government property Eight salmon catches were sold Best Costume Prizes In- ' few days later, after the text of on the old Songhees Indian Re- at tho same time: The Vito with M. Sheady of the G. T. P., left I vltatlon Only Reserve Reliable Jeweler the constitution had been copied, servo. 300 lbs.; Karl, 500; Noau, 275; for Edmonton this niorninir on i The Date. even in some newspapers in Zaga-1 Already many thousands of Margaret, 150; Berry, 200; Wolf, fill o in oo a I cut Diamonds, Watches, Clocks bria and Laibach it was seques- dollars have been spent and at 1,000; Post, 200, and Karen with Glass, Silverware, Ivory tered nml withdrawn from Dubli- present about 125 men are em- 800 lbs. of salmon. Mrs. Zabriski of the G. T. P., Umbrella, Community Plate, cation. This provoked a tempist ployed, the wages paid being tho The average prico received was(left this morning for Prince Etc. of criticism and the question to same as at Coughlan's yard at 13j. per pound for tho reds and.George on a short visit. J 3rd A. . 6lh day is as far from settlement as Vancouver, and plenty offering. 3c. per pound for tho whites. RETAIL CLERKS 8trt. ever. A largo fabricating shop 300 by i Owine to the largo amoflnt of Tho Misses Ina and Pctre Lind- Will meet 100 feet is being ercctod and the fish in nort todav a sDocial train land of Vanarsdol, B. C, left for on machinery for it is arriving, will leave here tonight for eastern iuieu "OI." 1,1,8 morning to spena MONDAY NIGHT at 8 Oclock NOTICE points with nine cars of fish. the Easter holidays with their in the Special . meeting of tho Fish RESIST EVICTION BY parents. Carpenters' Hall. Packers will be held tonight in OFFICIAL REPORT OF G. A. McNicholl of the G. T. P., tho Carpenters' Hall at 8 o'clock. FORCE IF NECESSARY accompanied by his son Frank, Business very 'important. All OUTBREAK IN INDIA left this morning for Winnipeg, members please attend. Regina, April 19. Four officers where Mr. McNicholl has business who aro tenants of houses which iSpeclal vl O.T. P. Telerapts.) engagements. The oldest Canadian Life Co. Imvn heen sold to a German, have ' London. Anril 19. TTio India , rn'ifi No. J0-7340.I The Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. been given eviction notices. tOffico official reports of tho out- iIr Ludgate, logging manager m V. Tho Great War Veterans havo break in India says that at Amer-,of lh Kitsumkalum Timber Corn-decided WANTED that they will demand itir llio mob defied a proclama- pany's sawmill at Zlmacord, B. C., ').. ! nffleers hn irlven neccs-ltion forhiddintr nnblic meetincrs.left this morning for the plant, Em sary time in excess of tho legal,In tho firing which ensued there !a.fler spending a few days in the 25 Muckers press .1 heatre notice to find accommodation and were 200 casualties. city. Wages, 50c per hour will resist eviction by force ifj New Show Tonight 'necessary. ' Swimming Club Dance May 2. An Easter Rally of the scholars of the Sunday School will be held Apply-J. i In the Baptist Church tomorrow ElM The Charming Screen Star YOU'RE GOING TIIIS TIMT3, JOHN. afternoon at 2:30. A fine program R. MORGAN, LTD. HALL In EUle Jens Wilion'a Rtmarktble Dramatic has been arranged by the scholars at Drydock Production of Wcttern Life, and everyone will be welcomed. . "New Love for Old" : 2 p . DEMERS" u'uP COMEDY - "Vamping Ruben's . WESTHOLMp Wo have a. splendid display ""on8" featuring Eva Novak and of Spring Millinery. " TONIGHT Three Other Stars Trimmed hats from ?5.00 DOROTHY DALTON Al to $25.00. 'IN Ready-to-wear from $3,75 "FLARE-UP SAL" WiieCbapiio rte Floor Walker" to $10.00. A story of tho days of '49, Now is the time to make, in the California goldflelds; A your choice, while tho assortment Great Nine Reel Show is gOod. Universal Animated Gazette COME AND SEE If 15c- Show 7it0 and 8M5. AdmiMlori 25c, War Tax Extra Shows, 7.15 and ? 5c. and l&c. r 'i I 7V"r J I .8 il'"-